Listening to the conversation between Zeng Ying and Wen Bing at the door, Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing.

Wen Bing is such a person, such a character.

She also felt that Wen Bing was a bit indecisive and not decisive enough. If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have broken up with Windsor for so long.

This time, it was also for Lucia.

But this is Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun knew about it a long time ago.

If he wasn't such a hard-hearted person, he wouldn't belong to Wen Bing, and he wouldn't be able to make a movie like "Days".

Zhou Yun was just thinking about what he could do to help Wen Bing.

Zeng Ying came out of the room a little annoyed, and stopped when she saw Zhou Yun standing at the door.

She looked at Zhou Yun and asked, "Did you hear it just now?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zeng Ying asked: "I'm very curious about one thing right now. Is it me who is too cold-blooded, or Wen Bing who is too indecisive?"

It can be seen from Zeng Ying's angry face that she is very dissatisfied with the communication with Wen Bing just now.

Zhou Yun could understand Zeng Ying's dissatisfaction.

She glanced at Zeng Ying and said, "Sister Ying, Wen Bing is kind and doesn't want to hurt others. Since he said he wants to communicate with Lucia, let them communicate."

Zeng Ying sneered and said, "Sure enough, you will stand by his side and support him at any time, huh?"

If Zhou Yun remembered correctly, this should be the first time Zeng Ying expressed such an attitude so directly in front of her.

Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders in surprise, and then said: " are not wrong to understand this way, Wen Bing is my friend, so I will support him, that's all."

There was a sincere doubt in Zeng Ying's eyes.

"I'm curious, if one day Wen Bing kills someone, will you help him hide the knife?"

Zhou Yun blinked, smiled slightly, and said: "I will believe that he was wronged. If Wen Bing could kill someone, he would not be Wen Bing. Sister Ying, do you think I don't even consider this person as a friend when I make friends?" Someone's?"

Zeng Ying: "I'm just curious, what is the bottom line of your support for him?"

"At least it's not on Lucia, nor on Xindun." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, this kind of thing must have caused you a lot of trouble, thank you for your hard work."

Zeng Ying shook her head helplessly, this time she didn't complain any more, because she already knew that no matter what she complained, it was just a complaint.

It was impossible for Zhou Yun to stand on her side.

Not to mention helping her get Wen Bing together.

After watching Zeng Ying leave, Zhou Yun walked into the room.

Wen Bing sat on a chair with his hands clasped on the back of his head. Judging from his figure, he seemed to be in a situation where he had a headache and didn't know what to do.

This is his office room. The table is messy and piled up with a lot of materials, many of which are his ideas and storyboard sketches for the subsequent shooting.

After Zhou Yun came in, Wen Bing raised his head and glanced at her. Seeing that it was him who came in, Wen Bing lowered his head again and sighed melancholy.

"You also know?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun pulled a stool from the side, put it down in front of Wen Bing's desk, and sat down.

"It seems that you offended the little girl quite a bit." Zhou Yun made a helpless gesture, "Look, that's what happens if you don't deal with it properly. Now come trouble."

Wen Bing said: "Don't come to see my jokes, I've got a big head now."

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing's face became melancholy.

"Send her an email first, and hope she can give me an explanation." Wen Bing said, "I know that I have a lot to do to her, but she never criticized me like that before she left."

"Because you are the director, in her eyes, you are the most powerful person in the crew." Zhou Yun said, "This is my guess, and I don't know what she really thinks, but, also as a girl, she A person in this unfamiliar crew should not dare to confront you head-on."

"I didn't expect her to have such a big opinion of me."

"Break up, there is no one who doesn't have a big opinion on the other party. If you don't have a big opinion, why break up." Zhou Yun said, "When you broke up with her so simply, she probably was very dissatisfied with you. It will."

Wen Bing sighed.

"Okay, don't sigh, just contact them. I think your idea is right. Contact them first to communicate clearly. The two of you have made it clear and reached an agreement on this matter. It is a good thing for you two. The best thing, don't let Xindun and others get involved, then it will no longer be just a matter of the two of you."


