News in the entertainment industry will attract a wide range of attention, nothing less than these types, dating, marriage, pregnancy, cheating, breaking up, divorce, and so on.

People are really emotional animals, and the level of curiosity about gossip fluctuates around the emotional content of events.

Because Wan Pengfei demanded an apology from Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan in such a tough manner, and because of Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan's past behavior, everyone basically believed what Wan Pengfei said.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yun went to the restaurant to have breakfast, and met Zeng Ying, who didn't sleep well.

The dark circles under Zeng Ying's eyes are very serious.

"Miss Ying."

Seeing her like this, Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and asked, "Did you not rest yesterday?"

Zeng Ying sighed, and said: "Where did you sleep well, you spent the whole night dealing with Liu Xiaoyun's affairs, and her boyfriend went to seek justice for her on the Internet."

Zhou Yun: "I saw that Weibo."

"Well, I was busy yesterday until three o'clock in the morning." Zeng Ying said, "It was hard to negotiate terms with Liu Xiaoyun and her boyfriend."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard the word "condition", and asked, "What condition?"

"Her boyfriend demanded that Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan either publicly apologize to Liu Xiaoyun, or compensate Liu Xiaoyun," Zeng Ying said.

Zhou Yun: "Have Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan admitted that they slandered Liu Xiaoyun?"

Zeng Ying looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, and asked, "How do you know that Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan slandered Liu Xiaoyun?"

"I overheard the conversation between the two of them by accident before, and the two of them admitted it themselves." Zhou Yun said.

"Oh, so that's the case." Zeng Ying said helplessly, "Liu Xiaoyun's boyfriend got a video recorded by a camera at that time from somewhere, and it happened to capture the scene at that time. Liu Xiaoyun didn't bump into Zou Kai on purpose. boobs, and, strictly speaking, didn't really touch."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

"is it?"

"At first, Jiang Jinghan refused to admit it. She kept insisting that she was not wrong. It was Liu Xiaoyun who had thoughts on Zou Kai. He and Jiang Jinghan didn't give a satisfactory answer, so he took this video to report Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan, and they panicked."

"Star artists are most afraid of having substantive evidence to prove that they have a problem with personal morality. Once there is real evidence, their acting career will definitely be affected." Zeng Ying sighed, "We don't want anything to happen to Zou Kai. If something happens, he will The scenes that have already been filmed before will be filmed in vain."

Zhou Yun felt a little helpless when he heard this.

This is also where they are most embarrassing.

In many scenes, because of other people's problems, my own efforts are also in vain.

Zeng Ying said: "We really didn't expect Liu Xiaoyun and her boyfriend to be so powerful. A snake hits seven inches."

"If the crew had taken this matter seriously at the beginning, and dealt with it properly, it might not have become a hot topic."

Zhou Yun said.

In fact, she had wanted to say this sentence a long time ago.

If the crew could stand up and investigate the matter and give Liu Xiaoyun justice the first time Jiang Jinghan slandered Liu Xiaoyun, Liu Xiaoyun would not be so angry.

However, because Zou Kai is an actor, Jiang Jinghan is Zou Kai's wife, and Liu Xiaoyun is just a small make-up artist, the crew directly chose to make this matter a big deal and a trivial matter.

In Zhou Yun's view, this is also a hidden danger that has been buried long ago.

The affair ended in a particularly official fashion.

Wan Pengfei deleted his Weibo and canceled his Weibo account.

The official account of the crew issued a statement stating that all of this was a misunderstanding between the two parties. Now that the misunderstanding has been eliminated, I apologize to everyone for the adverse effects caused.

From beginning to end, neither Zou Kai nor Jiang Jinghan spoke out on social media.

Zhou Yun saw Zou Kai on the set, but did not see Jiang Jinghan.

She greeted Zou Kai.

Zou Kai responded to her greeting with a smile.

He looked as if nothing had happened.

Zhou Yun asked, "Where's Jing Han?"

"Her?" Until this time, a look of disgust appeared on his face, and he said, "She's staying at the hotel."

Zhou Yun: "Why didn't she come to the set to accompany you today?"

Zou Kai gave Zhou Yun a strange look, and asked, "Don't you know?"

"Know what?" Zhou Yun asked back.

