I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 688 One Ends, Another Begins

After hearing Zhou Yun's surprised "ah", You Jiang really thought that he had no chance this time.

You Jiang didn't expect that Zhou Yun's surprise "ah" was actually for him.

You Jiang has been engaged in the profession of actor for several decades.

He is an actor who can act, everyone says so.

It's just that he has almost no chance to play the leading role. Since his debut, he has basically played supporting roles.

If it wasn't for "Words of Fallen Leaves", he would never have had the chance to play the leading role of "Behind the Scenes".

Because of this movie, You Jiang's career as an actor has undergone a turning point, starting from a golden supporting role that can only be known in the industry, to a front-line that is well-known by the public.

And because of this movie, he seized the opportunity to compete in the Olympics in the United States, went to the United States, and opened up his own international route-he has not made an official announcement about one thing, he has already talked to Zhou Yun's agent Zhou After that, their studio will help him connect with overseas work. This is also the opportunity he got because of "Behind the Scenes".

And today, because of this movie, he won the first Best Actor trophy in his life, and it was also a very important Aoki Award for Best Actor trophy.

You Jiang stepped onto the podium, holding the trophy, feeling mixed feelings at this moment.

His eye sockets were a little red.

"Thank you, thank you judges."

Holding the trophy in his hand, he looked at everyone and said, "It took me nearly [-] years to finally get here, on the podium of the Aoki Award. It's really not easy."

There was applause from the audience.

Zhou Yun stood beside him and applauded him too.

You Jiang said: "This movie was filmed suddenly, and I, the leading actor, also did it suddenly. Thank you to our producer Shi Luoqi. It is you who let me join this talented crew. Thank you to our director Xue Qin. You used you Unparalleled talent, brought us together to create this furious, passionate and uncompromising film, thank you Zhou Yun, thank you Lili, thank you Xiaojing, and thank you to all the actors of "Words of Fallen Leaves", as you all know, We are actually the same crew. Without your support, I would not have been able to create such a character. This is a creative experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. The time I created with you is also a time that I will cherish for the rest of my life. ,thanks!"

He bowed to everyone.

The audience erupted and applauded.

Zhou Yun stepped down with You Jiang.

You Jiang said to Zhou Yun: "I thought you were celebrating Song Chi's award just now, but I really didn't expect it."

Zhou Yun said: "What's wrong? I can't be surprised that you won the award?"

The smile on You Jiang's face did not let go.

"Isn't your boyfriend here?"

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Then I have to admit, if Song Chi won the award, I would also scream with excitement."

After Zhou Yun stepped down, he separated from You Jiang.

You Jiang was going to the press room behind for an interview, while Zhou Yun returned to the auditorium, waiting for the result of the Best Actress award.

The award presenter for Best Actress is Liang Yuanpu.

Zhou Yun sat down, Song Chi held her hand and said with a smile, "Now it's your turn to be nervous."

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "Are you disappointed that you didn't win the prize?"

Song Chi shook his head and said, "Fortunately, I have already made mental preparations."

Zhou Yun said: "It seems that neither of us will win the prize today."

Song Chi: "Not necessarily, you can."

Zhou Yun was about to speak when Liang Yuanpu had already stepped onto the stage.

Just as Zhou Yun himself expected, the Aoki Award did not award Best Actress to her, but to Cheng Qin.

This year's Best Actor and Best Actress were given to veteran actors who have been in the industry for many years.

Like You Jiang, Chengqin is an actor who has been silent for many years until he came to the public because of this "Song of the Vagabond".

Cheng Qin broke down in tears on the stage, feeling extremely emotional.

Zhou Yun listened to her talk about her persistence in acting and her original aspirations, her eyes were red and she kept applauding.

After Chengqin stepped down, Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other and smiled.

Neither of them won the prize today.

Somewhat disappointed.

However, Zhou Yun and Song Chi had won the Aoki Award anyway, so it's not that big of a pity.

The last two awards, the best director award and the best film award, went to Song Shuheng's "Twilight" and "Song of the Wandering" respectively.

