I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 697 A surprise for you

Chapter 697 A Surprise for You

No one will deny that Yao Yuanfeng has Bole's kindness to Wen Bing.

Speaking of which, Wen Bing was able to become a film director, thanks to Yao Yuanfeng's appreciation.

Before Xindun gave Wen Bing a chance, Wen Bing was just a commercial director.

Even if Wen Bing is no longer talented, if he is not given a chance, maybe he will just be a director of commercials in his whole life.

People always need the chance to change their destiny the most at the very beginning.

Now the outside world praises Wen Bing as if he is an amazing talent. Before he made "Days", Wen Bing also met with many film and television production companies. No one is willing to give him this opportunity.

In Wen Bing's heart, he has always been grateful for Yao Yuanfeng's appreciation.However, this gratitude cannot withstand many specific contradictions and interests.

Wen Bing is a director, of course he also has his own pursuit and what he wants to shoot.

However, Yao Yuanfeng is a boss with a strong desire to control.

He is not only satisfied with investing in a movie, nor will he really give Wen Bing the power of content creation.

He can respect Wen Bing, but he cannot trust Wen Bing unconditionally.

This is also normal.

It's all normal.

Wen Bing needs a more free creative space, just like when Yao Yuanfeng and the others first filmed "Days", they didn't like this movie at all, they just wanted to satisfy Wen Bing's wish, so they didn't intervene in Wen Bing's creation at all.

That was the happiest time for Wen Bing to create.

By the time of filming "One Mountain and Two Tigers", Wen Bing had already felt the constraints of all aspects.

What annoys Wen Bing about Xindun is that it has a script review committee, and the script review committee has the final say on what to shoot for a drama.

The key is that Yao Yuanfeng is still very supportive of the existence of this department, which made Wen Bing feel very painful during the creative process.

This feeling was even more evident when writing the script of the movie "The Female Killer".

Someone even proposed to add a love scene to the female killer character of Swing.

In fact, according to Wen Bing's thinking, he didn't want to add emotional scenes to this character.

He just wanted to shoot a female killer who walks the world alone without any emotion in her heart.

But he had to compromise, otherwise the show wouldn't start.

Every success of Wen Bing has proved his talent, but even after "One Mountain Two Tigers" made two billion at the box office, Yao Yuanfeng still arranged for a producer like Zeng Ying to give him a live broadcast. Filming is restricted.

Wen Bing is grateful to Yao Yuanfeng in his heart, but this does not mean that he is willing to endure these things indefinitely.

Yao Yuanfeng came suddenly at this moment.

He called Wen Bing out and had a drink together.

"Wen Bing, it's been a tough time." Yao Yuanfeng said with a lot of emotion as soon as he sat down, "You have been filming non-stop for the past two years since you came to our company, and you didn't take a good vacation to rest. When the filming of this movie is over, where do you want to go? How about I arrange a vacation for you? Where do you want to go? Maldives? Or Hawaii?"

Yao Yuanfeng didn't put on airs of the boss at all, just like a big brother who cared about his younger brother.

Seeing Yao Yuanfeng's attitude, Wen Bing's originally cold face relaxed a bit.

"I'm a hard worker by nature. If you really want me to take a vacation, I don't have the intention." Wen Bing said, "Mr. Yao, you have a lot of things to do every day, why did you come here suddenly?"

"Isn't it because that old fox Chen Wenjun came to find Zhou Yun? How can I rest assured?" Yao Yuanfeng first mentioned this excuse before saying, "On the other hand, I also know that you must be feeling uncomfortable recently. I think I have I need to come over and talk to you."

Wen Bing shook his head.

"I'm fine," he said.

"Don't pretend to be in front of me." Yao Yuanfeng smiled heartily twice, and said: "If you are uncomfortable, you will be uncomfortable. If I encounter these things, I will not feel uncomfortable in my heart. Wen Bing, you know What do I admire most about you? You never hide things in your heart. What emotions and attitudes do you have? Whether you are happy or not, they are all on your face, clearly and plainly. You are different from us. You are A director is an artist, there is no need to hold back all the emotions in your heart, and what else do you need to pretend in front of me? If you have any troubles, I will definitely be the first person to help you solve them."

