Chapter 698
Song Chi's sudden arrival made Zhou Yun's mood as if the night was lit by stars.

Staying in the crew for a long time to film, immersed in the state of a character, after a long time, there will be a sense of distortion.

This feeling is hard to get rid of rationally.

However, as soon as Song Chi came, Zhou Yun felt a sense of relief from going ashore from the submerged state.

She and Song Chi frantically enjoyed their time in the hotel, until both of them were sweating profusely and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yun lay on the bed, wrapped himself in a quilt, and looked at Song Chi.

"How long have we not seen each other?"

"Almost two months." Song Chi said, "The last time we met was the Aoki Prize."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "It's really not easy to meet each other."

Song Chi said: "But then we will be filming together, so we don't have to be apart for so long."

Zhou Yun said, "Yes."

She raised her head and said, "I fully believed in your vision, so I accepted this drama."

Song Chi said, "Didn't you read the script?"

"You didn't read it all, you don't know, Chen Wenjun came to me and stayed here for two days, and he had to wait for my affirmative answer before leaving." Zhou Yun said, "I read the outline of the script, and then read the beginning. I haven't read all of the part and the ending, but I think it's good to have the opportunity to film a movie with you, so that we can also use work to stay together more."

Song Chi smiled.

"Chen Wenjun originally wanted to ask me to be a lobbyist."

"Then why didn't you come to convince me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi: "I don't want to influence your judgment. With your current status, you have to consider as many factors as I do when you accept a play. If it's my own play, let's talk about Chen Wenjun's play, I don't need it."

"Sensible enough, I like it." Zhou Yun smiled slyly, "But, are you a little darker?"

Zhou Yun felt that Song Chi's face was darker than before.

It also made him look even tougher.

Song Chi said: "When I was filming "Jianyuntai" before, it was exposed to the sun and rain every day, so it's no wonder it wasn't dark."

"You're even more handsome." Zhou Yun hugged Song Chi and kissed him on the cheek, "You were too white before, like a white-faced scholar. I think you're more handsome if you're darker."

At this moment, Zhou Yun was touching Song Chi like a piece of cotton candy.

Song Chi gradually indulged in this tenderness again.


"Sister Xiaoyun, it's really different when Brother Song Chi is here." Zheng Xiaoju even took advantage of Song Chi's absence to tease Zhou Yun, "Your state has completely changed."

"is it?"

"You'll know it when you look in the mirror. You're like a budding flower right now." Zheng Xiaoju used a metaphor only used by elementary school students.

Zhou Yun blushed inexplicably.

She gave Zheng Xiaoju a sideways look, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Sister Xiaoyun, you're not embarrassed to admit it, are you?" Zheng Xiaoju's eyes widened exaggeratedly, "Please, everyone said that after Brother Song Chi came, the smile on your face hasn't stopped in the past two days."

Zhou Yun: "..."

In fact, she rarely felt embarrassed, but at this moment, she was a little embarrassed.

Seeing this, Liu Yun said, "Sister Xiaoyun, don't listen to small sentences. In fact, everyone didn't talk about you two in particular. People talked more about Director Wen Bing and Lucia."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "It's okay. It's nothing to be said by others, and it's not something shameful. I'm really happy that Song Chi is here."

"How long can Brother Song Chi be with you here?" Zheng Xiaoju asked curiously.

"About a week." Zhou Yun said, "He has other things to do later, so he can't stay here for too long."

Zheng Xiaoju was a little disappointed at first, and then laughed.

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, sister Xiaoyun will be able to film with Brother Song Chi in July, and then we can stay together for several months." Zheng Xiaoju suddenly hugged Zhou Yun's arm, "I used to really They are all very envious of celebrities, but when I met Miss Xiaoyun, I realized that a real celebrity does not have such a relaxed and comfortable life, only those fake celebrities can live a relaxed and comfortable life."

"What are the real stars and fake stars you're talking about?" Liu Yun asked curiously.

