Nails were flipped, it wasn't a big deal.

No matter how painful it looked, in fact, it was just a matter of nails.

So to speak about this.

However, Song Chi knew that these were all excuses.

He is Zhou Yun's boyfriend, and he should have rushed to her side when Zhou Yun was injured.

He should.

Because she is his beloved woman.

But after he regained his sanity, he canceled the flight.

On the other side of the ocean is his beloved woman.

On the other side of the ocean, there is a movie that is being filmed. It is a crew with hundreds of people working, and it is a big production that costs nearly one million yuan every day.

Song Chi knew that he should rush to Zhou Yun's side, but he resisted the urge in the end.

He shouldn't have done it.Reason told him so.

Five minutes before Song Chi returned to the crew, Zhou Yun's studio issued a statement, briefly explaining the whole story of Zhou Yun's injury while filming in Australia. The injury is not serious, and has been treated in the hospital. The entire crew and team are very concerned about Zhou Yun, please don't worry.

Zhou Yun's fans breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that Zhou Yun was fine.

Zhou Lan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, less than a minute after she put down her phone, someone from the Internet Public Opinion Monitoring Team called again.

"Sister Lan, the news about Yu Chu's pregnancy is hotly searched."

Zhou Lan, a carp, sat up straight from his chair.


"Yin Zhou took her to the hospital and was photographed." A member of the Internet Public Opinion Monitoring Team said, "There are a lot of people discussing and paying attention to her online, and the public opinion is not very good. Everyone thinks that she gave birth out of wedlock."

Zhou Lan said: "Okay, I see, you guys continue to follow the public opinion on the Internet."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lan immediately called the PR team.

"Ten minutes later, during the online meeting, Yin Zhou accompanied her to the hospital for a public relations plan to prepare for the exposure of Yu Chu's pregnancy and marriage. Someone photographed her and posted it on the Internet. Now it's trending on the Internet."

"Okay, I'll be ready right now."

Zhou Lan explained the matter, and then called Yin Zhou.

Yin Zhou quickly picked it up.

"Miss Lan."

"You are on the trending search, why are you so careless? How come you were photographed when you went to the hospital for an examination?"

"The situation is urgent today. Yu Chu saw the news of Xiaoyun's injury and was stimulated. He suddenly had a severe stomachache." Yin Zhou said, "We just came back."

"Is the situation serious?" Zhou Lan was startled when she heard about Yu Chu's physical condition. She thought that Yu Chu and Yin Zhou went to the hospital just for routine check-ups.

Yin Zhou said: "The doctor said it was caused by a sudden emotional agitation, and now he is better and sleeping."

Zhou Lan said: "Okay, then don't wake her up, I'll take care of this matter, but Yin Zhou, now that the two of you have been photographed together, it has to be made public, my side There will be a meeting soon to determine how to respond to this matter, and you can participate together."

"it is good."

"Don't worry, everything is under control, we have already expected this day." Zhou Lan said.

"Thank you Miss Lan."

Zhou Lan smiled.

After she hung up the phone, there were still six minutes before the agreed meeting time.

For six minutes, she thought about what happened to Yin Zhou and Yu Chu by herself.

Yin Zhou negotiated with Yue Hai not to arrange acting work because he wanted to quit the circle before.

But now that Yu Chu is pregnant, Yin Zhou will soon become Yu Chu's husband and the father of his child. He needs to shoulder a lot of responsibilities and pressure.

Yin Zhou inherited his father's factory, but it was too difficult for his father to treat his illness and support his family.

Yu Chu said that he doesn't have to take care of the family's financial affairs, so she can make up for it.

Yu Chu has gradually become famous since more than a year ago. When "Deep Sea" was broadcast at the beginning of this year, his popularity suddenly increased, and he did make some money. It is no problem to survive the current few years.

But Yin Zhou is a man, no matter what, he can't accept being raised by Yu Chu with peace of mind.

During this period of time, he was tossed between his father and Yu Chu, and he had to take care of both ends. He didn't have the energy to think about his future career development, but he would have to think about it sooner or later.

Zhou Lan was thinking, if Yin Zhou still returned to work in the entertainment industry in the future, she had to find a way to get Yin Zhou out of Yue Hai.


