I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 703 This is not about the two of them

A good team will never be full of people in one go.

Everyone should have their own career development space.

Just like Zheng Xiaoju came to be Zhou Yun's assistant, not to be an assistant for the rest of his life.

Zhou Lan had to consider everyone's career development plan and space behind him, instead of recruiting a dozen or twenty people at once and letting them fight like a gu.

Of course, this will improve the work efficiency of the entire team in the short term, and rely on this desperate effort to achieve greater development, but it is not conducive to the stability of the entire team.

After all, their studio is not a mature big company.

In a studio with just over twenty people, interpersonal relationships and working atmosphere are crucial.

If one is not good, it will have a negative impact on everyone's work, and it will have a negative impact on the entire studio.

Now Zhou Yun is actually the only signed artist in the studio, while the others are all signed under Chengqian Entertainment.

But according to the cooperation framework between the two parties, the studio is also responsible for the brokerage business of these artists, and then the two parties will share according to the previously negotiated ratio.

This is the most suitable mode that can be adopted according to the current situation of the studio.

Among the currently contracted artists of the studio, the three actresses are developing very well. On their own track, the situation is very good, but the three male actors Huang Zicheng, Lu Zhongting and Yu Zhiyang are all weak.

Of course, this is actually quite normal as well.

A few of them hadn't debuted for a long time, so how could they become popular.

Even Wang Jing, who signed a contract with Chengqian Entertainment for a year, transferred to Zhou Lan's subordinates, and acted in "Behind the Scenes" before he became popular.

Of course, this is also related to Zhou Yun being an actress.

The best resources that the studio can access are all brought by Zhou Yun, so these resources were originally geared towards women from the beginning.

Huang Zicheng and the others couldn't eat it directly.

Zhou Lan felt that he was already very busy, so he had to arrange a broker in charge of specific affairs for both Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting.

Otherwise, Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting have been in a state of "no one cares".

They don't even have assistants.

Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting never told her about this kind of thing, but Zhou Lan himself heard a lot of gossip from outside.

No matter what she said, she was too picky, and she didn't give assistants to newcomers like Huang Zicheng.

Zhou Lan didn't explain.

She did not want Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting to develop bad habits.

In this circle, there are really many artists who are not popular yet, but they are already the emperor's father.

Zhou Lan really couldn't understand this phenomenon.

Now, Zhou Lan didn't want to arrange assistants for them, but a broker who was in charge of business contacts.

She can take care of the big things, what plays they will perform in the future, and what variety shows they will take on, but it is impossible for her to be in charge of every detail.

She really doesn't have the energy.

If she holds everything in her own hands, it will only delay their affairs.

In this case, finding someone to be the person in charge of their specific affairs has become a big problem.

In fact, Zhou Lan wanted to train Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun.

Especially Zheng Xiaoju.

Over the past year, Zheng Xiaoju has learned a lot from her.

She is a very shrewd person. Over the past year, she has been familiar with a lot of business, and her collaborators speak highly of her.

But Zhou Lan didn't want to touch Zheng Xiaoju, because Zhou Yun couldn't lack people.

Zhou Yun had too many jobs, if it wasn't for Zheng Xiaoju's help to take over a large part of the business, he would have been unable to transfer.

Zhou Lan hesitated for a long time, and felt that he still needed to chat with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun heard that Zhou Lan wanted to adjust Zheng Xiaoju's business. To be precise, he wanted to promote Zheng Xiaoju to become an official manager and start to be in charge of the brokerage business of Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting. Zhou Yun's first feeling was that unwilling.

She is already very familiar with Zheng Xiaoju.

If it wasn't for Zheng Xiaoju who was by her side and helped her deal with so many things, she felt that she couldn't move forward.

However, after serious thinking, Zhou Yun knew that this was a good opportunity for Zheng Xiaoju.

If Zheng Xiaoju can officially become a manager, it will be a leap forward in her career development.

Zhou Yun also hopes that Zheng Xiaoju can achieve such a development.

Therefore, after rational thinking, Zhou Yun agreed to this matter.

