I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 694 Reconciliation

Chapter 694 Reconciliation
Wen Bing is quite famous among directors.

The main reason is that his fame experience is relatively legendary. For example, "Days", a "dark horse" work with a small blog, is the favorite story written by bloggers of major marketing accounts and public accounts.

In addition, Wen Bing is young and good-looking, and he always gets more favor in the process of spreading because of his good looks.

His second film, "One Mountain, Two Tigers", has just finished its release. The hugely successful and well-received action film is full of strong personal style, which has attracted countless fans for him.

Therefore, when the news about his relationship with Lucia spread on the domestic Internet, everyone's first reaction was the same as hearing that a celebrity they knew was suddenly exposed to a relationship, wondering who this woman was?

The relationship between Wen Bing and Lucia has attracted much attention.

Yao Yuanfeng also saw the news on the Internet.

His first reaction was actually the same as Zeng Ying's, doubts emerged in his mind: Will this affect the filming of "The Female Killer"?
But Yao Yuanfeng is still Yao Yuanfeng, so he won't immediately question Wen Bing angrily like Zeng Ying.

Yao Yuanfeng, as the boss and head of Xindun, no matter what he actually thinks in his heart, but in terms of face, he always respects the directors very much.

Especially Wen Bing, a director who seems to have become the hottest director at the moment.

Yao Yuanfeng first learned more about the situation, and called a few of his own people in the crew to ask what was going on with the crew.

After figuring out these situations, Yao Yuanfeng decided to contact Wen Bing.

Wen Bing received a call from Yao Yuanfeng and said, "Boss Yao, don't you worry about me falling in love with Lucia?"

"What's wrong with you dating Lucia?" Yao Yuanfeng smiled very generously, "It's not normal for a talented person like you to go where no one likes you."

Yao Yuanfeng's attitude eased Wen Bing's resistance a lot.

Wen Bing said: "I thought you also called to say that I shouldn't fall in love with Lucia."

There was still some dissatisfaction in the words.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "You are single, falling in love with a girl is not a shocking event, there is nothing wrong with it."

Wen Bing: "Your right-hand man has been arguing with me for a long time because of this matter."

"Zeng Ying?" Yao Yuanfeng smiled and said: "She has this kind of personality, you know it, please be more considerate, she is a woman as a producer, and she is filming abroad, the pressure is already great. This kind of worry is also normal, if I didn't know you well enough, I would definitely have this kind of worry, she just doesn't know you well and doesn't believe you. "

Wen Bing heard what Yao Yuanfeng said, and immediately understood what Yao Yuanfeng really wanted to say.

He also has such worries.

Wen Bing took a breath silently, and said, "Mr. Yao, if I have nothing else to do, I'll hang up first. I've made an appointment with someone from the art department for a meeting."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Okay, then you start the meeting, Wen Bing, don't worry, I fully trust you, so you can shoot according to your ideas."

Wen Bing sneered in his heart.

For people like Yao Yuanfeng, what they say sounds nicer than anything, but in fact it is not like that at all.

"Thank you, Mr. Yao."

After Wen Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Yao Yuanfeng originally had a smile on his face, but after Wen Bing hung up the phone, the smile on his face also disappeared.

Yao Yuanfeng is such a fine person that it is easy for him to see through other people's disguise in front of him, let alone Wen Bing, who puts emotions on his face.

Yao Yuanfeng felt that Wen Bing was a little resistant and displeased with him.

In fact, this is not a big deal. Artistic directors have a bit of a temper.

But Wen Bing is in full swing, if this conflict and dislike intensifies, and finally makes Wen Bing have a big conflict with him and tear his face, there must be a company willing to pay Wen Bing to file a lawsuit and terminate the contract with them.

Yao Yuanfeng has always maintained such a speed.

He never planned to hold Wen Bing up to the sky, even with Wen Bing's current achievements, he would get such a courtesy when he went to any film company.

But New Shield is not in this style.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't want to train himself an uncontrollable director.

However, Yao Yuanfeng didn't want Wen Bing to have irreconcilable conflicts with him.

As the helm of Xindun, Yao Yuanfeng has dealt with countless directors.

