A narcissistic personality is definitely not a likable personality.

Zhou Yun usually doesn't like to be narcissistic when he is alone.

Li Rui categorically praised his script as "so good", even if it was a fact, Zhou Yun was a little bit "confident" about it.

Creators are also closely related to and influence each other on the scripts they create.

Zhou Yun felt that he might have to speak more clearly.

"Li Rui, this is a good script, but finding an actor for a script depends on fate. It doesn't mean that a good script can make any actor exclude everything to act."

"If an actor can't put the script first, then what kind of actor is he?" Li Rui opened his mouth and came.

Zhou Yun put his hand on his forehead with some melancholy.

She has also worked with several young new directors, whether it is Wen Bing, who has a very prominent personality, or Xue Qin, who is very proud, each has its own difficulties, but they are not like this Li Rui. full of aggression.

In fact, Zhou Yun could also feel that Li Rui's aggressiveness was not targeted.

He may just be purely puzzled and say whatever comes to his mind, but it still makes people uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun began to think about one thing. If Li Rui is really allowed to be the director, will he be able to finish the filming smoothly?

Or is there another possibility that everyone can't cooperate with him at all?

Looking at Li Rui, Zhou Lan felt that it was necessary for him to come forward and beat this young man who "talked a lot".

She said: "For actors at the level of Zhang Hongyu and Song Chi, do you think they will lack a good script?"

Li Rui smiled sarcastically, and said, "If they don't lack good scripts, why are the films they've produced in recent years so boring?"

"..." Zhou Yun looked at the young director in front of him and suddenly felt a little disappointed.

She can accept that a person thinks highly of himself, but she cannot accept that a person shows his superiority by stepping on others.

Li Rui seems to look down on everyone, and he thinks he is inferior to himself in everything.

Is this trait really negligible?
Zhou Yun was thinking about this question again.

An actor, because of his professional characteristics, is doomed to keep cooperating with people of different personalities and all kinds of people.

Therefore, their acceptance of others is often a little higher, and they can't care too much about it.

However, Li Rui's performance made Zhou Yun fall into deep thought.

The meeting with Li Rui this time made Zhou Yun retreat in his heart.

She suddenly understood why those companies gave up on him one by one.

Yu Huaijiang did not accept such a talented young man like Li Rui.

On the way back, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were silent for a long time.

After about five minutes, Zhou Lan said, "I didn't expect this person to be so pretentious."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly, and said, "I'm the same as those bosses now, I just want to buy his scripts, but I don't want to have more cooperation with him."

Zhou Lan said, "He's too rebellious."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I don't know if I can control my mentality all the time."

If Zhou Yun really intends to invest, it is foreseeable that he will face many, many difficulties in the future, and there are still conflicts with Li Rui to be resolved.

"What do you think? Are you still planning to continue investing in this young man?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun showed a dumbfounding expression.

"I didn't think about it."

If she wanted to invest 90% of the time before going out today, but now only 30% is left, and this 30% is still because she is reluctant to part with the script.

"Is he still in contact with other film and television companies?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan: "As far as I know, there shouldn't be any. With his pretentious personality, even if he is still in contact with other film and television companies, it may be difficult to cooperate with him."


Zhou Yun is really in hesitation now.

At noon, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan had lunch together.

Zhou Lan said: "Actually, from my point of view, I would advise you to forget it. We don't need to take risks for such a person. Although the script is good, it has nothing to do with us. We have tried our best. If Li Rui cooperates better , if this person is not so extreme, you will definitely help."

Zhou Yun was a little displeased.

Maybe it's because she can't let go of her cherishment and love for a good script. She doesn't want to see a script like "Above the Crowd" end up in a box or drawer and never come out.

But Zhou Lan was also right.

Cooperation depends on the person. A collaborator like Li Rui is really unreliable.

Cooperating with an unreliable person will lead to endless troubles in the future.

Zhou Yun was in a dilemma.