"I think this is a good thing." Zhou Yun said, "As for the docking of these specific affairs around me, I think otherwise, Xiaoyu would be the executive manager of me, Huang Zicheng, and Lu Zhongting at the same time, but she wouldn't have to After following me around like now, Xiao Yun followed me and raised Xiao Yun."

Zhou Lan: "This is the best, I think so too, but if this happens, I will arrange a new assistant for you."

Zhou Yun said, "Yes."

"Then I'll go talk to them about it." Zhou Lan said, "By the way, let Xiaoju be in charge of recruiting new assistants. It's time for her to start taking the lead."

Zheng Xiaoju has been Zhou Yun's assistant for almost three years.

In the past three years, Zheng Xiaoju's growth has been rapid.

Zhou Yun originally thought that Zheng Xiaoju would happily accept this matter.

Who knew that Zheng Xiaoju was very resistant.

She said to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, Sister Lan asked me to be an agent. I don't think I have the ability. Can you help me talk to Sister Lan?"

Zhou Yun was astonished.

"Don't you want to be a broker?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and said, "I don't think I have such ability at all now."

Zhou Yun: "Sister Lan and I both think that you can now be on your own. Xiaoyu, this is a good opportunity. In fact, when Sister Lan told me about this at the beginning, I also disagreed. You do it for me. I have been an assistant for almost three years. I am used to having you by my side no matter what job I do, but this is an improvement for you. You can’t be my assistant until you are [-] or [-] years old. Bar?"

Zheng Xiaoju fell into hesitation.

Zhou Yun's words still focused on what she cared about.

Zheng Xiaoju is not a person who does not want to improve himself and achieve better development.

She just got timid subconsciously when she got an opportunity.

Now that he is an assistant, Zheng Xiaoju has done it very well and is very familiar with the job content.

She doesn't want to step out of this comfort zone.

It was an unknown position, and she knew roughly what kind of challenges she would face, but she only knew the outline.

Zheng Xiaoju didn't know exactly what it would look like.

She was afraid that she would not be able to do it.

Seeing Zheng Xiaoju hesitated, Zhou Yun knew that Zheng Xiaoju was actually interested in this opportunity.

Zhou Yun said: "Xiaoju, don't be afraid that you can't do well. Before accepting a new job, everyone faces an unknown situation, but as long as it is a better opportunity, the unknown is also a challenge, isn't it? You see, I still need to cooperate with different companies and different directors, but before I actually go to the set, I don’t know what this cooperation will be like, and I will also be nervous, you know that. "

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

"But this job is too precious, and I'm afraid that I'll betray the trust of you and Sister Lan." Zheng Xiaoju said frankly, "If I mess up, it will not only affect me, but also the careers of Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting. "

"Don't worry, there will be Sister Lan to help you out." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, according to everyone's evaluation of your previous work, everyone said that your work ability is very strong, and serving as an executive broker for them is absolutely There's no problem, didn't you work as an executive agent for me for a while before? Didn't you do a good job? Why are you so unconfident in yourself?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "That's different. In fact, Miss Xiaoyun, most of your work has already been decided. I only need to take care of some details. But Huang Zicheng is different from Lu Zhongting. They are newcomers, and I am also a newcomer, I am worried that I do not have the ability to provide them with the help they need most at this stage."

"Then what do you think they need most at this stage?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Opportunity, opportunity to be exposed." Zheng Xiaoju said, "They need to let others know them first, know who they are, Huang Zicheng is a little bit better, because of the previous scandal in the crew, everyone still has an impression of him, like Lu Atrium, what he lacks most now is an opportunity for more people to know him."

"Look, you are actually very clear about what kind of help they need most at this stage." Zhou Yun said, "As for how to provide them with help, that is something you have to work hard on in the future, but as long as people know what they want to do, The other problems are not so difficult, only to work hard."

Zheng Xiaoju was a little moved by Zhou Yun's persuasion.

It wasn't that she didn't want to.

She decided to think about it again.

