It was precisely because Zhou Yun knew what he was worth now, and knew that if he helped Song Chi's company act in a play, it would be very profitable for Song Chi's company, so he offered to help Song Chi.

But Song Chi also didn't want to consume Zhou Yun precisely because he knew this.

If there is a day of cooperation, Song Chi hopes to have a team and project that are fully worthy of Zhou Yun.

If Zhou Yun wasn't his girlfriend, he wouldn't think about these things.But Zhou Yun is his girlfriend, so he has to consider these.

These things are not about face, they are the truths that he has been deeply aware of after staying in this circle for so long.

The better the relationship, the more clearly the separation of interests should be made, and they should not be mixed together or confused.

Song Chi's company is now developing very smoothly, but because the project start-up time has not been fixed, resulting in a bit of financial pressure.

At this Aoki Awards ceremony, Song Chi was also very busy.

There were simply too many people he had to greet.

In the end, Zhou Yun and Song Chi acted separately.

The main reason was that Zhou Yun also had a lot of people he wanted to greet, and this group of people did not exactly coincide with the crowd Song Chi wanted to say hello to.

Furthermore, two people appearing together have a strong symbolic characteristic of a "couple", which is not the impression they want to give people.

Many artists fall in love, why don't they make it public until a very fixed time?

Of course, there are various reasons behind this, such as not wanting to make fans sad, not wanting to see the light and die, etc., but aside from these, for Zhou Yun and Song Chi, the biggest label they don’t want to be on their bodies is Zhou Yun Yun/Song Chi's boyfriend/girlfriend is also their main consideration.

As an actor, I am most afraid of putting a very fixed label on my body, especially if this label is related to my private life.

This is not a matter of privacy anymore, it is a tendency to reduce the sense of substitution in the eyes of the audience as an actor.

If Zhou Yun and Song Chi's couple labels are too clear, can they still win the audience's trust and substitution if they act as couples with others?

Opponent actors who have partnered once will consciously avoid a second partner in a short period of time, so as not to form a certain impression in the hearts of the audience, let alone a couple.

Of course, basically no matter who Zhou Yun met today, he would gossip about Xu Siyao and Yu Huaijiang. Everyone was chatting, no matter who they were.

Xu Siyao didn't show up at the Aoki Awards ceremony today, but Yu Huaijiang came.

Yu Huaijiang is also as famous as Yao Yuanfeng in the industry.

As a film producer, the biggest difference between Yu Huaijiang and Yao Yuanfeng is that the industry knows that he loves independent films and supports independent film directors.

In China, it is difficult to make independent films, especially low-cost independent films.But in the independent film industry, many creators also know one thing, if you are particularly talented and confident in yourself, you can go to Boss Yu.As long as the script you wrote is taken by Boss Yu, Boss Yu will be willing to contribute money and efforts to help you make the movie.

Therefore, to a certain extent, although Yao Yuanfeng's company is larger and the movie box office is higher, everyone in the industry respects Yu Huaijiang more.

Because Yu Huaijiang is doing things that many people can't do.

Moreover, Yu Huaijiang is doing something that is very meaningful to this industry.

When Zhou Yun saw Yu Huaijiang, Yu Huaijiang was surrounded by several other actors, they were standing together, chatting enthusiastically.

Yu Huaijiang's eyes met Zhou Yun's.

Zhou Yun nodded to him with a smile across the crowd.

Yu Huaijiang didn't know what to say to the people around him, and then walked over.

He wore a suit and had a refined air about him.

"Xiaoyun, long time no see."

Zhou Yun and Yu Huaijiang had met on other occasions before.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Boss Yu, why are you so handsome today?"

In fact, Yu Huaijiang is already an elderly middle-aged man, but he knows how to take care of his appearance and takes good care of his appearance. He really looks like he is in his early thirties. Make a big difference.

Yu Huaijiang nodded to Zhou Yun, and said, "It's not in vain that I cleaned up before going out today."

