I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 676 I won't touch you

"The film crew of "The Female Assassin" has temporarily adjusted the filming plan because of Zhou Yun's injury. Zou Kai landed in Australia at [-]:[-] this afternoon. It is suspected that he will fill in the filming schedule vacated by Zhou Yun and help "The Female Assassin" to resume filming."

"Zou Kai appeared on the set of "The Female Killer" and chatted happily with the director Wen Bing. It seems that the long international flight did not affect the good mood of this Mesozoic actor."

"The producer Zeng Ying, the director Wen Bing, the heroine Zhou Yun and Zou Kai had a dinner together, which seemed to clean up the dust for Zou Kai. According to the situation on the scene, Zhou Yun's injury was recovering well. He showed up a few times, and his face was full of smiles. Very strong."

"It is reported that Zou Kai's wife, Jiang Jinghan, also went to Australia with Zou Kai. This time, Jiang Jinghan will accompany Zou Kai throughout the filming of this movie."

"A year ago, Zou Kai had an affair with an actress on the set. After being exposed by the paparazzi, Jiang Jinghan was inseparable when Zou Kai joined the set. This time, Jiang Jinghan will accompany Zou Kai throughout the filming process. ?"


All kinds of news are flying around.

Although the movie "Female Killer" was filmed abroad, the domestic media seemed to follow suit. All kinds of troubles were reported, especially the details of some photos and reports, which gave people a sense of They are also on site.

However, such gossip is very marketable.

Many people wanted to read these gossip news, and the discussions were particularly heated.

The main reason is that Zou Kai himself is a star actor with a lot of topics.

He has good acting skills and strong professional ability. He has won many Best Supporting Actor Awards and is also a recognized acting school. He is a golden supporting role in many film and television dramas.

But on the other hand, there are always problems in his private life.

To put it simply, the relationship between men and women is frequently overturned.

He has never been caught, but the ambiguous scenes have been caught many times.

Those who scolded him scolded him particularly fiercely, saying that he was a habitual offender.

But no matter how many times he was photographed like this, he was killed. It was just a friend relationship, at most, his actions were a little more intimate, and there was no behavior that crossed the boundaries.

And his wife Jiang Jinghan always supported Zou Kai after every accident.

"My husband is a very honest and family-friendly person, but there are a lot of face-saving things in the workplace. The little girl took the initiative to post over to ask for a group photo and ask questions. My husband has a thin skin and is embarrassed to push him away. .”

This is the general idea of ​​Jiang Jinghan's every speech.

Once or twice, Jiang Jinghan's speech no longer satisfied everyone.

What annoys many people is that either she should not stand up and speak out, or she should not pretend to be stupid and push the fault of things on those girls time and time again.

Is there any problem with Zou Kai, everyone has eyes, once or twice is a misunderstanding, so many times, how could it be all misunderstandings.

And Jiang Jinghan seemed to be blind, no matter what the outside world said, no matter what kind of photos the paparazzi took, she would firmly stand by her husband's side, thinking that Zou Kai had no problem, it was all those women's problems.

This behavior makes people speechless.

Over time, the couple has also become a meme on the Internet, the kind of meme that everyone will bring up to make fun of it from time to time.

Now that Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan joined the crew of "The Female Killer" together, it will naturally arouse such heated discussions.

Zheng Xiaoju has been eating melons on the Internet. When she saw the comments about Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan on the Internet, she immediately shared it with Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, have you seen those words about Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan on the Internet?"

"Online? I didn't read it, what's wrong?"

"It's been said on the Internet that Zou Kai is a habitual cheater." Zheng Xiaoju posted a comprehensive analysis post to Zhou Yun, "Sister Xiaoyun, this is a post compiled by a netizen. It was all posted by Zou Kai in the past. Women have had ambiguous affairs, and Jiang Jinghan's response."

Zhou Yun opened the post and read the content of the post from beginning to end.


Zhou Yun was shocked by the content of the post.

The main reason is that Zou Kai's past experience is really "rich".

Almost every time he shoots a movie, he will send some ambiguous news to several actresses in the crew.

Of course, most of these actresses are not very famous or just debuted, and only such actresses in a weak position will be fooled by him.

What shocked Zhou Yun the most was that several actresses involved in the incident spoke out afterwards, saying that they were deceived by Zou Kai.

