I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 692 The Lucia Wen Bing fell in love with

Chapter 692 The Lucia Wen Bing fell in love with
It's hard for Zhou Yun not to be curious about a woman who made Wen Bing fall in love suddenly.

She was full of curiosity about this Lucia Banks.

After all, Wen Bing agreed.

"You have to promise me that you don't bully her, she is a very simple girl."

When Zhou Yun heard Wen Bing's words, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him.

"What do you mean? You mean I'm the villain in your story?"

Wen Bing chuckled and said, "I'm really not fooling you, your face is full of distrust for me and Lucia now, and you think we are unreliable."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, so you still know?
Wen Bing added: "But you will definitely like her as much as I do, she is a very cute and attractive woman."

Zhou Yun didn't know if it was because of same-sex repulsion. Hearing Wen Bing use such an exaggerated tone and descriptive vocabulary to praise another woman in front of him, Zhou Yun first felt hostility and scrutiny.

However, a man who is already deeply in love cannot communicate rationally.

When a man is really involved in a relationship, he is no worse than a woman when he goes crazy.

Many women think that it is easier for men to withdraw from a relationship. In fact, women are wrong. It is more difficult for men to fully enter a relationship. If they have not really entered, how difficult is it to withdraw?The embarrassment and pain are due to the fact that the performance is greater than reality.

Zhou Yun didn't want to say anything more to Wen Bing.

She just wanted to know more about Lucia Banks.

"Have you guys been dating these days?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing said: "Where is there so much time for dating, she is always with me at work, watching scenery, meetings, and eating. She has been patiently with me all the time."

"Has she nothing to do?"

"She said that she is an actor. Since the filming has not started, she is idle. Anyway, she has nothing else to do. Why not accompany me." When Wen Bing talked about this, his face was full of complacency and pride.

Seeing him like that, Zhou Yun was really "a villain".

Do men really enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by the woman they like as the center?
Zhou Yun was contemptuous of Wen Bing when he suddenly thought of Song Chi.

If men like this feeling, how about Song Chi?
Zhou Yun thought to himself, she has never done this before.

With Song Chi at the center?

Impossible, don't even think about it.

No matter how much Zhou Yun loves Song Chi, it is impossible to satisfy his psychological feelings with Song Chi as the center.

It's not that she won't satisfy Song Chi, but——

If the premise of this satisfaction is at the expense of her freedom and feelings.

Zhou Yun looked at the joy and fascination on Wen Bing's face, he really fell in love with Lucia.

Zhou Yun was thinking, did she and Song Chi ever have such a moment of dementia?
This question has haunted her for a long time, and the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became, so she asked both Yu Chu and Wen Xi about this question.

Yu Chu said: "Why do you care what Wen Bing looks like? Song Chi and Wen Bing have different personalities. Song Chi may not like what Wen Bing likes. In short, just be yourself, Song Chi When I fell in love with you before, wasn't it when you were yourself?"

Wen Xi gave a completely different answer, saying: "My family is also like this, and I usually give him such feelings from time to time."

Zhou Yun asked Yu Chu: "Then how did you fall in love with Yin Zhou when you were not pregnant?"

"The two of us usually just chat. It's nothing unusual. At that time, we both had a lot of things in our hearts. It was inconvenient to tell others. We could only tell each other. It was all about family affairs. I understand him, and he also you got me."

Zhou Yun asked Wen Xi again: "Wen Xi, when you get along with your husband every day, do you create an atmosphere centered on him?"

"In the case of innocuousness, I will." Wen Xi said very frankly, "This method works very well for him."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"What's the matter, Xiaoyun, have you encountered any problems with Song Chi?" Wen Xi said his words carefully.

