To be honest, Ning Xiner's acting skills are really not outstanding.

She belongs to the kind of actor who has good luck and good luck in acting. Although her own ability is not strong enough, all the plays she acted in became popular, and she was also popularized by the play.

The film industry recognizes her because she is also a film actor with serious roots and roots. She comes from a major and is an academic.

Although her "Da Daoyuan" is not as good as Yu Sitian's, her plays are more popular than Yu Sitian's previous performances.

Counting the cumulative box office, the box office under Ning Xiner's name is several billion, which is not comparable to Yu Sitian.

It's just that these can protect her in this industry, but they can't make her the top actress in this industry.

The top actresses, awards, box office, masterpieces, and fame are all indispensable.

Ning Xiner knew that her abilities were limited, but she was not very diligent.

Her luck is really good. Since her debut, she has gone smoothly, not relying on the financial backer and background, but relying on luck. She went smoothly, and it is often easy to underestimate some things, such as hard work.

But such a person is not clueless. In front of truly powerful people, she still understands her own shortcomings and limitations.

For example, she understands very well that she cannot be compared with Zhou Yun.In front of Zhou Yun, no matter how well she pretended, she still felt that she was shorter than Zhou Yun.

People have self-esteem, and because of it, they cannot really deceive themselves.

Ning Xin'er also wanted to attribute Zhou Yun's success to her luck, but as an actress, she also knew that even if Zhou Yun's luck were transferred to her, she would not be able to make it to where Zhou Yun is today.

The difference between actors and actors seems to be one step or two steps away, but it is actually a natural barrier.

And Ning Xiner also knows that all those who attribute other people's success to luck and talent are those who have never really tried their best.

That's what she is.

Ning Xiner has self-knowledge.

When filming "The Inaction", she was the most delicate of all the actors.

Can't shoot night scenes, can't work continuously, of course, she has very good reasons, for example, she feels that working barely will only reveal a bad state.

The crew accommodated her.

However, whether it is Song Chi or Zhang Hongyu, they are all big names with more seniority and status than her, but they have never made such a request in the crew.

What can't be filmed at night, can't contact work, can't do this, can't do that.

They really rarely make such requests.

Good actors always cooperate with the crew, as long as the requirements of the crew are reasonable, it is good for the show.

Ning Xiner is not the kind of unprofessional actor, nor is she the kind of actor who doesn't work hard, but she is like the kind of student who has good grades in class but is not particularly good. She listens carefully in class and does her homework normally , but she won't push herself any more for better grades, because she thinks it's okay now.

If it wasn't for the fact that everyone else was nominated for acting awards, she would have thought it would be fine.

"The Inaction" has such a good box office record and a good reputation, and she has also received a lot of attention and discussion, which is already very good for her.

Preferences are also comparable.


Zhou Yun and Song Chi walked into the awards ceremony.

"The two of you are really a godly couple." Yao Yuanfeng said loudly from a long distance away.

He walked over enthusiastically, as if there was no conflict with Zhou Yun about the box office share at all.

Song Chi smiled and nodded, "Boss Yao."

Yao Yuanfeng patted Song Chi on the shoulder and said, "I heard that your company is a little short of funds recently? How about it? Do you want me to help?"

Song Chi said: "Thank you, Mr. Yao, you can still boil rice, so I don't need to trouble you for now."

"If you need my help, just say it, you and Xiaoyun both know, I always have no conditions for you." Yao Yuanfeng opened his mouth and came.

Zhou Yun is already used to Yao Yuanfeng's style.

She smiled and said, "Boss Yao, are there really no conditions?"

When Yao Yuanfeng was asked by her, he immediately laughed and said, "Did you guys discuss this on a special basis today? You are dressed like a couple, which brand is this a couple suit?"

Song Chi is wearing a black formal suit today, and Zhou Yun happens to be wearing a black skirt as well, and the style matches well.

At this time, Zhou Lan came over, greeted Yao Yuanfeng, and reminded Zhou Yun: "We are going to change clothes."