Zou Kai told them that his married life is not happy, Jiang Jinghan is too strict and always checks his post, he has no fresh air to breathe, so he wants to divorce Jiang Jinghan.

Naturally, many women will see through and sneer at this kind of statement, but there are always some women who are not deeply involved in the world or have other plans, but he also gets his hands.

What surprised Zhou Yun the most was Jiang Jinghan.

She actually firmly insisted from beginning to end that it was those women who were seducing her husband.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, how much faith does it take to firmly believe that her husband is innocent in the face of so many "evidences" and "voices from the parties involved".

To put it bluntly, don't you know what kind of virtue the person next to you is?

Zhou Yun said: "When I had dinner with them last night, I thought the two of them were quite normal. Moreover, Zou Kai saved the scene as he said, so I thought he was a pretty good person."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Some people are like this. They are good in one aspect, but terrible in another, the AB side of people."

"It's no wonder that Jiang Jinghan followed him all the way to Australia. With Zou Kai's virtue, if she doesn't come here, and there are many oceans away, wouldn't Zou Kai be a bird?" Zhou Yun glanced away. At the corner of his mouth, "It really makes me feel disillusioned. Who told me before? Zou Kai is a person who is very good at acting? It seems that he is not only good at acting on the set, but also good at acting in life."

Zheng Xiaoju smacked her lips and said, "This Jiang Jinghan can bear it. If I were her, I would have kicked this man long ago."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Xiaoju, when you encounter such a thing in the future, can you really make up your mind to kick this kind of man?"

"Of course, this kind of man won't be kicked anymore, should he keep it for the New Year?" Zheng Xiaoju said very firmly.

Zhou Yun: "But not everyone has the courage and determination like you."

She didn't directly believe that Jiang Jinghan also had a big problem like those people on the Internet - it was obvious that Zou Kai had a problem, but Zhou Yun didn't want to simply equate Jiang Jinghan's problem with Zou Kai.Zhou Yun can understand one thing, that is, no matter what Jiang Jinghan does, she wants to protect her family.Of course, if the facts are as those girls said, they were all deceived by Zou Kai, and Jiang Jinghan poured all the dirty water on them like this, then Jiang Jinghan hurt others, and everyone has to admit it at this point.


Zhou Yun himself had doubts in his heart.

If it is said that Zou Kai's reputation is already so bad, so many people know about it, and people everywhere on the Internet and in the circle say that he has problems with it, then except when everyone didn't know about it at the beginning, in the end, those people Is the girl really cheated?

Zhou Yun didn't quite believe this.

Jiang Jinghan thinks that many people are deliberately seducing Zou Kai, which may not be a lie.

After all, Zou Kai is a powerful actor. He has worked in this industry for so many years. He has connections, resources, fame and fans. For these things, someone must regard him as a big piece of fat and want to bite him. mouth.

Zhou Yun said: "Since Jiang Jinghan has followed, I guess Zou Kai will be more honest in the crew. This matter has nothing to do with us, so we just pretend we don't know anything about it."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

"Say hello when you should say hello normally, don't put your thoughts on your face, you know?"

"I know." Zheng Xiaoju nodded, "Sister Xiaoyun, don't worry, I have already cultivated."

"You think you are a goblin, and you have cultivated it." Zhou Yun complained.

Zheng Xiaoju laughed.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Zheng Xiaoju went to open the door and shouted in surprise, "Sister Han, why are you here?"

Jiang Jinghan's voice came from the door: "Xiaoyu, is Miss Zhou Yun there? I'm looking for her."

Zheng Xiaoju looked back.

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zheng Xiaoju laughed, said yes to Jiang Jinghan, and invited her in.

Jiang Jinghan walked in, smiled at Zhou Yun, and said, "Xiaoyun, I didn't disturb your rest, did I?"

Zhou Yun stood up and said, "No, Jinghan, what do you want from me?"

Jiang Jinghan said, "It's fine, I want to ask you, do you want to have a cup of coffee together?"

Zhou Yun's heart skipped a beat.

Drink coffee?
Zhou Yun didn't mind drinking coffee, but she and Jiang Jinghan only met for the first time last night when they had dinner together. Why did she suddenly take the initiative to ask her out for coffee today?
Zhou Yun felt that she and Jiang Jinghan were not that familiar yet.