Yu Chu is not the kind of stunning beauty, nor does she have a particularly distinctive personality. She is not eye-catching in the glamorous entertainment industry.

She gained attention and popularity by relying on the number of filmings that she desperately did.

Not long ago, "Deep Sea" was broadcast, and Yu Chu finally had a work that was widely watched by everyone, making her known as an actress by so many people.

Just when she became popular, the news of her pregnancy suddenly broke out. One can imagine how shocking it was.

The most popular search about Yu Chu ranked second, and the response from Zhou Yun's studio ranked first.

Everyone was lively discussing the child in her womb, and the man exposed on the Internet, Yin Zhou.

Yin Zhou played the male second in "The Eighth Heartbeat", and he is also a serious actor. He has become famous, but he is not lucky, and he is not taken seriously in Yuehai. Huaichun, one after another, has basically established its own position.

This is the time Yin Zhou has received the most attention over the past year.

Some people even suspected that Yu Chu and Yin Zhou were introduced by Zhou Yun, because Zhou Yun was also a friend of both of them.

Netizens discussed it very enthusiastically.

"However, don't you think it's strange? Yu Chu has been pregnant for so long, but there is no news about it." Some netizens said, "And, why did she get back together with Yin Zhou? Didn't the two break up before?" ?”

"Yeah, I also heard that the two of them broke up before, and they were forced to break up by Yin Zhou's company Yue Hai."

"Yue Hai's company has never been involved in personnel matters."

"Yin Zhou hasn't come out to work for a long time. Have you seen any public activities of him in the past few months?"

"No, I haven't heard of joining the group."

"I heard from a friend of mine who works in the entertainment industry that Yin Zhou had already broken up with Yue Hai, because his relationship with Yu Chu was disturbed by the company, and he had a lot of trouble with the company, so the company Hid him in the snow."

"At the beginning, Yin Zhou became popular with Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun. You can see how Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun developed later, and what he developed into. When "The Eighth Heartbeat" was broadcast , His popularity is also quite high, okay? But Yue Hai arranged some garbage scenes for him later, all of them are eye-catching."

"Yue Hai doesn't do personnel affairs +1!"


Yin Zhou received a call from his former agent in Yuehai.

The manager was obviously a little frustrated: "Yin Zhou, what's going on with what's said on the Internet?"

Yin Zhou had expected to receive this call.

He said calmly: "It's nothing, I have already quit the showbiz."

The agent said, "You and Yu Chu are back together again?"

None of them knew about it yet.

Yin Zhou said: "Well, she is pregnant with my child."

"Huh?" The manager sneered in surprise.

Yin Zhou said, "Did you call just to ask about this?"

"Now everyone on the Internet is scolding our company, have you seen it?"

"Didn't you force us to break up?" Yin Zhou asked back.

The broker's tone faltered.

Yin Zhou said: "There is nothing else, I will hang up."

"Yin Zhou, don't forget that although you have left the showbiz, your contract with our Yue Hai is not over yet."

"I know, I don't need to remind you."

Yin Zhou hung up the phone with a sharp look in his eyes.

At this time, some noises suddenly sounded in the room, probably because Yu Chu woke up.

Yin Zhou got up quickly and went to see her in the bedroom.

Sure enough, Yu Chu was struggling to get up with his waist.

Yin Zhou hurried forward to help.

"It's so difficult to get up now." Yu Chu said helplessly.

Yin Zhou said: "Let's persevere, there are still four months to go."

Yu Chu laughed.

She suddenly thought of something again and said, "Wait, where is my cell phone? I have to call Xiaoyun. Although she is not seriously injured, I still have to call her and ask." .”

"Don't fight, there is something you don't know yet." Yin Zhou said, "I have to tell you."

Yu Chu was taken aback, then raised his head, his plain white face seemed to be filled with moonlight, extremely gentle, "What's the matter?"

Yin Zhou took Yu Chu's hand and said, "The incident of our going to the hospital was photographed and posted on the Internet, and it was exposed."

Yu Chu's eyes widened in surprise.

Since she came back from the hospital, she has been sleeping and didn't know about it.

