Chapter 699
In fact, Wen Bing really guessed right, this was really Yao Yuanfeng's trick to Zeng Ying.

Yao Yuanfeng told Zeng Ying: "When you become a producer in the future, you must conquer a group of people who can belong to you. You can't look at this group of people with the attitude of looking for friends."

Zeng Ying had done this before, but she didn't quite agree with it in her heart.

She is a native producer of Xindun, and she has been responsible for all the projects of Xindun's own family.

In these project teams, Zeng Ying has encountered many difficulties in "putting together", difficulties in actual shooting, or star artists playing big names, etc., which are actually very trivial things.

However, Zeng Ying has never encountered a time when the entire crew was against her.

This time, when filming "The Female Killer", she suddenly had this feeling.

Zeng Ying believes that the filming team of "The Female Killer" is definitely not all Wen Bing's own people, but why when there is a conflict between her and Wen Bing, everyone vaguely stands on Wen Bing's side and is more willing to listen to him ?

Many people who don't know the situation often think that the director is the most powerful person in the crew.

However, those who really understand the market know that a crew who plays the role of telling the truth is more likely to be the producer.

Because in many cases, the producer is the one who manages the money.

Zeng Ying thought about it, and suddenly the words Yao Yuanfeng told her once appeared in her mind.

She suddenly became enlightened.

She didn't even have her team, her confidants in "The Female Killer".

When she had a conflict with Wen Bing, no one in the crew helped her.

Zeng Ying was surprised that she would make such a big mistake.

But such a big mistake was made, one is because Zeng Ying had no awareness of this aspect before, and because they are all Xindun projects, the people invited by the crew, in most cases, will give Zeng Ying, the "Xindun" People” have enough respect, and it is the uncle who pays the bill.The second is because the director Wen Bing is also a member of Xinshield, which makes the "Xinshield" symbol on Zeng Ying less offensive.

When two people conflict, you don't have to choose between "New Shield faction" and "non-New Shield faction". Anyway, both of them are "New Shield faction".

One of Zeng Ying's greatest strengths is that when she realizes that a certain situation is more beneficial to her, she will put aside her face and self-esteem without hesitation, and make the choice that is most beneficial to her .

It was the same when I shook hands with Wen Bing to make peace, and it is the same now that I have decided to give everyone a day off and go to Rome together.

When Zhou Yun was feeling with Wen Bing and Zheng Xiaoju, "Zeng Ying has changed her temper", Lucia suddenly fell into emotional fluctuations.

In short, Lucia thinks that the relationship between Wen Bing and Zhou Yun is too close.

Lucia is jealous.

Lucia told Wen Bing: "Every day on the set, I see you and Zhou Yun talking so intimately, I am not happy, I am very jealous in my heart."

She is also very frank and direct, and she speaks directly when she has something to say.

It's just that Wen Bing was shocked when he heard it.

He explained: "Honey, don't get me wrong, Zhou Yun and I are just good friends, she and I are not lovers."

Lucia asked: "She is so beautiful, haven't you ever liked her?"

Wen Bing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "If I had liked him, I would have chased her long ago."

"That's because she has a boyfriend." Lucia said, "Honey, don't be so close to Zhou Yun in the future, okay?"

Lucia grabbed Wen Bing's sleeve, showing a pitiful expression.

Wen Bing suddenly softened.

He said helplessly: "Okay, I see."

So, finding a suitable opportunity when Lucia was not around, Wen Bing went to Zhou Yun and told her about the matter.

"She is a little girl, and she has no sense of security in her heart. When she sees me talking and laughing with a big beauty like you, she thinks that I like you." How about not being so close?"

Zhou Yun glanced at Wen Bing from top to bottom, and raised his eyelids.

"Wen Bing, are you out of your mind?"

She folded her hands on her chest and turned to leave.

Wen Bing hurriedly chased after him and shouted: "Don't forget!"

Zhou Yun felt that Wen Bing, a man, would be fine if he didn't fall in love, but when he fell in love, he would feel sticky.

