Chapter 684
Wu Zhengguang is the screenwriter of "Deep Sea".

Zhou Yun met Wu Zhengguang when he was filming the "Deep Sea" crew.

He was a very short-tempered man, but also rarely real.

Zhou Yun likes Wu Zhengguang's authenticity, he will say what he has, and he is not the kind who shoots randomly.

Zhou Yun asked: "Mr. Wu, don't you think we earn too much, and your screenwriters earn too little?"

Wu Zhengguang shook his head: "I don't, my screenwriting fee has always been very high."

He changed the subject, "However, many young screenwriters are in a bad situation. It's not that the producers don't give them money, but that our industry is chaotic, without order, outsourced layer by layer, and unknown screenwriters are basically They are exploited. On the one hand, there is the issue of remuneration. On the other hand, they have no right to speak and are not respected. Many people only know that there are many restrictions above, and they are not allowed to write scripts. Apart from this, there are actually many other troubles. , basically, producers, investors, directors, actors, anyone can give pointers to the script, and the opinion of the screenwriter is not important."

Zhou Yun said: "But in fact, none of the crews I work in seem to have such a situation. Everyone still respects the scriptwriter and the script very much. Even if the script needs to be revised, the scriptwriter will definitely be invited to a meeting to discuss every revision. "

"That's because you respect the script very much. You identified the script and accepted the film based on the script. Anyone who wants to modify the script has to go through you, otherwise the filming will not be possible. Based on this, other people who want to be right Ninety-nine percent of the people who make changes to the script lose their minds." Wu Zhengguang said, "Now our industry is like this. No one changes the script of your play, and it's not because this industry has given the screenwriters and scripts The right to speak, but because you who have the right to speak stand on the side defending the script."

Wu Zhengguang's words pointed out this reality.

Zhou Yun also knows that this practical problem is actually an unsolvable problem at present, and only a few people with the right to speak can fight against this environment.

"But Xiaoyun can do this, which is actually very rare." Yu Chu said, "I have filmed a lot of scenes in the past two years. In fact, most of the scenes are like Teacher Wu said. Every actor wants to add scenes to himself. The platform side will ask the crew to add some content and elements they want. Many times, the script I saw before joining the crew looks like this. When the crew was shooting, the script had already been changed by half. I actually hope to meet People like Xiaoyun can use their own power to ensure that the quality of this drama will not be affected by external factors as much as possible."

Zhou Yun said: "I understand what Mr. Wu means. In fact, the most ideal state is to fundamentally raise the status of scripts and screenwriters, rather than relying on one or two of us to change this phenomenon."

"But it's hard." Wu Zhengguang shrugged, and he said, "I know, and many screenwriters also know that almost all of us have appealed for and fought for many years, but the environment is not something we can easily do. changed."

Zhou Yun said: "But no matter what, we still have to fight for it, right?"

"of course."

"I believe that as people become more and more aware of the importance, the status of scripts and screenwriters will definitely increase." Zhou Yun said, "The better directors and actors are, the more they understand the importance of scripts."

Wu Zhengguang: "I am pessimistic about this."

"Mr. Wu, don't be pessimistic, there are actors like us." Gu Huaichun hooked Wu Zhengguang's neck from behind, and said, "We all absolutely respect you."

Wu Zhengguang was obviously stunned for a moment, as if he had never been hooked around the neck so intimately, and his face was uncomfortable.

Gu Huaichun said: "Although I'm not as good as Xiaoyun and my acting skills are as good, I still want to be a good actor. I never change the script, and I don't allow others to change the script for some strange reasons."

Wu Zhengguang let out an oh.

"Let go of your hands first."

Only then did Gu Huaichun let go of Wu Zhengguang.

Wu Zhengguang said helplessly: "I don't blame you for changing the script, can you stop expressing your opinion to me one by one?"

Zhou Yun laughed: "We are not expressing our opinion to you, we just hope that you will not be so pessimistic, you have to trust us, you are not fighting alone."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Wu Zhengguang said, "Leave me alone, let me be alone for a while, and you talk about your own."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, Mr. Wu, would you like some champagne?"

Wu Zhengguang: "I help myself."


Everyone has their own character.

And everyone will choose a certain occupation, which may be related to a certain point in their personality.