Zheng Xiaoju spoke eloquently, saying: "A real star is a person who puts his own attitude very low, has very high demands on himself, cherishes his own feathers, and cherishes his own fame. and the blindfolded."

Zhou Yun was very surprised when he heard Zheng Xiaoju's words.

Let's not say whether Zheng Xiaoju's words are correct or not, but they really don't sound like Zheng Xiaoju's words.

Because... sounds quite cultured?The word is used in a set of ways.

Zhou Yun asked: "Xiaoju, where did you learn these words?"

"I learned from reading." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I found that reading is still beneficial, and I learned a lot of new words."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "It's rare."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, don't laugh at me, I know I don't read much, but I didn't like reading before, but now I do."

"Because you used to read books that others asked you to read, but now you read books that you want to read." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

"Yes, that's right, that's right." She nodded.

Zhou Yun said: "Anyway, reading is a good habit, small sentences, small rhymes, you have to keep it."

"I will." Zheng Xiaoju said, "To be honest, sister Xiaoyun, when I'm by your side, I don't read much, and I feel that I am very uneducated."

Zhou Yun: "Ah? Have I put so much pressure on you?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Zheng Xiaoju shook his head hastily, "Actually, I want to say, Sister Xiaoyun, it's good to be your assistant, and we will all unconsciously ask for self-improvement."

"Will it put you under too much pressure?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head.

"Of course not." Zheng Xiaoju said, "You never forced us to read books. If you forced us to study, then we would be under a lot of pressure, but this is not the same thing."

Zhou Yun said: "I just hope that you can strengthen yourself. You can't be my assistant for the rest of your life. It's like Xiaoju. You will be my executive agent now, but you won't be an executive agent for the rest of your life. You should learn more. , Enrich yourself more, this will definitely be of great benefit to your future development."

"Yeah." Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Liu Yun also nodded.

Zhou Yun actually cared about his two assistants very much.

She sincerely hopes that the two of them will get better and better.

Zheng Xiaoju said happily: "In fact, I have improved a lot now. You should know that I can communicate with foreigners in English now, but if the foreigner's English is not standard, I still can't understand it."

After Zheng Xiaoju finished speaking, he stuck out his tongue.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"Really? That's amazing progress."

"Haha, proud." Zheng Xiaoju raised his head and chest, very happy.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I won't be afraid to go abroad with you in the future."

Zhou Yun knows how difficult it is to learn a foreign language.It's not that easy.Especially for students like Zheng Xiaoju who basically lost their English in middle and high school.

However, Zhou Yun never thought that Zheng Xiaoju could force himself to practice English to this extent.

Zheng Xiaoju unexpectedly has such self-control.

This made Zhou Yun look at her with admiration.

Because, in Zhou Yun's heart, Zheng Xiaoju is actually a little girl who likes to be lazy.

After Zhou Yun told Song Chi about this, Song Chi looked at her in surprise and asked, "Don't you know that Zheng Xiaoju is now called Miss Xiaoju by many people in the industry?"

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

It was the first time she had heard of what Song Chi said, and she hadn't thought of it at all.

Song Chi laughed and said, "She should be helping you with a part of the work now, right? Many partners speak highly of her."

"I've never heard of it." Zhou Yun said pleasantly, "She is indeed helping me with part of the work, but she is mainly following me and being my assistant."

"Well, but these things, she does it very professionally." Song Chi said, "What does the hotel you live in look like, what should the room look like, what are your special needs, etc., the communication is very good, this Words have spread to my ears, and it is conceivable that everyone's evaluation of her is really good, so it spreads so widely."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Looks like I'll give Xiaoju more chances to show off in the future, and so does she. She's never told me this before."

"These are trivial things, and it's normal for her not to tell you, but you and I both know how important a capable assistant is to us." Song Chi said, "I haven't dared to change assistants until now. For this reason, it is too difficult to find an assistant who knows everything and believes in his ability.”

Zhou Yun said: "Indeed, but you can't let Zhang Cong be your assistant all the time, he still needs to develop his career."