This matter, because it has nothing to do with him, it is not good for Zhou Yun to get involved too deeply, so he just keeps paying attention.

Wen Bing and Lucia did not know how to communicate. In short, two days later, Lucia suddenly appeared on the set, which shocked everyone.

Everyone didn't know why she appeared here. Thinking of her disgusting attitude towards Wen Bing in the media interview before, they all subconsciously thought that Lucia was here to trouble Wen Bing.

After Wen Bing got the news, he came out and took Lucia to his office.

After hearing the news, everyone in the crew was entangled in gossip spirits and had no intention of working.

Everyone is wondering why Lucia returned to the crew this time?
Zhou Yun had no show this afternoon and rested at the hotel.

She still listened to what Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zheng Xiaoju is in many small groups.

These small groups of three or four or seven or eight people are often the places where gossip is shared the fastest.

Someone secretly took a photo of Lucia walking with Wen Bing and posted it in the group.

Everyone in the group was blasted out, discussing what was going on.

Everyone has their own news channel.

Zheng Xiaoju didn't know what was going on, but he heard all kinds of possibilities.

Zheng Xiaoju curiously went to confirm the authenticity with Zhou Yun.

In her eyes, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing are good friends. Zhou Yun should know why Lucia came here this time.

But Zheng Xiaoju was wrong.

Zhou Yun didn't know what was going on.

"Lucia is here?" Zhou Yun knew about this matter even later than Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju's face was full of disappointment.

"Huh? Sister Xiaoyun, so you don't know? I thought you must know something."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Everyone is very curious about what is going on."

"I'm also curious." Zhou Yun said very sincerely, "I also want to know what's going on."

Zheng Xiaoju blinked and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, why don't we go to the set?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while, shook his head, and said, "Let's forget it, it seems like we're gossiping."

"Anyway, everyone is so gossip." Zheng Xiaoju stuck out his tongue, "However, since you don't want to go, then forget it. Indeed, if you go, Miss Xiaoyun, do you want to meet Lucia? This is also a question .”

In fact, Zhou Yun hadn't thought of this yet. She just felt that if she ran over recklessly as soon as she heard the news that Lucia was coming to the crew, and let others see her, her posture would be unsightly.

On the other hand, she didn't want to "join in the fun" on Wen Bing's matter.

Although she didn't know what happened to Wen Bing and Lucia today, she always believed in Wen Bing and believed that Wen Bing would handle this matter well.

Just as she thought, indeed, in the end, Wen Bing took care of Lucia's matter.

The two of them got back together again.

When Zhou Yun saw a photo of two people holding hands that Zheng Xiaoju forwarded to her, which was taken by someone else, he endured it, and finally he couldn't hold it back, and cursed "Damn" from his mouth.

"Is Wen Bing out of his mind?" Zhou Yun questioned Song Chi on the phone, as if Song Chi on the other end of the phone was Wen Bing.

Song Chi said: "Actually, I wanted to say it a long time ago. The two of them broke up so hastily. At first glance, it was an emotional decision. This kind of couple who broke up is actually very easy to get back together."

Zhou Yun said fiercely: "Obviously this person told me two days ago that he doesn't like her anymore."

Song Chi couldn't help but laugh.

"When can you go back home?" he asked.

Zhou Yun said: "About the beginning of July, the filming went smoothly, and everything went according to the previous plan."

Song Chi said: "Isn't it overdue? Then you are a good producer. With such a big group and so many scenes, you can finish the filming as planned?"

Song Chi's tone was full of surprise.

Zhou Yun said: "That's right, don't look at how she manages us anymore. She and Wen Bing had conflicts for countless times, all of which were conflicts on filming. Wen Bing wanted to shoot more. She's always going out of her way to stop it."

"That's amazing, it's better than overdue." Song Chi said, "I still have lingering fears when I think about the shooting of "Jianyuntai". Tell me, what if Zuo Hang can't finish shooting and drags on, what should I do?"