For example, Wu Zhengguang, according to the standards of the outside world, he is already a proper middle-aged man, but he still has a youthful heart, and he still maintains passion and simplicity in some aspects.

Just like basically no one will complain about these negative things as soon as they come up, and there are not many people who are too lazy to complain about half of their complaints and want to stay alone for a while.

Gu Huaichun secretly came to ask Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, does Teacher Wu dislike me?"

"Don't think too much, he is just like that."

Gu Huaichun nodded, and said: "Let me tell you, generally there are very few people who don't like me."

Seeing his confident and stinky face, Zhou Yun really wanted to hit him.

Because it is rare for everyone to get together, everyone talked a lot this evening.

Zhou Yun likes to stay with his friends.

At this time, she is most comfortable and at ease.

She's the kind of person who likes to greet everyone well, and she enjoys making each of her friends have a good time at the parties she organizes.

Song Chi didn't show up until almost nine o'clock in the evening.

"Brother Song is here!"

"Hello Brother Song!"

"Did Brother Song have dinner?"


Everyone greeted Song Chi very warmly.

Song Chi responded one by one, with a smile on his face, looking for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun happened to go to the kitchen to serve dumplings just now, and when she came out with a bowl of dumplings, she immediately laughed when she saw Song Chi had appeared.

"You finally came!"

Song Chi walked over, took the bowl of dumplings from Zhou Yun's hand, and said, "There's a traffic jam on the road, where do you put this?"

"Just put it on the table, everyone take it by themselves." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi said, "I'm so hungry, I need to get something to eat first."

Zhou Yun nodded. She stayed beside Song Chi and asked, "You didn't stay up late yesterday, did you?"

"I stayed up for a while, but I took a nap on the way back today, and I feel much more comfortable." Song Chi said, "How can I not stay up late, now that the shooting of "Jianyuntai" has expired, if you don't hurry up and finish the filming, you will have to A lot of overspending."

Zhou Yun: "Is Zuo Hang still shooting slowly as before?"

Song Chi nodded and said, "There's no way, he won't be able to start filming soon, and the filming is overdue, and he himself is under a lot of pressure."

Zhou Yun: "It can't always go on indefinitely."

"It's okay, the filming is almost finished, basically the filming is almost finished." Song Chi said, "I also told him, no matter what, first shoot the material to be shot, and if we really need it later, we can make up for it. .”

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Is your company's funds OK? Do you need to get some turnover from me?"

Song Chi said: "This month, I received endorsements from two fast-moving consumer brands, and the endorsement fee has brought me back a wave of blood. I don't need it for the time being."

"It won't be that kind of three-no product, right? You don't want to accept that kind of defective brand endorsement just to raise money."

"No, don't worry, if it reaches that level, I will definitely talk to you."

Zhou Yun believed that Song Chi was not the kind of person who couldn't figure it out, so he nodded.

However, Song Chi's company must be under a lot of financial pressure.

Several plays were filmed at the same time, and no funds were returned.

No matter how much money Song Chi could make, he couldn't fill such a big hole by himself.

After Zhou Yun thought about it, he still had to help Song Chi generate income.She made connections before and helped Song Chi's company contact some overseas companies to talk about the overseas sales of the TV series "Mother", but in the end it was Wu Chengbao who took over the negotiation, and she didn't know the result yet.

I don't know how the negotiation went or how the price was sold.

However, for a company to operate normally, it should be that the capital chain can operate normally, and it does not need to rely on Song Chi's endorsement to maintain its operation.

Zhou Yun hopes that the filming of "Jian Yuntai" will go smoothly, and that there will be no more troubles to delay the filming.

However, after the filming of "Jian Yuntai", there is still post-production. This is a disaster movie in itself, and the post-production special effects must be expensive. Can Song Chi's company run well?
Zhou Yun was worried for Song Chi.

She told Zhou Lan about her concerns.

Zhou Lan thought for a while and said, "Actually, is there a way to help Song Chi's company relieve the pressure on funds?"

"Looking for a new investment? Song Chi has no shortage of investors, but the conditions cannot be negotiated. Song Chi wants to control [-]% of this company, and he doesn't want others to intervene in the company's internal business."