Many people actually don't know that Yu Huaijiang is from Shanghai, and he has the kind of refinement that old Shanghai men are used to.He took care of himself in every way and had a genuine love of the arts, especially the art of cinema.Over the years, he has discovered and trained more than a dozen directors, all of whom are still active in this industry today.

There are more actors.

Yu Huaijiang is a well-known bole in the industry, and he is also well-known for his love of helping others.

Newcomers, outdated actors, entertainers attacked by the enemy, and so on.

If you can knock on Yu Huaijiang's door, you will get a very important opportunity in your life.

So, if Xu Siyao really did that kind of thing, Zhou Yun wouldn't be surprised at all.

Xu Siyao is a person who can play professionally, can act, and is popular. Now he is waiting for a step forward, and this step is the award, which is recognized by the industry.

Zhou Yun thought he knew Xu Siyao well.

If Xu Siyao wants to win the award, as long as she can get Yu Huaijiang, act in Yu Huaijiang's movie, and show her original acting skills, it is not impossible to win the best actress.

The biggest difference between her and Ning Xin'er and others is that Xu Siyao can act.

Looking at Yu Huaijiang, Zhou Yun's mind was all about Xu Siyao.

Speaking of which, she found that she still couldn't really ignore Xu Siyao.

Xu Siyao is a big threat.

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing at herself, she thought she took many things aside and didn't take them seriously, but she was just thinking herself.

"Boss Yu, I heard about the scandal between you and an actress today, can I ask if it's true or not?" Zhou Yun blinked at Yu Huaijiang and asked.

Yu Huaijiang's face remained unchanged, he smiled lightly and said, "You mean the scandal between me and Xu Siyao, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I heard the news, it's really unbelievable, but everyone is talking, and I'm curious too."

Yu Huaijiang said: "Xu Siyao did invite me to dinner, but it wasn't her who came into my room that night."

In a word, Zhou Yun understood the general truth of the story.

Therefore, it is true that someone got Yu Huaijiang drunk and groped into his room, but the protagonist of the story was mistaken.

Zhou Yun was surprised.


"Don't think too much about it, it's not the same thing as what was rumored outside." When Yu Huaijiang talked about this, his face was a little dark, and it was normal to say that any normal man would probably not be happy to be spread such news.

Zhou Yun asked with a smile: "What's going on?"

Yu Huaijiang said: "It was my ex-wife who broke into my room."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun was taken aback, his eyes widened in surprise.

Yu Huaijiang said: "Oh, I don't talk about specific things, let everyone see such a big joke."

Zhou Yun quickly comforted: "No, Boss Yu, don't say that, everyone didn't read your joke, you are someone we all respect."

Yu Huaijiang waved his hands, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, Xiaoyun, when will the movie you filmed in Australia be finished? Will it be in China in July this year?"

Zhou Yun said: "At that time, the filming should have been finished. If there were no accidents, what happened?"

"I have a movie here, and I would like to ask you to make a cameo for me. I wonder if you have the time." Yu Huaijiang said, "A very talented young man showed me a script and asked me to invest in the production. I like it very much. There is a character in it. There are not many scenes, but it is very brilliant. I want to ask for your help. Firstly, I think this role is suitable for you. Please do me a favor and brighten up this movie."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard this, and said, "No problem, Boss Yu, I'll tell Sister Lan later, but can you send me the script first to have a look? How long will it take?"

Zhou Yun agreed so readily, which surprised Yu Huaijiang a little.

He said: "It will take about a week to shoot. I will send the script to you when I get back. Why did you promise so readily?"

Yu Huaijiang was a little surprised.

Although I've heard of it a long time ago, Zhou Yun really doesn't have any celebrity profile.

Zhou Yun said: "I have seen many movies you made, and I believe in you."

What could make a veteran producer more proud and happy than hearing that.

A superstar like Zhou Yun readily agreed to help out in a cameo movie. Yu Huaijiang has been in this industry for so many years, and he has only received such treatment from true friends.

Even if he is a respected boss.