Zhou Yun: "Then Zuo Hang procrastinated too much. Wen Bing is not the kind of director who insists on taking pictures of his ideals. He is actually very balanced."

"You were still scolding him before, but now you're defending him again?" Song Chi teased.

Zhou Yun said: "As a director, Wen Bing really has nothing to say."

"It's a good thing for him to reunite with Lucia. It's better than everyone attacking Wen Bing as a scumbag."

Zhou Yun: "All right."

Zeng Ying's reaction to Wen Bing and Lucia's reunion was greater than Zhou Yun's.

She never thought that this would turn out to be like this.

Someone heard that Zeng Ying was on the phone with someone, mentioned Wen Bing and Lucia, lost her temper and scolded fiercely.

Of course, these are all rumors without any evidence.

But anyone who knows Zeng Ying knows that even if this incident is true, it is not surprising.

Zeng Ying's attitude towards this matter is basically the same, and it can't be better.

What she hates the most is this kind of thing, constantly tossing and jumping.

Not to mention, she didn't like this matter from the beginning.

Zhou Yun was not at all surprised to find that Zeng Ying's face on the set stinks again.

Wen Bing still directs the scene as usual, but every day after filming, he and Lucia will go out for dinner and date.

Zhou Yun also met the two of them in a restaurant.

The smile on Lucia's face was still warm and innocent, and she called her Xiaoyun.

She started to follow Wen Bing and call Xiaoyun in Chinese pronunciation.

Seeing the two of them getting back together, Zhou Yun felt very complicated.

As for being happy for the two of them, that is absolutely nothing. She has never wanted to admit one thing, and that is that she and Zeng Ying have relatively consistent ideas about these two people.

But to say that Zhou Yun is not happy, that's not the case.

Zhou Yun actually doesn't care who Wen Bing falls in love with.

Zhou Yun just hopes that Wen Bing can be happier and do things that really suit his heart.

During the second half of the filming of "The Female Killer", Zhou Yun was tired and exhausted.

My body is sore every day, and I can't rest. There is nothing I can do. The action scenes are extremely fierce, and the volume is still huge.

The point is, both Zhou Yun and Wen Bing are resolutely unwilling to use doubles.

Basically, as long as you can fight by yourself, you must fight in person.

Zeng Ying came to persuade Zhou Yun to use a substitute.

The production team found several doubles for Zhou Yun whose body shape was very similar to hers, and they were filmed with special techniques in the camera, so that it could be completely fake.

But Zhou Yun firmly disagreed.

"Unless I really can't do it, I still hope to play it by myself as much as possible. This is an action movie. If I always use martial arts as a substitute, I have no sense of faith in this role."

What Zeng Ying thought in her heart was "what kind of belief, let's talk about it".

It's just that after dealing with Zhou Yun for so long, Zeng Ying also knows that Zhou Yun is an actor who really takes acting seriously. Kind of words.

Zeng Ying only said: "A lot of actions are too dangerous now, if you get injured, you won't be able to shoot the following scenes."

Zhou Yun said: "This kind of risk is encountered when shooting action scenes. If it is because you are worried that the actors will be injured and cannot be filmed, then you should not shoot action scenes at the beginning? We have prepared all safety measures to ensure safety as much as possible. Nothing happened. If you told me from the beginning that this drama would use a lot of doubles, I would definitely not act in it."

Her attitude is very firm.

Zeng Ying had nothing to say and could only give up.

There were bruises and scars all over Zhou Yun's body.

It's all left over from the filming.

But Zhou Yun never questioned whether he wanted to fight like this.

For her, fighting is a matter of course, it should be so.

One day, there was a live broadcast of an endorsement brand that required her to participate.

Zhou Yun met with you online.

Some fans found several bruises on Zhou Yun's neck and arms through the live broadcast.

When the screenshots came out, an incredible thing happened.

I don't know how it spread, but this incident finally became "Zhou Yun was raped by Song Chi".

When these words appeared on the hot search, everyone's eyes were about to fall out of shock.

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