I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 680 Unexpected Things

Zou Kai took a deep breath and took Jiang Jinghan to the other side. He didn't know what he said to her, but Jiang Jinghan went to the corner after all.

Zou Kai came back again and said to Zhou Yun with apology: "I'm sorry, Jing Han has been a little sensitive recently."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun didn't speak much on this topic, and said, "Then let's continue."

Zou Kai nodded.

On the way, Wen Bing didn't know when he came over and watched their rehearsal for a while, but he didn't speak.

The complexity of this scene lies in the scheduling.

Zhou Yun and Zou Kai had a big fight, and the safe house would be turned into a mess by them.

If there is a mistake in the middle of the shooting, the safe house will have to be rearranged and cannot be restarted directly.

The two people went through the movements and positions twice to confirm several key shift nodes.

Wen Bing said at this time: "You don't have to worry too much about the accuracy of the positioning. No matter what it looks like, you continue to shoot, and I will let the camera catch you."

Wen Bing's words gave Zhou Yun and Zou Kai a great sense of security.

Actors like Zhou Yun and Zou Kai who can act and perform in many details must meet a director who can shoot and capture, so that everyone can truly see their charm.

The presentation of this scene in the camera is very fast and fast-paced, so there is almost no fixed mirror shot to give the actors a full display of their performance.

The director must capture the details of the two actors' performances during their fight.

Wen Bing is a director who is very good at capturing the details of actors-after "Days", he is famous for this.

When it came to shooting, the scene was still in full swing.

When an actor is acting, he is fully committed, but once he is fully committed, it means that he will lose control.

There was a particularly embarrassing moment in the middle, when Zhou Yun was acting, he suddenly lost his foot and fell upside down on a golden hook. Fortunately, Zou Kai grabbed Zhou Yun's arm quickly with his eyesight and hands, preventing her from hitting the back of her head on the ground.


After shooting in one day, there are many materials that can be used, but they are not coherent.

I will continue filming this scene tomorrow.

Zhou Yun sat in the rest room and took off his makeup.

Jiang Jinghan knocked on the door suddenly and called Xiaoyun.

Zhou Yun glanced at Zheng Xiaoju in doubt, and Zheng Xiaoju also looked at her in doubt, both of them had doubts of "what is she here for?" written on their faces.

It was Liu Yun who opened the door.

Jiang Jinghan held a bag in her hand and said, "Xiaoyun, I made some biscuits myself. I made them myself. You can try them."

Zhou Yun was halfway through removing her makeup, and said, "Thank you, Jinghan, I'm sorry, I'm removing my makeup."

Jiang Jinghan handed the bag of biscuits to Liu Yun, walked in, and said, "It's okay, you unload it, I'm just idle, so I came to visit."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Zheng Xiaoju continued to help Zhou Yun remove his makeup.

Jiang Jinghan seemed to mention it unintentionally: "By the way, Xiaoyun, you're filming in Australia, didn't Song Chi come to visit the set?"

"He's shooting another movie, it's overdue, and he's still shooting." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, he has his own company with a lot of things to do, and I don't want him to come."

"I really envy you, you have your own business and don't have to rely on men."

Zhou Yun asked: "Jinghan, why don't you work?"

Jiang Jinghan sighed and said: "I also want to work, but I married Zou Kai as soon as I graduated from university, and then I gave birth to a child. I didn't go to work at the right time. It is difficult to find a job now. Appropriate."

Only then did Zhou Yun know that Jiang Jinghan married Zou Kai after graduating from university.

"Me, I have very few things. I don't have my own job, and I don't have my own circle of friends. I only have Zou Kai, so no matter what, I can't lose him." Jiang Jinghan said with a smile, "A person like you Someone who has a successful career can't understand me, right?"

Zhou Yun didn't know how to answer Jiang Jinghan's words.

It feels like no matter what the answer is, it's a pit.

What answer did Jiang Jinghan hope to hear from her?

Zhou Yun thought, Jiang Jinghan would never come to tell her that she regretted choosing to marry as soon as she graduated.

In the final analysis, Jiang Jinghan was still worried that she was really with Zou Kai.

