Chapter 695 This Stance
After "Jian Yuntai" was finished, Song Chi heaved a long sigh of relief when there was no one around.

Only when there is no one like this, he dared to expose his emotions a little bit.

If "Jian Yuntai" continues to overspend, Song Chi doesn't know if he can keep his bottom line and start accepting outside investment.

For Song Chi, this was a very critical time. Almost all his savings were emptied and invested in the operation of the company.

Over the years, he has made a lot of money, but starting a company also costs a lot of money, and starting projects and filming movies is even more expensive.

Song Chi wanted to gain a firm foothold in the film and television production industry. He couldn't compete with a big company like Xindun. He followed the path of medium and low-cost production, and he absolutely couldn't start many projects at the same time.

But that rule was all broken this year.

He accepted and made a particularly expensive disaster film like "Jianyuntai".

At the same time, the company also opened two other plays.

This puts the company's cash flow in a particularly tense state.

Fortunately, things didn't get any further out of hand.

This time, Song Chi was given a severe wake-up call.

One should not be too greedy. For a film project with a huge investment like "Jianyuntai", he should not think about taking the lead on his own. In fact, he can unite multiple companies to share the financial pressure and risks.

After this time, Song Chi would never do this again.

I rested for two days to get my mind off my nerves, and held a meeting with Chen Wenjun. I learned that the company didn't have much money at the moment, and then used it. Eight volumes of "Jianyuntai", "The Sword Lady", and "A Thousand Gold Is Going to the Court" The production of the play degraded.

The special effects of "Jianyuntai" will take at least a year to produce. After that, the movie will be a waste of money.

After the final filming of "The Lady of the Sword", according to the progress of the project, it is expected to be broadcast in the first half of the year.

"A Thousand Gold is in Court" is a very heavy and slow web drama, with newcomers starring, and the early stage is also very slow.

Lizi and Chen Wenjun hoped that "A Thousand Gold is in the Court" can be broadcast as soon as possible, and a wave of funds will be returned, so that the company will not be dragged out of the fire.

Chen Wenjun said: "Song Chi introduced you to several overseas buyers. "Mother" and "Zeng Sang" have successively sold broadcasting rights in more than a dozen countries and regions, but the copyright transaction price is not very low. Lin Lin always spends less than [-] million yuan, which is still incomparable with the domestic price, but fortunately without that money, your company can now operate abnormally."

Lizi said: "Your financial pressure is relatively small. Next, you should invest in the production yourself first. Then he told you that Zhouyun Video and don't want to cooperate with you? We pay the money, and you are responsible for it." Production, do you think that cooperation model is quite suitable for you now, what does he think?"

"That's what you mean." Chen Wenjun nodded, "Your company has signed so few actors, and a small number of them are newcomers. If you go to produce plays on those platforms, you can also praise newcomers."

Chestnut: "Yes."

"By the way." Chen Wenjun said, "Does he want to act in "Sinking Moon" in the future? You communicated with Wu Chengbao about the script written by Mr. Those who participated in the investment, are you still investing?"

If the investment is made in the name of the company, it is Lizi himself who invests.

Lizi thought for a while, and said, "They only gave you 20% of the share, so let's say, the company and you are each responsible for 10% of the share."

"Okay." Lu Conghe nodded, "But in that case, we will have to pay separately in July, January and November."

"Let's try to let "A Thousand Gold Goes to the Court" be broadcast in the second half of the year, so as to bring back a wave of blood." Li Zi smiled helplessly, "Of course you can only sell the house."

Chestnut's working capital is still running low. If I can't recover my blood by this time, I can only sell my fixed assets.

However, Lizi can get a salary of about 60 million yuan for participating in "Sinking in the Sea". Although it can only get [-]% of the part after the finale, this will also make Lu Cong and the company return a wave of blood. .

Chen Wenjun said: "Several platforms valued "A Thousand Gold is on the Court". Later, Zhou Yun Video agreed to buy it, but the price has been negotiated. There is a way. The new lineup, the platform is interested."

"Did the script get an S rating from Zhou Yun Video?"