She really didn't know what had to do with Jiang Jinghan not coming to the set to stare at Zou Kai.

Zou Kai said: "Liu Xiaoyun's boyfriend posted a Weibo accusation about us."

"I know this, but sister Ying told me that it has been resolved?"

Zou Kai snorted twice, as if he was not very satisfied.

"The solution is solved, but it also caused a lot of blood. If she didn't cause me such a big trouble, why did this happen." Zou Kai's words were full of dissatisfaction with Jiang Jinghan.

Zhou Yun didn't expect Zou Kai to have such an attitude.

The relationship between the couple left her speechless.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, no matter how unbearable Jiang Jinghan is, you, Zou Kai, are not qualified to speak of her.

For Jiang Jinghan, all her crazy and speechless actions all came from the uneasiness that Zou Kai brought to Jiang Jinghan.

From time to time, Zhou Yun thought of what Jiang Jinghan had said to her when she came to her lounge.

From this day on, Jiang Jinghan never appeared on the set again.

For the rest of the crew, it was a blessing in disguise.

Acting with Zou Kai still made Zhou Yun feel uncomfortable.

This is the first time she has met a rival actor whom she dislikes very much. She has to adjust her mood so that she can continue to perform the trick.

Fortunately, Zou Kai did not show affection to Zhou Yun in other ways.

If Zou Kai really thought about her that he shouldn't have, said something that he shouldn't say, did something that he shouldn't do, and punctured the window paper, then she really couldn't treat it as nothing. understood.

Zhou Yun also talked about this matter with Wen Bing in private.

Regarding her worry, Wen Bing said: "Don't worry, people like Zou Kai are self-aware. You see, the women who have had affairs with him before are all newcomers or amateurs. He would not treat you so big." Stars did it."

After hearing Wen Bing's words, Zhou Yun felt even more ashamed of Zou Kai.

This person is a typical watcher.

After a few days, Zhou Yun asked for leave from the crew and left.

She is going back to China to participate in the Aoki Award.

Wen Bing was also nominated, but he did not participate this time.

Wen Bing said: "If I really win the award, then you will help me to receive the award."

Zhou Yun smiled and said yes.

On the flight back to China, Zhou Yun unexpectedly ran into Wen Xi again.

Wen Xi had just filmed an endorsement commercial here.

"I thought you were filming, but I didn't contact you. How could it be such a coincidence? Are you going back to China too?" Wen Xi asked.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Yes, I will go back to participate in the Aoki Award."

"Wow, congratulations." Wen Xi congratulated, "How is your finger injury? Are you okay?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, but the wound is still a bit scary." The nail on Zhou Yun's finger hasn't grown yet.

Wen Xi said: "You still have to pay more attention to filming next time, and don't work too hard. I watched a program on the movie channel before saying that you are very hard-working in filming. Don't die."

"No, that's too exaggerated. I didn't expect this injury at all. We usually take protective measures in place when filming."

"is it?"


Wen Xi nodded: "Okay, but no matter what, you still have to pay more attention to protecting yourself. Actresses are no better than male actors. If you get hurt in some places, if you leave scars, it will also affect your acting career."

This is true.

Wen Xi said this because he cared about Zhou Yun.

"I know, thank you, I will take care to protect myself." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Because of the news, this long flight is not so boring.

Zhou Yun and Wen Xi occasionally chat and exchange each other's book lists and movie lists.

Both of them belong to people who are usually interested in literature, film and television art, not because they are in this line of work, and they have a lot to talk about.

Landing in Shanghai, Zhou Yun and Wen Xi parted ways.

Both of them have fans who have received news of their itinerary in advance to pick them up at the airport, and getting together will probably cause a lot of trouble.

Many media reporters also squatted at the airport early, waiting for Zhou Yun to come out.

She has been filming overseas for so long, and it has been a long time since she appeared. The major entertainment media have been suffering without Zhou Yun for a long time, and every media wants to get the latest exclusive news about Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was chased and intercepted by media reporters at the airport. She also understood their enthusiasm and answered some questions selectively while walking.

"Is Xiaoyun coming back this time to participate in the Aoki Awards ceremony?"

Zhou Yun wore sunglasses, nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes."

"Are you confident about winning the Best Actress this time?"

