I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 706 Fashion Theme

In China, there hasn't been a real fashion-themed TV series.

However, in fact, many people know that film and television dramas with this theme are naturally a sharp weapon for making money.

How many brands want to be embedded in this type of film and television drama?

The film side can make a lot of money.

This drama was jointly developed by VX and Cheng Qian, and it is also a promotional drama of VX in a sense.

However, in addition to VX, this drama still has a lot of room for implantation. When it was first filmed, almost every brand took the initiative to negotiate sponsorship. The show has not been officially sold, and the cost has basically been earned back.

Now that it's broadcast, it's not just the producers and platforms doing the promotion.

These implanted brands are also sparing no effort to promote the show.

Because there are too few domestic fashion-themed film and television dramas.

One is the other, and these are all things that can promote consumption in the entire industry.

Zhou Yun can't come back to participate in the promotion, it doesn't matter, now is the Internet age, you can live broadcast, you can connect online.

Zhou Jianfeng and Cheng Shenlu's itinerary suddenly increased, making them busy like a spinning top.

It was the busy state they all dreamed of.

In the hearts of celebrity artists who have not successfully entered the front line, many people hope that the busier the better, the busier they are, the more opportunities to be exposed, which means that they are popular, and everyone is willing to give them job opportunities.

Zhou Jianfeng is an actor recommended by Chengqian. This time, during the promotion period, Chengqian Entertainment also made him the main actor.

On the night of the first broadcast, before the official broadcast, Chengqian Entertainment specially invited Zhou Yun and Zhou Jianfeng to do a live broadcast of an online chat, also to carry Zhou Jianfeng's sedan chair.

Zhou Yun didn't mind helping Zhou Jianfeng.

Zhou Jianfeng kept his posture low in front of Zhou Yun.

During the live broadcast of this online chat, Zhou Jianfeng also kept asking for advice on acting.

Zhou Yun thought about such a conversation, if he kept talking about some theoretical things, the audience might not want to listen.

She took the initiative to bring up some interesting topics.

"Jianfeng, are you busy recently?"

Zhou Jianfeng shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "I'm sorry, because I'm filming abroad, I can only entrust you with the heavy responsibility of publicity."

Zhou Jianfeng smiled shyly.

"Thank you Xiaoyun for giving us a chance."

Zhou Yun asked: "After Jianfeng finished filming "Under Dress", will there be any other films?"

Zhou Jianfeng nodded and said, "I also filmed two TV series and one movie."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and said, "It's been hard work."

Zhou Jianfeng said: "The agent said that we should seize the opportunity firmly while we have the opportunity now."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Your manager is right."

Zhou Jianfeng asked curiously again: "Sister Xiaoyun, did you suffer a lot of injuries while filming "The Female Assassin"?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "But it's really enjoyable to shoot action scenes. I think a cool person like you should also like to shoot action scenes."

Zhou Jianfeng scratched his head and said, "I also want to make action scenes, but I have never had the opportunity, and no action films have come to me."

Zhou Yun asked, "Do you know martial arts?"

Zhou Jianfeng shook his head.

Zhou Yun said: "If you want to make an action movie, you can practice in advance, it will be good for you."

"Okay." Zhou Jianfeng nodded.

Zhou Jianfeng is a relatively boring person.

Therefore, this conversation can only rely on Zhou Yun to bring the rhythm.

Zhou Yun has a better understanding of Zhou Jianfeng's character and knows his character, so he automatically takes up the banner of rhythm.

"When did you become interested in being an actor?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Jianfeng said, "When I was in high school."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Do you still remember the reason?"

Zhou Jianfeng blushed slightly, and said: "I watched Brother Song Chi's "The Messenger of Light" and found Brother Song Chi very attractive. I became his fan and started to dream of becoming an actor."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Huh? Song Chi?"

The viewers who watched the live broadcast were also very pleasantly surprised.

None of them expected that the answer to this question would contain something related to Song Chi.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Don't make trouble, to be honest, don't just say that you are a fan of Song Chi just because I asked this."

Zhou Jianfeng suddenly seemed a little anxious, and said very seriously: "No, Miss Xiaoyun, this is true."

His expression gives the impression that he is very serious and sincere.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I believe you, I'll turn around and tell Song Chi that he still has a fan like you."

Zhou Jianfeng scratched his head a little uneasily.

Zhou Yun asked: "Then who is your favorite actor? Can't answer the names of me and Song Chi."

