I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 691 1 male and 1 female

Chapter 691 A Man and a Woman

Zhou Yun actually didn't know why he suddenly wanted to sign Liu Gang into his studio.

Maybe because you want to help him?
Maybe it's the filming these days that gave her the respect of Liu Gang?
Maybe it's because of Zhou Yun's pure affection for Liu Gang?

After calming down, Zhou Yun also felt that Zhou Lan's reminder was right, so she gave up on this idea for now.

There are too many actors in the showbiz, and it is said that there are many good actors, but every time a project starts looking for actors, it is always difficult to find suitable and pleasing actors. This seems to be a paradox.

Speaking of it, Zhou Yun could understand it.

Many good actors, good refers to acting skills and character.

But most of the projects launched on the market now are projects with young people as the protagonists.

It is not uncommon for middle-aged and elderly actors to perform well, but it is rare for young actors to perform superbly.

Basically, all the film projects of young heroines will try to go to Zhou Yun's studio. Although many times, everyone knows that they can invite Zhou Yun for their small drama, but what if?
Everyone has this "what if" idea.

Good acting is not a passport either.

Being able to carry dramas and box office is the real passport.

You say this guy is terrible at acting, deadpan, acting like a robot?

Sorry, this person can bring investment, advertising fathers, audiences, and, moreover, the heat of complaints.

As for the bad reputation?
I'm sorry, but there is no movie that makes money by word of mouth.

Sometimes when you think about it, it's a sad reality.

However, no matter what, people with pursuit are still pursuing quality.

Just like Song Chi would be willing to invest in the TV series "Being a Mother".

When Zhou Yun finished filming in Australia, Song Chi's filming was finally finished.

"Jianyuntai" was filmed a month overdue, and it was finally completed, and it was about to enter the long post-production.

Zhou Yun saw the finale episode of "Jianyuntai" released on the Internet, and saw Song Chi and everyone laughing together in relief in the video, and was also happy for him.

at last.

at last.

Zhou Yun was really afraid that the filming of "Jian Yuntai" would be postponed indefinitely.

On the way to Africa, Zhou Yun happened to be on the same flight as Zeng Ying.

She bought the flight by herself, and did not go with the crew.

Zhou Yun didn't expect to meet Zeng Ying either.

The more embarrassing thing was actually Zeng Ying, because Zeng Ying was accompanied by a man.

This man is tall and strong, with good facial features, wearing a suit and leather shoes, very elite style.

Seeing Zhou Yun, Zeng Ying shook her head, but she didn't expect to meet her.

The simple eye contact made Zhou Yun understand that Zeng Ying probably didn't want to meet her at this time.

But now that it happened, Zhou Yun couldn't pretend he didn't see it.

"Miss Ying."

"Xiao Yun, what a coincidence, it turns out that you also bought this flight." Zeng Ying hesitated for a while, but finally introduced to Zhou Yun, "This is my fiancé, Chen Yiping."

"Hello, Mr. Chen." Zhou Yun nodded and smiled at the tall and strong man standing beside Zeng Ying. Because of the gender difference and it was not a formal social occasion, Zhou Yun didn't reach out his hand.

Chen Yiping showed a gentle smile.

His kind of smile is the kind of smile that is often encountered in the social field.

Zhou Yun was quite surprised, because generally speaking, when a normal man sees her, he can rarely maintain such a calm attitude at the very beginning.

Of course, this shows that Chen Yiping's concentration is very strong.

What surprised Zhou Yun even more was why Zeng Ying and her fiancé appeared at this airport at this time.

Could it be that Chen Yiping came here to see Zeng Ying?
If this is the case, why did Zeng Ying hide it so much?Although nothing was clearly stated, Zeng Ying's actions and reactions revealed this signal. She didn't want others to know that Chen Yiping was here, or did she not want others to see Chen Yiping?
No matter what Zeng Ying thought, since she realized that the other party had this intention, Zhou Yun did not continue to chat with them without knowing the interest, nodded, and took her team to the other side of the VIP lounge to rest.

Not long after, Zhou Yun received a message from Zeng Ying: Xiaoyun, you met Chen Yiping and me today, please keep it a secret for me?

Zhou Yun's suspicion just now was confirmed.

She didn't ask why, just said: "Okay."

