I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 673 Spreading the Falsehood

The whole screen was stunned for a second, Liu Gang was the first to react and shouted: "Doctor! Doctor!"

Wen Bing and the others rushed up one after another.

Zhou Yun was surrounded by many people.

Wen Bing looked at Zhou Yun nervously.

Zhou Yun was already squatting on the ground in pain, with his head buried in the socket of his knees.

"It hurts." She gasped and said.

No one dared to touch Zhou Yun's bleeding finger.

Until the doctor rushed over with the medicine kit and gave Zhou Yun some simple treatment, applying medicine, stopping the bleeding, and relieving the pain.

"This wound needs to go to the hospital for treatment." The doctor said.

The crew quickly sent Zhou Yun to the local hospital.


At this time, domestic.

The shooting set of "Jianyuntai".

Song Chi crawled out of the mud pit, disheveled.

The director gave him a thumbs up and walked over, intending to give him a hug, but stopped the moment his gaze swept over him.

"Bull." In the end, Zuo Hang only said so.

Song Chi took the towel from his assistant, wiped his face and hands, and said, "Do you want to keep another one?"

Zuo Hang shook his head and said, "Enough."

Song Chi went to take a shower in the trailer.

He crawled and rolled in the mud for several hours, covered in ashes, let alone others, he couldn't bear it himself.

"Jianyuntai" is nearing completion, and it is currently in a hurry.

Zuo Hang would rather finish work late than settle down, so the entire production crew followed him to work overtime.

Every day, Yu Zhiyang followed Song Chilai to start work. Sometimes when Zhang Cong was too busy, Yu Zhiyang would temporarily take on the job of assistant.

Everyone in the crew was very curious about the background of this handsome young guy Yu Zhiyang.

Song Chi didn't explain it to everyone.

Suddenly one day, Song Chi brought such a handsome stranger to the set, which made everyone curious.

After Song Chi washed himself briefly, changed his clothes and came out, Yu Zhiyang handed the coffee he just bought to Song Chi.

"Thanks," he said.

Yu Zhiyang shook his head.

It means no thanks, you're welcome.

Song Chi could now understand a little bit of Yu Zhiyang's body movements.

"If you were asked to film such a tiring and dirty scene, would you be able to?" Song Chi asked.

Yu Zhiyang nodded, "Yes."

Song Chi: "You stay on the set every day, and you stay there. If there is a need for a group performance, do you do it?"

Yu Zhiyang nodded, "OK."

Song Chi found that although Yu Zhiyang was relatively silent, he was willing to do anything.

To be honest, this made Song Chi quite satisfied with Zhi Yang.

He doesn't like the kind of young people who think everything is dirty, everything is tired, and their eyes are high and their abilities are low, but now there are many young actors like this, and many people say hello, send their so-and-so relationship over, and ask him to show more.Song Chi didn't dislike related households. These people were people he usually sought out, but he disliked some of them who had serious princely or princess disease.

Yu Zhiyang doesn't have this problem.

Song Chi went to see Zuo Hang.

Zuo Hang said: "You can call it a day, there will be no more scenes for you."

Song Chi asked, "So there's no need to shoot?"

"Well, I have to rush to shoot Luo Song's scene first. He will leave in a week. There is a scene waiting for him. He really can't wait any longer. He came to me several times and asked me to speed up. Speed, so that he can finish earlier."

"Well, that's fine, then I'll go back first." Song Chi said.

Zuo Hang nodded.

Although it is said that Song Chi is the big boss of this movie, he basically only works as an actor on the set.

All management matters are handled by Wu Chengbao.

Zuo Hang's relationship with him on the set is basically just that of director and actor.

Song Chi was about to go back.

He asked Yu Zhiyang if he wanted to stay on the set and watch, or go back to the hotel with him to rest.

Yu Zhiyang said that he wanted to stay on the set and continue to observe.

Song Chi asked him to stay, "Then how do you come back later? Come back with the crew's car?"

Yu Zhiyang nodded and agreed.

Song Chi didn't ask any more questions, and was about to leave.

He got on the trailer to get his bag, and when he turned around to get on and off the car, he found that the atmosphere outside the car changed completely in an instant.

got weird.

Even Yu Zhiyang's expressionless face showed consternation and panic.

A premonition rose in Song Chi's heart.

"What happened?" he asked.

Yu Zhiyang said: "On the Internet, some people said that Miss Xiaoyun was filming in Australia and was seriously injured and sent to the hospital."

