I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 685 On the red carpet

Chapter 685 On the red carpet

ten o'clock.

Song Chi got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Then I'll come back from the company later and go to the rehearsal with you?"

"I'm an hour ahead of you, so don't worry about me." Zhou Yun said, "You're wasting time on the way back, and we'll meet at the rehearsal."

Song Chi: "Okay."

Zhou Yun wrapped himself in a blanket and leaned against the head of the bed.

Song Chi went to wash it briefly, and changed into a white shirt, a black suit jacket, and a tie.

"The car is already waiting for me downstairs, I'll go down first."

"Goodbye." Zhou Yun was still lying on the bed.

Song Chi looked at this scene, and couldn't move his feet.

He smiled helplessly and said, "Let's go."

Zhou Yun waved his hand.

Song Chi took a deep breath, ordered himself to be rational, turned and left.

Staying for another two seconds, he worried that he would go to bed again.

Zhou Yun supported his head and yawned, feeling a little sleepy, so he closed his eyes and took a nap for a while.

This sleep until nearly twelve noon.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju came to pick Zhou Yun up and rang the doorbell. Zhou Yun answered the door, still in pajamas and with fluffy hair.

Zhou Lan's eyes widened exaggeratedly, and he said, "Miss, why do you look like this? You're going to go to the rehearsal later!"

Zhou Yun yawned and said, "I know, I'll just take a shower."

"Didn't you never sleep in late? Are you just waking up?" Zhou Lan looked Zhou Yun up and down and asked.

Zhou Yun nodded: "Yes, I just woke up."

"Where's Song Chi? Are you at home?"

"He went to the company for a meeting." Zhou Yun stepped aside, let Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju in, and yawned at the same time, "I slept too late yesterday, ah, organizing the party is very tiring."

Zhou Lan: "But how happy I am."

"Yes." Zhou Yun bent his eyes and smiled, "We will organize more gatherings like this in the future."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you can leave these things to me in the future, I am already very experienced."

"Okay, Xiaoju." Zhou Yun said, "I'm relieved to leave it to you."

Zhou Lan put the bag on the sofa and said, "Hurry up and take a shower, we'll have lunch together later, and we're going to the rehearsal, and you're going to be on stage to present awards today."

Zhou Yun let out an oh, and walked slowly.

After taking a bath, Zhou Yun felt refreshed.

She asked, "Where shall we go for lunch?"

Zhou Lan said, "I haven't been back for a long time, do you have anything to eat?"

"Why don't we go eat Lingnan brother, I haven't eaten for a long time, I want to eat." Zhou Yun said, "Do you have any other suggestions?"

Zhou Lan: "Okay, let's go to Brother Lingnan, and it happens to be on the way."

Zhou Yun changed into a set of casual clothes and went out.

After returning to China, he put on big sunglasses and a sun hat again. Zhou Yun sent a message to Song Chi, saying: Sister Lan came to pick me up, I'm going out.

Song Chi replied in seconds: Okay, I'm having lunch with Wu Chengbao.

Zhou Yun: Well, we are also going to have lunch, we are going to Brother Lingnan.

Song Chi: What a coincidence?We also eat here, which store did you go to?

Zhou Yun: Chenqiao Street shop.

Song Chi: Not a place.

Zhou Yun thought about whether to go to Song Chi's shop instead, but finally gave up on this plan.

On the one hand, the Chenqiao Street store was a little far away, on the other hand, Zhou Yun felt that he didn't want to spend so much time with Song Chi.

She's not that greasy kind of person.

Besides, Song Chi is not alone with her, and she is not alone with her. It is not when lovers are dating.

"Xiaoyun is going to tell you about your clothes and jewelry for the evening. After the rehearsal is over, go to a spa first. I have made an appointment for you, and then you will have a beauty treatment. Let's talk about it. Are you still in Australia? It’s a little darker.” Zhou Lan told the truth sincerely, “Of course, the overall body is still white, but you can’t let everyone see that you’ve become ugly, this is absolutely not allowed.”

Zhou Yun also doesn't want to be called ugly.

She nodded in agreement, and at the same time felt guilty, and asked, "Have I turned darker a lot?"

