Zhou Yun tried very hard to drag Wen Bing out.

Wen Bing is still aggrieved.

"Why don't you let me shoot?"

Zhou Yun said: "Because you are doing something that you will regret later."

Wen Bing said angrily: "Who told you that I would regret it in the future? This is reciprocating the way of others."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him, and said very firmly: "It wasn't someone who told me, I told you."

At this time, she always has an unquestionable demeanor.

Wen Bing took a deep breath and complained: "Why do you always have such high moral demands on me at this time?"

Zhou Yun said: "If you don't have such high moral requirements on yourself, I won't hold you back. You will regret it, so I will hold you back."

Wen Bing was still very angry.

She said, "Zeng Ying is the one who went looking for Lucia openly."

Wen Bing knew what Zhou Yun was talking about.

Zhou Yun said again: "I know you hate Zeng Ying very much, but Wen Bing, let's be more rational. She didn't really hurt you with villainous means. Do you want to use such villainous means to get revenge?"

Wen Bing stopped talking.

There was a childlike, angry recklessness on his face.

But this is something unique to Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun also believes that this thing will always stay on Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun said, "Let's go."

Wen Bing didn't say anything else, and followed Zhou Yun away.


On the day of Lucia's filming, the atmosphere in the crew was a little weird.

They have all transferred to Hong Kong.

Lucia has one last scene here.

In this modern and crowded city, she died in an abrupt gun battle in the most innocent manner in the last scene.

Night enveloped all around.

In the narrow living room like a honeycomb, Zhou Yun suddenly turned around and saw a smile on Lucia's dying face.

She didn't even know what happened, her life had been ended.

Zhou Yun stood in front of Lucia, at this moment, she suddenly fell into a state of bewilderment.

"Cut!" Wen Bing's voice sounded.

The quiet studio immediately returned to sound.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and saw Lucia standing up from the ground.

Her eyes met Lucia's.

Lucia looked at her expressionlessly and didn't look away.

Lucia's gaze made Zhou Yun feel a little uncomfortable.

Her eyes seemed to be saying something, but when Zhou Yun wanted to say something to her, Lucia turned around suddenly and left.

This is her last scene.

After Wen Bing shouted "Pass", according to the management of the crew, it should be to send a bouquet of flowers to the finalized actors, and make a small ceremony to send them off.

But everyone seems to have forgotten about it by coincidence. No one prepared this little farewell ceremony, and no one prepared flowers for Lucia.

When Zhou Yun saw Lucia for the last time, her agency arranged a car to pick her up.

Lucia saw her before getting into the car.

Standing in the sun, she paused in her footsteps.

Zhou Yun shook his hand at her.

However, Lucia didn't seem to see anything, the corner of her mouth twitched, got in the car and left.

Filming the movie "Killer" was probably a very bad experience for Lucia.

She's still so young, and she hasn't been acting for a long time. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have come to China to look for acting opportunities.

Regarding these things that happened, Zhou Yun didn't know what Lucia thought.But certainly not a pleasant thought.If he could do it all over again, Zhou Yun felt that he could at least give Lucia off when she was about to leave.Due to various reasons of her own, she did not do so.

"I think I'm not as objective as I claim to be." Zhou Yun suddenly started to reflect on himself when he was on the phone with Song Chi, "Because Wen Bing and I are friends, so even in this matter In fact, I know that Wen Bing has done a lot of things wrong, but I still stand by his side."

Song Chi said, "Isn't this what every normal person would do?"

"is it?"

"Friends, family, that's it. Even if you make a mistake, I will still stand by your side." Song Chi said, "I can't say that this is the right thing to do, nor can I say it is a matter of course, but , if I were you, I would definitely do the same thing as you."

Zhou Yun was thinking about one thing, how did a person say one reason after another and justly put it behind him?

Of course, maybe only her.

Maybe there will always be some people who can "kill relatives with righteousness".

After Lucia finished filming, Zhou Yun never heard about Lucia again.Zhou Yun was thinking, based on the conflicts between Lucia, Zeng Ying and Wen Bing, it is estimated that Lucia will not be invited to participate in the follow-up promotion and screening activities.

When Zhou Yun thought of this, he felt a little helpless.

In fact, Lucia is an actor who can give a very brilliant performance at certain moments.

Zhou Yun felt that it would be a pity if some of Lucia's performances in this drama were not shown in the end due to some reasons.

But it's not up to her to decide.

Furthermore, Xindun may not do this either.

Will Wen Bing do this?
Based on what she knew about him, she didn't think he would do this.

The temperature gradually rises.

As time goes by, spring is coming to an end, and summer is already on the way.

Zhou Yun has received the complete script of "Sinking Moon at Sea", and started to read it and prepare.

Of course, most of her time was still devoted to the filming of the movie "The Female Killer".

The two plays are completely different styles.

Zhou Yun did not dare to study the drama "Sinking Moon in the Sea" too deeply, for fear of affecting his performance in "The Female Killer".

Song Chi is already preparing for the filming of the TV series "Sinking Moon at Sea".

News of the drama has already spread in the industry.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun teamed up again, and this is another group play. Besides the roles of the two of them, there are many other characters with good roles and characters. According to Zhou Lan, the entire show business circle is very popular. Rob crazy.

Even Liu Qingqing came to compete for a supporting actress.

When Zhou Lan talked about this incident, he was very surprised: "Don't say it, Chen Wenjun played it really well. With his doing this, many stars now want to act in this drama. There is a lot of competition and the initiative It's in his hands, and he will choose who to play, so why do you think he must get both you and Song Chi into this drama, just like Liu Qingqing, if it wasn't because of you and Song Chi Starring Chi Du, how could she come to compete for a supporting actress, even if she is too old, she would not be able to play a supporting actress, not to mention that she recovered a wave of blood with "Panic" not long ago."