Zhou Yun agreed so readily, on the one hand, because of Yu Huaijiang's own identity and status, and on the other hand, because the other party came to ask her to be a guest star in a movie, and the cost was not that high.

Moreover, it is still a literary film, and it is obviously not aimed at making money.

Zhou Yun is happy to help.

She and Yu Huaijiang finally hugged and took a group photo.

After the large-scale social event ended, the awards ceremony was finally about to officially begin.

Song Chi sat on Zhou Yun's left, and You Jiang sat on his right.

People in the same nomination unit compete with each other, but at this time, at least everyone will not be so tense in face.

What's more, neither Song Chi nor You Jiang are the big favorites tonight.

The most embarrassing place was actually Ning Xiner. She was sitting next to Zhang Hongyu. She was obviously the heroine of the movie "The Inaction", but Zhang Hongyu was nominated for the best actress. She couldn't help but think, if the audience Seeing the scene of her and Zhang Hongyu in the same frame in the camera, how ironic it should be.

But tonight, not many people paid attention to Ning Xiner. To be honest, it was too late for everyone to pay attention to these nominated actors. Who would have extra thoughts to pay attention to Ning Xiner? Popular big star.

When the award ceremony entered the process, the whole atmosphere changed.

Even though the host frequently made everyone laugh on stage, the nervousness about whether he won the award could not be diluted by anything.

Even though Zhou Yun only won the award last year, even if everyone said that Zhou Yun has little hope of winning the award this year, before the final result came out, Zhou Yun still couldn't really let go of his hope.

She's still hungry for an award.

Not to mention the nominees who never won an award.

Even Yin Lin, an actress who has reached the peak of her career with "Bad Woman" and is proficient in acting, after winning the Lingjun Award for Best Actress, also has aspirations for the Aoki Award.

Awards are given out one by one.

Sitting in the audience, Zhou Yun was very moved when he saw every winner come to the stage to accept the award and give their acceptance speeches, and two of them even shed tears on the stage.

There may be very few people who are truly calm and breezy.

When Zhou Yun came to the stage to present the best actor award, she actually had some expectations in her heart. She hoped that Song Chi or Mr. You Jiang would win the award.

Of course, the former is more desirable.

After Zhou Yun and Song Chi were together, Song Chi hadn't won an award yet.

His prime came too early.

Some extreme fans of Song Chi made comments similar to Zhou Yun's delaying Song Chi's career. Of course, no one took it seriously, but when Zhou Yun saw it, she didn't say anything, but kept it in her heart.

She didn't want to delay Song Chi's career.

Even if everyone in the industry knows the reason why Song Chi has not won the award in recent years, Zhou Yun still hopes that Song Chi can win another award as soon as possible, and tell those who think that Song Chi is still there because Song Chi has not won the award these years. A person who went downhill, Song Chi never delayed his career.

In the past few years, Song Chi has been earnestly filming. In just two or three years, he has released such well-received and well-received works as "Questioning the Heart" and "Inaction". No matter who he compares with, he will not be compared. .

Zhou Yun stepped onto the podium and received applause from many people.

She said thank you first, and then began to say the award speech.

When she was about to open the envelope, even her heart beat faster.

She took out the card with the winner's information out of the envelope, glanced at the name on it, and suddenly called out excitedly.


All eyes were on her.

Her cry of surprise brought a thought to many people's minds: Could it be Song Chi who won the award?

Strictly speaking, Song Chi's performance in "The Inaction" is not good enough to surpass Liang Yuanpu and You Jiang, but his performance is indeed wonderful, and it is justified whether he won the award or not.

This year's luck is Song Chi's turn?

Zhou Yun showed a somewhat excited smile to everyone in the audience, and said, "The best actor for this year's Aoki Awards is——"

"You Jiang!"

The audience froze for a moment, and then burst into loud applause and cheers.

Even You Jiang himself didn't think of it, he was stunned for a moment, then stood up in surprise, and hugged Zhang Hongyu next to him immediately.

They are old acquaintances, old friends.

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