"No, but you used to be whiter and more radiant, but now you have less moisturizing radiance, and it feels a little...dried." Zhou Lan explained, "It's not that you don't know that some media will deliberately photograph Take a picture of you with bad angles or bad lighting, and then take a particularly alarmist title, saying that your skin is broken, or something, and make some weird rumors, but even if the rumors are outrageous, it is still true. Someone always believes."

When Zhou Yun heard that his face was dry, he stared in shock.

"Dried? Is it so serious? What to do? Am I ugly now?"

She didn't care about the long paragraph that Zhou Lan said later.

"It's not that serious, it's just that it's a bit worse than your best state before, and you'll be back after taking good care of it."

Zhou Lan saw that Zhou Yun was frightened by his words, so he made up for it again.

What she just said was indeed a bit exaggerated.

After lunch, Zhou Yun went to the venue where the award ceremony was held to participate in the rehearsal.

She is mainly in the rehearsal for the best actor award.

Because she is in charge of award presentation in this session alone, she does not need to cooperate with others, so the rehearsal time is more flexible.The initiative is to follow the on-site director to go through the process, and then rehearse in advance what to say after going on stage.

Today's party is a live broadcast, because it is a very important award, so every word you say cannot be wrong.

What Zhou Yun wanted to say, the director team had already written for her, and she adjusted it according to her feelings on the spot, and the director team also felt that there was no problem and agreed.

After her rehearsal was over, it was someone else's rehearsal.

Zhou Yun did not leave, but waited under the stage.

The director team thought she had some questions, so they came here to ask.

Zhou Yun explained that she was waiting for Song Chi.

Only then did the director team suddenly realize.

Someone was filming the rehearsal footage, and a cameraman pointed the camera at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun immediately covered his face with his hands and said, "Ah, don't take pictures, I'm not in a good state right now."

The photographer smiled and said, "No way, it's obviously very beautiful."

Zhou Yun was still happy to hear the photographer's words, she laughed and said, "You speak nice words to coax me just to take pictures of me."

The photographer said: "No, don't you know that you are really good-looking?"

"Of course I know." Zhou Yun said, "But I have been filming abroad during this period of time, and I have been exposed to the sun every day. My agent said that I was exposed to the sun."

"That's because your agent is too strict with you. I don't see any difference at all."

"real or fake?"

"Really." The photographer nodded, "I have photographed so many actresses, both good and bad. You have to trust my skills."

"Look, you've already convinced me of your skills, so that means you also think I'm in a bad state right now?" Zhou Yun immediately widened his eyes, showing a look of "Look, let me catch you!" There is a loophole in the words" expression.

The photographer was dumbfounded.

"I'm just praising my own skills, not your poor state."

"If I'm in good shape, shouldn't I be so beautiful no matter how I take pictures?"

The photographer was speechless.

Zhou Yun laughed too.

Zhou Yun was a little overjoyed at the conversation with the photographer.

She felt that she rarely encountered such an opportunity to talk to others.

When everyone saw her, they treated her like a superstar, and basically respected her, but they didn't dare to get close to her, or dared not make fun of her.

Finally, Song came late.

He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, the same formal suit he had when he went out in the morning.

Zhou Yun heard a staff member whispering beside him, and said, "Song Chi is so handsome, he was dressed so formally for the rehearsal!"

Zhou Yun thought to himself, Song Chi's formal outfit is not for your rehearsal.

With a smile on her lips and a gleam in her eyes, she looked at Song Chi.

Song Chizuo stood out from the crowd.

This is not unusual.

But the reason why Song Chi stands out in Zhou Yun's eyes is not because he is different from the crowd, but because he is Song Chi.

Zhou Yun himself found it incredible, because it seemed that there was never a time when she and Song Chi were tired or lost the spark of love.

She has always looked at the relationship with a pessimistic attitude, always feeling that maybe one day they will come to a sad ending.

But maybe because she never dared to have complete expectations, this relationship has continued to the present beyond her expectations, and it still remains fresh.

When Zhou Yun saw Song Chi, his heart still moved.

She hugged Song Chi together, and she also had the most primitive physical desire.

When Song Chi was rehearsing on stage, he saw Zhou Yun who was waiting for him in the auditorium.

He immediately laughed.

He smiled brightly with white teeth.

Everyone didn't know why he laughed suddenly at first, but they didn't understand why until they followed his gaze and saw Zhou Yun.

It turned out that it was here that we "were destined to meet each other from thousands of miles away".