Wen Bing ran over and told her not to be so close to each other in the future?These words were speechless to Zhou Yun.Since there is nothing between her and Wen Bing, why keep a distance on purpose because of Lucia's mind?Doesn't this look even more pretentious?

Zhou Yun was very annoyed.

She scolded: "I'm sick."

Zheng Xiaoju knew about this and said, "Why did director Wen Bing do such a stupid thing? I thought only my stupidest male friends would be fooled by my girlfriend."

Zheng Xiaoju's words were a precise strike.

Zhou Yun was suddenly amused by Zheng Xiaoju's words.

"For me, the most angry thing is that Wen Bing was actually encouraged by Lucia." Zhou Yun said, "I think he and I are friends after all, really friends, but he is really out of his mind. Hot, don’t care about anything, friends don’t care, just make his girlfriend happy first, I’ll fuck his girlfriend!”

Zhou Yun burst out a little foul language.

Zheng Xiaoju immediately said: "Sister Xiaoyun, don't worry, I will never be such a perverted person in the future!"

She raised her hand and swore.

Zhou Yun looked at her with pity, and said, "Xiaoju, it seems that you really don't have a man you like now."

Zheng Xiaoju: "..."

Why did she feel like she was hit with precision?
Although Zhou Yun was angry, to some extent, because Wen Bing was her friend, she finally let herself understand and accept Wen Bing's behavior.

She chose to cooperate.

To be friends, sometimes you may have to make some sacrifices that you don't understand.

Of course, when Lucia was not around, Zhou Yun always shot at him.

Wen Bing gave her a "please please" gesture.

Normally, when Lucia saw Zhou Yun, she greeted her very affectionately.

The same is true for Zhou Yun.

It's just that at this time Zhou Yun will no longer think that Lucia's attitude towards her is as it seems on the surface.

In any case, Lucia was at least jealous of her and wary of her.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, after the filming of the Italian scene was finished, Lucia's scene would be finished. At that time, it would be interesting to see if Lucia would stay on the set.

Who knew, Zhou Yun was thinking about this, when Lucia suddenly started arguing with Zeng Ying.

The reason for the conflict between the two was that Zeng Ying went to find Lucia, so that she would not be clinging to Wen Bing on the set when she was not on set. After all, it was a workplace, and the two of them were on the set. The rest of the staff felt uncomfortable.

Zeng Ying's words were actually very polite. If she didn't give Lucia face, she would give Wen Bing face.After finally easing the relationship with Wen Bing, how could she be willing to argue with Wen Bing again.

But Lucia's reaction was very violent.

Lucia accused Zeng Ying emotionally: "Why are you targeting me like this?"

Zeng Ying was taken aback by Lucia's sudden emotional outburst, at a loss, and subconsciously comforted Lucia.

"Lucia, I don't mean to comfort you, and I don't mean to blame you. You and Wen Bing have just met and are in a passionate relationship. I understand that you two want to be together all the time, but we are making a movie now. Isn't it? It's not just you and Wen Bing on the set, he is a director, besides accompanying you, he also has to work."

Lucia was even angrier.

She asked: "Do you think I delayed Wen Bing's work?"

Zeng Ying had never seen Lucia like this.

Lucia had never lost her temper in front of Zeng Ying before.

"I didn't mean that. It's a feeling for everyone." Zeng Ying was also a little annoyed.

If Lucia wasn't Wen Bing's girlfriend, why would she hold back her temper?

Lucia sneered and said, "But no one ever told me that they were affected, only you."

"Because I'm a producer." Zeng Ying suddenly didn't bother to talk to Lucia, "Lucia, please be clear, no matter you are Wen Bing's girlfriend or whoever's girlfriend, where are you now? I'm in charge of the crew, I'll tell you what I want to say now, so you can listen carefully while I'm still willing to talk to you."

Zeng Ying has never been an easy-talking woman.

Her tough style is widely spread in the circle. Even though she has never heard of her style, Lucia was also on the set when she fought Wen Bing before.

Zeng Ying was curious, where did Lucia get the confidence to put on airs in front of her suddenly.