Zhou Yun didn't want Wen Xi to be misunderstood, and explained: "No, I saw another couple who were in love recently, and I suddenly thought of myself, because Song Chi and I usually get together less often, and finally meet each other. , He has a lot of things to be busy with, and I have a lot of things to be busy with, to be honest, I am worried that such frequent separations will affect my relationship with him. "

Wen Xi said: "If it's for ordinary people, I really think distance is a big problem, but, Xiao Yun, with the status of the two of you now, either you should change your view of choosing a mate and give up love as the first choice. The first standard is to choose a spouse and get married. Finding someone who can revolve around you is not too embarrassing. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the two of you to get along in your life, or you and Song Chi will stick together to overcome the challenges brought about by these external factors. In career, but when you are a little older, you have struggled in your career for many years, and you will always feel empty and lonely after being busy. At that time, you will definitely hope that when you go home, the house is lit , someone is waiting for you to go back."

Wen Xi's words made Zhou Yun think deeply.

"I've seen couples who stay together less often but stay in harmony, but I also know that they have raised people outside to meet their physical and emotional needs." Wen Xi said, "People are emotional animals. , platonic love cannot fully satisfy the human need for a partner."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, what should she and Song Chi do in the future?

Where is it going?

Did she make the sacrifice, or did Song Chi make the sacrifice?

Or, both make sacrifices?

No matter how Zhou Yun thinks about it, he feels that this is an unsolvable problem. Unless two people can reach a consensus, they will not form a family in a conventional way of getting along.

However, if it is just the world of the two of them, how can this world still be coordinated, run according to their rules, and have children in the future?

Having a baby is not something that can end after one year of pregnancy and birth. You have to take care of, raise, and so on.

When Zhou Yun thought of these questions, he felt a little panicked, and he didn't want to face them.

Because of these problems, Zhou Yun didn't even care about and be so curious about Lucia Banks.

However, Lucia Banks took the initiative to find it.

She is not a famous actress.

She is from Denmark, and she has acted in movies before, but the movies she acted in are not very famous. In the international film world, she is a newcomer who is just fledgling.

But in fact, she debuted earlier than Zhou Yun, exactly half a year earlier.

Due to different circumstances, Zhou Yun has already been blown into an international superstar in China, while Lucia Banks has not yet made it out.

She enthusiastically asked Zhou Yun out for coffee.

"Hi, Ms. Zhou, I'm Lucia Banks, and I'm also your fan." Lucia Banks met Zhou Yunyi in the hotel lobby, and immediately introduced herself enthusiastically.

She is a very beautiful girl, very beautiful.

When he laughed, his eyes and teeth were shining brightly.

Zhou Yun, who is of the same sex, was dazzled by her smile. At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly understood Wen Bing's love as if he had been bewitched.

Wen Bing, a man who pursues the spiritual world very much and has his own unique aesthetics, how could he not be moved when he sees such a girl with a bright smile and pure eyes?

Zhou Yun responded: "Lucia, hello, I am Zhou Yun, you are so beautiful."

Lucia said: "You are beautiful too, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Zhou Yun quickly shook his hand.

Lucia's eyes widened suddenly, and she said very seriously: "It's true."

She seemed a little serious about it.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Thank you." Zhou Yun had no choice but to thank.

The two beauties walked together, arousing countless people's glances and glances along the way.

Beauty has a natural appeal no matter where it goes.

They drink coffee in the restaurant of the hotel.In a foreign country, they dare not leave the hotel without bodyguards, for fear of danger.

Especially in this kind of place, no one knows where the danger will be waiting for you.

After sitting down, Lucia showed a shy smile to Zhou Yun, and said: "After I knew that I got the opportunity to act in this movie, I was very excited, because I really like your cooperation with director Wen Bing. I have read "Days" no less than three times."

"Really?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "I thought this movie wasn't that popular abroad."

Although the box office is a rare high for Chinese-language films in recent years, in terms of absolute figures, it is actually the same.

Lucia shook her head and said, "My friends and I loved this movie so much, we all went to see it when it was released in our country."

It turns out that "Days" was screened in Denmark.