"Song of the Vagabond" won the best picture award beyond everyone's expectations, mainly because this movie is too literary and niche, and many people don't know this movie.

Perhaps the judges of the Aoki Awards also want to let more people know about this movie through this award.

The Aoki Award Ceremony ends.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi went to the next party together.

They were just going to show up and go.

Song Chi will return to the production team of "Jianyuntai" tomorrow, and Zhou Yun will fly to Australia tomorrow night, and he will also go back to filming.

But before Zhou Yun went back, there was one more thing. She made an appointment with Li Rui, the author of "Above the Crowd", to chat with him.

Can't go back too late today.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju will also attend this party.

After meeting up, we set off to the hotel where the party was held.

In the car, Zheng Xiaoju told Zhou Yun about the online fans' comments.

"You didn't win the award. Many fans were very angry. Many people said that your performance was the best among the nominees."

Zhou Yun shook his head directly, and said: "Chengqin deserves the award. I watched "Song of the Vagabond". Gotta say."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "But many fans said on the Internet that the Aoki Award was deliberately not given to you because you won the award last year."

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"Please ask the people on the Internet publicity side to guide the public opinion. Don't let the public opinion of this kind of content continue to ferment, it is not appropriate." Zhou Yun said.

"Okay, then I'll make a phone call." Zheng Xiaoju said to make a call and made a call.

But because of the awards ceremony tonight, the people in the online publicity team were already working overtime, so it was unlikely that they would be called to work suddenly in the middle of the night.

Zhou Yun himself admired Ben Qin very much.

Chengqin is an excellent actress. After she got the opportunity of "Song of the Vagabond", she immediately soared into the sky.

In the entertainment industry, many people are like Ben Qin and You Jiang, who just lack an opportunity.They hone their craft in small roles, waiting for a role to shine.

Zhou Yun didn't want his fans to affect this honor that belonged to Chengqin.

Besides, she has received enough favors, if she even complains about her bad luck, or complains that the judges did not give her the award, then she is really too greedy.

Her winning luck couldn't have been better.

When he arrived at the party, Zhou Yun wanted to get to know Ben Qin immediately.

She was afraid that Ben Qin had already seen those bad voices on the Internet, and she hoped that she could use her attitude to let Ben Qin know her true respect and love for her.

Chengqin has not yet arrived at the venue.

Instead, Yao Yuanfeng came over with a big smile and said, "Xiaoyun won't cry tonight, will he?"

Zhou Yun's head was full of black lines, and he asked: "Mr. Yao is not just coaxing his daughter like this, is he?"

so childish.

Yao Yuanfeng was not angry at all when he heard this, but laughed out loud.

He said, "It seems to be all right, so I don't need to comfort you."

Zhou Yun: "Mr. Yao, shouldn't you arrange for Wen Bing? He didn't win an award today either."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "I have already called him, and he didn't pay attention to the results of tonight's awards at all."

"Is Mr. Yao disappointed? He didn't win the prize." Zhou Yun asked.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Disappointment, but disappointment is the norm in our industry. There are not so many successes."

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, she thought to herself, why did Yao Yuanfeng suddenly talk about such a philosophical topic with her?

Yao Yuanfeng changed the subject and said, "Xiaoyun, although you are definitely worth the dividend now, we also gave you a dividend in the movie "The Female Killer", but the movie "One Mountain Two Tigers" was built around Liang Yuanpu. Yes, we can't pay dividends to you and him at the same time, which will increase the risk of this movie, and it will not pass the review of investors."

It turns out that Yao Yuanfeng's words will fall here.

He was still talking about the remuneration for the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers".

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak.

Zhou Lan popped out of nowhere in time.

"Mr. Yao, you can't play emotional cards with my actors while I'm away." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "We, Xiaoyun, are just guest stars in the first part of "One Mountain Two Tigers". We haven't negotiated a penny, but in the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers", we Xiaoyun can't still be a cameo, right? If Xindun intends to ask Xiaoyun to be the heroine, then the heroine should have a heroine deserved treatment, rather than conceding the interests that one deserves for the sake of the leading actor.”

Seeing Zhou Lan, Yao Yuanfeng's face turned green.