She still remembered that when she met Lucia for the first time, Lucia was delicate and full of aura, and she was very respectful and polite to her.

At that time, Zeng Ying still thought that the little girl Lucia had a good temper.

Who knew that falling in love with Wen Bing gave her such confidence.

Zeng Ying thought to herself, even your boyfriend Wen Bing wouldn't talk to me like that.

Of course, Zeng Ying would never say such things to Lucia no matter what.

Lucia also showed a look of shock on her face, as if she hadn't recovered for a long time.

She looked at Zeng Ying in surprise, as if she didn't expect Zeng Ying to lose her temper so much.

Zeng Ying looked back at Lucia without moving.

She knew that the more it was like this, the less she could compromise.

Because once the first compromise is made, the subsequent rules will not stand up.

It was at this moment that Lucia's eyes turned red unexpectedly.

A stream of tears fell from her eyes.

She turned and ran away.

Liu Zengying stood there alone in amazement, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

Half an hour later, when Wen Bing came aggressively to help Lucia find a place, a stone fell from Zeng Ying's heart, and she knew why she was uneasy.

Lucia actually ran to complain to Wen Bing.

Wen Bing had a deep conflict with Zeng Ying, but suddenly Lucia ran over and said that Zeng Ying bullied her, how could he bear it.

From Wen Bing's point of view, Zeng Ying bullied Zeng Ying because she hated Wu Ji Wu.

"Zeng Ying, what do you mean?" Wen Bing looked at Zeng Ying with an angry face, "Why did you bully Lucia?"


Zeng Ying laughed angrily.

"Wen Bing, why am I bullying her as a little girl?"

Wen Bing: "Who knows what's going on in your heart."

"No matter what idea I have, I'm not interested in bullying her." Zeng Ying glared at Lucia, and Lucia hid behind Wen Bing as if terrified.

Zeng Ying sneered, "I just told her, please don't always stay on the set when she doesn't have a movie to shoot, the two of you are tired of being together, everyone will feel uncomfortable watching it, and she will suddenly go crazy."

Wen Bing gritted his teeth.

"Aren't you talking bluntly, or is it because of my dating with Lucia?"

"Wait, don't give me a label. I don't care about your relationship with Lucia." Zeng Ying immediately interrupted Wen Bing, "Anyway, Mr. Yao agrees that if something happens, I won't care about it." Don't hold me accountable, I'm taking care of you now because don't forget, when you have a girlfriend with you, there are many people in the crew, and none of them have their own lovers or family members around them."

Wen Bing satirized: "Are you talking about yourself?"

Zeng Ying was so angry at his words that her face turned green and pale.

"Am I the only one in this crew besides you?" Zeng Ying snapped back angrily, "Don't put your personal prejudice against me into this matter, and please think carefully about whether what I said makes sense. It's the director, and Lucia is your girlfriend, of course no one will come to you and say that they don't want to see you two openly flirting, except me, who else would say that?"

Although Wen Bing doesn't like Zeng Ying, he is not an unreasonable person.

What Zeng Ying said hit his heart.

As Zeng Ying said, then he should indeed adjust his way of getting along with Lucia.

Is it true that many people are uncomfortable?
Wen Bing was not sure.

He himself is a person who feels the same happiness when he sees other couples behaving intimately.

Therefore, he always thought that when everyone saw him and Lucia together, they would feel the same way.

Wasn't it?
Wen Bing did not fully believe Zeng Ying, although he also believed that Zeng Ying would not lie about this matter.

Finally, Wen Bing decided to ask Zhou Yun.

If there was anyone in this production team who would definitely believe what he said, it was Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun hesitated to speak.

Wen Bing said: "Xiaoyun, don't worry about anything, just tell me the truth, are there really many people who will be unhappy because of this?"

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"There will be."

Wen Bing was taken aback.

Zhou Yun said: "However, I don't think it's as serious as what Zeng Ying said. Who in this line of work is so fragile that they can't see a couple getting close? If that's the case, how did they get here before? I don't believe that there were no lovers in the crews they participated in before."

(End of this chapter)

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