She didn't know until Yin Zhou told her now.

"Then what should I do?" Her first reaction was this.

Yin Zhou said: "Just now, I had a meeting with Sister Lan and a few people from the public relations team. They are going to admit this matter through the studio's Weibo later."

Yu Chu pursed his lips, "So, what do we need to do?"

"Just forward it." Yin Zhou said.

Yu Chu nodded.

"it is good."

Yin Zhou could tell that Yu Chu was in a low mood.

"Baby, what's the matter?" Yin Zhou put his arms around Yu Chu's shoulders so that she could lean on him, which would make her more comfortable.

Yu Chu said: "It was a bit sudden, I didn't expect to be known by everyone now."

Yin Zhou said: "Anyway, sooner or later we will let everyone know."

Yu Chu hummed, and said, "It's okay, I'll just adjust my mood, and you don't have to take it too seriously."

"Tonight, let's watch a movie together." Yin Zhou said suddenly.


"We haven't watched Shen Yao's new movie "I'm the Big Brother" yet, but it's finally launched on the platform." Yin Zhou said, "Shall we watch it together after dinner?"

"Okay." Yu Chu smiled and nodded, "By the way, how is your father?"

Yin Zhou said: "It's still doing well now, but that's it, it can only be maintained for the time being."

"Let's take your father over here." Yu Chu said, "I saw it in the property owners' group this morning. There is a house in the unit next to ours for rent. I want to rent it out. You take your parents over."

Yin Zhou was stunned.

"Why do you suddenly think so?"

"If it wasn't for my sudden pregnancy, you should stay by his side now and spend this time with him." Yu Chu said, "I hope you will regret less in the future."

Yin Zhou suddenly choked up.

He didn't dare to speak, for fear of exposing his sudden choking.

Yu Chu said: "Besides, I don't want to see you working so hard. You run on both sides and take care of both sides. It's too hard. Now when your parents and I need you the most, you have to protect your body. You can't fall down."

"I won't fall." Yin Zhou couldn't hold back, smiled, and patted Yu Chu's head, "But baby, are you sure? Do you want to live with my parents?"

"It's not like living in the same house. There's nothing I don't want to do." Yu Chu said, "Even if we live together, as long as it's not like this forever, for a year or two, I'm willing."

"Thank you."

"Why are you being so polite to me?" Yu Chu leaned his head on Yin Zhou's shoulder, "Yin Zhou, I like you."

"Me too." Yin Zhou kissed Yu Chu on the forehead, "Baby, I love you."



Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, took a nap, and finally regained his energy.

Zheng Xiaoju then told Zhou Yun about Yu Chu and Yin Zhou.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that his injury would lead to the exposure of Yu Chu's pregnancy.

"Then there's nothing wrong with them, right? There's no bad public opinion on the Internet, right?" Zhou Yun immediately became nervous.

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Sister Xiaoyun, Sister Lan is here, she has long been prepared to be exposed, and it is impossible to hide this matter forever, there will always be a day when it will be exposed, just in advance a little bit."

Zhou Yun said, "I have to call Yu Chu."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, don't rush to call Yu Chu, Brother Chi has been waiting for your call."


"You don't even know that Brother Chi heard the news of your injury in China, so he directly asked Zhang Cong to book the plane ticket, and he didn't care about the scene he was filming. Zhang Cong said that he had never seen Brother Chi say that he would leave the film crew and leave the film." let's go."

Zhou Yun heard it, "Huh? Then tell him clearly and tell him not to come. "Jian Yuntai" hasn't finished filming yet, and the whole crew is surrounding him."

"Yeah, I've already told Brother Chi that Brother Chi asked me to take good care of you. I didn't know at that time that Brother Chi was already on his way to the airport, or Zhang Cong told me later." Zheng Xiaoju said, " Brother Chi contacted me just now and asked how you were, and I said you fell asleep, so he asked me to tell him when you woke up."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun took the initiative to call Song Chi first.


Song Chi answered the phone, "Xiaoyun."

"How about it, are you scared by the news?"

"Yes." Song Chi admitted frankly, "I was scared."

Zhou Yun: "I'm fine, I just hurt my nails."

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