Even Jiang Jinghan herself knew that the possibility between Zhou Yun and Zou Kai was almost zero, but Jiang Jinghan still couldn't help worrying and nervous, she was afraid that the possibility of a few tenths of a percent would happen, she Afraid that a woman would really appear, Zou Kai was willing to give up and leave her behind.

Zhou Yun could feel Jiang Jinghan's thoughts.Jiang Jinghan should be really scared and worried, and even couldn't sleep well at night.

Zhou Yun thought for a long time, and after a long silence, he said: "Jinghan, we just made different choices, but in fact, it doesn't mean that every time the same choice can get the same result, in the final analysis, making a choice It’s human beings, and it’s human beings who link choices with structure. I love acting, and I choose career first. You love Zou Kai, and you are willing to protect his family for him. These are all choices. Maybe I will pass out in the future without filming. , Maybe you will break up with Zou Kai in the future, get divorced, this is all possible, but who said that the ending of the story must end in failure? Maybe I can keep acting and finally become a performing artist, maybe you Zou Kaiqin can sing in harmony and grow old together. I never think it is such a sad thing for people who give up their careers for the family. Many people exaggerate this kind of thing, but I know it is not like this. A family has division of labor, and there are also differences. Role, just, I mean just, women need to find something for themselves, I'm used to taking the initiative in my own hands, but I don't know what your habit is."

"I'm not used to it, I have no choice." Jiang Jinghan said.

Zhou Yun: "Why do you say that? Why is it called no choice? Although it is difficult and destined to be blocked a lot, it is never too late to start. This is not a lie."

Jiang Jinghan was silent.

After a while, she said: "If I had another chance to choose again, I might make the same choice as you."

She smiled, "Xiaoyun, thank you for talking with me, I'll go first."


Zhou Yun looked in the mirror.

In the mirror, Jiang Jinghan left her lounge.

When the door was closed again, Zheng Xiaoju couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Why is she talking to Sister Xiaoyun?"

Liu Yun's analysis: "Perhaps they want to show affection to Sister Xiaoyun, so that Sister Xiaoyun will not get involved in her relationship with Zou Kai."

Zheng Xiaoju glared immediately and scolded, "Damn!" She said, "Where does she have the face to think that Sister Xiaoyun will intervene in their relationship? Don't even look at Zou Kai's virtue!"

Liu Yun said: "I think she has a problem with her nerves. She is too fragile, nervous about everything, suspicious, and unable to rationally look at things related to Zou Kai."

Zhou Yun said: "I think what Xiaoyun said is right. She is now unable to maintain her rationality as long as she has anything to do with Zou Kai. She is a bit suffering from persecution paranoia."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you have such a good temper. You even talked to her so nicely just now. If it were me, I would definitely not be able to stand this person's repeated speculation about me and her. Husband has something to do with it."

"The main reason is that if we really quarrel with her and she really keeps biting me, it will be too troublesome." Zhou Yun is worried about this.

Now that everyone already knows that Jiang Jinghan is suffering from persecution paranoia, if Zhou Yun still confronts Jiang Jinghan in the open, and breaks her mind, she will be in a hurry, and she will believe that Zhou Yun is doing something wrong. To provoke her, and start talking about Zhou Yun having an affair with Zou Kai, to Zhou Yun, it was like being watched by a dog, and Zhou Yun had to guard against this dog to bite her all the time.

Zhou Yun didn't want to cause such trouble for himself.

Such troubles are too troublesome.

After packing up his things, Zhou Yun returned to the hotel to rest with Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun.

Liu Yun asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, what do you do with the biscuits Jiang Jinghan sent?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Throw it away."

Zhou Yun really didn't dare to eat the biscuits Jiang Jinghan sent.

fear death.

"Wow!" Zheng Xiaoju exclaimed suddenly, "Liu Xiaoyun's boyfriend posted on Weibo, calling out Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan by name."

Zhou Yun looked at Zheng Xiaoju in surprise.


Zheng Xiaoju said: "An hour ago, Wan Pengfei posted a Weibo, saying that Liu Xiaoyun was insulted by Jiang Jinghan when he was putting on Zou Kai's makeup, and told the whole story, calling Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan Apologize to Liu Xiaoyun."