"Well, after the past two years, the company has stabilized, and I will arrange for him to take charge of a piece of business in a suitable department." Song Chi said, "Now, I can't live without him."

"Then you give them more bonuses."

"of course."

In the entertainment circle, both Song Chi and Zhou Yun were famous and generous celebrities.

Ordinarily, celebrity artists earn more than ordinary people, but some celebrity artists are picky, especially for those around them, as if one dollar is going to be broken into two dollars.

Zhou Yun can't understand the kind of celebrity artist who is picky on the people around him and in the team.


Doing things in the celebrity artist team is different from doing things outside.

Their work basically has to follow the artist's work schedule, which is intense and stressful, and there is no fixed room for improvement.

In particular, Zhou Yun couldn't figure it out, since the quality of the work of the team members determines the quality of a lot of your work, why are you unwilling to spend more money, be more generous, and make everyone more motivated to work?
Zhou Yun was very generous to Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun.

Every year, the income of the two of them is determined to be no less than [-] yuan, which refers to the income at hand.

Zheng Xiaoju has more.

In addition, they accompany Zhou Yun to attend various activities and occasions, and they will also have a lot of other income, which can be realized.

Even so, Zhou Yun often felt that she gave too little—because she made a lot of money herself, and it was Zhou Lan who told Zhou Yun not to add too much in one go.

For an employee, it is hopeful that the annual income will be higher than the previous year.

If you get [-] this year and [-] next year, it will be good for cultivating the stability of a team.

But if you give [-] this year and only [-] next year, people will feel differently, feeling that their income is decreasing.

This feeling can make team members feel uneasy and unstable.

Zhou Lan also said that as long as Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun are loyal and stay in this team for a long time, as long as the two of them have been by Zhou Yun's side, the rewards in the future will definitely not be low.

Song Chi stayed with Zhou Yun for five days on the set of "The Female Killer". The domestic affairs could not be delayed any longer, so Song Chi finally left.

Zhou Yun spent the past five days very happily.

When she was filming every day, as long as she thought of seeing Song Chi after filming, she couldn't restrain her happiness.

At this moment she finally understood Wen Bing's mood.

When a person really likes another person, how do you make him suppress this feeling?

If he keeps suppressing it, it is estimated that he will become the vicar Claude in "Notre Dame de Paris".

After Song Chi left, Wen Bing came to ask Zhou Yun: "Song Chi is gone, why are you following along?"

"No, don't talk nonsense." Zhou Yun immediately denied it and glared at Wen Bing.

The two of them are too familiar, even if Wen Bing said such things to Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun wouldn't really get angry.

"I see that you are in a particularly good mood these few days since he came here." Wen Bing joked, "It seems that you still need a lover to stay with you, so that you can maintain a good mood and live a long life."

"Stop teasing me, and see for yourself that you and Lucia are not too bored every day." Zhou Yun said, "You are an office romance in disguise."

"It's fair and aboveboard, so what if it's an office romance?" Wen Bing said, "We are all very professional."

The European scenery on the Italian side is very beautiful, unlike Gambiwan, where the climate is relatively harsh and the sun is intense.

Wen Bing and Lucia can occasionally find time to go to restaurants outside to have a meal and have fun.

So is Zhou Yun.

In fact, she really wanted to find a chance to visit Rome, but because the shooting location was not in Rome, she had heavy shooting tasks and couldn't leave.

Wen Bing said: "After the filming of the scenes here is over, let's take a day off together and go to Rome to have fun."

"How could Zeng Ying agree?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Wen Bing said: "This is what she proposed. She said that everyone has worked hard on filming, so let everyone take a day off."

Zhou Yun was astonished.

Because in her impression, this is not Zeng Ying's style of doing things.

too weird.

Wen Bing said: "Don't think about it too much, she just uses this job to sell you a good deal. Our filming is progressing smoothly now, and she hasn't encountered any troubles. It's not a big problem to take a day or two off. Maybe it was Yao Yuanfeng who gave her the trick."

(End of this chapter)

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