After Zhou Yun finished walking the red carpet, he still needed to change into a dress.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to leave with Zhou Lan first.

Zhou Lan borrowed a room from the organizer in advance to make it easier for Zhou Yun to change clothes.

Liu Yun waited in the room with people and clothes.

Zhou Yun changed into VX's dress and returned to the arena.

The venue was really lively, everyone was eagerly communicating and taking photos.

Zhou Yun used to think that this kind of occasion was too fake. Everyone talked so enthusiastically. In fact, after tonight, everyone would not contact each other again.

Now Zhou Yun has a different feeling.

She didn't know most of the people here before, and she used her own experience as a preconceived substitute. It is true that many people will never contact them again.

But now Zhou Yun has known most of the people here, and they have been in contact with each other. Usually, everyone is very busy, and each has their own itinerary and arrangements. Usually, they meet occasionally, in a hurry, like the small gathering last night. It can only be done on a small scale.

Moreover, many people, although they know each other, are actually not suitable to be invited to the private gatherings organized by themselves.

This kind of awards ceremony is one of the very few opportunities where Zhou Yun can meet so many people at once.

It is also an occasion where Zhou Yun can get to know so many people that he has known through works for a long time, but has not yet met in reality.

Zhou Yun is actually very happy to participate in this kind of activities now, as long as there is no conflict with his work.I didn't like to participate in the past because I felt cramped due to my low status, but now I can adjust my mentality and communicate with others openly.

"Xiao Yun, have you lost weight again?" Yin Lin asked immediately when she saw her, "Is it because you were too tired from filming the action scenes of "The Female Killer"? However, although you lost weight, you are more energetic. "

Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Sister Lin looks a little thinner."

"I have no choice." Yin Lin said, "The role I will play in the future is a seriously ill patient who requires me to be very thin. In order to lose weight, I now quit carbohydrates every day. It is very difficult."

When Zhou Yun heard that Yin Lin had to sacrifice for the role, he immediately admired it.

"By the way, have you heard about that Xu Siyao in your company." Yin Lin suddenly mentioned Xu Siyao, which made Zhou Yun stunned.

"What did you hear?" Zhou Yun said, "My manager and assistant know that I don't like her, and usually she won't tell me about her, because she doesn't want to make me unhappy."

Yin Lin said: "I heard that she slept with Yu Huaijiang."

Yin Lin's eyes were twinkling with gossip, "I thought you heard about it."

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"I never heard that she, she is in a relationship with Yu Huaijiang?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yin Lin shook her head and said, "No, I heard no, I heard that she just wanted to be in Yu Huaijiang's movie."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun gasped, "She wouldn't do that, would she?"

First, Yu Huaijiang is a very famous and well-resourced film producer in the industry, but he has always cared about and protected his reputation. Zhou Yun has never heard of any gossip about him.

Second, Xu Siyao is not the kind of newcomer who lacks opportunities, nor is she an actress who has no bright future. She is now a popular actress who is close to the front line. Not long ago, the hit drama "Linjiang Fairy" ended, When she was popular, from a common sense point of view, she didn't need to sacrifice herself so much in exchange for resources.

Yin Lin was mysterious at this time, lowered her voice, and said, "I heard that Yu Huaijiang was raped by Xu Siyao."

This time, Zhou Yun's eyes widened even wider.

"What's the situation? Is it true? Why does it sound so mysterious to me?" Zhou Yun couldn't imagine how Yu Huaijiang was raped by Xu Siyao.

Yin Lin said: "I don't know exactly what happened, probably after Xu Siyao got Yu Huaijiang drunk, he took him back to his room."

Zhou Yun was amazed at the news.

"Who did the news come from?"

"It's also a coincidence. Someone saw Xu Siyao taking Yu Huaijiang back to her room the night before, and someone saw Yu Huaijiang coming out of Xu Siyao's room the next morning." Yin Lin said, "After the news came out, everyone thought that Yu Huaijiang and Xu Siyao are what you want, but I don’t know where the news came from, saying that Yu Huaijiang lost his temper in his office, fired his secretary and assistant, and replaced a group of new people.”

