Wen Bing said: "Let me tell you the truth, you really can't be a liar without any talent. Don't look down on liars."

Zhou Yun gave him a blank look.

Keep filming.

In this scene, Zhou Yun is finally about to start a head-to-head confrontation with Liu Gang.

Zhou Yun's movements are already very proficient, and he has done two sets of moves with Liu Gang, and they are quite smooth.

But after the filming officially started, Wen Bing was always dissatisfied.

He was mainly dissatisfied with Zhou Yun.

"The movements are too slippery." Wen Bing said, "You need to give some strength."

According to what Wen Bing said, Zhou Yun gave him a sense of strength, but Wen Bing was dissatisfied, saying that Zhou Yun's strength was too high and not enough to handle with ease.

In fact, Zhou Yun knows what kind of effect Wen Bing wants, but it is actually very difficult for a trick player like her to achieve the effect Wen Bing said.

Wen Bing filmed this fight over and over for three full days before he finally had a shot that satisfied him.

Zhou Yun's hands were numb, and when he got back to the hotel, he couldn't lift them up at all.

Liu Gang noticed her condition and gave her a bottle of medicinal wine, asking her to wipe it on her body after filming every day, especially the sore areas.

Zheng Xiaoju saw that Zhou Yun always had more bruises or scratches after a fight every day, and felt distressed.

"Shoot less action movies in the future, and you will get hurt every time you shoot this time!" Zheng Xiaoju said.

But Zhou Yun enjoyed it.

"The action scenes are very cool." She said, "When filming, I really feel like I am a master. It's very cool."

Zhou Yun watched martial arts movies and action movies when he was a child, and he also had a dream of being a hero in his heart.

It’s just that most of the heroes in the movies I saw when I was a child were men. It wasn’t until recent years that women began to play the leading roles in action movies or martial arts movies.

When Zhou Yun filmed "The Female Killer", he could completely immerse himself in the inner world of the character Swing.

She is lonely, walking alone under the blade, dangerous, silent, the whole world is incompatible with her, and she is using her own way to defend her inner balance.

It can be said that the heart of the character Swing is a deep gully, which attracts her to explore every detail and deep unknown in this gully.

Even the injury or the pain in her body gave her a kind of morbid satisfaction—she was truly integrating into this role.

Her injuries are also real.

Zhou Yun didn't tell Zheng Xiaoju how he felt, and neither did Zhou Lan.

Because she knows that this is her unique feeling as an actor, and other people will not pay attention to it, nor can they understand it.

Zhou Yun couldn't describe to Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju his excitement and trembling when he played this role. After getting up every day, he looked forward to coming to the set and playing this character. This kind of feeling is actually rare.

Zhou Yun knew that he was very partial to the role of swing.Even if it's just a fast-paced action commercial.

"I feel that she has a kind of coldness that fascinates me. I don't know how to describe this feeling. When I read this script, I feel that this character is very lonely, and her loneliness is being captured by others. The process of the killer's pursuit became more prominent, and there was always a sense of rejection that the world could not accommodate her."

Zhou Yun called Yu Chu, who was pregnant, and talked about the play she acted in. Instead, she had a little more to share.

Because Yu Chu is also an actor, she can understand her better than Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju.

"You may never have this feeling, but in fact, when I was a child, I used to have this feeling. On the way home from school, when other classmates walked together and I was the only one walking, the more people around , I feel more and more that I am not in the same space as this world." Zhou Yun said, "Moreover, her paranoia, stubbornness, and stubbornness made me see the state I once had."

Yu Chu smiled and said, "I heard from your description, this character is very attractive to you."

"Yes, it's very big." Zhou Yun said, "To put it bluntly, I have never played a role that resonates with me so much. Both "Days" and "Behind the Scene" are too far away from me, and "Chen Yin "It's too miserable, let alone "Deep Sea". The character I played is completely different from my real life, but it's very strange. The play "Female Killer" easily reminds me of when I was fourteen or five years old. During that time, the state of panic and pretending to be hard resonated with me so much, but what Swing experienced was a completely extraordinary life. She was a killer, killing decisively, running around the world, just like It’s the plot I imagined when I wanted to escape from that life. I’m not a high school student who is overwhelmed by study and pressure. I’m living a more difficult and lonely life, which is not understood by others. , unknown to others, but silent and firm, there is no disadvantage.”