But when she flew to Australia and returned to the "Female Killer" crew within three days, Zhou Lan told her that Li Rui had decided to sign with another company.

Zhou Yun was taken aback when he heard the news, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Which company agreed to his terms?"

Zhou Lan also had a very surprised tone.

"You won't believe me when I say it. I didn't even think of it, not at all." Zhou Lan fully expressed her shock and astonishment in words.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being more puzzled and curious.


"Haichi Film and Television, Chen Wenjun." Zhou Lan said, "It is said that Windsor is the matchmaker."

Zhou Yun lived up to Zhou Lan's expectations and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

After breaking up with Wen Bing, Windsor went to Haichi Film and Television, and even came to chat with her, and wanted to invite her to film a scene.

After Zhou Yun refused, Windsor rarely contacted her again.

Why did Windsor suddenly jump out again?

Zhou Lan said: "I heard the news from a friend. It is said that someone caught you meeting Li Rui. The news was released. After Windsor knew about it, she immediately contacted Li Rui. After learning about his situation, she Immediately went to matchmaking, and introduced him to Chen Wenjun, who did not expect this kid to vote for Chen Wenjun's temper, Chen Wenjun signed his script immediately, and promised to let him be the director, but the condition was that Chen Wenjun also asked for a In one breath, I signed Li Rui's next few film contracts."

Zhou Yun smiled lightly when he heard this, and said, "Chen Wenjun wants to create a 'Wen Bing' for his Haichi."

"As far as Li Rui's temper is concerned, let's see how long Chen Wenjun can bear him." Zhou Lan's words seemed to be optimistic.

Zhou Yun said: "Maybe Li Rui can show his talent with Chen Wenjun. Although I don't like him very much, since he can write a script like "Above the Crowd", I still hope that he can create more. It's a good script."

Zhou Lan could tell that Zhou Yun was actually a bit pity.

While she was still hesitating whether to continue to cooperate with Li Rui, Li Rui had already been given the upper hand by others.

"Xiaoyun, our original intention is to help talented creators who have not found funds. Now that Li Rui has found his own funds, found Bole, and someone is willing to support him, then we have nothing to regret , we’re not really film investors either, are we?”

Zhou Yun was comforted by Zhou Lan's words.

Indeed, no matter what, the most important thing is for a talented person like Li Rui to find his own Bole.

Now that he found it, it's just a pity that he didn't cooperate with her.

Not much, just a little bit.

Zhou Yun's job is still an actor after all, there is nothing more important than acting.

The shooting of "The Female Killer" was so difficult, Zhou Yun had to devote himself wholeheartedly to meet Wen Bing's requirements, and in many cases it was even just barely.

Wen Bing is completely demanding Zhou Yun's performance with the attitude of "Days".

Zhou Yun gave a wrong look, Wen Bing could make this shot ten times.

Only here with Wen Bing, Zhou Yun never knows which one of his is the best, which can satisfy Wen Bing.

Sometimes she feels that she has tried her best, but Wen Bing is still not satisfied.

Wen Bing didn't say anything else, didn't scold others, and didn't tell Zhou Yun what was wrong with her filming, just said that he didn't want it, and then continued to grind.

What surprised Zhou Yun the most was that once she really lost her temper in acting. Since she couldn't act right, she simply broke the can and made a bad performance. As a result, Wen Bing slapped her thigh and shouted excitedly: "Yes! , I just want this feeling!"

Zhou Yun and the rest of the crew were startled by him.

Wen Bing often behaves like this.

Because he is often immersed in his inner world and forgets the people around him.As a director, he often only reconnects with the world when his actors express the feeling he expects in his mind.

Zhou Yun really couldn't understand what was so good about her bad acting, until Wen Bing showed her the rough cut.

In the rough cut, her loving temperament and eyes are perfectly captured in the camera.

Zhou Yun looked at himself in the camera, and he felt that the woman in the camera exuded a very faint, but also very profound, world-weary temperament like a sharp knife.