Zeng Ying came back with a big thankful smile.

In fact, Zhou Yun could more or less guess why Zeng Ying didn't want the rest of the crew to see Chen Yiping.

Zeng Ying is a producer. Now is the time for her to work. When people see her staying with her fiancé, what will others think?

Judging from her usual style, Zeng Ying doesn't want this "unprofessional" impression to appear on her body.

After landing, Zeng Ying and Chen Yiping separated.

Zhou Yun and the others got into the car and went to the hotel.

She met Zeng Ying again at the hotel.

Zeng Ying was alone, when she saw Zhou Yun, she smiled, took off her sunglasses, and hesitated to speak.

Zhou Yun guessed that she might want to explain what happened just now.

She smiled, took the initiative to bring up the topic, and asked, "Is Mr. Chen here on a business trip? It happens to coincide with your itinerary?"

Zeng Ying nodded immediately and said, "Yes, I didn't let everyone know. I didn't expect such a coincidence. I met you. I even chose a flight time to avoid everyone."

Zhou Yun: "It's okay."

Zeng Ying said, "Well, the main reason is that I don't want everyone to misunderstand."

Zhou Yun: "Yes, one thing more is worse than one thing less."

She and Zeng Ying looked at each other and smiled.

Zeng Ying seemed to be really relieved now, thinking that Zhou Yun really understood her.

Zhou Yun said: "If Sister Ying marries him in the second half of the year, will the wedding be held together at the same time?"

Zeng Ying: "It's not sure yet. We are both busy. There are too many things to worry about when we have a wedding. We don't know if we will have time. But now we have found a company to help us with these. If we arrive If it’s time to do it, if you have time, please come and participate.”

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "I've also filmed some scenes. The only female producer I met before is Shi Luoqi. Besides her, you are the second."

Zeng Ying nodded: "So I am very grateful to Mr. Yao, he gave me a chance."

It sounded like it was sincere.

After checking in, Zhou Yun went to the room to rest.

Zhou Yun stood outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw that the outside was covered by golden sunlight, which was so bright that it was even a bit dazzling.

She didn't feel tired. When she first came here, she wanted to take a stroll outside, so she took Cao Jun, Zheng Xiaoju, Liu Yun and several other bodyguards and went for a stroll outside the hotel.

The temperature at this time was actually not as high as Zhou Yunlai had imagined before.

A group of them shuttled through the crowd, attracting a lot of attention.After all, a group of people like them looked like visitors from a foreign land, completely different from the people here, no matter their appearance or clothing, they looked out of place.

Zheng Xiaoju loves to go shopping.

She was interested in many exquisite handicrafts, and bought a lot of them carefully. When bargaining, it was like a chicken and a duck, and it was not clear how the negotiation was settled in the end.

Zhou Yun is not particularly interested in these things, he sees more and buys less.

Then, she saw Wen Bing and a blonde woman walking in front of her intimately.

Zhou Yun paused.

"Sister Xiaoyun, what's wrong?" Zheng Xiaoju still didn't know what happened.

Zhou Yun came to his senses, shook his head, and said, "It's nothing."

About Wen Bing, Zhou Yun subconsciously chose to keep it a secret for him.

However, who is that woman who appeared next to Wen Bing?
Zhou Yun had never seen that blonde beauty before.

The point is, is that beauty still so close to Wen Bing?
That's definitely not a normal relationship.

The radar in Zhou Yun's mind beeped beeping.

She took out her mobile phone and sent Wen Bing a message: Where are you?

It took Wen Bing a while to reply: Gambiwang, are you here?
Zhou Yun: Well, I was walking outside and saw you walking with a beautiful woman. Who is she?
Wen Bing: Lucia Banks, the actress who will play the female killer who chased you down.

Zhou Yun reacted.

It was her.

She said: I see something between you two, is it my illusion?

Wen Bing: Let’s talk later.

Zhou Yun saw Wen Bing's reply, heh, I got it.

Then it is not to talk about it later, it is the default.

Zhou Yun just thought it was incredible, when did Wen Bing come to Gambiwang?Not two days, right?Why are you hooked up with this Lucia Banks all of a sudden?This foreign actress hadn't appeared in Australia before, so she must have met at Gambiwan's side, and they saw each other in just a few days?

