Wen Bing: "Then do you think Zeng Ying is deliberately bullying Lucia and disgusting me?"

"I don't think so, Wen Bing, you and Lucia really like each other, I can see that, but from the perspective of a bystander, I don't like your girlfriend very much now."

"Why?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Because her behavior several times made me feel that she is not as pure as she appears on the surface."

Wen Bing frowned and asked, "Do you think she's just pretending?"

"I don't know, I actually don't have any evidence, so you should listen to it and don't take it seriously." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, this is between the two of you, it's just a relationship, what kind of woman is she?" In the end, you know best yourself.”

Wen Bing let out a cry.

Zhou Yun: "If you want to listen to my advice, I suggest that you and Lucia try not to get tired of crookedness on the set. It's not because of anything else, but it will make many people have a bad impression and think you are unprofessional. How you treat the movie kind of determines how they treat the movie."

"Okay." Wen Bing nodded, "I will think about it carefully."

After two days, I don't know what Wen Bing said to Lucia. In the end, unless Lucia had something to do with herself, she really stopped appearing by Wen Bing's side all the time, and got bored with him from time to time.

In Zeng Ying's words: "Finally, the wind is clear and upright!"

Zhou Yun almost couldn't laugh out loud when he heard Zeng Ying's words.

Sometimes she thinks that Zeng Ying is also very interesting.

For Zeng Ying, this can be regarded as her small victory.

Zeng Ying has really experienced the most difficult period of her career as a producer in this crew, frequently deflated and tolerant.

Except for the period when she first started working, Zeng Ying hadn't experienced this kind of embarrassment for a long time.

The point is, it's okay to suffer from Wen Bing and Zhou Yun.In any case, one is the director of this movie, and the other is the lead actor of this movie. Even if they are playing big names, they still have the status to play.Zeng Ying was most annoyed at Lucia—you, a young actor without any reputation, if you hadn't fallen in love with Wen Bing and became Wen Bing's girlfriend, who would you be!

In the workplace, there are only two kinds of people in Zeng Ying's eyes, one is those who cooperate with her work, and the other is those who do not cooperate with her work.If you are the latter type of person, or you are like Wen Bing and Zhou Yun, you have the capital to not cooperate, she can't do anything, she can only save the country with curves.Or, it was she who beat this man up hard.

Zeng Ying didn't know if Lucia was convinced, but she didn't care anymore.At least not now.Zeng Ying felt that if she had to back down a step in the fight with Lucia, then she would really have no majesty in this crew.

So, no matter what, Zeng Ying will be tough on the matter of Lucia.

If Wen Bing stood firmly behind Lucia and thought it was okay for the two of them to flirt on the set, then Zeng Ying felt that she had to take other measures.

All in all, in this crew, only Wen Bing and Zhou Yun can make Zeng Ying give in. There is no third person.

Perhaps because of this incident, when Lucia saw Zeng Ying again, she looked embarrassed, avoided her gaze, and left as if she had never met Zeng Ying.

Zeng Ying kept a sneer at Lucia's reaction.

Frankly speaking, Zeng Ying didn't like Lucia.

The way Lucia showed in front of Zeng Ying at the beginning was completely different from the way she showed after falling in love with Wen Bing.

This kind of face-changing behavior made Zeng Ying think that Lucia's innocence and innocence in front of her were all a disguise.

If Zeng Ying communicated this with Zhou Yun, she would know that she was not the only one who thought so.

Zhou Yun also had doubts about Lucia's true character.

At first, Zhou Yun thought that Lucia had these behaviors only because she was jealous because of her love for Wenbing. However, Lucia gradually showed a behavior of possessing and excluding others, which made Zhou Yun start to have doubts.

She didn't think Lucia's behavior of possessing and excluding others was bad, she just felt that this behavior was inconsistent with the innocence and simplicity that Lucia had shown before.

And Zhou Yun doesn't like a person who pretends to be innocent and simple.

Such a person would remind Zhou Yun of Xu Siyao.