This kind of temperament is like a blacksmith sitting under the eaves and blacksmithing in an ancient city under the drizzle casts a look at you. From his eyes, you can see a kind of seclusion and ashes-like indifference.

Zhou Yun immediately understood what Wen Bing wanted in this scene.

Misanthropy, negative misanthropy.

Some directors play with technology, and some directors play with stream-of-consciousness aesthetics.

Wen Bing is definitely the latter.

Zhou Yun is convinced of Wen Bing's aesthetics.

It was a very pleasant experience for Zhou Yun to film "The Female Killer" with Wen Bing.

Soon, Zou Kai's play was completed.

No matter what his private life is like, he is still a big guy, and when he was finished, the crew still helped him with a very serious ceremony.

For this rival actor, Zhou Yun's feelings are very complicated.

On the one hand, Zhou Yun really doesn't like Zou Kai's behavior and his promiscuous behavior.

But on the other hand, Zhou Yun has to admit that Zou Kai's acting skills are really good, and his professional ability is very good.

No matter how he looks in front of other people, but in front of Zhou Yun, Zou Kai's attitude has always been upright, and he has never shown any thoughts that he shouldn't have.

Zhou Yun knew that she shouldn't think so, but she couldn't deny that based on the feeling of working with Zou Kai this time, she wouldn't mind working with Zou Kai in another film.

Of course, the premise is that Jiang Jinghan doesn't join the group with him.

Zhou Yun also fell into self-contemplation: Should she still be a person who hates evil at this time?
In fact, she also understood why her ideas had changed.

Because she also didn't like Jiang Jinghan, between Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan, she lost the sympathy for one of them.

Probably because of this, she didn't dislike Zou Kai so deeply.

Regarding cheating and betrayal, Zhou Yun didn't know what was going on between Zou Kai and Jiang Jinghan.She was simply moved by Zou Kai's acting skills when she was filming with him.At the same time, she felt angry and annoyed again. If Zou Kai had been more careful in his private life, if he didn't like to tease girls so much, she wouldn't have to be so entangled.

After Zou Kai left the crew, Zhou Yun's role in Australia soon came to an end.

After filming the scene here, the whole crew will transfer to a small country in Africa.

This kind of action blockbuster is too embarrassed to promote itself as a blockbuster without shooting in multiple countries.

Zhou Yun's last remaining role in Australia is the fight scene with Liu Gang.

It took Zhou Yun and Liu Gang five days to finish filming the scene.

Both of them suffered a lot of flesh wounds.

"It's great to get to know you through this drama." Zhou Yun said to Liu Gang, "I hope we can cooperate in many dramas in the future."

Although Liu Gang is not famous, he is a very good actor.

Zhou Yun is not very skilled in action scenes, Liu Gang has been teaching her and giving her guidance.

He is not the martial arts director of the crew, which is not his job.

But he has been doing this all the time, and he is very patient, which makes Zhou Yun very moved and grateful.

After Liu Gang was also finished, Zhou Yun went to communicate with Zhou Lan about the possibility of signing Liu Gang to his studio.

Zhou Lan thought for a while and said, "Xiao Yun, if you want to sign Liu Gang to our studio, it's not impossible, but it may not be suitable for him to come to us. He is a star, but our job In fact, the studio rarely comes into contact with suitable projects for him, compared to signing with our studio, in fact, his signing with Qianqian Entertainment will be more conducive to his development."

Zhou Yun felt that what Zhou Lan said made sense.

"Then why don't you go talk to him? His action scenes are very good. I think that in time, with just one role, he will definitely be able to break out of his own world."

"I don't know if I can break out of my own world, but the market for this type of actor has never been big, and the salary can't be called up." Zhou Lan said, "If you are optimistic about him, then I will talk to him. Let’s chat, but if you want to push him, I suggest you not to interfere with his management affairs. The best way is to recommend him to some producers and directors in the industry. Everyone will still let your recommendation go. In my heart, if there is a suitable role, I may not think of him."

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