Chapter 693
However, what Zhou Yun did not expect was that Lucia's acting was both terrible and smart at the same time.

Zhou Yun doesn't know how to describe Lucia's acting. She is like a genius. She has no rules. Most of the time, she doesn't know where her talent is, and she acts in a mess. But sometimes, she seems to have a divine help. Give a heart-pounding shot.

It was the first time Zhou Yun encountered such a badly talented actor.

Generally speaking, talented actors are very good at acting, have little experience but are extremely explosive, or have a strong sense of camera.

But Lucia's genius lies in her sudden flash of inspiration.

For this reason, the scene between Zhou Yun and Lucia may have to be shot ten times for one scene.

Zhou Yun was very tired from acting.

However, there is nothing wrong with meeting such a rival actor.

Lucia knew that Zhou Yun had wasted a lot of time and energy, so she apologized to Zhou Yun with guilt.

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

Maybe there's really nothing to say.

She said that nothing could improve Lucia's current situation.

Lucia's ability is here.

It's not because she didn't work hard that some scenes were not good, she just acted...very immature.

Lucia should have never studied acting, she doesn't have any acting skills to speak of.This reminded Zhou Yun that when she was just acting, she had never learned acting, and she didn't know the skills, so she had to figure it out on her own.However, Lucia met Wen Bing.

Wen Bing really led her to act hand in hand, and even demonstrated it in person.For an actor like Lucia who doesn't know what acting is all about, Wen Bing can only teach her by personally demonstrating.

Most of the time, Zhou Yun can only sit on the sidelines, wait for Wen Bing to finish teaching Lucia, and then play with Lucia.

However, Zhou Yun also discovered that when Wen Bing was teaching Lucia how to act, the two looked like they were dating, and their eyes were different.

I don't know how many people in the crew know about the relationship between Wen Bing and Lucia.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, based on the atmosphere between these two people, anyone who is not stupid can probably sense something is wrong.

Naturally, this kind of thing couldn't be hidden from Zeng Ying's eyes.

Zeng Ying came to Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun." Zeng Ying came to look for her in her trailer, "Do you have time now?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Sister Ying, what do you want from me?"

"I just want to ask you, do you think there is anything wrong between Wen Bing and Lucia?"

Zeng Ying looked seriously into Zhou Yun's eyes.

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, and asked, "Sister Ying, what's the matter? Why do you ask such a question?"

Zeng Ying said: "I have a feeling that the two of them are in love."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, then your feeling is right.

Zeng Ying asked, "Did you find anything?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, pretending not to know: "I don't know, I didn't see anything, why do you think so?"

Zeng Ying glanced at her thoughtfully, and said, "Don't you think Wen Bing and Lucia like each other a little bit?"

Zhou Yun: "Really? It seems a little bit, but it's not surprising that these two single men and women really like each other."

She said this because she wanted to see Zeng Ying's attitude towards this matter.

Zeng Ying said: "Although the two of them are single, they are directors and actors after all. Now they are in the same crew, and they will be filming together in the future."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Why, sister Ying, are you worried that the office romance between the two of them will affect the shooting?"

Zeng Ying said: "Don't think that I'm worrying unnecessarily. What I'm most afraid of when filming is that there are couples in the crew, especially the kind of couples who are in love. They are the most troublesome."


Zeng Ying said: "Don't you know? If there is a couple who are in love in your crew, it will be a huge disaster."

Zhou Yun really didn't understand why Zeng Ying talked about it in such an exaggerated way.

"Sister Ying, I really don't know why, why is it said that if there are a bunch of couples in the middle of their relationship in the crew, it would be a huge disaster."

"When it's okay, the two of you always don't know where to go, get bored, can't find someone to look for, and quarrel, the two of them start to fight coldly, regardless, and refuse to shoot the scenes that should be co-produced, and get angry. It's still light, but the serious thing is that both of them are worried about gains and losses in this relationship, they can't show their professional status, and the filmed scenes are a mess."