Until now, if Zhou Yun thought of Xu Siyao's pure and enthusiastic look when he met her, she would feel sick.

However, one day after work was over, Zhou Yun went back to the hotel.

She suddenly saw Lucia sitting alone in the cafe next to the hotel, sitting on the high chair facing the window, looking in another direction, weeping in a trance.

Zhou Yun didn't know what happened to Lucia either.

Lucia didn't see her.

Zhou Yun didn't want to get involved in Lucia's affairs, so he turned and left as if he hadn't seen anything.

In the evening, Wen Bing suddenly came to her and asked her for help.

"Help? What can I help you with?" Zhou Yun asked Wen Bing in surprise.

Wen Bing said: "Lucia is avoiding me now and refuses to see me."

He looked helpless.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "She doesn't even shoot scenes?"

"The film is still being filmed, but as long as there is no scene with her and she is not on the set, she will not answer my phone calls or reply to my messages," Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun asked: "Did she tell you why she was angry?"

Wen Bing: "She blamed me for not being on her side."

"Because of the incident with Zeng Ying?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing nodded.

"You deserve it yourself too." Zhou Yun said, "You shouldn't have had sex with her in the workplace from the very beginning."

Wen Bing frowned: "Why do you even say such things?"

Zhou Yun: "Did I say something wrong?"

Wen Bing said: "I thought you could at least understand me."

Zhou Yun: "I understand you, but I have to tell you the truth. Intellectually speaking, I don't think you should do this."

Wen Bing: "Of course I know."

Zhou Yun blinked and smiled.

"If you want to make her happy, just say something nice to her. Maybe she doesn't have to stay with you on the set, she just wants your attitude."

Wen Bing: "But she ignores me now, I can't coax her even if I want to."

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

"Then there's nothing you can do?"

"What else can I do?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun said: "It's not like she won't see you again, could it be that you really can't find any chance to talk to her?"

At least when Lucia went to the set to film, Wen Bing would definitely be able to see her.

Wen Bing said: "You don't even know how big her temper is when she loses her temper."

"I don't know, but if this kind of thing happens, you have to solve it." Zhou Yun said, "Now do you know why Zeng Ying didn't want you to fall in love with Lucia before?"

"If it wasn't for her chirping and picking, why would Lucia quarrel with me?" Wen Bing said angrily.

Zhou Yun: "Oh."

There were too many conflicts between Wen Bing and Zeng Ying.From Wen Bing's point of view, he really has nothing to understand about Zeng Ying wearing such colored glasses.

If Wen Bing and Zeng Ying hadn't had those conflicts before, Zhou Yun would definitely have a serious discussion with Wen Bing. Zeng Ying actually did nothing wrong with this matter.

But with the conflict between Wen Bing and Zeng Ying before, Zhou Yun actually knew that no matter what she said, Wen Bing would not agree.

Because Wen Bing hates Zeng Ying, as long as it is related to Zeng Ying, he can't think rationally. Zeng Ying did this, from Wen Bing's point of view, it must be out of personal grievances between the two.

Zhou Yun knew this.

"All in all, no matter what Zeng Ying did, but you and Lucia were flirting on the set, and you know that the influence is not good." Zhou Yun thought for a while and added, "If Zeng Ying didn't tell you , then I will talk to you too."

Wen Bing glanced at her impatiently, and said, "Is it the same thing for you to tell me?"

Zhou Yun: "I mean, this conflict between you and Lucia may be unavoidable."

Wen Bing: "..."

Zhou Yun said: "You forgot, Lucia will still be jealous because you talk to me a lot."

Wen Bing himself forgot about this.

He touched his nose and said, "Lucia is too simple and has never been in a relationship. I can understand that she is angry with me."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes in his heart.

Only you, she thought, would think she was innocent.

The conflict between Wen Bing and Lucia has not been resolved.

While filming on the set, Zhou Yun could clearly feel the coldness between Lucia and Wen Bing.

Originally, Zhou Yun thought that these two people would have a tantrum for a few days at most, and then they would be fine.