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know either. It depends on whether the judges like it or not. It's no surprise that everyone nominated this time will win the Best Actress."

This is the standard answer.

"Song Chi has also been nominated for Best Actor this year. Do you like him?"

"Regardless of whether he won the award this time, he is the best actor in my heart."

These reporters' questions were all expected by Zhou Lan, and they also wrote standard answers to Zhou Yundu.

After Zhou Yun answered a few questions, he arrived at the car waiting for her.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm going to get in the car. I'll see you tomorrow." Zhou Yun smiled at them and shook his hand, saying goodbye.

"See you tomorrow."

Zhou Yun got into the car and took off his sunglasses.

Zheng Xiaoju felt terrified, and said, "It's been a while since I saw their battles, but this time I was frightened again."

Zhou Yun said: "They are also working hard, squatting at the airport in such a cold day."

"Sister Xiaoyun, Sister Lan is already waiting for us at the company." Zheng Xiaoju said, "We have to try on clothes first."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

She took out her phone and sent Song Chi a message: I'm here, when will you arrive in Shanghai?

After twenty minutes, Song Chi replied: I'll be there at night.

Zhou Yun: Can we have dinner together?
Song Chi said: I guess I won't be there until after eight o'clock, so don't wait for me.

Zhou Yun: Good.

She thought about it, and guessed that the people who will participate in the Aoki Awards Ceremony tomorrow will all be in Shanghai tonight, so they can ask a group of friends for dinner.

Zhou Yun started to organize the game.

I asked them one by one, and sure enough they were all there.

Zhou Yun sent a message to Song Chi: I called Wen Xi, Gu Huaichun, and Yin Zhou to have dinner together, are you coming tonight?

Song Chi: Okay, I'll come directly.

Zhou Yun posted an emoji of a villain cheering "Yeah".

Song Chi replied with an emoji of one villain touching another villain's head.

When we arrived at the company, He Yong and Zhou Lan were both there.

"Let me see how your hand is doing." He Yong walked faster than Zhou Lan, with a concerned face, "Is the injury healed?"

Zhou Yun couldn't stand He Yong who cared so much, so he quickly dodged aside and said, "It's almost better, thank you boss for caring."

He Yong also intentionally made a hurt expression and said, "Do you despise me so much now?"

"Mr. He, let's stop talking about this, okay?" Zhou Yun said speechlessly.

Zhou Lan laughed and teased He Yong: "Mr. He, Xiaoyun just came back from abroad, so stop teasing her. I still remember to take Xiaoyun to try on tomorrow's dress."

He Yong: "Okay, but, it's hard for you to come back. I have already booked a place at noon, and we must have lunch together at noon."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, what happened to He Yong?
"Understood, I'll follow your arrangement." Zhou Yun said very politely.

He Yong: "Then it's settled."

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan went upstairs to try on clothes.

The dress for tomorrow's Aoki Awards Ceremony has not been decided yet.

All major brands have offered olive branches before, wanting to collaborate with Zhou Yun on this red carpet dress.

Zhou Lan didn't reject any of them, and waited for Zhou Yun to come back and make a decision.

Zhou Yun tried on clothes for two hours.

In the end, only the dresses of the V family, the G family and the VX family were left to be selected.

Zhou Lan said: "Personally, I prefer this custom set by the V family, it's very elegant."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Me too, this black dress is very classic and elegant."

Zhou Lan said: "The V family told me that this dress hasn't been released yet, if you want it, you will be the first to wear it in the world."

A couture piece worn for the first time in the world is very precious for a top fashion brand.

The V family was willing to give it to Zhou Yun because they wanted to build a deeper relationship with Zhou Yun.

The cooperation between Zhou Yun and VX is a partnership that all fashion brands are envious of.

And Zhou Yun is also a top star that all fashion brands want to cooperate with.

Zhou Yun is a young, beautiful actress with a very good personal temperament and style and outstanding professional ability. She has international influence and popularity. An actress with almost no shortcomings, no matter which brand gets the cooperation Opportunities can greatly benefit your own brand.

Like Zhou Yun wearing a dress on the international red carpet before, almost every look will be on the hot search, and the hot search earns discussion. The key is that every time she wears a skirt, it can ignite the skirt, drive sales, and drive sales. influence of the brand.

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