In this line of work, everyone is too trusting.

Sometimes, you can't believe it.

Some people are just lucky, and they get popular when they act.

More people believe in those who have succeeded.

Just like Song Chi and Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun asked: "If Liu Qingqing was to act, wouldn't the actor's salary be frighteningly high for this movie?"

Zhou Lan said: "As long as Chen Wenjun has the initiative in the negotiation, the salary is not a problem. I heard that Chen Wenjun will use a package price to pay Liu Qingqing's salary."

"Package price?"

"Chen Wenjun will directly sign two film contracts with Liu Qingqing, one of which is "Sinking Moon on the Sea" and the other starring Liu Qingqing. In this way, Liu Qingqing's remuneration does not have to be calculated according to the film list , can save a lot.” Zhou Lan said, “This is actually a way. If we want to invest in or produce film and television dramas in the future, we can use this method to save film wages. Of course, the prerequisite is that this person himself really wants to Come play your part."

"All in all, you don't have to worry about the remuneration. Let's not talk about these methods. Didn't I tell you last time? Chen Wenjun has recently received several large sums of money. In the past two months, he has frantically started filming and investing At the same time, the number of projects in production has nearly doubled." Zhou Lan said, "By the way, let me tell you, I invested [-] million in "Sinking Moon in the Sea" in my own name, and I think this movie will definitely make money. .”

The reason why Zhou Lan wanted to tell Zhou Yun was because everyone knew that this project would make money, so whoever was eligible to enter the game didn't have to be rich.

Zhou Lan was able to enter the game, it must be because of the starring role of Zhou Yun, otherwise, her mere five million is nothing to a TV series with such a large investment level as "Sinking Moon in the Sea".

In addition to Zhou Lan's personal investment, Zhou Yun also contributed part of his salary.

"I originally wanted Lu Zhongting to get one of the roles, but in the end I didn't work for another relationship." What Zhou Lan said actually meant that Lu Zhongting also took the route of a relationship.

In fact, it should have been.

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, this is fine. I always feel that they can go their own way and don't get involved with me too much. Otherwise, like Xiao Jing, many people are now saying that the reason why she became popular is that It's also because of me."

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "Since she got all of this because of the movie "Behind the Scenes", we don't have any embarrassment to admit these claims, do we?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "What I mean is, not every actor you sign must have my label on them. It seems that if you don't have my label, you won't be popular."

"You overlooked one thing. All the actors who signed me in the end must have considered the help you can bring to them when they made this decision." Zhou Lan said, "So, since they have They have thought of your help from the very beginning, so they have to bear the corresponding price. Compared with the priceless price of putting your label on the road to popularity, the worse consequence for an artist is He'll never be red."

Zhou Lan's words are always sober and cruel.

The differences between Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan will always come from here.

It can't be called a disagreement, but Zhou Yun often puts her own perspective, and always feels that if it was her, she would definitely not want to put anyone's label on her.

You are just yourself.

Zhou Lan felt that although Zhou Yun thought so, it didn't mean that everyone else thought so.

Moreover, not everyone is as qualified to think like Zhou Yun.

If you don't have this talent, don't set your heart so high, otherwise, you will be a joke in the eyes of others.

Zhou Lan has been emphasizing this point of view with Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting.

"A lot of things, after you become popular, it's another matter, but when you are not popular, you must correct your mentality."

Showbiz, celebrity entertainers, this path is more mundane than other career paths.

Red or not, almost determines everything about you.

Including the way others look at you, including your treatment.

As Zhou Lan has always emphasized, if Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting hadn't signed in here, with Zhou Yun as a "big sister" covering them, they wouldn't be like what they are now. It is impossible to be like now, without any qualifications, but you can meet big-name producers, directors, and actors in the circle. Whether it is a public event or a private gathering, as long as there is an opportunity, Zhou Lan will help them win and let them Show your face more.

In fact, in this circle, before you are popular, it basically depends on human feelings.

When people are acting, can they think of you?
Of course, Zhou Lan also knew that he couldn't rely on his own face or Zhou Yun's face to help them win the role at any time.

This is not a good thing.

Therefore, Zhou Lan always hoped that Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng could do something by themselves.

It's hard.

But this is what they should do.

Only what they have come out of themselves is what truly belongs to them.

Zhou Lan didn't tell Zhou Yun about this.

This also has her selfishness.Zhou Lan also hoped that people like Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng could walk out of their own way and not be tied too tightly to Zhou Yun.But she couldn't say that verbally.Because no one knows whether Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng can get out of their own way, and if they can't get out?
Zhou Lan has a selfish intention. She hopes that the batch of artists she signed can continue to cooperate forever.

It's hard.

Artists are often mobile.

Very few artists stay with one agent, or with one company.

Especially in this era when there is no shortage of capital and no shortage of money-losing bosses.

However, Zhou Lan has always longed for such a sense of home in his work.

When she signed Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, she felt a sense of responsibility in her heart.

She also thought about it, even if Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng will never be popular in this life, but since she took them on the road of actors, she must ensure that these two people will have something to eat in the future. Can't go on.

This is also the reason why Zhou Lan has not had a large-scale expansion of the studio for a long time.

People are so important.

It is easy to find someone to work with, but whether this person is trustworthy and can get along with him for a long time needs to be verified.

Zhou Lan hopes that everyone who joins this studio can find the meaning of their work in the studio.

We also hope to establish a mature echelon with a stable structure.

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