The script is a heavy comedy in ancient costumes, and the screenwriter is very good at writing. It may have little artistic value, but it is indeed funny.

Lu Cong felt that the show was sold at his ideal price.

Lu Conghe said: "The main reason is that in the past six months, all the small video platforms have broadcast hits, "Deep Sea", "Xianyu Jue", "Linjiang Fairy" and "Walk with the Phoenix", which will be broadcast next month. "Silent Ark", now the platform wants a drama that doesn't have top actors to star in it, like "The Daughter is in the Hall" starring newcomers, we are only willing to pay seven-eighths of your intention price."

Chestnuts are forbidden to frown.

If that must be the case, Li Zi felt at a loss.

I later said that "A Thousand Gold is on the Court" is definitely the kind of price that only high-budget online dramas are willing to accept.

Li Zi said, "Have the people in the purchase department of those platforms seen the sample film?"

"You organized the movie screening, and our reaction was actually very good. Yes, we all jumped in when we heard your intended price." Chen Wenjun stepped forward firmly, and said: "I will pay you back the price you paid at the beginning. Well-known actors, the situation may be better now."

"Maybe it will be easier to sell the film, but that kind of costume heavy comedy, you must use the eyes of actors who are close to each other, so the audience will hate it. After you have contacted suitable well-known actors, is there anyone who is willing to act? Are you willing to act? , He also knows that we are suitable." Wen Bing also felt helpless, "So, if there is no other way, you can only do that."

Two new actors, one named Ma Qi and the other named Liu Lingxin, are both [-] years old.

Chestnuts are all signed to their own company.

To tell the truth, it is very difficult to lose money for a play that uses newcomers. In the current situation, it is basically sold at a low price.

Lizi said, "Go and talk to the boss of Zhou Yun Video."

Chen Wenjun nodded.

After the meeting between Lu Cong and Chen Wenjun, he sent a message to the boss of Zhou Yun Video, inviting me out for dinner.

The person is still very easy to make an appointment, and the other party immediately agreed.

Putting aside the identity of the chestnut boss, I mean that my identity as an actor is enough to make every video platform boss take it seriously.

Not to mention, next month, Lizi also released two plays, "The Promising Man" and "The Ark of Silence", a movie, and a TV series, all of which achieved excellent results.

Very few small film and television companies only produce their own film and television dramas, and also invest in other film and television dramas of their own companies.

There are actually very few ways to play in that industry. For example, no company only makes money for making one movie. What does it mean?It spent [-] million yuan to make a movie, but it wanted to wait until it was released to earn money, so it resold it to another company at a price of [-] million yuan, and the other company took over the film and completed the production Movies, waiting to earn money from the release and other copyright sales.

In this way, Xiaojia's payback period is shortened, and the risk can be greatly reduced.

The queen of chestnuts is right to start a company. I can actually face such small risks and pressures.

But correspondingly, I will also lose very little right to speak. I can't really get the right to speak and take the initiative by relying on the status of an actor alone.

At most, I was able to promote the filming of the film "Being a Mother".

Although the film "Being a Mother" was filmed for Zhang Hongyu, what if Lu Cong encounters a film in the future that he wants to film for himself?Was it for Song Chi?
Lizi met with the boss of Zhou Yun Video, and chatted with me about "A Thousand Gold is in the Court", about the quality of that drama, and about my optimism for that drama.

At first, the boss of Zhou Yun Video promised me to watch the sample before going back.

Since the other side was relieved, Lu Cong also breathed a sigh of relief.

When Li Zi called Song Chi, he didn't mention those troubles.

I really told Song Chi a lot about those troublesome things.

In fact, Lu Cong still didn't have the self-esteem of a so-called woman.

In other words, it is also a woman's self-esteem, but it belongs to the kind of self-esteem that no one will lose.

As long as it is a good thing or a negative thing, I choose to digest it by myself and tell others.

Lu Cong just asked Song Chi how the filming was going, and his tone sounded like he was worried about the company.

Song Chi also asked me: "Will he quit the group in the future?"

"Now we will." Lu Cong said, "The last film should be filming "Sinking in the Sea" in January. After that, I will withdraw from the group."