"I'm not talking about this. What I mean is that Song Chi's company has also signed so many directors and actors and has production experience. Why doesn't Song Chi's company produce self-produced dramas on the platform?" Zhou Lan said, "How many times now? All leading video platforms are creating high-quality content. If Song Chi is willing, he can take over a few contracted plays and get money from the platform, which can also relieve the pressure. On the other hand, several of Song Chi's plays can be pre-sold To the platform, let them pay part of the deposit first."

Zhou Yun said: "I'll go and talk to Song Chi, but I think Wu Chengbao and Song Chi should have tried all these methods."

"When it is inevitable, we still have to give up some benefits." Zhou Lan said, "You can't hold on, Song Chi is not a god, and he works around the clock [-] hours a day. If he still accepts some FMCG endorsements next, it will be a big deal. His public image will have a big impact."

Zhou Yun: "Oh."

Zhou Lan: "It's "Being a Mother". You can contact Xu Caiqin. She is currently working as a film buyer in the United States. She should have many channels and connections that can help you promote "Being a Mother."

Zhou Yun nodded.

She kept an eye out and decided to send Xu Caiqin a message later.

It's just that the copyright income from overseas sales may be just a drop in the bucket for Song Chi's company. The most important thing is that the few films his company is producing must be sold and broadcast as soon as possible to get the money back, so that they can really come alive.

That night, Zhou Yun and the others gathered until about eleven o'clock in the night before leaving.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi went home together.

Zhou Yun went to take a shower first, and when she got out of the shower, she found that Song Chi had fallen asleep on the sofa.

His expression at this moment is particularly cute.

Zhou Yun couldn't hold back and smiled.

Song Chi seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh? Have you finished washing?" The moment Song Chi saw Zhou Yun, the corners of his eyes softened.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Go too, you are too sleepy to keep your eyes open, take a shower and go to sleep."

Song Chi sat up from the sofa.

He said, "Go to bed first, don't wait for me."

Zhou Yun said, "It's okay, I'll read for a while."

Song Chi: "Then I'll hurry up."

The two of them haven't slept in the same bed for a long time, and it's rare to go home together tonight.

It's just that both of them were very sleepy. That night, they didn't do anything and fell asleep hugging each other.

It rained suddenly in the middle of the night.

It was raining heavily, and at five o'clock in the morning, Zhou Yun woke up to the sound of rain and opened his eyes.

It was dark in the room.

Song Chi's breathing rose and fell evenly.

His arms were still around her.

Zhou Yun cherishes the tenderness of this moment very much.

Most of the time, she sleeps alone in a hotel, in a different hotel, in a strange bed.

She also misses Song Chi often, especially when she is sleeping alone.

When filming in a foreign country, even if the crew is full of familiar people, there will always be times when you feel lonely and can't get rid of it.

At times like this, Zhou Yun would miss Song Chi very much.

Dependence sounds like a very spineless action, but there are always moments when people want to rely on others.

Vulnerability is a moment in life that everyone is destined to face.

Zhou Yun didn't want to hide his fragility.

Zhou Yun hugged Song Chi.

Song Chi didn't wake up, but subconsciously snorted.

He hugged Zhou Yun, his body was warm.

Zhou Yun felt that there was a kind of tranquility at this moment, mixed with the sound of the pattering rain, pulling her away from all the trivialities and complications.

Song Chi didn't wake up until eight o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Yun had already had breakfast in the restaurant.

If he hadn't smelled the fragrance, Song Chi wouldn't have woken up so early.

"Did you heat the milk?"

Song Chi came out of the room with sleepy eyes, his hair curled up.

Zhou Yun smiled at him, nodded, and said, "Yes."

Song Chi: "It's no wonder that the milk made in this way is fragrant. I'm still wondering where the milk is produced, so it smells so fragrant."

Zhou Yun: "The milk warmed with my own hands has a unique fragrance in the world."

"Of course." Song Chi went over and touched Zhou Yun's face, "I'll come as soon as I brush my teeth."

"Hurry up, if you move slowly, it will disappear."

"Okay." Song Chi smiled.

The rain has stopped.

After Song Chi washed his face, the bleary look on his face faded away.

He came out and sat down at the table.

"When are you going to leave later?"

"I have to go to the rehearsal at one o'clock in the afternoon. I have no other work." Zhou Yun asked, "What about you?"

"My rehearsal time is two o'clock in the afternoon." Song Chi said, "But I have to go to the company in the morning, there is a meeting."

"So busy?" Zhou Yun couldn't help being a little disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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