Zhou Yun found that he really couldn't completely forget what Zou Kai had done.

Those comments on the Internet have been stuck in her mind, lingering.

Zhou Yun has obstacles in his heart, and he can't put aside distracting thoughts and devote himself to the emotional drama with Zou Kai.

Wen Bing understands Zhou Yun very well.

Seeing Zhou Yun like this, he immediately knew that she had distracting thoughts in her heart, so he couldn't get involved.

For Zhou Yun, this kind of drama that needs atmosphere especially needs to create a very strong psychological state for her. In this state, she can give a particularly deep and blurred performance state.

This is the experience he accumulated while filming "Days", and he immediately called Zhou Yun over.

"What's the matter with you? Is there something on your mind?"

Zhou Yun knew what was wrong with her, but it was inconvenient for her to say.

She can only say: "Give me a little time, I want to adjust."

Wen Bing heard her say this, respected her opinion, and asked her to go aside to brew her emotions.

Zhou Yun went to do psychological construction for himself.

Seeing her go to the corner alone, Zou Kai came over and asked Wen Bing, "Director, what's wrong with Xiaoyun? Is she in a bad state?"

Wen Bing said: "Yes, give her some time and let her adjust."

Zou Kai nodded, "No problem."

So far, he has shown a high degree of cooperation on the set.

Whether it's waiting for the show or rehearsing, it's easy to talk.

He said: "If you need me to play with her a few more times, you can just tell me, I'll go smoke a cigarette first."

"Wait." Wen Bing stopped Zou Kai, "Don't smoke for now, Xiaoyun doesn't like the smell of cigarettes. If you smoke, I'm afraid that her state will be affected later."

"Oh, so, that's okay, I should have a cup of coffee, right?" Zou Kai asked.

Wen Bing nodded.

"No problem, it's just right, you can bring me a glass too." Wen Bing said, "Ice Americano."

"No problem." Zou Kai made an OK gesture.

Not long after Zou Kai left, Zeng Ying came over.

She went straight to Wen Bing and asked, "Director Wen, why aren't you filming?"

"Wait for the actors to build up their emotions." Wen Bing explained, "Today's filming is a literary play, and there are no actions. For an actor like Xiaoyun, it's useless to talk too much. Just let her adjust her own state."

After listening to Wen Bing's explanation, Zeng Ying nodded, "Okay, oh, by the way, Director Wen, Chen Zhibing said he wanted to talk to you about his character tonight, are you OK?"

Wen Bing said: "Okay, but it's after eight o'clock. I have a meeting with the art team to discuss the setting of the city chase scene that will be filmed later."

"Okay." Zeng Ying nodded.

She suddenly remembered something again and said, "By the way, Director Wen, there is only one thing, I have to tell you in advance."

"What's the matter?" Wen Bing asked.

Zeng Ying said: "Zou Kai has attracted a lot of attention in China. If a media reporter contacts you and interviews you about Zou Kai's private life, let's speak with one voice and not comment on his private life, okay?"

"What happened to his private life?"

Wen Bing is a person who rarely reads these gossip news online.

He is usually not working on his own film projects, but reading books, watching dramas, and watching exhibitions. His love for literature and art fills his life.

Seeing that Wen Bing didn't know yet, Zeng Ying hurriedly gave him extra lessons.

"It turns out that's the case. I said why Xiaoyun has so many distracting thoughts. It's probably because of this." Wen Bing said.

"Ah?" Zeng Ying was surprised when she heard Wen Bing's words, "Xiaoyun's distracting thoughts are related to Zou Kai?"

"Otherwise? Zou Kai doesn't know that there is a scumbag in front of him. How can you let Xiaoyun play an emotional scene with a scumbag, how can you not feel burdened?" Wen Bing said, "If you let you play an emotional scene with him, you can act it out ?”

Zeng Ying: "...Then what should we do? Zhou Yun is a professional actor, so there should be no problem?"

"Professional actors are also human beings," Wen Bing said.

Zeng Ying: "I didn't mean that, I was worried, what if Xiaoyun can't overcome this? Can't this scene just stop shooting?"

Wen Bing squinted at her.

"Don't worry, it really doesn't work. I will communicate with the screenwriter and actors to adjust the script."