Zhou Yun didn't even know this.

Lucia said: "I never thought that I would be able to make a movie with the director and heroine of this movie a year later. This is so exciting."

Lucia's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Zhou Yun could feel that Lucia was excited from the bottom of her heart.

Zhou Yun suddenly wondered, did Lucia also have such a fan-like and adoring attitude in front of Wen Bing at the beginning?
Because she found that her attitude towards Lucia had completely lost the resistance she had when she first heard Wen Bing's description.

Oh, the weakness of human nature.

Zhou Yun felt ashamed of herself for defecting so easily, but if she was ashamed, she should be ashamed. Her heart is like this, and she really can't be hard-hearted.

Lucia Banks is like a piece of delicious cake delivered to you, you say "I'm on a diet, I won't eat", but in fact, your mouth has already started to crave and your heart is moving, and your eyes are flickering from time to time Glance at this delicious piece of cake, and the will gradually disintegrates in the process.

"Miss Zhou—"

"You can call me Xiaoyun." Regarding the word "Xiaoyun", Zhou Yun pronounced it in Chinese, "All my friends call me that."

Lucia Banks immediately called out "Little Cloud" with a smile.

She asked curiously, "Xiao Yun, are you single now?"

Zhou Yun showed a slightly surprised expression, and said, "No, I have a boyfriend."

Lucia Banks blinked curiously and said, "What kind of person is it?"

Zhou Yun said: "I am also an actor like me, how about you? Lucia?"

Lucia showed a shy smile on her face and said, "I haven't."

Zhou Yun saw the yearning for love in Lucia's face.

She asked, "Then what kind of man do you like?"

Lucia said: "Talented."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard Lucia's answer.

The main reason is that Lucia is too young. Generally, girls of this age don't like the type of "talented".

Lucia said, "Xiao Yun, what about you?"

Zhou Yun said: "I don't particularly like any type of man. I usually only know what kind of man I like when I meet myself."

"I don't understand." Lucia blinked her eyes, with an innocent expression on her face, "Shouldn't one be very sure about what kind of person a person likes?"

Zhou Yun said: "But people's preferences will change."

Lucia thought about it.

She suddenly smiled innocently and said, "Xiaoyun, Director Wen Bing told me that he likes me, do you think I should agree to him?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect Wen Bing to strike so quickly.

"Then do you like him?" Zhou Yun asked.

Lucia thought about it for a while, and said, "I think he is a very gentle man."

"Then do you like gentle men?" Zhou Yun asked.

Lucia bit her lip lightly, as if a little embarrassed, and said, "Yes."

Zhou Yun understood what Lucia meant.

It seems that Wen Bing is not wrong, Lucia really likes him.

An already famous director like Wen Bing is undoubtedly full of great charm for a fledgling young actress.At first glance, Lucia is a young girl who has not experienced much in the world. She has debuted for a few years, and she still has an air of innocence.Zhou Yun knew that this trait in him had disappeared for a long time.This is a good thing for an ordinary person, because it means growing up, but it may not be a good thing for an actor, especially a young actor, because it means that you are no longer white. The state of the paper is gone.

Directors, especially male actors, like actresses who are in a blank state, or actors who are close to the image of a goddess in their hearts. The former can complete the bet of his imagination, and the latter is the core of his spirit.

An expresser, what he expresses is either about ideals or about what he loves.

After drinking coffee with Lucia, Zhou Yun said goodbye to her and went back to his room.

Tomorrow we will start filming the scene in Gambiwan.

Zhou Yun had to make some preparations.

She also didn't expect that the filming would start tomorrow, and Wen Bing would still be in the mood to have dinner with Lucia tonight.

It wasn't until the next day, when Zhou Yun got the notice, that she realized why Wen Bing wasn't in a hurry.

What they are going to shoot today is a literary drama, and it is just a cutscene that is not very important.

(End of this chapter)

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