Lu Cong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. He was too tired during that time. It's good to have a good rest."

Lizi said, "What about him? What if he wants to take a rest?"

"After filming "Male Killer", there will be no other scenes ahead. I won't be filming "Killing Song" until the end of the year. In the middle of that, I promised Yu Huaijiang to help me make a guest appearance in a scene. Apart from that, is there anything else? That's right." Lu Cong smiled, "It happens to be January too."

Not long after that, Zhou Lan sent Song Chi a script.

"Wu Chengbao sent a script. Originally, you were going to agree to it, but you thought he would be interested in that drama, and the script was really well written. It was a spy war theme that he had never acted in." Zhou Lan said, "The screenwriter is Zhiwei, the screenwriter of "The Promising Man", who also starred in Lizi. Lu Conghe approached him and wanted to invite him to play the leading role. Cooperation."

Later, Lu Conghe mentioned to Lu Cong that he invited you to play "The Moon Under the Sea" with Lizi, but Song Chi didn't take it seriously.

Both you and Li Zi’s salaries are top-notch. It’s very difficult to get two top-paying actors together in a TV series, because it means that the cost will plummet, and even cause initial losses.

Song Chi knew what Lu Conghe was thinking about.

However, for that play, Wu Chengbao even came to Gambiwang himself.

Wu Chengbao rushed here, met Song Chi, and said, "As long as he comes to act in that play, he can talk about any salary."

Did Song Chi refuse straight away?

It's because of Lu Conghe's words, to be honest, you are still short of that salary now.

On the one hand, Song Chi thought it would be good to film a movie with Lizi, so that the two of them would not be able to stay together for a while.On the other hand, regarding the script of "Sinking in the Sea", Lizi told you later that you are an actor, and you always have no resistance to that kind of good script.

The time is right, Song Chi thinks why he can consider it?
You are firm and say: "Mr. Chen, can you ask him a question directly?"

Wu Chengbao nodded and said, "Of course."

Song Chi said: "You just have nothing to say to him. You and Li Zi are both paid high salaries. He cast both of you as the leading roles at the same time. That's a big investment. Did you get back your money before?"

Lu Conghe said: "It must be another script, but "Sinking in the Sea" is a spy war drama, and it can be made into a national drama. You are very optimistic about the prospect of making money for that drama."

Song Chi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Is Wu Chengbao so optimistic about that drama?

Maybe it's because in the past six months, small dramas have exploded frequently, capital has poured in, and Wu Chengbao's side has suddenly become more abundant?

Lu Cong said: "Mr. Chen, I told him that you are indeed interested in making that drama, but you still have no way to make a decision because you promised someone else in January to help someone else make a cameo. On the other hand, you were really tired in those two years, before you finish filming "Male Killer", you want to take a good rest for a while, and at the end of the year, you will still be filming "Killing Song"."

Wu Chengbao nodded and said, "Dayun, you know, if everyone wants to cooperate with him now, in fact, you haven't known each other for several years, and you have sent him some scripts one after another, and you want to invite him Of course, for various reasons, have you guys cooperated or not, but you have never come to him specifically to ask him to make a film. That film is the same, because actors like him have never been paid. Is it the reason to accept a play, and then these scripts, okay? Okay, but are you willing to persuade him to act in it yourself? It’s the same with "Sinking in the Sea", which is what you encountered in the past few years The best TV drama script I have ever read, even better than "The Promising Man". For such a good script, tell yourself immediately before you finish reading that you must find the best and most suitable cast for that script. , so he asked you to ask him to star with Lizi, is the salary too low? Yes, but you are worth it in the end, you are a businessman, you want to make money in filming, but you do that line of work, you also Want to make a classic, something you can brag about for a lifetime."

To be honest, Song Chi was moved by Lu Conghe's words.

Song Chi said, "Mr. Chen, he will give you time to think about it, okay?"

Wu Chengbao nodded and said, "Okay, there is a problem. You happened to be out there for a couple of days. Have you ever been to Africa?"

Lu Cong laughed and cried.

Lu Cong and Na Na put on the posture that they must get Song Chi's reply outside of Na Na before going back.

(End of this chapter)

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