Wen Bing looked into Yao Yuanfeng's eyes, was silent for a moment, and said, "Mr. Yao, can I ask you a question?"

"Don't talk about one question, I'm happy to ask you eight hundred questions." Yao Yuanfeng said.

Wen Bing: "Do you really treat me as one of your own?"

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Of course, what else is there to ask? I thought you were going to ask something, and it was this for a long time, Wen Bing, how could I not treat you as my own? If I didn't If you are your own person, will I give you the greatest support? Look at Xindun in the past few years, the biggest investment has been in your film, other directors, I am willing to give so much money, will I trust them? "

Wen Bing: "But, Mr. Yao, let me tell you the truth. In the past few years since I signed with the company, I have become more and more unhappy. I have stories that I want to express and create. I don't want every piece of my work to There are a group of people pointing fingers at the side. To be honest, filming "Days" was my happiest period of time, because no one cared about me, but starting with "One Mountain Two Tigers", because of the huge investment, it is also the most important project of the company. , you also invited Liang Yuanpu for me. Indeed, I have nothing to say about your support and trust in me, but filming "One Mountain Two Tigers" was a very unpleasant filming experience for me. I thought filming "Female Killer" will be better, but I didn't expect that you would arrange a producer like Zeng Ying to manage the crew, I don't feel free at all."

Yao Yuanfeng's expression froze.

He really didn't expect that Wen Bing would say it all out of his head and face.

It's all from the heart.

Yao Yuanfeng pondered.

Wen Bing: "Boss, you appreciated me and gave me the opportunity to become a film director. I know it very well and I am very grateful, but I don't want to be a shooting machine for Xindun. If it is because of investment It's too big, I dare not let me waste it, I would rather the company invest less in my film, and the filming of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" itself is not my wish. When I was doing "The Female Killer", I never thought about making it For such a large production, the company felt that this subject matter and the starring role of Zhou Yun could be made into commercial blockbusters. Therefore, my initial script was also added a lot of vulgar plots by the script review committee. I wanted to reject it, but the arrow was on the line. , the time to start filming has been set, and so much preparation has been done, I have no choice but to bite the bullet and continue filming. What about after the filming of "The Female Killer"? What kind of movie will you ask me to make? "One The second part of "Two Tigers on the Mountain"? The second part of "The Female Killer"? I can't shoot these commercial blockbusters according to my own ideas. What do you want to photograph?"

Yao Yuanfeng made a gesture, which meant to tell Wen Bing to pause for a while.He knows.

"Wen Bing, I know, it's hard for you to make "One Mountain and Two Tigers", but, look, the final film was made, and it didn't dishonor your reputation, right?" Yao Yuanfeng saw Wen Bing I wanted to say something again, and quickly made a gesture of "wait first", and then said, "I know, you are a very ambitious director, and you don't want others to dictate your film, but, Wen Bing, As a person who has been in the film industry for so long, I want to tell you that this is not a problem you have encountered alone. I can even tell you that all the top directors in the world cannot do whatever they want To make movies freely, of course, you can be a niche literary film director and make independent films, but your talent and talent are not limited to this. You can see how well "One Mountain Two Tigers" was made, and there are so many audiences. Do you like it? This is an action movie that can be included in our Chinese film and television. How do film critics evaluate it? A combination of violence and poetic romance! Of course it is OK to make a movie like "Days", but no matter how good "Days" is, No matter how classic it is, it can only get a box office of a few hundred million after all, it’s just like that, are you willing to be such a director?”

Wen Bing said: "I want to shoot various types of movies, but the premise is that my scripts don't have to be patched up by people I don't agree with according to the so-called laws and preferences of the market."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Then you hope that the movie you make will be well-received or not, just like "Heavy Mountain", the word-of-mouth is so good that there is no bad review, the score got 9.1, but the final box office is only [-] million?"