After Song Chi finished the rehearsal, Zhou Yun and Song Chi met together.

Song Chi asked, "Then where are you going later?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'm going to change clothes and do styling, how about you?"

"The clothes are in the car, why don't I come with you and borrow your place." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun laughed, "It's so embarrassing, I still borrow it."

Song Chi: "Rub it on."

Zhou Yun said very generously: "All right."

Of course Song Chi didn't have no place to rest, he just wanted to stay with Zhou Yunduo.

Moreover, the two of them were going to walk the red carpet together at night.

Song Chi accompanied Zhou Yun for massage, nursing, and maintenance, and then they did styling and changing clothes together.

Song Chi's management team and modeling team followed.

The Aoki Award is one of the most watched film awards and one of the most authoritative film awards in China.

The two of them got ready for styling, and before they set off, they took a set of photos and posted them on the Internet.

Two people took a group photo. In the photo, a man and a woman look at each other and laugh, or are elegant and cold, with different styles, but the two people in the same frame present a very simple and advanced sense of intimacy.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi have been in the crew for a long time and have not been active in the public eye for a long time. Their fans have long been eager for them.

Now that the two have finally appeared for business, the fans are overjoyed.

Especially since these two people are both present at the ceremony today as nominees.

Although the two of them have already won the Aoki Award, and there is not much demand for the award this year, but if there is nomination, there is hope. What if they win the award?

Whether it is "Inaction" or "Behind the Scenes", they are both films that have gained word of mouth and box office.

Of course, to be honest, Song Chi's hope of winning the award this year is a little higher than Zhou Yun's.

Because the theme of "The Inaction" is more mainstream, the characters played by Song Chi are also very positive heroes.

At this time, there are always people doing various award-winning analysis.

This is a regular program that will never be absent.

For the Best Actor category, Song Chi's "Inaction", You Jiang's "Behind the Scenes", Shen Yao's "I'm a Big Brother", Liang Yuanpu's "The Name of the River", Zheng He's "The Silent Witness", the most popular one is Liang Yuanpu's Liang Yuanpu, who has already won the Lingjun Award for Best Actor in "The Name of the River", has shown superb acting skills in this literary film. From the perspective of professionals in the industry, his performance is excellent. The best of the five.In addition, You Jiang is also highly anticipated for his breakthrough in "Behind the Scenes". The only shortcoming is that "Behind the Scenes" was not created with him as the absolute protagonist.

For the Best Actress category, Zhou Yun's "Behind the Scenes", Zeng Lili's "Behind the Scenes", Zhang Hongyu's "Inaction", Yin Lin's "Bad Woman", and Cheng Qin's "Song of the Wandering", the most popular ones are Zhang Hongyu and Cheng Qin, the former She is an actress who has already achieved fame, and the latter is a powerful acting school who has amazed the industry with this literary film.Although Zhou Yun's performance in "Behind the Scenes" is also very extreme, in terms of richness of characters, it is not as good as Cheng Qin's role in "Song of the Wandering".

Zhou Yun and Song Chi stepped onto the red carpet hand in hand and immediately became the focus of attention.

Some fans were booing and yelling for a kiss.

Song Chi also took advantage of the opportunity to kiss Zhou Yun.

The kiss sparked screams from the audience, including the host of the red carpet segment.


The person walking the red carpet in front of Song Chi and Zhou Yun happened to be Ning Xiner, the heroine of the movie "Inaction".

Although she was not nominated for Best Actress, she was also invited by the Aoki Awards because of her influence and the influence of the movie. She was asked to be the presenter of a technical award.

When Ning Xiner heard the roar of cheers from the audience, she had a premonition in her heart that Song Chi and Zhou Yun had appeared.

There are only a handful of people who can cause this level of screaming and boiling on the red carpet.

She glanced back, just in time to see the scene where Song Chi and Zhou Yun were kissing on the red carpet.

Ning Xin'er had mixed feelings in her heart.

A feeling similar to jealousy rose in her heart.

Why is my luck not as good as Zhou Yun's?
There are so many actors in "The Inaction", but she didn't get nominated. Although no one said it, she knew that it was actually very embarrassing.

If "The Inaction" doesn't have so many actors nominated, then it's fine if she didn't.

But she was the only one who became a "relict pearl".

(End of this chapter)

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