Conflict between couples is all too normal.

However, as time passed, there seemed to be no sign of breaking the ice between Lucia and Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun noticed that Wen Bing also looked impatiently at Lucia's eyes.

This is not a good sign.

Will the two break up because of this matter?
Relationships are never stable.

Wen Bing and Lucia fell in love so quickly that they were actually not familiar with each other.

The love between two people is basically based on the hormonal impulse of love at first sight.

Such feelings are often detached from reality and are extraordinarily romantic, but they are also vulnerable to the impact of reality and cannot withstand storms.

Wen Bing is actually right in one sentence.

Lucia is too young.

Even though she is not as innocent as she appears on the surface, she is always young.Young people are impulsive.

If Lucia wants to break up with Wen Bing impulsively, it is not impossible.

Even if this matter seems to others, it is actually nothing.

After the filming of the Italian scene was finished, Zeng Ying fulfilled her promise and waited for everyone to go to Rome.

Have a holiday.

Everyone can move freely.

Zhou Yun originally thought that Wen Bing and Lucia could take advantage of this time to have a good chat and resolve the previous conflict.

But things are also different from what Zhou Yun thought.

When Zhou Yun changed his clothes and was about to go out, he happened to meet Wen Bing and Lucia arguing in the corridor.

Lucia was emotionally asking Wen Bing some questions.

Wen Bing, on the other hand, was impatient and listened with displeasure, his eyes had lost the love he once had for Lucia.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yun paused and walked over embarrassed.

She stood there awkwardly.

Suddenly, Zeng Ying sneered from behind.

Zhou Yun turned around.

Zeng Ying also came out at some point, standing behind her with her hands folded in front of her chest.

"That's why I didn't support the crew's romance before."

Hearing Zeng Ying's words, Zhou Yun was particularly harsh.

She said: "Sister Ying, the conflict between the two of them has been going on for a long time, but it didn't affect the normal shooting of the crew."

Zeng Ying said: "But how long can it last? They may not affect others, what about the others? Do I have to expect them to be as sensible as Wen Bing and Lucia every time?"

Zhou Yun was speechless.

Zeng Ying probably realized that what she just said was a little too much.

"I mean, we can't bet on an unknown."

Zhou Yun said, "Sister Ying, you should know why the two of them quarreled, right?"

Zeng Ying: "Of course I know."

"Now that you know, it's easy to say, I mean, Sister Ying, Wen Bing is my friend, so I might not be able to look at this matter so rationally, if you didn't handle it well Lucia and Wen Bing won't quarrel." Zhou Yun looked at Zeng Ying, "To tell you the truth, I'm like you, I'm not very optimistic about Lucia and Wen Bing, but I'd rather they find out that they don't like each other. It is suitable, and it is not because of some external factors that the relationship between them has changed. I don’t know how much you know about Wen Bing. He is a person who is very easy to fall in love. In my opinion, his vision is also really Not so bad, one or two can always be deceived by the simple appearance of women, I also want to scold him, but this is not the time, I don't mean to criticize you, I just want to say, you shouldn't be at this time ridicule them."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

"I've talked too much, sister Ying, just pretend that I haven't said anything."

Zeng Ying was stunned for a long time, looked at Zhou Yun, hesitated to speak.

Zhou Yun turned and went back to the room.

Half an hour later, someone knocked on the door.

Zhou Yun glanced through the peephole inside the door.

Wen Bing stood at the door with a nervous look on his face.

Zhou Yun opened the door.

Wen Bing glanced at her and scratched his head, as if he was quite embarrassed, not knowing why he was hesitating.

"Are you looking for me?"

Wen Bing said: "Did you see when I quarreled with Lucia just now?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Yes, I didn't hear what you two were arguing about, don't worry."

"That's good." Wen Bing showed a relieved smile, but Zhou Yun could also see that the sense of relief in the smile on Wen Bing's face was faked.

Zhou Yun: "You..."

She looked at Wen Bing suspiciously.

Wen Bing took a deep breath and let it out.

"I broke up with Lucia."

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