The matter of breaking up with Lucia did not make Wen Bing very painful.

He also just realized one thing, he might not like Lucia that much.

"When she lost her temper with me hysterically, there was only one thought in my head, let's break up quickly, so that I can be relieved."

"The two of you were together very quickly." Zhou Yun said, "It's just that you were completely sunk in it at the time, so I couldn't say anything."

Wen Bing nodded.

"In the beginning, I really liked her."

"Didn't you realize it yourself? Whether it's Windsor or Lucia, the reason why you like them is because when you first met them, they were all kind of enthusiastic, innocent and lively girls." Zhou Yun said, " That's the kind of girl you like, right?"

Wen Bing thought silently.

Zhou Yun said: "But no matter what, I think you are very scum."

"Why?" Wen Bing asked innocently, "I didn't do anything wrong in this matter, did I?"

"You shouldn't tease her." Zhou Yun pointed out, "You are a director and she is an actor. The two of you have just met, no matter what, no matter how much you like her, you can't rush to a showdown with her."

Wen Bing scratched his head and sighed.

"It's out of my control."

"I don't believe this kind of thing. I don't believe that people can't control themselves. It just depends on how strong your willpower is." Zhou Yun said, "If a person really can't control his behavior, then he will Animals make no difference."

Wen Bing: "You are terribly rational."

"What I mean is, we have to ask ourselves so much. Being unable to control ourselves cannot be an excuse or a reason." Zhou Yun said, "especially it cannot be a reason for ourselves to forgive ourselves."

Wen Bing shrugged.

"You are always so strict with me."

"I am so strict with all my friends." Zhou Yun said, "If there is something, I will not say it, let alone someone who is not your friend."

Wen Bing asked: "Then would you say these things to Song Chi?"

"Two different things." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him, "If I could be as sensible in front of Song Chi as I am in front of you, I wouldn't like him."

Wen Bing suddenly laughed.

"Well, I accept all your criticisms of me."

Zhou Yun: "Let's go out for a stroll together."

It's a good time, and she doesn't want to stay in the hotel room all the time.

Wen Bing nodded.

The two walked out of the hotel together and basked in the sunshine of Rome.

Zhou Yun stretched his arms freely, and a brilliant smile appeared on his face.

She said to Wen Bing, "Take a picture for me."

Wen Bing nodded, took out his mobile phone, and said, "I only have a mobile phone."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, posing gracefully, asked Wen Bing to take a few photos for her, and said, "Let's go."

Wen Bing sent the photo to Zhou Yun.

"Did Windsor contact you later?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing: "Why did she contact me? Didn't she do a good job with Chen Wenjun?"

"It seems to be doing a good job." Zhou Yun nodded, "Before I came into contact with a new director's script, I was going to do it myself, but she snatched it away."

Wen Bing was a little surprised.

He was surprised: "She can still take away the script you fancy?"

From the director's point of view, Wen Bing couldn't figure out why such a thing happened.

Zhou Yun: "The new director is also more difficult to deal with. He may think that it is not suitable to cooperate with me."

Wen Bing was even more shocked after hearing Zhou Yun's words.

"Even you are not easy to cooperate, who does he think will be easy to cooperate?" Wen Bing was shocked, "Then I can only say that this person is too stupid, he has no idea what is going on in this business, who is it?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I told you before, it's the script of "Above the Crowd."

Before Zhou Yun asked Wen Bing to read the script of "Above the Crowd". The script was well written, and Wen Bing was impressed.

He said in surprise, "It's him? All right."

"I think it would be great if he could cooperate with Chen Wenjun." Zhou Yun said, "To be honest, I am not as good as Chen Wenjun. If Chen Wenjun really likes him, he is willing to help him and give him a push." , definitely more help than I can give him.”

Zhou Yun is still clear about how much he weighs.

She's a powerful actress, and she knows it.

But this energy is not big enough to push a director out.

Song Chi might have this power.

That's why many actors have to start their own production company.

In the final analysis, an actor is still a link in the production chain, even if it is an indispensable and crucial link, it is also one of the links.

And the production company is the one who really manages the entire production chain and has the right to make decisions.

Wen Bing said: "Believe me, that person did not choose to cooperate with you, it is definitely his loss, this is a heartfelt statement from a director who has cooperated with you three times."

His eyes are full of sincerity.

Zhou Yun was comforted by him and laughed.

"Thank you."

Wen Bing said: "I'm not being polite to you and trying to make you happy. I'm serious. Since I became a film director, I have made three films in total. You are in each film. I can imagine it now." If you don’t come out, what will it be like if one day I make a movie without you in it.”

"Without me, you are still you. You are Wen Bing, whom every actor wants to work with." Zhou Yun waved his hand, "Can we stop boasting each other in business here? That's enough."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The passers-by next to them didn't know what the two of them were laughing at.

Zhou Yun said: "However, after filming "The Female Killer", I really need to take a good rest. Filming an action movie is really exhausting. It consumes both my energy and energy. I have never been so tired before."

Wen Bing said: "But didn't you accept "Sinking Moon in the Sea"?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "So, at that time, I didn't want to pick up, but I wanted to be with Song Chi again. Alas, I'm born to work hard, so I don't know if it's possible. Find a time. I don't have any work with him. Just find a place and take a quiet vacation.”

Wen Bing said: "I have heard you say this many times, but don't think about it now, you and him are in the best time, and in the next ten to fifteen years, it will be even more The golden period of your acting career, unless you retire, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to really leave all this behind."

Just like what Chen Wenjun did this time.