Zhou Yun went to Weibo immediately.

Sure enough, because of the popularity of Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan's husband and wife team, Wan Pengfei's weibo became the number one in real-time trending weibo.

Wan Pengfei himself is the middle management of a foreign company, not from the entertainment industry, but Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan made an apology by name, and the incident happened on the crew of "The Female Killer", which has attracted much attention. Many people noticed that the popularity of forwarding, commenting, and rising gradually.

The point is that the couple Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan are too famous in the entertainment circle, one loves to flirt outside, and the other firmly expresses trust in her husband at any time.

When this happened again, a group of people @刘凯和江静汉 asked them to apologize.

Zhou Yun looked at the popularity of this Weibo, evaluated it, and said: "If Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan don't deal with this matter, it will become more and more troublesome. I don't know what they will do."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "That's fine, we should let everyone know what Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan did."

"What's the point of letting everyone know? Who doesn't know what virtue they are?" Zhou Yun said, "I hope this incident can force them to apologize to Liu Xiaoyun, which is the most important thing. How much damage Liu Xiaoyun's self-esteem has caused can be understood after thinking about it."

"Wan Pengfei is really good." Zheng Xiaoju said, "No wonder Liu Xiaoyun likes him so much."

"He's not from the entertainment industry, so he has nothing to do with helping his girlfriend get back in the game. This is the only way to force Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan to apologize, and to make this matter clear in advance, lest Liu Xiaoyun will be really splashed later. It took a long time to get into the dirty water, and it was hard to clarify." Zhou Yun nodded, "He is a very responsible man, and he didn't swallow his anger just because he was afraid of trouble or gossip."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, if Liu Xiaoyun and her boyfriend need help, can we help them?"

"It's not convenient for me to help in person. After all, Zou Kai and I are still colleagues, acting together. If you know what they need help with, you can do it within our capabilities. You are my executive manager. You make up your own mind."

When Zhou Yun said this, his attitude was actually very obvious.

Zheng Xiaoju said happily: "Okay, I got it! Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun!"

Zhou Yun really doesn't want to cause trouble for herself, but she has been taught since she was a child that "when the road is injustice, draw your sword to help".

Since she already knew clearly that Liu Xiaoyun was slandered by Jiang Jinghan, she couldn't sit idly by.

People are like this. They clearly know how to do what is best for themselves, but for what they know and stick to, sometimes they would rather give up the best choice for themselves.

Wan Pengfei's weibo was forwarded and discussed in various group chats of "Female Killer".

Even Gu Huaichun sent a message, gossip: Why is your crew so non-stop?
Zhou Yun said: You think we think that we are exhausted from filming every day, and there are such troublesome things to deal with.

Gu Huaichun: Will you be back at the Aoki Award ceremony next week?
Zhou Yun: Yes, what's the matter, will you go too?
Gu Huaichun: Yes, the organizer invited me to be a guest performer, and then shall we get together?
Zhou Yun: All right.

Gu Huaichun: At that time, call Yin Zhou and Yu Chu together.

Zhou Yun: Can Yu Chu do it with a big belly?
Gu Huaichun: Is there anything wrong with this?It's not about staying up late, of course, if you want to stay up late, let Yu Chu go back to rest first.

Zhou Yun: At that time, my boyfriend will also go.

Gu Huaichun: We just got together, and we haven't seen each other for a long time.

Zhou Yun: Then what shall we do?
Gu Huaichun said: Singing, playing board games?still?

Zhou Yun said: Just don’t do physical work, I’m too tired.

Gu Huaichun: OK.

Contrary to what many people imagine, the private life of celebrity artists is actually lackluster most of the time.

Because of work, there are very few friends outside the circle who can maintain a long-term relationship, and because of work, I fly around and can't stay anywhere for too long.

Like Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun, they usually make appointments and get together, and there are very few activities that can be carried out.

Of course, if they have time, they can fully rely on spending money to go up and down the mountains and seas, but what they lack most is time.

In the limited hours, they can only eat, sing, play board games or escape rooms.

That night, after Zhou Yun took a shower, he checked Weibo, but Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan hadn't replied yet.

But they are already in the top ten of the hot search list.

Zhou Yun did not expect it at all.

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