Wen Bing did not speak.

"However, I am not here to explain to you. I know that you have a lot of emotions to express and release. I want to tell you that I am willing to make concessions for you. If you are willing, I absolutely support it. You make the movie you want to make, don't care about those people's ideas, shoot exactly according to your ideas, but you have to promise me that at least after every movie that is mainly based on your ideas, you Want to help me make a movie that makes money, like "One Mountain and Two Tigers", okay? I am willing to support you and help you make a movie that may not make much money, but I am in charge of a company. Hundreds of people in this company need to eat. I can’t take risks with you all the time. If you make a movie that helps the company make money like "One Mountain and Two Tigers", I will support you in a medium- and low-cost movie. Movies, how you want to make this movie, I respect you, and I will make them respect you."

Based on Wenbing's understanding of Yao Yuanfeng, this is actually a big concession.

Wen Bing never thought that Yao Yuanfeng would do this.

He looked at Yao Yuanfeng in surprise.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think this is not something I would do?" Yao Yuanfeng smiled, "Wen Bing, as I said, you are the director I admire the most, and I want you to be a director more than anyone else." A world-class director, but before that, we still have a long way to go. You are not a director of literary and artistic films. You should be a film and film with your own unique style. Whether it is a commercial film or an artistic film, it does not affect you. personal style."

Wen Bing never thought that Yao Yuanfeng could say so well.

He knew that Yao Yuanfeng was a very good talker, but he didn't know that Yao Yuanfeng was such a person who could speak to his heart.

To tell the truth, what Yao Yuanfeng said today moved Wen Bing.

The relationship between Wen Bing and Lucia is like all men and women in love. The beginning is also the most intimate time.

Normally, Lucia doesn't have a movie, and she also stays on the set, and from time to time, she gets stuck with Wen Bing for a while.

Although this kind of scene made everyone quite uncomfortable, but fortunately, their sloppiness did not affect the normal shooting of the crew, so everyone acquiesced to this scene.

Zhou Yun couldn't stand it.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw Wen Bing's obscene behavior with Lucia on the set.

After all, it is a workplace, not a romantic environment like a river or a bridge.

Of course, Zhou Yun did not express his opinion with Wen Bing.

It's just her own dislike, and she didn't really do anything bad.

But Wen Bing, as Zhou Yun said before, his love affair with Lucia stimulated his desire to create, and he became more passionate about the filming of this movie.

In April, filming in Gambiwan ended.

The crew moved to Italy.

In Italy, there was a very intense main event.

According to the story in the script, the whole city was almost destroyed.

Zhou Yun didn't know how Wen Bing and the others would shoot to capture this sense of magnificence.

She just upped the intensity of her fitness.

According to the design of the script, when the swing arrived in this city in Italy, it had already experienced many dangers in the process of escaping from the pursuit.

Her state is even more embarrassing and more serious.

Zhou Yun wanted to make his appearance more rigid.

Song Chi flew over suddenly.

He suddenly appeared on the set and gave Zhou Yun a huge surprise.

"Xiaoyun." Song Chi suddenly told her to hug her from behind.

For a moment, Zhou Yun felt that he had heard it wrong and was hallucinating.

"Why are you here?" Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise, and as soon as he finished speaking, she hugged Song Chi excitedly before Song Chi could answer, kissed Song Chi on the mouth, and kissed him stand up.

There were many people around, but everyone could understand the kiss between Zhou Yun and Song Chi at this moment. Many people were even a little envious and thought of their lover.

Working abroad for so long, not everyone has the conditions to bring their lover with them.

We all miss our loved ones.

Zhou Yun raised his head and looked at Song Chi with bright eyes.

"You haven't told me yet, why did you come here suddenly?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi smiled and said, "You kept gagging me just now, so it's hard for me to answer."

Zhou Yun: "Then tell me now."

"I have a few days off, so I came to see you." Song Chi still hugged Zhou Yun, "I have a surprise for you."

(End of this chapter)

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