When Zhou Yun refused, Chen Wenjun kept torturing her until she agreed.

Screenplay, actors, pay, etc.

They can agree and meet your request from any aspect, as long as you agree to act.

That's what top actors do.

The entire showbiz industry is looking for you to work with.

If you don't agree, you can't do it.

This industry is the foundation for you to live and work, and you are not a person who does his own way and doesn't buy it at all.

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing walked aimlessly in the city for a long time.

This is a very beautiful city, and its famous and glorious relics of history can be seen everywhere.

Walking in a city full of culture and history, this feeling, if you like this kind of atmosphere and tone, it is self-evidently wonderful.

Zhou Yun said: "Some time ago, I watched Woody Allen's "Love in Rome". Have you watched it?"

"Such a famous movie, of course I've seen it."

"I couldn't understand Woody Allen at all for a long time, but that day on the plane, I had nothing else to do, so I just watched this movie, and I liked it unexpectedly." Zhou Yun said, "How to say Well, it has broadened my understanding of movies, that is, movies can be made in any way, even in prose. As long as you can make them, many movies are actually novels with a complete beginning and end. The story is very strong, "Love in Rome" is very fragmented, like a short story, with a feeling of no beginning and no end, the beginning is strange, and the end is also hasty, but it is very interesting."

"Woody Allen's movies are all in this style." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun: "Then I thought, for such a famous director as Woody Allen, there should be many people imitating him, but after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't find a particularly good imitation."

"Because his movies are like a particularly snarky intellectual. If you want to imitate him, you can only complain about it, and you have to have real things in your stomach. The threshold for imitation is too high, and the non-commercial things themselves are It is even more difficult to copy." Wen Bing said, "His films are not made according to the routines of the film industry from the beginning to the end."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Wen Bing asked: "If he asks you to make a movie, you will definitely do it, right?"

"Of course." Zhou Yun said, "Do you know why so many actors want to cooperate with these world-class masters? Admiration is one thing, but another key point is that when you cooperate with these masters When working together, you are often able to discover a side that has never been discovered before. You have this ability, not to mention "Days", when shooting this "Female Killer", I was often tortured by you to the point where I took a dozen or two shots. Ten times, the final effect is something that I have never imagined. Before I filmed "The Female Killer", I thought I was playing a very lonely and indifferent killer who wandered on the edge of the world, but I really started to create This character, I slowly felt her vitality, especially every time you repeatedly asked me to replay the shots, those very detailed places, after shooting I suddenly realized that all my processing came from me The imagination of this role, and my imagination is all based on my own emotional logic and cognitive logic, but this means that my role plays a lot like me."

Wen Bing said: "The role of the female killer Swing is very similar to you. When I wrote this role, I wrote it in your image."

"It's not the same thing. I mean, in fact, the reason why a movie is a movie is not because it is creating a dream, or in a short two hours, to condense another person's life? Different People’s logic is always different from others. I thought I was creating different characters, indifferent, or optimistic, or neurotic, but in fact there is one thing I have been ignoring, the characters I created The indifferent characters are also my Zhou Yun’s indifference, and the optimistic characters I created are also my Zhou Yun’s optimism. In fact, these are just different sections of a person’s personality, but their character logic is still the same, but in the real sense The difference is that even the logic of the characters has changed."

Wen Bing pondered for a moment, and said: "I never thought about it that way. I just sat behind the monitor and watched your performance. Before you performed, I had already imagined your performance in my mind. Then if you What is actually performed is not what I have in mind, and I will make you do it all over again."

"So, you are a genius, you know what you want before shooting." Zhou Yun said.

The two sat down in a corner coffee shop.

The canopy shaded the sun.

There are many tourists in this ancient city.

The Chinese have some too.

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing were sitting on the corner drinking coffee, which attracted the attention of some people.

Wen Bing noticed the gazes of these people and said, "It seems that someone will come to take a photo with you soon."

Zhou Yun said: "Then would you mind taking a photo with them?"

Wen Bing said: "I'll forget it. If they ask about Lucia, I don't know what to say."

Zhou Yun also deeply agrees.

The relationship between Wen Bing and Lucia was reported back to China not long ago, and it has attracted the attention of many people.

It didn't take long for the two to break up, which is really strange to say.

Zhou Yun picked up the coffee: "Since this is the case, let's leave quickly and change to a place with fewer people."

Before the fans who recognized Zhou Yunlai asked them to take pictures, they left this crowded street corner and entered a bookstore.

But the bookstore here is obviously meaningless for both of them.

They don't understand the text here at all.

Zhou Yun said, "Why did the two of us come here? Change to another place."

"Wait." Wen Bing stopped Zhou Yun.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Do you still want to visit here?"

"No, look over there." Wen Bing said.

He used his chin to indicate the location in the corner of the bookstore.

There were not many people in the bookstore. Everyone stood in front of the bookshelf and browsed. In the corner, a couple was kissing.

"Huh? It's Sister Ying?" Zhou Yun recognized that the woman hugged by the tall man was Zeng Ying, wasn't she?

Wen Bing sneered.

"I said, why is she suddenly so kind to give the whole production crew a vacation? It turned out that she was here for a date with her boyfriend." He took out his mobile phone.

Zhou Yun stopped him in surprise.

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to shoot it and send it to Yao Yuanfeng, so that Yao Yuanfeng can see what his trusted producer is doing." Wen Bing sneered, "She said that I talked about the love of the crew so righteously, why is she still doing it? How about calling your boyfriend over for a date while filming?"

"You wait."

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