"I'm going to be filming soon, I'm a bit sleepy now, I want to sleep later." Zhou Yun declined, "How about next time?"

When Jiang Jinghan heard this, she was surprised, as if she didn't expect to be rejected.

"Okay." She showed a helpless smile, "Sorry, I interrupted."

"No." Zhou Yun said, "You took the initiative to ask me out for coffee. I'm actually very happy. It's just that I will be filming later. I have to keep my filming state at my best."

Jiang Jinghan nodded and said, "You are worthy of being a movie queen, and your attitude towards acting is really worth learning for everyone."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Don't say that, you're killing me."

Sending Jiang Jinghan away, Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju looked at each other.

"Why do you think she asked me out for coffee suddenly?" Zhou Yun asked Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju was also confused, shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Zhou Yun: "It feels like she doesn't have anything important to tell me."

"Maybe I just want to show my friend to you?" Zheng Xiaoju guessed.

Zhou Yun: "Well, maybe it is, but no matter what she thinks, I can't be sure, and I don't want to think about it."

Later Zhou Yun has a literary play to be filmed.

She filmed this literary play with Zou Kai.

Zou Kai plays a male killer who once had a relationship with her in this movie. The two met on Zhou Yun's escape. Zou Kai also came to hunt her down, and secretly told the organization that hunted her down where she was, in order to get a reward.

What Zhou Yun is going to film with Zou Kai later is the scene where the two of them live in his safe house.

This kind of drama is also what Wen Bing is best at.

Zhou Yun took a nap for a while, and went to the set energetically.

The safe house is set up in the shed.

Wen Bing is adjusting the settings in the house with the artists.

Zhou Yun knocked Zou Kai down.

Zou Kai is sitting in his chair reading the script.

Jiang Jinghan was sitting in the corner, her eyes swept over Zou Kai from time to time.

Zhou Yun and her looked at each other, Jiang Jinghan smiled at her, Zhou Yun smiled back.

After Wen Bing finished watching the set, he turned around and saw that Zhou Yun had also come, so he came out and called Zou Kai over to talk about the play together.

"Wait a minute for this scene, Zou Kai, you are the one who is responsible for the rhythm, you don't need me to say more, I only have one request for you, you and Xiaoyun are old lovers who haven't seen for a long time, you are offering a reward Jin came, but after you actually met Xiaoyun, you found that you had no more love for her, so you fell into an emotional struggle, but you must have kept this struggle from Xiaoyun, and you must not let her find out, you Do you understand what I mean?" Wen Bing said.

Zou Kai nodded, very confident, and said: "Leave it to me, this scene is not difficult to perform, and it's all within my control."

"Okay." Wen Bing nodded.

He turned his head again and said to Zhou Yun: "You don't need to design anything, just follow Zou Kai's performance and react normally to his performance."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Walk the show.

Zou Kai is really powerful, he entered the scene instantly, and the deep affection in his eyes made Zhou Yun dazzled.

"Sorry." Zhou Yun stopped himself, "I was distracted."

People around looked at it with some strangeness.

It is rare for Zhou Yun to make mistakes in acting.

Zou Kai said thoughtfully: "It's okay, let's start over."

Zhou Yun lowered his head and cleared away all kinds of distracting thoughts in his mind, and put aside the comments about Zou Kai on the Internet.

Now the two of them are rival actors, and no matter what he has done, she has to forget about that and enter the world of the character.

Zhou Yun's play went very smoothly this time, and he and Zou Kai completed it smoothly.

Wen Bing came over to guide again: "Zou Kai, when you walked behind Zhou Yun just now, I wanted you to surround Zhou Yun with both hands, so that she has nowhere to dodge, you have to be more aggressive."

Zou Kai nodded: "No problem."

"Are you OK?" Wen Bing asked Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was helpless: "I'm not OK, why don't you shoot like this?"

"I know you're OK." Wen Bing patted Zhou Yun's shoulder.

In the second play, when Zou Kai put his hands on both sides of Zhou Yun's waistline and was very close to her, Zhou Yun was a little uncomfortable.

Zou Kai noticed it.

He said softly: "Don't worry, I won't touch you."

Zhou Yun didn't feel relieved at all because of this sentence.

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