I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 671 Above the Crowd

Action movies once had a glorious time.

Action movies were once the most influential genre of Chinese-language movies in the world.

But with the development of the movie industry, action movies have indeed declined, at least not as brilliant as before.

Among Chinese-language movies, comedy themes are the most popular now, because comedy themes have a good box office.

Wen Bing's action blockbuster "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is also different from before, but is biased towards the spy type of 007. The action design and plot design are a bit divorced from reality-even if everyone puts everything in the movie. The design is done logically and smoothly without distortion.

Gun battles, car chases, explosions, and big scenes are all unavoidable elements in today's action movies.

There are also these elements in this "Female Killer".

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say, and she felt that this was not something she could consider.

What kind of movies the audience likes to watch and what kind of movies they don't like to watch is not up to her to decide.

After dinner, Liu Gang sent off the martial arts instructor, and said: "Miss Zhou, please forgive me, Mr. Chen is just lamenting that martial arts movements are getting less and less attention now, and he has no other meaning."

Zhou Yun shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm fine."

She asked curiously: "Brother Gang, do you usually shoot a lot of action movies?"

Liu Gang said: "It's okay, I'm just eating a living, and I can't get any important roles, but there are seven or eight film appointments in a year, which is enough to eat."

An action actor like Liu Gang, although he has a lot of kung fu, has no reputation and no fixed fans. No film and television company will tailor a role for him. Only when such a role appears in the script will he be found.

And most of the characters may just appear in the movie as a symbol just like "The Female Killer".

There is no ins and outs, just assume the role of a tool man like a killer.

In fact, there are many actors like Liu Gang in the film and television industry. They are not as famous as Zhou Yun, and they are not stars. Apart from filming, they basically have no other source of income, but their salaries are not high. Seven or eight movies are shot a year , Maybe the total income is only about [-]. This is still a talent like Liu Gang, not an action or special actor, because there are more substitutes, and the income is lower.

In an industry like the film and television industry, which has a lot of room for income to rise, such income is very low.

If it is not compared with the group actors.

Zhou Yun was curious about how much salary Liu Gang could get for playing a role in a movie like "The Female Killer"?
Such a big production, and a character with a name and surname, shouldn't be able to get only [-] to [-] yuan, right?
Zhou Yun went to ask Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said: "If there is no mistake, it should be in the range of 5 yuan to 20 yuan. With Xindun's stinginess, I guess it is 10 yuan."

"That's okay, it's still much higher than his other films." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "What's wrong? Why are you suddenly curious about his income?"

"I just suddenly wondered how much a little-known actor like him can earn."

"Those who earn more and earn less, anyway, earn more than the general industry, which is enough to eat, but it is difficult to make more." Zhou Lan said, "This industry is typical of a huge income gap. Liu Gang is still good. Yes, action actors, there are so many plays every year, the supply of action actors is always in short supply, replaced by ordinary actors, they often can’t open for several months, and they are scratching their feet at home.”

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

"You don't care about them. If you choose to be an actor, you have to bear the risks of this industry. If you don't want to take it, then change to another job. There are also many people who switch to work behind the scenes and manage." Zhou Lan said , "You are like Xiaoju, who has been your assistant for several years. She is now your executive agent, and her annual income is higher than that of Liu Gang."


"By the way, Zeng Ying and Wen Bing shouldn't have had a fight recently, right?" Zhou Lan asked.


"That's good." Zhou Lan said, "Cheng Shenlu was filming a drama, and the crew stopped filming because the director blamed the producers arranged by the platform for taking too much control, and felt that he was greatly restricted. , I can’t continue filming, and now the actors have left the group.”

"Wow, it's so serious?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we didn't expect it to be so serious. It's been a long time since there has been such a shutdown in the middle of a filming. It's not because of a broken capital chain."

""The Female Assassin" should not be in such a situation. The two of them still know it well. No matter what, they still have to give priority to ensuring that the film can be filmed."

"That's fine."

Zhou Lan suddenly sighed.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I've been so tired recently. I helped Xiaojing and Yu Chu talk about an endorsement and came back, and my mouth is going to be worn out." Zhou Lan said, "These brand agents are all thieves."

"Haha, thank you for your hard work."

"Not at all. Anyway, if you earn more, I will earn more. The real money will go into my own pocket. No matter how hard you work, it won't be so hard."


"Xiao Yun, there is one more thing. I received a script here, which was forwarded to me by a friend." Zhou Lan said, "When people heard that you wanted to vote in a literary film, they forwarded the script to me. Yes, I've read it, I think you might like it, would you like to read it?"

"Okay, you can email me." Zhou Yun said.


"Do you think it's suitable for me to play?"

"That's not suitable. The heroine is a woman in her early forties, which doesn't match your age at all," Zhou Lan said.

As soon as Zhou Yun heard it, he knew that this movie had nothing to do with him.

She hung up the phone, waited for a while, and indeed received the script from Zhou Lan.

The name of the script is "Above the Crowd", a somewhat literary name.

She opened the electronic file and read the script directly on the laptop.

It was a movie script, with a total of [-] words, and it was not long. It took her an hour to read it.

Tears flowed several times in the middle.

The script tells the story of a middle-aged man and woman, a man and woman living at the bottom of the society. From acquaintance to love and separation, there is no ups and downs in the plot, but a quiet and deep rhythm. Life is all philosophy in life, life in philosophy.

Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan and said, "Who wrote this script?"

"A young man named Li Rui." Zhou Lan said, "My friend is a youth film venture capital, and he said that the project he was in charge of received a script from this person, but it did not pass their venture capital review, not this script. Not good, but I feel that there is no box office prospect at all, and I will lose money, so I transferred it to me to see if you are interested in investing?"