Zeng Ying became anxious when she heard that, "Change the script? Then the script adjustment still needs to be reported to the script review committee, and you can't change it just by saying it."

"Zeng Ying, this is my movie. If I have to adjust the script because of some problems during the filming process and I need the fucking script review committee to approve it, then you can just tell Yao Yuanfeng not to ask me to direct it in the future." Movies." Wen Bing said angrily.

Zeng Ying was stunned.

Wen Bing had been anxious with her before, but never before.

For a moment, Zeng Ying was stunned and at a loss.

"Director Wen, if we have something to say, don't worry, I will follow the company's procedures."

"You are a producer, not a tool person." Wen Bing said, "We shoot movies, not toys on the production line. Any shooting has emergencies, and there are places that need to be modified on-site according to emergencies. , The script review committee reviews the budget and market, I won’t talk about these, but if I don’t even have the right to modify the details on the spot, you can change the director of this movie as soon as possible, I can’t do this job!”

He waved his hand and walked away angrily.

People around looked over curiously, wondering what happened to Wen Bing and Zeng Ying.

These two people quarreled a little for three days, and quarreled a lot for five days, and everyone was used to it.

What everyone is more curious about is why these two people are arguing every day.

Zeng Ying looked a little embarrassed.

This is also normal.

Wen Bing got mad at her in front of so many staff members on the set, where would she put her face as a producer.

Zeng Ying picked up her phone and went out.

"Mr. Yao, Director Wen's temper is too big. Just now he gave me a hard time. I really followed your instructions completely. I didn't quarrel with him or lose my temper with him."

Zeng Ying spoke for herself on the phone.

"But, we can't go on like this, right? He's not the uncle we invited back to live at home."

Yao Yuanfeng asked with a smile: "What's the matter? What did he do again?"

"He said he wanted to change the script, and I said it's okay to change the script, but the revised part has to be submitted to the company's script review committee for review, and he immediately exploded, saying that he doesn't even have the right to do so, so just change the director. Zeng Ying sighed, "Honestly, I have been a producer in our company for so many years, how many directors have I worked with, and everyone can speak nicely on such a big issue, how about cooperation? It's normal to have disputes, but don't just say that you want to put down the pick, isn't that a threat, just like a child."

"Artists, they all have this temper, you have to coax them."

"Oh, Mr. Yao, you don't even know how much I endured coaxing him to let him go." Zeng Ying said, "To be honest, I was not happy when you asked me to take care of this project at the beginning. The great director is cooperating again with Zhou Yun, a big star. The two have so many relationships. How can I manage this crew when they unite? But you trust me, and I can’t be sorry for this trust. No matter what happens, I have the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties, but what I am most afraid of is that I will always give up my picks and say I don’t do it. In this way, I really dare not speak up. I am afraid because I caused this big director to quit, and if the news got out, it was like I was squeezing this rookie director a lot."

"Zeng Ying, I know it's difficult for you, and I know it's not easy for you, but I'm really optimistic about you. How many people want to do Wen Bing's film project? Look at his first two films, one cost several million. The literary and artistic films, which took hundreds of millions of box office, are also exported to overseas, and other scattered copyrights add up to hundreds of millions, let alone "One Mountain Two Tigers", such a good box office, everyone can watch it It can be concluded that the box office of "Female Assassin" will not be bad. Are you willing to give away the experience and achievements of this project management to others? How many people came to fight with me, but I didn't give it to them. I reserved it for you, because I know you can, and I have high hopes for you, Wen Bing is one of the most important co-directors of our new shield, if you can't handle him, how can I believe that you can be my right-hand man in the future?"

The hint in Yao Yuanfeng's words suddenly inspired Zeng Ying's spirit.

Isn't she working hard and hard, just to go up to a higher level?

What Yao Yuanfeng revealed on the phone was exactly what Zeng Ying wanted to hear and get.

"Okay, Mr. Yao, since you've covered this point, it would be too senseless for me to complain any more. Don't worry, no matter what, I will finish filming and finishing this movie for you smoothly. Yes." After Zeng Ying finished speaking, the topic changed, "It's just that I also need more authority, such as the authority to modify the script according to the scene shooting. As long as the main line is not changed and the overall tone is not affected, I hope Can you authorize me to modify the script, otherwise, how could Wen Bing and Zhou Yun trust me as a producer?"