He is very clear that it is normal for two people to be dissatisfied with each other, but once there is an irreconcilable conflict, it will inevitably lead to parting ways.

Many directors, he is not the kind of person who puts interests first, and they value the pleasure in the cooperation process more than the possible benefits of cooperation.

Therefore, Yao Yuanfeng has been grasping this speed.

He felt that it was necessary for him to go to the filming set of "The Female Killer" himself.

People outside say that Yao Yuanfeng is rough, has a vigorous and vigorous style of work, and looks like a hero, but he is actually a very delicate person.

Of course, if he is not careful, he can't handle so many interpersonal relationships well.

Any boss who has built a company as large as Xindun must have his own two brushes in grasping interpersonal relationships and grasping people's hearts.

Suddenly the secretary knocked on the door.

"Mr. Yao." The secretary said, "Zhou Lan is here and said he wants to see you outside."

Yao Yuanfeng nodded, "Please come in."

The secretary nodded and left.

After a while, Zhou Lan walked in.

With a smile on her face, she shouted affectionately as soon as she entered the door: "Mr. Yao, here I am again."

Yao Yuanfeng stood up with a happy face and said, "Lanlan is here, sit down quickly, what do you want to drink? Wine, or coffee?"

Zhou Lan said: "If Mr. Yao is not in a hurry, can I have a drink with Mr. Yao?"

"Haha, you're here, I don't have to be in a hurry if I'm in a hurry." Yao Yuanfeng said, "I just got a bottle of good wine, let's taste it together."


Zhou Yun finished filming and was about to go back to the hotel to rest when he suddenly received a call from Zhou Lan.

Zhou Yun sat in the car, connected the phone, and asked, "Sister Lan, what's the matter?"

There was an uncontrollable excitement in Zhou Lan's voice.

"I've discussed the overseas box office share of the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers"!" Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun knew that Zhou Lan had been in a tug-of-war with Yao Yuanfeng for this matter, and now that Zhou Lan had finally negotiated this matter, Zhou Yun could understand why Zhou Lan was so excited.

Zhou Lan said before that it is definitely not that Yao Yuanfeng can't accept the share of overseas box office, but Yao Yuanfeng definitely hopes to get Zhou Yun to agree to act in the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers" at the lowest cost.Zhou Lan has been gnawing at this piece of fat, which made Yao Yuanfeng realize that Zhou Yun's side was not bluffing, but insisted on getting a dividend from the box office. At this time, Yao Yuanfeng will really consider this matter. feasibility of the matter.

Zhou Lan dared to make such a price, and she also had her confidence.

First, although Xindun can do all kinds of publicity and coldly deal with Zhou Yun's contribution to the first part of "One Mountain Two Tigers", both parties are well aware that Zhou Yunzhi's contribution to "One Mountain Two Tigers" is especially during the Spring Festival. The popularity and topics brought to it by the file far surpassed that of Liang Yuanpu.

Second, "One Mountain and Two Tigers" has now ended its domestic release, but it has been selling overseas for the past few months.

Yao Yuanfeng personally felt the attention and importance overseas filmmakers paid to Zhou Yun.

Many Chinese actors often boast that they are international superstars, and send out press releases, saying how many movie fans and fans they have overseas.

But if we really want to say influence, very few.

The biggest difference between Zhou Yun and them is that there are really many overseas film dealers who buy films for Zhou Yun, an actor.

Yao Yuanfeng has worked in Xindun for so many years, and he is well aware of the situation of Chinese films in the international film market.

There are no more than five actors in China who can really get overseas studios to buy their films.

Therefore, after some contact, Yao Yuanfeng realized the value of Zhou Yun more deeply.

He also accepted Zhou Lan's request for overseas box office dividends.

Zhou Yun knew how hard and how much effort Zhou Lan had spent on this matter during this time.

"Sister Lan, thank you for your hard work during this time." Zhou Yun said, "Without you, I would definitely not be able to negotiate this dividend myself. It's great to have you."

Zhou Lan smiled very happily, and said: "This is my job responsibility, and if you get more dividends, I can do it too, can't I? But Xiaoyun, I am very happy today. I started from Yao Yuanfeng, a wolf Grabbing a piece of fat in my mouth is really a milestone achievement in my career."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Everyone will have their own milestones in their own jobs, and they will have the sense of accomplishment they want.