Zhou Yun: "Uh, Sister Lin, to be honest, after hearing this news, why do I feel it's a bit outrageous?"

"Who knows." Yin Lin smiled, "I just listen to it like a melon and have fun."

"That's true."

"Anyway, I've heard a lot about Xu Siyao. With that girl's temperament, I wouldn't be surprised if she did such a thing."

Zhou Yun thought about it, and felt that Yin Lin was right.

With Xu Siyao's style of never giving up until she achieves her goal, if she really wants to deal with Yu Huaijiang, doing so is indeed something she might do.

Zhou Yun was only shocked and stunned.

As a result, Zhou Yun met several people later, asking her if she knew anything about Xu Siyao.

Only then did Zhou Yun realize how much news he had missed because he was filming abroad.

A lot of news can only be exchanged if it is said in person.

Such as this kind of gossip.

After Zhou Yun and Song Chi met again, they immediately asked him, "Do you know anything about Xu Siyao?"

Song Chi: "Are you asking about her and Yu Huaijiang?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

Song Chi said: "I heard that, but there are many elements of exaggeration in this incident. At least I know that Xu Siyao has nothing to do with Yu Huaijiang's anger and the expulsion of his secretary assistant."

"I said so." Zhou Yun nodded, "This matter really sounds too unbelievable."

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "But a lot of people are talking about it, maybe it's not groundless."

Zhou Yun: "I don't know if it's true or not, but what Sister Yin Lin said is true to me. Even if it's true, it's not surprising. Xu Siyao can do such a thing."

Song Chi: "She came to see me before."

"Huh?" When Zhou Yun heard Song Chi's words, alarm bells rang in his heart, "What is she looking for you for?"

Song Chi said: "She took a fancy to an IP bought by our company and wanted to act."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then how do you think about it?"

Song Chi: "From a commercial point of view, an actor of her level has offered to discuss cooperation with us, and we seem to have no reason to refuse."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Yes, the drama she is starring in now should be rushed to buy by all major platforms."

Song Chi nodded: "Yes, she said that she can bring funds to join the group, and she doesn't have to worry about selling it. Several platforms are staring at her new play, waiting to buy it."

Zhou Yun said: "Then quickly sign a contract with her."

Song Chi: "I rejected her."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise, "Why?"

Zhou Yun had an uneasy guess in his heart, could it be because of her?

Song Chi said: "She failed the risk assessment and background check of our company."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"You also know that now a drama is suppressed indefinitely and cannot be broadcast because of a problem with a certain actor. Xu Siyao's risk is too great. Many of her personal problems have not been exposed now, but they will explode in the future." If it comes out, the investment in a movie will be in vain." Song Chi said, "So, in the end we rejected it."

Zhou Yun asked, "Does she have so many questions of principle?"

Song Chi said: "For example, the matter with Yu Huaijiang this time, if it is true once it is hammered, then she is the mistress who cheated on a married man."

Although Song Chi said so, Zhou Yun felt that this matter might still have something to do with her.

No matter how risky Xu Siyao is, she is very popular now, and no production company will reject her. After all, these news are all nonsense and just rumors.

Song Chi: "Some big companies may be willing to take this risk for the sake of profit, but my company has not been established for a long time, and I can't stand it. The loss of a movie will hurt my vitality. I would rather earn less Money, play it safe."

Zhou Yun: "After I finished filming "The Female Killer", I have no other filming plans before the end of this year. If you have a suitable project, you can ask me to shoot it."

Song Chi said, "Then I'd rather you take this time to rest a little longer."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm free even if I'm idle, I don't need to shoot such strenuous scenes. For scenes with the theme of "Under Dress", I filmed it very easily, and finished the film happily."

"It's a pity that there is no suitable script now." Song Chi said, "Also, I always feel that it would be a waste of your acting skills to ask you to act with a simple script."

Zhou Yun: "How can there be such a saying? It's impossible for me to keep filming scenes of great bitterness and deep hatred."

Song Chi smiled: "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about my company, I have a plan, and everything is progressing smoothly."

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