Zeng Ying shook her head, "I'm praying to God and worshiping Buddha, I hope that these people will not appear in my crew."

Zhou Yun couldn't help crying when he heard Zeng Ying's words.

She said, "Sister Ying, you can't kill everyone with a single stick."

Zeng Ying: "That's because you are not a producer. You have never encountered such a situation. When you get into that kind of trouble, all your coercion and temptation are useless. The people in your relationship don't care about anything. Same."

Zeng Ying looked disgusted.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Sister Ying, did you and Mr. Chen ever fall into a gu and ignore everything?"

Zeng Ying was stunned by Zhou Yun's sudden question. After a while, she came back to her senses, her cheeks flushed slightly.

"Why did you suddenly mention me and him?"

"Curious, I see that sister Ying, you are usually vigorous and decisive, and I can't imagine that you are so deep in love that you can't extricate yourself." Zhou Yun teased.

Zeng Ying turned against the general: "What about you? Did you and Song Chi ever ignore you?"

Zeng Ying originally thought that Zhou Yun would not answer directly, but Zhou Yun nodded generously and said, "Of course there is."

"Really? There will be times when you two don't care?"

"Rarely, but there have been." Zhou Yun said, "Love, isn't that what it is."

Zeng Ying couldn't laugh or cry when she heard Zhou Yun's sudden emotion.

"The two of you really don't look like people who will ignore you."

Zhou Yun said: "That only shows that the two of us are better at pretending. Are there really people in this world who are not controlled by emotions at all?"

Zeng Ying said helplessly: "But to be honest, director Wen Bing is really talented, but he is also idealistic, too idealistic."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"There's no way around that. His enthusiasm for movies and his understanding of the camera all come from his idealism for the world."

"Correct answer." Zeng Ying nodded, "But I have to make the rope tied to the balloon, and I can't let it float into the sky, otherwise, it will always encounter unacceptable air pressure."

"Sister Ying, do you believe that Wen Bing will become a master director one day?" Zhou Yun asked suddenly.

Zeng Ying pondered for a long time, and said: "I guess you want to hear an affirmative answer, but to be honest, I don't know, and I never think about what will happen to this person in the future. , it will have an impact on the judgment of our current situation, I require myself to be a pragmatic person, especially when the director is an idealist, I should be more pragmatic."

In fact, there are traces of time and time on her face.

Of course, not obvious.

Zhou Yun stared at Zeng Ying and said, "Sister Ying, I just want to say that no matter whether Wen Bing and Lucia have a crush on each other as you said, it's not something you can stop."

Zeng Ying spread her hands, as if helpless.

"Wen Bing is not a rational creator. The more emotional he is, the more he looks like a real artist when shooting." Zhou Yun said, ""The Female Killer" is actually a very romantic script, I don't mean The romantic love of Swing, the female killer of Swing, is lonely and indifferent. No matter where she appears or in what environment, she walks like a shadow on the edge of the world. However, those of us who have read the entire script know that, In fact, she still retains a bit of tenderness deep in her heart, and that bit of tenderness is the ultimate romance in this movie, and if we made this romance, the movie will be a success."

Zeng Ying sighed softly.

"Xiao Yun, so you and Wen Bing are both creators, but I'm different. I can only be a budget-conscious manager forever." Zeng Ying said, "I really can't understand what you just said to me. understand."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zeng Ying: "I'm not trying to play against you on purpose, I really don't understand, I'm not lying to you."

Zhou Yun pursed his lips helplessly.

"Sister Ying, if Wen Bing and Lucia are really in a relationship, what are you going to do?" she asked.

Zeng Ying said: "I hope they can hold back their feelings for the time being, and if they really want to fall in love, they will wait until the filming of this movie is finished."

"Are you going to tell Wen Bing that directly?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zeng Ying nodded.

Zhou Yun: "Based on what I know about Wen Bing, he will never agree."

Zeng Ying looked at Zhou Yun and asked, "So, you also think that the two of them actually have a crush on each other?"