Everyone on the set looked at Song Chi with a look that they didn't know how to describe, seemed to be comforting but did not dare to give comfort.

The moment Song Chi heard what Yu Zhiyang said, he didn't have any real feeling, but his heart seemed to block the restlessness around him.

It went quiet all of a sudden.

As if calmly, he took out his mobile phone and searched for Zhou Yun.

When he was typing Zhou Yun's name, he realized that his fingers were trembling slightly.

All the news that broke out on the Internet was that Zhou Yun was seriously injured while filming in Australia and was sent to the hospital.

There were no frontal photos of Zhou Yun's injury. In some of the photos that had been circulated, Zhou Yun was surrounded by crowds, and it was impossible to see her condition clearly.

But no matter what, one thing can be confirmed from these live photos, Zhou Yun's injury is true, not a rumor spread by the media.

It wasn't until this moment that Song Chi finally got really flustered.

Earlier, he still told himself in his heart that this might be just rumors spread by unscrupulous media to gain popularity and traffic.

So, this thing is real.

Yu Zhiyang looked at him nervously, and asked, "Brother Chi, Sister Xiaoyun..."

Song Chi suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to Zhang Cong, "You can help me book the nearest flight to Australia right away, and also, go and coordinate with the crew, I'm going to ask for a few days off, and let Zuo Hang shoot other movies first." Human scenes, the ones I haven't finished filming come back to shoot, I really can't wait for me, we will find a way to make up later."

Zhang Cong gasped when he heard Song Chi explaining these things in a very fast manner, and nodded, "Okay."

turned around and went.

He had followed Song Chi for so many years, and he had never seen Song Chi ask for leave when he asked for leave in the middle of filming a movie.

He was a little scared by Song Chi's attitude.

However, Zhang Cong could understand Song Chi's unprecedented move.

Zhou Yun was seriously injured while filming...God knows what kind of serious injury it was.

There is a high degree of danger in action scenes, and Zhou Yun is an actor who, like Song Chi, can act in person without using a substitute.

Song Chi explained these matters to Zhang Cong and called Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan was also in shock.

She said that she is still in contact with the crew, but she has not been in touch yet.

Weekview is not in Australia.

Song Chi called Zheng Xiaoju and Wen Bing again, but neither of them answered the phone.

Wen Bing didn't keep his mobile phone on him. He was shooting movies on the set, and he never kept his mobile phone on him.

Zheng Xiaoju didn't hear his cell phone ring because of the chaos.

Unable to contact the people over there, Song Chi panicked even more.

And he couldn't do anything anymore, he was so panicked that he couldn't calm down, anxiety and worry completely attacked him.

Everyone in the crew knew that his current state was not suitable for being disturbed, and no one came forward to talk to him.

Only Yu Zhiyang stayed by his side silently without speaking.

Zhang Cong ran over and said, "Brother Chi, the earliest flight is at eight o'clock tonight."

Song Chi glanced at the time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Time is running out of time.

He said, "Go."


The news that Zhou Yun was injured while filming in Australia spread fiercely on the Internet. Her fans were all sobbing when they heard the news. They were waiting for the news and refreshed it again and again to see if there was any conclusive new news on the Internet. Come out, is there any update on Zhou Yun's situation?However, the Internet is a mixed bag, the news is true and false, some people here say "according to reliable sources", some people say "my local friends", etc., various sources, there are all kinds of news, some Some said that Zhou Yun had a broken bone, some said that Zhou Yun was cut by a knife, and some said that Zhou Yun hadn't recovered yet.

Zhou Yun's popularity is very good, and she is famous for working hard in filming. After the news came out, many people saw it and felt a little bit worried for her.

This is due to Zhou Yun's accumulation of goodwill from passers-by in the past two years.

In fact, it's not just Zhou Yun's fans, many people in the circle and in the industry are also learning about the latest situation of this matter through their own various channels after hearing the news.

Zhou Yun was injured, how serious was it?
This is especially true for those who have worked with Zhou Yun and who know Zhou Yun.

Among them, Meng Ran had a singing and dancing performance today. After the end, a reporter asked her in the corridor if she had heard about Zhou Yun's injury during filming.

Meng Ran's eyes widened, she didn't know about it at all.

The reporter was also immoral, and said directly: "According to the information on the Internet, Zhou Yun was seriously injured, and his life and death are uncertain."

The words used are as scary as they come.