Yu Chu said, "I understand what you mean."

She seemed to think of something, and said, "You are actually the feeling of being escaped from the whole world in the movie "Female Killer"."

"Yes, that's what it means to escape from the whole world." Zhou Yun said immediately.

Yu Chu smiled.

"It's a pity. If I wasn't pregnant, I would have to visit the set and see how your movie was made."

"No regrets, there will be many opportunities in the future, you take good care of your baby, and I will give my son a big red envelope later."

"Okay." There was a hint of joy in Yu Chu's voice.

Zhou Yun was infected by her joyful mood, and he became a little bit happier himself.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun stepped down from the trailer, facing the bright sunshine.

Sunshine filled the surroundings like mist, Zhou Yun looked at the distant sky, where there were two clouds floating.

Zhou Yun took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the two clouds.

"Xiaoyun." Zeng Ying walked over with a smile on her face.

She holds a cup of coffee in her hand, and her sunglasses are on her head.

Zhou Yun smiled at her, called out to Sister Ying, and said, "Your earrings are beautiful."

"Really? I just bought it." Zeng Ying showed a happy expression, "How was the shooting today? Did everything go well?"

"pretty good."

"That's good. Tell me if you need anything." Zeng Ying said to her.

Zhou Yun: "Everything is fine. I don't need anything. If there is anything, I will find you."

"Okay." Zeng Ying finished greeting Zhou Yun, "Then I'll go in first."

"Well, I'll get some fresh air outside." Zhou Yun said.

After a while, Wen Bing also came out from inside.

"Why did you come out?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Wen Bing glanced at her and said, "Didn't you see that Zeng Ying went in just now?"

"I saw it, but you can't avoid it like a snake or a scorpion, right?"

"I'm just too lazy to listen to her gossiping." Wen Bing twitched his lips, but the hostility on his face was obviously much less, and he didn't mention Zeng Ying's obvious and undisguised disgust at the beginning.

Zhou Yun asked, "Do you want coffee? I'll treat you to a cup of coffee. The coffee shop on the corner over there is not bad."

Wen Bing took out the cigarette case and said, "I'll smoke a cigarette."

"Smoking less, beware of lung cancer."

"In these days, what are you telling me to eat without the risk of getting cancer?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun: "..."

"Excessive words." Zhou Yun waved his hand, "Stay away from me when you smoke."

Wen Bing smiled.

Wen Bing sat downwind, and Zhou Yun didn't go to buy coffee.

Two people were standing on the side of the road.

"The weather is fine today." Wen Bing said, taking a puff of his cigarette.

Zhou Yun nodded, looked up at the clouds in the sky, and said, "It's really good."

The white clouds seemed to be hovering on that side of the sky, quiet and unchanged, solidified like an oil painting.

After a while, Wen Bing suddenly said: "There is something that I haven't told you, but I think it's necessary to tell you."

"Ah? What's the matter?" Zhou Yun turned his head in surprise and looked at Wen Bing, not knowing what he was going to say.

Wen Bing said: "He Wenyun has been in love with me."

Zhou Yun slowly opened his eyes wide, and turned his head to look at Wen Bing a little at a loss.

"The He Wenyun you mentioned...I'm a little shocked." Zhou Yun didn't know how to manage his expression, and at the same time didn't know what to say.

Wen Bing knew how shocking his words were, so he took another puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke ring, before continuing: "I guess you don't know about it, but many people I don't know, she didn't tell you, did she?"

Zhou Yun shook his head slowly, "She never mentioned it to me."

"When I wrote the script of "Days", I wanted her to play the heroine."

It turned out that it was because of He Wenyun that Zhou Yun was rejected by Wen Bing when he first came into contact with Wen Bing.

She knew the truth after such a long time, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

It turns out that He Wenyun is Wen Bing's ex-girlfriend.

Zhou Yun had never talked to Wen Bing about this person before, she only knew that this person left Wen Bing and went abroad.

Wen Bing said: "I see that you often take photos with you at various events, and I guess you don't know about it. In fact, if the two of you don't have any intersection, or just nod to each other, I don't bother to say this." The matter is over, but I see that the two of you often interact on Weibo, and there are many group photos, in order to avoid embarrassment later, I think I should tell you about this matter."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm a little surprised now, I don't know what to say."