"I really don't know." Zhou Yun said very tightly, "I'm just saying, if Wen Bing really likes Lucia, if you ask him to wait until the movie is finished, he will not agree. Talking about office romance, the contract you signed with Wen Bing should not stipulate that Wen Bing cannot fall in love with the actresses in the crew, right?"

Zeng Ying: "I thought no matter what, everyone at least maintained a professional and dedicated attitude."

"Dating does not necessarily affect work." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Especially for Wen Bing."

Neither she nor Zeng Ying can convince the other.

Zhou Yun really hoped that Zeng Ying would not interfere in the matter between Wen Bing and Lucia.Zhou Yun understands people like Wen Bing. Once someone tries to stop his love with Lucia, his love for Lucia will only burn even crazier.

Zhou Yun wondered if Zeng Ying could understand this.

Perhaps, Zeng Ying didn't know Wen Bing well enough.

Zhou Yun worried that if Zeng Ying didn't pay attention to her words, she would make Wen Bing angry.

And Zhou Yun was right to be worried, because Zeng Ying did make Wen Bing furious.

"I'm in a relationship with Lucia, what's wrong? Do you still want to restrict the two of us from loving each other?" If this person wasn't Zeng Ying, Wen Bing might not be so angry.

But during this period of time, there have been many, many conflicts between Wen Bing and Zeng Ying. This incident is like a sharp sword, piercing the fragile harmony that was so hard to maintain before.

Wen Bing was originally a man with strong self-esteem, but Zeng Ying revealed that Lucia was young when he said both inside and outside. To Wen Bing, it sounded like Zeng Ying was accusing him of being an old cow for eating young grass.

Of course, compared with Lucia's age, Wen Bing is indeed much older, there is a gap of six or seven years, but he never feels that this has reached the point where an old cow eats young grass.

Wen Bing became a little angry from embarrassment.

This incident caused a fierce quarrel between Wen Bing and Zeng Ying.

"Have you ever thought that you are a director and she is an actor, and the two of you are filming a film, and you are in love now, what if you stop loving halfway through the filming? Can you continue filming this film? " Zeng Ying questioned.

Wen Bing said: "I am a professional director, and she is a professional actor, why can't this film continue to be filmed?"

Zeng Ying: "You and her are together during the filming of a movie, and you are inseparable in love. In my eyes, it is a very unprofessional performance."

"Whether I am a professional director or not is not up to you." Wen Bing said directly.

Zeng Ying couldn't help sneering.

"Yes, you are a big director, and I am just an unknown producer, but since I am the producer of this crew, no matter how big a director you are, I have to be responsible for this crew, I want to put an end to Everything that might affect the filming of this film."

Wen Bing nodded and spoke harshly.

"Really? Then don't give it a try and see if you can succeed." Wen Bing and Zeng Ying broke up after a quarrel.

It didn't take long for the entire crew to know that there was another conflict between the producer and the director.

When Zhou Yun heard the news, he sighed in his heart, sure enough.

In this matter, both sides seem to be reasonable, and the positions of both sides are tenable, and there is no situation where one of them is particularly unreasonable.

However, this is really an unsolvable problem.

According to Zeng Ying's character, she would definitely not give in on this matter.

But with Wen Bing's character, it is even more impossible to agree with Zeng Ying's ideas.

Zhou Yun didn't know what would happen between the two of them in the end, but as the conflict between the two of them officially kicked off, the atmosphere of the crew also changed accordingly.

In this changed atmosphere, Lucia was the most affected.

Everyone gradually learned about the source of the conflict between Zeng Ying and Wen Bing, and also learned that this beautiful Danish girl is in love with the director Wen Bing.

It is not uncommon for actresses and directors to fall in love.

It's just that two people have only known each other for a short time, and they suddenly start talking about love, which is very strange.

Everyone looked at Lucia Banks with sizing, curiosity and gossip.

It has been said many times that gossip will never be out of date no matter where it is, and it will not be rejected by everyone.

Everyone is full of curiosity and doubts about where the relationship between Wen Bing and Lucia will go.

The news spread quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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