Anyway, no matter what, Zheng Xiaoju definitely wanted to accompany Zhou Yun to finish the filming of "The Female Assassin". Even if he wanted to accept this opportunity, he would have to wait until the filming of "The Female Assassin" was finished.

Zhou Yun believed that Zheng Xiaoju would make the right choice.

Zhou Yun very much hoped that Zheng Xiaoju could accept this opportunity with confidence and courage, and then start a brand new job.

She's in a job that doesn't have that many similarities compared to other industries.

An actor, or to put it bluntly, an entertainer.

Are there still actors who are not entertainers?

How many actors are there who really devote themselves to the art stage that is not illuminated by the spotlight?

Zhou Yun didn't think that after winning a few awards, he really got away from the word "artist", and could sit on the throne of the word "artist" and enjoy the reputation and flowers.

The starting point of this line of work is higher than the end point of many people in many industries.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to ask himself so cheaply to think he had reached the pinnacle of his career just by reaching this level.

Correspondingly, she also sincerely hopes that Zheng Xiaoju can reach the pinnacle of her career.

Maybe, she meant maybe, Zheng Xiaoju could become a particularly remarkable person in the future, not just on the road from assistant to agent.

Zhou Yun has always felt that people always have such a possibility.

Until the last moment, no one knows what will happen.

Of course, when Zhou Yun thought of this sentence, he didn't think that this sentence is also true from other aspects.

For example, Zhou Yun did not expect that Lucia would publicly criticize Wen Bing in an interview with a French media shortly after finishing filming.

"He is a very cowardly person, a coward." Lucia told reporters indignantly, "I hate him very much."

It's exactly the sound of an aggrieved young girl who just broke up with her boyfriend.

However, because Wen Bing is well-known in the European film industry, the film "Days" was praised by major film magazines and media last year.

Lucia's accusation has attracted the attention of many people in the industry.

This matter has spread to the domestic Internet.

However, Zhou Yun did not know about this matter from the domestic Internet, but a message from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth asked her what was the matter.

Zhou Yun was astonished.

Why would Lucia do this?
Is it because of dissatisfaction with Wen Bing?
Zhou Yun wanted to find Wen Bing immediately.

Wen Bing already knew about it, Zeng Ying found Wen Bing one step ahead of her, and told him about it.

Zeng Ying is explaining to Wen Bing that Xindun will do a response and public relations about this matter, and there is no need for him to make any response.

Wen Bing asked: "What are you going to do?"

Zeng Ying said: "The company is currently having a meeting to discuss, and there is no final conclusion. However, according to my experience, the company either takes a cold treatment and does not respond to this matter, let it cool down naturally, or it is a strong counterattack. , Tell everyone that Lucia deliberately said these things to smear you because she broke up with you and held a grudge against you."

Wen Bing was silent for a while, and said, "Don't go too far and hurt her."

Zeng Ying gave him a surprised look.

"Director Wen, if we don't fight back, then this incident will hurt you." Zeng Ying emphasized, "Because of her speech, many people are already boycotting the movie."

Wen Bing was silent.

Zeng Ying said: "Also, if we don't do something, she will continue to attack you and the crew in front of the media afterwards, which is very bad for us."

"Let me talk to her." Wen Bing took the initiative to say, "I will make it clear to her so that she will stop talking nonsense in front of the media."

Zeng Ying hesitated for a moment, as if she still wanted to say something to Wen Bing.

But Wen Bing seemed to have made up his mind, and said: "Zeng Ying, please help me communicate with the company about this matter. Anyway, Lucia is an actor in our movie, and she did fall in love with me, and she also Break up, she said these words in anger, we don't need to be angry with her, she is just a little girl."

Zeng Ying almost laughed angrily.

"Director Wen, you think she is a little girl, but a little girl is ignorant, and she does things based on her feelings, so she has great lethality. Now that the wind of political correctness in the entire entertainment industry is blowing so hard, she will become you if you are not careful. A big director bullies other young actors, and when the time comes, the whole people boycotts "The Female Killer", who will compensate for the loss?"

She said firmly: "This is not about you and her."

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