Zhou Yun said: "You can find this person's contact information and send it to me. I will discuss it with Song Chi."

"What did you discuss with Song Chi? Are you going to let him vote?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I want to ask him if he wants to act. Isn't the man in the script a young man?"

"He?" Zhou Lan seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it in the end, "Let me help you ask for the contact information of this person. If you plan to do this project, please tell me."


Zhou Yun sent the script to Song Chi.

After a while, Zhou Lan sent Li Rui's mobile phone number to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun saved it in the address book, and then called Li Rui.

A voice who sounded a bit sleepy answered the phone.


"Hi, hello, is this Li Rui?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I am, who are you?" The figure seemed to have just woken up from a dream.

Zhou Yun said: "I'm Zhou Yun. I received your script from my agent. "Above the Crowd" was written by you, right?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then Zhou Yun heard a rustling sound on the other side.

"Hello, hello, I'm Li Rui, yes, I wrote it." The voice became visibly tense.

Zhou Yun smiled understandingly, and said, "I'm very interested in the script you wrote, and I want to ask, you haven't signed a contract with another company, have you?"

"Not yet."

"That's good, let me ask, do you want to be a director yourself? Or, just sell this script to a film and television company?" Zhou Yun asked.

Li Rui said: "Of course I want to be a director myself. If I don't do it myself, I won't sell this script."

Hearing Li Rui's urgent tone, Zhou Yun thought, no wonder.

She said: "I see, how about it, let's make an appointment and have a serious chat about this script, shall we?"

"Okay, just tell me when it's convenient for you." After Li Rui finished speaking, he remembered something and asked, "Do you want to make a PPT?"

"No, I just want to know more about it." Zhou Yun said, "If you want."

"I am willing."

Having communicated this intention in advance, Zhou Yun was relieved.

In the evening, Song Chi called.

"What about the script you sent me?"

"I received a script, and I think the role of the male lead is very suitable for you." Zhou Yun said, "Are you interested?"

Song Chi said: "I think the heroine is a woman in her forties, do you want to play it?"

"Of course I won't act, it's not suitable at all." Zhou Yun said, "This is a script written by a young man. He wanted to be the director and make this film himself, but he never found investment. After I received this script, I just think you can act, and if you act, I decided to personally invest in this movie."

Song Chi was a little surprised.

"You want to invest yourself?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "I told Sister Lan before that I want to support a good movie that can't find investment."

Song Chi hesitated.

"I don't necessarily have time to act in this movie. I still have a lot of scenes to shoot." He said, "Although the script is very good, I don't think it suits me."

"Huh? Not suitable for you?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

In the process of reading, she still felt that it was quite suitable for Song Chi.

But after Song Chi said that, Zhou Yun stopped persuading him.

"Okay, then I'll think about it myself."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, thinking of Zhou Lan's hesitant "Okay" when she heard that she wanted to send it to Song Chi.

Obviously, at that time Zhou Lan was not optimistic that Song Chi would act in this movie.

Zhou Yun figured it out quickly.

This movie is really not suitable for Song Chi now.

A small-budget, literary film, the box office may not reach [-] million, it is still a new director, and there is no senior producer at the helm.

From an idealistic point of view, as long as the new director is talented, they should actually support him, but from a practical point of view, this is a completely unreliable film project.

Even though this role has great hopes for awards—but for Song Chi now, what he lacks most at this stage is not awards.

He already has a lot of rewards in hand.

Zhou Yun laughed at himself, mocking himself for his idealism.

She didn't blame Song Chi, in fact, she immediately understood Song Chi's decision after she figured it out.

She's just a little lost.

A young man with acting skills, a woman in her forties, the story of two people living at the bottom, meet, love each other, and then separate.

Such a combination has too high requirements for actors, which is why Zhou Yun immediately thought of Song Chi.

Because Song Chi was able to support this role, but it was too difficult to find another actor with acting skills.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a long time, wondering whether to invest in this project.

If you invest in this project, it is not just a simple matter of investing.The fate of the film will be closely tied to her.

Zhou Yun chatted with Wen Bing about this matter during the filming of "The Female Killer".

Wen Bing was a little surprised to hear that Zhou Yun wanted to invest in a movie himself.

"Aren't you afraid of losing money?"

"If you lose money, you lose money." Zhou Yun said, "It's just as if I support film art."

"You're awesome." Wen Bing said, "But, have you thought about it, do you just want to invest money, or do you also want to participate in the production of the film?"

"It's definitely not just investing money, but I haven't thought about what to participate in specifically." Zhou Yun said, "I don't know what the film will be like in the end."

"If you ask my opinion, I will support you." Wen Bing said, "I don't think you should be limited to being an actor."

"I do love the script, but I'm so new to it all that I'm afraid I'm screwing it up."

"If you screw up, you screw up. You should learn a lesson. However, since this is a script you like very much, and it also makes you want to invest, then if you don't do it now, I think you will definitely do it in the future." Regret, the key is, you do this, are you prepared to take on this matter and fail to succeed?"

"To be honest, I didn't think about it that much. I just had an urge to do something for movies, for those movies that may not be so easy to find investment." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing glared at her and said, "Why didn't I meet an actor like you when I made my first movie?"

Zhou Yun smiled and sighed.

"Go and find out how much it costs to make this movie first, and then talk to that director named Li Rui, don't be a liar."

"Can liars have the talent to write such a script?" Zhou Yun didn't believe it.

There are nearly two million words, and I am a little tired of writing.

I've been having a hard time writing these days, and I can't always concentrate.


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