Yao Yuanfeng smiled, "So this is the purpose of your call?"

Zeng Ying laughed and said: "I know that you can't hide anything from Mr. Yao, but Mr. Yao, don't worry, I have worked in Xindun for so many years. I know what is the red line and what is the bottom line. I am Xindun. employees, I will also be responsible to you for my salary."

"Okay, then follow what you said, I grant you such permission, but since I granted it to you, you have to use it."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yao." Zeng Ying got the authorization, full of ambition, "It's definitely done."

hang up the phone.

Zeng Ying returned to the set and saw that Wen Bing was already discussing work with someone.

She walked over in front of everyone, with a calm expression, as if she didn't take the quarrel just now to heart.

She said, "Director Wen, take a step to speak?"

Wen Bing glanced at her, nodded, and let the others go to work first.

"Any other instructions?" he asked.

Zeng Ying said frankly: "I called Mr. Yao just now. Although your attitude towards me is very bad, I think what you said is not unreasonable. Therefore, as a producer, although I have a temper with you in my heart, But I still won the right to modify the script for you. Director Wen, I know that the two of us have very different working methods and styles. You are an artist, and I am only doing management work. Naturally, there are conflicts, but The two of us are partners, I hope that no matter what problems you have in the future, you can communicate with me calmly, okay?"

Wen Bing was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly.


He glanced at Zeng Ying.

That glance seemed to see through Zeng Ying's thoughts, but also seemed to see through nothing.

Zeng Ying was a little uncomfortable being seen through for a moment, but because Wen Bing didn't say anything, she didn't say anything either.

The matter was tentatively settled.

At this time, Zhou Yun also came back.

She came to Wen Bing and said, "Director, I have adjusted."

Wen Bing nodded and asked the assistant director to call Zou Kai.

Zou Kai came back with Jiang Jinghan.

Zou Kai smiled brightly and handed Wen Bing a glass of iced Americano.

"Director, can we shoot?"

Wen Bing nodded.

He said, "Why don't you go through the play again?"

Zhou Yun said, "Director, let's go directly."

"Come directly?" Wen Bing was taken aback.

He looked at Zou Kai: "Can you?"

Zou Kai put away the bright smile on his face and said, "No problem, come on."

So, the scene was cleared and the sound was muted.

All departments ready.

Wen Bing yelled to start shooting.

Zhou Yun opened the door and walked in.

The first time she entered the door, she glanced around the situation in the room.

Zou Kai followed behind her.

"This is my own safe house. Except for me, no one else knew about it before, but now you do." Zou Kai said.

Zhou Yun didn't answer the call, walked to the window, checked out the window, confirmed it was safe, and closed the shutters.

The light instantly dimmed a lot.

She stood by the window and looked back at Zou Kai with a blank expression on her face.

"How did you show up just now?"

"I heard about your reward order. I guess you need help." Zou Kai shrugged his shoulders, showing an indifferent expression that he was just helping out, then walked to the kitchen counter, opened the upper cabinet, and took out the A huge canvas bag.

He put the canvas bag on the kitchen counter, raised his eyelids, looked at Zhou Yun, smiled, and said, "Come and see, these old guys, are you familiar with them?"

Zhou Yun still maintained a guarded posture and walked over slowly.

But when her eyes fell on the equipment inside the canvas bag, her indifferent gaze softened a little.

Because this is the equipment she has used before.

"How do you have these?"

Zou Kai said: "After we separated from you, I have kept these."

"Why not deal with it?"

"I always feel that they will be useful again one day, and one day we will meet again."

Zou Kai walked around from the kitchen counter and walked up to Zhou Yun.

His gaze kept on Zhou Yun's body, noticing every inch of her face's changes.

Zhou Yun still seemed expressionless, but if you looked closely, you would find that her eyes were trembling like being invaded.

"Looking at it now, my hunch was correct."

Zou Kai suddenly took a step forward, placing his hands on both sides of Zhou Yun's waist, less than a finger away from Zhou Yun's waist.

A certain feeling suddenly soared.

Zhou Yun watched him silently, but there was a surge in his eyes that seemed to come from the deep sea.

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