Meng Ran's eyes turned red, but the reporter didn't expect it.

She didn't answer anything and left in a hurry.

This scene was posted on the Internet by the media, which naturally aroused heated discussions.

There are some people in the circle who are grateful to Zhou Yun like Meng Ran. They all sincerely care about Zhou Yun and don't want anything to happen to Zhou Yun.

Like Yu Chu, she was resting at home and was about to give birth.

When she saw the news pushed out on her mobile phone, she panicked immediately.

Yin Zhou was still making food for her and was busy in the kitchen when he suddenly heard Yu Chu's painful cry from outside.

He panicked, turned off the fire immediately, and ran out to check on Yu Chu's situation.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Chu held his stomach with his right hand, looked pained, took a deep breath, and said, "My stomach hurts just now!"

Seeing Yu Chu like this, Yin Zhou's brow was sweating immediately, and his back became cold after a while.

He hurriedly took his cell phone and car keys and took Yu Chu to the hospital.

Yin Zhou didn't know why Yu Chu suddenly had a severe stomachache on the way to the hospital.

"Zhou Yun is injured?"

"Hiss—" Yu Chu gasped, clutching his stomach uncomfortably in the car, and said, "It's happening again."

There were bursts of pain.

"Stop talking, the hospital will be here soon." Yin Zhou said nervously.

While driving, he couldn't help looking at Yu Chu in the rearview mirror.

Yu Chu's face was completely pale from the pain, as if without blood.

Yin Zhou was frightened and his heart beat faster.

All the way to the hospital, rushed to the emergency room.

The incident happened suddenly, and neither of them made any disguise.

Because of the popularity of "Deep Sea", Yu Chu's face was the time when everyone was impressed. Even though she is not wearing makeup or makeup, she is still recognized by people.

Those who recognized Yu Chu were shocked when they saw that she was being supported by another handsome man with a big belly, walking past with a pale and painful face.

Someone took out his mobile phone and secretly photographed the scene.

More than one person.




Zheng Xiaoju didn't let out a long breath until he accompanied Zhou Yun to make a bandage.

She had been in fear for several hours just now—even though it was just a fingernail that was overturned, the wound looked so hideous that she was really nervous and distressed.

"Sister Xiaoyun, are you feeling better?" Zheng Xiaoju asked Zhou Yun softly.

Zhou Yun was in pain for a long time just now, but now he is actually a little bit out of strength.

She shook her head and said, "It's okay, I just feel a little tired."

It is estimated that it was too painful just now and consumed too much of her energy.

Zheng Xiaoju saw that Zhou Yun was so tired, so she closed her mouth, wanting Zhou Yun to have a good rest, so she took out her mobile phone, turned on the screen, and was dumbfounded, why so many missed calls?And Song Chi's!
Looking again, Zheng Xiaoju saw many messages sent to her.

After a cursory scan, Zheng Xiaoju knew exactly what had happened.

She looked back at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun had already leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

Zheng Xiaoju thought to himself, it's better not to tell Miss Xiaoyun, otherwise she will have to worry about it again.

She immediately responded to Zhou Lan and Song Chi's messages, and their messages were the top priority.

She briefly explained the situation here, clarified the so-called "serious injury", and then told them that Zhou Yun had already seen a doctor in the hospital, and the wound had been treated, and the rest was all that was needed.

Zhou Lan replied almost in seconds: Is it just that the nails were overturned?Nothing else?
Zheng Xiaoju: Well, Miss Xiaoyun is doing well, she is resting behind me.

She secretly took a photo of Miss Xiaoyun and sent it to Zhou Lan and Song Chi.

Zhou Lan: These damn unscrupulous media!Create such a rumor!

Zheng Xiaoju: Yes, I was shocked when I saw the news you sent me!How could you say it so seriously!
At this time, Song Chi finally replied: "Okay, as long as Xiaoyun is not seriously injured, Xiaoyu, please take good care of her."

Zheng Xiaoju was flattered and said: Brother Chi, don't worry, I will take good care of Miss Xiaoyun!

In China, Song Chi put down his phone and said to Zhang Cong, "Go back to the set."

"Huh?" Zhang Cong didn't react.

Song Chi said, "Xiaoyun is fine, he's just spreading rumors."

Hearing this, Zhang Cong let out a long breath, "So that's how it is, that's great!"

He thought Song Chi would show a smiling face, but when he looked in the rearview mirror, he found that Song Chi was still frowning, as if he was relieved.

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