The position of a broker is very special.

This is not a position where the self is the first protagonist. The greatest value of this position is the success of the customers I serve.

When one person's success needs to be confirmed by another person's success, it is doomed for the former to play an unnoticed image in work and life.

But that's not to say the former doesn't have moments of their own.

Just like Zhou Lan, even if he is as successful as Zhou Yun, standing on the top of the pyramid, there are things that Zhou Lan can only accomplish.

This is the value of Zhoukan.

Zhou Yun felt Zhou Lan's happiness, and she was happy too.

Having known each other for many years, Zhou Yun has become close to Zhou Lan like a family member.

This is the intimacy and affection that have come from getting along day and night and supporting each other in the past few years.

Back at the hotel, Zhou Yun got out of the car and noticed several Chinese faces at the entrance of the hotel.

All unfamiliar faces.

In fact, you can still meet some Chinese from time to time in Australia, but it is extremely rare in Africa.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but pay more attention, and saw that their clothes didn't look like tourists, but like locals, and they were very dark, not like the kind of tan that was exposed in a short period of time.

She slowed down, walked over and asked them, "Are you Chinese?"

Several of them looked at each other and nodded.

It can be seen from their expressions that they obviously know who the woman in front of them is.

Zhou Yun said, "You guys also live in this hotel?"

The other person looked a little nervous, hesitated, and said, "No, no, we don't live in this hotel, we can't afford it."

This hotel is one of the best hotels in the area, and the price is not cheap.

Zhou Yun smiled and asked: "Then you are standing here, are you waiting for someone?"

A few people seemed to feel embarrassed, looked at each other again, and suddenly ran away as if avoiding something.

Regarding their "running away", Zhou Yun was a little surprised, but at the same time felt that he might have guessed right before.

These people should have come for Wen Bing and Lucia.

Although I don't know if they came here by themselves or were mobilized by some people in China, but they must have come for the relationship between Wen Bing and Lucia, wanting to take some key photos, or something else Things that harvest heat and traffic.

If it wasn't because Gambiwang was too far away from the country, Zhou Yun believed that with the enthusiasm of the domestic media and paparazzi, they would have come to follow the news in person.

Now Wen Bing and Lucia are getting too much attention in China.

A young and talented director falls in love with a beautiful Danish actress. This story has been blended with romantic genes from the beginning of its birth.

Who is not interested in this matter?

In this era full of all kinds of news, it is still a romantic love story that is easy to accept with a kind heart.

Most of the netizens are saying that this love is very "male talent and female appearance".

Lucia also became popular in China overnight.

This is the general trend, and even the movie "The Female Killer" has attracted much attention.

Zeng Ying didn't know if it was because the whole environment favored Wen Bing and Lucia's relationship, or for some other reason, the conflict between her and Wen Bing was shelved again after a few days.

One afternoon, when everyone was sweating profusely due to the scorching sun, Zeng Ying suddenly pulled an ice cart to deliver iced drinks to everyone.

Everyone cheered.

Wen Bing glanced over there, but didn't move.

Zhou Yun noticed it, and she sighed in her heart, and was hesitating whether to smooth things over, when she saw Zeng Ying walking towards Wen Bing with a glass of cold, steaming drink.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun gave up his plan.

It seems that she doesn't need her help to smooth things over, Zeng Ying will do it by herself.

Zhou Yun has been paying attention to the movement over there, and he doesn't know what Zeng Ying told Wen Bing. In the end, Zhou Yun finally saw the two talking and laughing.

Therefore, even if she is as tough as Zeng Ying, she also knows how to resolve an embarrassment that is difficult to resolve in the eyes of outsiders.

Zhou Yun thought about the words Zeng Ying said to her before, those worries, and those gestures that seemed to be fighting a tough battle with Wen Bing, all of which melted into the smiles of the two people in front of him .

In any case, it was a good thing for the crew, for them, and for her that they were able to resolve the previous conflicts.

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to get up and walk towards them, a scream sounded from the side of the ice cart.

She turned around in astonishment, and saw Lucia fell to the ground for some reason.Lucia's face was down, looking embarrassed.

Also don't know what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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