"No need to say anything, I'm just telling you about it."

"Then... have you two been in touch later?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing said: "When she returned to China, she contacted me and asked me to go out and meet."

"That you?"

"It's nothing."

Wen Bing said: "It's all over."

Zhou Yun knew it in his heart.

"I really didn't think of it at all."

Wen Bing nodded and said, "I know."

The two were silent for a while.

Wen Bing said: "I'm going back, you have to come in too, the set is probably almost done."

Zhou Yun nodded.

She continued to look up at the clouds in the sky for a while before turning around and heading to the set.

In the middle of the walk, I happened to meet the assistant director walking out in a hurry. He came to look for her and said that the next scene was about to be filmed.

Zhou Yun went to confront Liu Gang.

The next scene to be filmed is Liu Gang taking out a dagger from his body and fighting Zhou Yun in close quarters.

According to Wen Bing's estimate, this close combat scene will take five to seven days to shoot.

It takes such a long time to shoot thrilling and beautiful pictures.

Grind shot by shot.

Zhou Yun and Liu Gang have been filming for a few days, and they are quite familiar with each other.

Liu Gang is checking the action with the action director.

Zhou Yun watched for a while, mainly thinking about how to perform the movements, so that the effect would be better.

Before the filming officially started, she squeezed her tendons and blushed from the pain. After the redness on her face faded a lot, she nodded to the camera.

Ready to shoot.

Wen Bing yelled to start shooting.

Zhou Yun rushed forward with a stride, bent his elbow, pressed his right fist against his chest, and pointed his elbow towards Liu Gang's jaw like a hammer.

Liu Gang turned his head slightly to the back, and avoided Zhou Yun's attack.

"Cut!" Wen Bing shouted.

Zhou Yun stopped and turned to look at Wen Bing.

Wen Bing said: "Wait a minute, the light is wrong."

Zhou Yun and Liu Gang had to stop again.

Zeng Ying was a little confused when she heard the reason for Wen Bing's stop, and walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The light of yesterday's picture is different from today's light." Wen Bing said, he called the lighting engineer, and called up the picture taken yesterday. Comparing the two phases, there are really obvious differences. Today's light is obviously A little brighter than yesterday.

Because the shooting is done with natural light, and the shooting is divided into many days, it is normal for such problems to occur during shooting.

In this case, it can only be adjusted by on-site lighting.

Zhou Yun and Liu Gang sat aside, waiting for the scene to readjust.

This wait is half an hour.

Zeng Ying wanted to say something to Wen Bing several times, but held back.

This is not a big problem. After running in with Wen Bing before, she is also familiar with Wen Bing's temper, and she doesn't want to make the relationship with Wen Bing too rigid, so she decided to endure such small problems and not Go pick a thorn with Wen Bing.

But Wen Bing's requirements for light are too high, and he adjusted it back and forth for nearly ten times before finally achieving the effect he wanted.

It was already eleven thirty at noon.

It's time to eat.

Wen Bing said: "When the sun passes, the light will change again, so let's finish filming the show first."

Both Zhou Yun and Liu Gang nodded, expressing that they had no objections.

The filming of this scene finally started, and it took two hours to shoot.

Both Zhou Yun and Liu Gang were sweating profusely, stopping frequently to touch up their makeup and wipe off their sweat.

Wen Bing shot with great enthusiasm, and praised Zhou Yun and Liu Gang many times.

"Keep one more, keep one for dinner." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun was exhausted, she nodded to Wen Bing, and said, "Director, I really need to rest after filming this one, I don't have any energy left."

Wen Bing gave her an OK gesture.

The result is that there is a problem with this one.

When Liu Gang cut towards Zhou Yun with the dagger, according to the plan, Zhou Yun was going to block it with the wrist guard on his arm, but she was slow to raise her arm, and the dagger directly cut on her finger.

Fortunately, the dagger used for filming was not sharpened.

But the pain is still excruciating.

The nail on Zhou Yun's left middle finger was half-opened, bloody and bloody.

Zhou Yun yelled out in pain on the spot.

at this time…

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