Of course, there is something to say, and it is not uncommon to fall in love at first sight.

It's just that this romantic incident happened to a friend around me, and the first reaction was whether my friend was cheated?

In this day and age, love at first sight seems to be less innocent.

Zhou Yun bought some coffee, went back to the hotel, cleaned up, and prepared to rest for a while.

But as soon as she lay down on the bed, the phone rang.

It's Wen Bing.

"Which room are you in? Have you returned to the hotel?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun: "I just lay down."

"Lie down, sit up." Wen Bing said excitedly, "Zhou Yun, I seem to have found love again."

Zhou Yun held up his mobile phone, a little dumbfounded.


Wen Bing said with the excitement of such an innocent boy that he seemed to have met love again, Zhou Yun was not surprised at all, only full of incredible.

How old are you, and you still engage in such heart-pounding romance?
Well, it is not surprising that this happened to Wen Bing.

Wen Bing is such a person.

Zhou Yun: "My friend, don't get too excited. How long have you known her?"

"Where are you? I'll tell you face to face." Wen Bing said excitedly.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to tell Wen Bing her room number.

After a while, Wen Bing knocked on the door with a beer.

Excitement seemed to overflow from his face.

"Lucia is so interesting, I have only known her for less than three days, but I feel as if I have known her for a long time." Wen Bing couldn't keep his mouth shut when he talked about his acquaintance with Lucia, "I am I met her in the hotel, I was eating in the restaurant, she also came, walked in from the crowd, wearing a red skirt, but her body seemed to be shining, I really looked up, just a glance, I was shot by Cupid's arrow."

Zhou Yun was rather disgusted.

"What are you doing with so many descriptions? Aren't you just attracted by people's faces?"

Wen Bing: "How could it be just a face? I haven't seen such a beautiful female star?"

Wen Bing didn't feel that he was attracted by Lucia's appearance at all.

He firmly believed that there must be something special about Lucia that aroused his heartbeat.

"Does she like you too?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

It's not uncommon for Wen Bing to fall in love with a goddess in a jerk. He is such an animal who is more emotional than rational. However, Lucia Banks also fell in love with a man in just a few days?
Zhou Yun is a woman herself, and she feels that once a woman is over eighteen years old, no matter how stupid her view of love is, it will be difficult for her to fall in love with a man in a short period of time.

Those who are dizzy are those who cannot get out of love until the end.

Wen Bing nodded very firmly and said, "I can feel that she likes me too."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, that may not be the case.

However, Wen Bing made Lucia Banks so outrageous that Zhou Yun also wanted to meet her.

"Why don't you bring her to dinner with me tonight?" Zhou Yun suggested.

Wen Bing shook his head and said, "We have made an appointment to eat at a restaurant here tonight."

"Can't you add me?"

"Of course not." Wen Bing refused bluntly, "She and I are still in contact with each other. If you say something wrong or make her angry, I will suffer."

Zhou Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"You don't even listen to what you're saying now?" Zhou Yun complained, "You're a big man, why are you so narrow-minded all of a sudden? How do you know I'm going to say the wrong thing?"

"You are a very daring person, and it's not that I don't know." Wen Bing said, "And, if she misunderstands that there is an affair between me and you, maybe she will alienate me."

Zhou Yun frowned: "You are as childish as a high school student now."

Wen Bing snorted softly, full of contempt.

"Whoever is like you, falling in love with Song Chi has talked about the stage of treating each other like a guest."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Wen Bing's words really hurt my heart.

Zhou Yun also couldn't refute.

Because what Wen Bing said was right.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi now get together less often and stay away more, respecting each other as guests, and it is true that they seldom have passion and recklessness.

Look at Wen Bing, it doesn't take long to fall in love with someone, and when you fall in love, the color of the whole world changes.

Zhou Yun even felt that Wen Bing's whole state had changed now, not as decadent as before.

Ever since he parted from Windsor, he had a sort of decadence about him, relieved to be out of a big trouble, like a normal person.

Like a normal person - this is definitely not a compliment for Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun said: "Then if it doesn't work tonight, it will be fine tomorrow, right? Just say I invite you to dinner. As the heroine of this movie, it should be normal for me to invite her to dinner with the director." ?”

(End of this chapter)

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