During this period of time, Yao Yuanfeng met Zhou Lan several times, and each time they broke up unhappy.

If it wasn't for Zhou Lan's reluctance, and Yao Yuanfeng's repeated setbacks, he wouldn't want to play the emotional card with Zhou Yun today.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "But——"

"Mr. Yao, I can also understand that it is not good to give two actors 5% of the box office dividends at the same time. This is indeed a lot of pressure for you, but, as I said, the overseas box office dividends of this movie must not be ignored." Give it to Xiaoyun? Do you rely on Liang Yuanpu to sell the film internationally?" Zhou Lan said, ""One Mountain Two Tigers" sold well abroad, right?"

Yao Yuanfeng took a deep breath.

He smiled after all instead of losing his temper on the spot.

"Let's talk about this matter later, Xiao Yun, did your filming of "The Female Killer" go well?" He asked, "I heard that you and Zeng Ying had some conflicts on set?"

"Fortunately, it's not a big conflict, but there are some differences in the way we handle things, and now we have almost coordinated." Zhou Yun said, "Filming abroad is a lot of inconvenience. She has to support a big booth like ours by herself. The trick was filmed smoothly, and she was under a lot of pressure, I can understand her."

"I just said that whoever cooperates with an actor like you will make money." Yao Yuanfeng boasted.

Zhou Yun said: "Whoever cooperates with a boss like Mr. Yao will also earn money. Although we now have differences on the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers" pay, I can still say that no matter what, we It is still very pleasant to cooperate in other plays.”

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Of course, when working on a project, there are always various conflicts. We actively resolve conflicts, and there will always be a time when we reach an agreement."

"I trust President Yao." Zhou Yun said.

At this time, Song Chi came over.

"Boss Yao." He held Zhou Yun's hand while greeting him.

"Oh, the two of you stand together, it's eye-catching to look at, you are both talented and beautiful." Yao Yuanfeng praised, "The two of you are definitely the most eye-catching."

Song Chi asked, "President Yao didn't bring Mrs. Yao with him today?"

"Her? She is shopping with her friends in Paris now." Yao Yuanfeng smiled, "You think everyone is like you. Such a good fortune to have a girlfriend like Xiaoyun?"

Song Chi: "Madam Yao's love for Mr. Yao is absolutely no less than Xiao Yun's love for me."

While exchanging pleasantries, there was a commotion at the door.

It turned out that You Jiang and Cheng Qin came together.

A lot of people are filming them.

Zhou Yun and the others also turned around and looked over.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "The style of this year's Aoki Awards is entirely to honor the elderly."

"Does Mr. Yao have any suitable projects for them to film?" Song Chi asked.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "There won't be so many suitable projects in a while, but I think there will always be companies."

Although Xindun has started to get involved in literary films and award-winning films in the past two years, the number is not many.

Taking Wenbing as an example, Xindun just wants to transform from producing purely commercial films, but it is not the kind of complete literary films. When they invest in the production of non-mainstream blockbusters like "One Mountain Two Tigers", there is also a very important And the core appeal, that is to make money.It's just that they are willing to give more space to the directors they fancy, so that they can integrate their own personal style into the movie, and make the movie out of their own style. A movie without style.

It is basically impossible for New Shield to make a movie like "Song of the Vagabond".

As for a movie like "Behind the Scenes", Xindun may not be able to give it the green light so quickly. Of course, if it is also starring Zhou Yun, that is another matter.

You Jiang and Chengqin won the award. Although it is said that they have become the best actor and actress, Yao Yuanfeng will never give them a movie like "Behind the Scenes" or "Song of the Vagabond".

But New Shield's blockbuster will not give them the protagonist.

The protagonist is still a big star who has to carry the box office.

The most likely way of cooperation between Xindun and them is to find some important supporting roles in the next project they will run, and invite You Jiang or Chengqin to play the role.

It's like Yongmei in "Antique Bureau Middle Game".

Zhou Yun asked: "Mr. Yao isn't going to say hello?"

Yao Yuanfeng smiled and said, "There are too many people looking for them now, so I'll go later."

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