Zhou Jianfeng thought about it seriously, and said, "Meryl Streep and Liang Yuanpu."

This is also a very common answer.

Zhou Jianfeng suddenly thought of something and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, what about you?"

"Me?" Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "I like too many actors. If I want to answer one or two names suddenly, I really don't know who to say, because I am not from a major. For acting skills, I always watch other people’s performances, imitate and learn. Many people are actually teachers in my heart. Like the Meryl Streep and Liang Yuanpu you just mentioned, their movies I basically I've seen it all."

Zhou Jianfeng let out a wow in surprise.

"what happened?"

Zhou Jianfeng said: "No, I just think that Miss Xiaoyun is amazing, and you have watched so many movies in such a busy schedule."

"A lot of people think I'm busy, but I'm actually not that busy." Zhou Yun said, "For example, when I'm filming abroad, after work, I usually have nothing to do except go shopping outside. Watch a movie in a movie theater, or go to a movie theater to watch a movie."

Zhou Jianfeng had a look of admiration and envy on his face.

The biggest difference between Zhou Jianfeng's work and Zhou Yun's work is that it is too complicated.

The company arranged for him a lot of work outside of acting, because his popularity is very low and he needs exposure.

Only a lot of exposure can make him known to everyone.

Therefore, Zhou Jianfeng has a schedule almost every day, even if he is filming in the crew, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have to take part in other jobs.

From time to time, I have to ask for leave from the crew to participate in some business activities, magazine shooting or other work.

It was difficult for Zhou Jianfeng to really sink his heart.

His only pure filming time was the part of "Under Dress", because it was a scene controlled by Zhou Yun. Everyone knows that Zhou Yun has high requirements for co-actors, and he doesn't like co-actors. The crew asks for leave.

Even Zhou Jianfeng of the same company, the company did not make this exception.

During the filming of "Under Dress", Zhou Jianfeng felt very comfortable.

Because that period of time made him feel that he was really acting and creating a character.

The next few films were not all shoddy things, but everyone from the producer to the director to the co-actors actually agreed that this is a film purely to please the audience and to be commercially successful. Play successfully.

"Under Dressed" is actually like this, but the difference is that everyone is working hard to create.

Both Zhou Yun and Ning Yufeng are the kind of people who want to innovate and respect expression.

Therefore, everything is respecting the creation of this drama, and everything is to make this drama better.

No one was added some inexplicable scenes, and there was no time when the actor didn't shoot well and asked a stuntman to shoot, or simply asked the screenwriter to modify the script on the spot, just to finish the scene smoothly.

Zhou Jianfeng never thought of telling Zhou Yun about these things.

He knew that this kind of situation would never happen in Zhou Yun's filming crew.

Zhou Yun will not allow it.

Zhou Jianfeng also wanted to tell the director confidently that he didn't want to make a movie like this.

But no.

He knows his identity and status, and he also knows that he can act in these plays, not because of how good his acting skills are or how popular he is. He can act purely because the company has done a lot of work for him. The replacement of resources gave him the opportunity to perform these performances.

Zhou Jianfeng didn't have the confidence to raise his opinions and ideas with the crew.

Zhou Jianfeng seems to be a very cold and hard-to-approach person, but in fact he is not as rebellious as Gu Huaichun.

Of course, Zhou Jianfeng also knew that Gu Huaichun had been told more than once that he was playing big names in the crew.

Whether he is really playing big cards is unknown.But it is true that some people say that about him.

When Zhou Jianfeng thought of Gu Huaichun, a question suddenly popped up in his mind.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I have a question I want to ask." Zhou Jianfeng said, "It's also my confusion. Sometimes, I really want to reject something that I don't like, but everyone around me is reminding you that instead of If you refuse, you should bear it and don't offend others. If it were you, would you bear it, or stick to your own judgment and refuse?"

This question might sound a bit incomprehensible to the audience, but Zhou Yun understood it right away.

She knew what kind of problem Zhou Jianfeng encountered.

She thought for a while and said, "Jianfeng, I actually can't give you a good answer or advice on this question, because everyone is different and will make different choices, but I can tell you What's more, in this world, there is not only one choice that is the best choice. You have to judge according to your own situation, whether you can bear it or not, it's too personal. What will be the result, and what will be the price of unbearable, all in all, we cannot pay an unaffordable price like moths to a flame."

Zhou Jianfeng nodded.

Zhou Yun laughed and said: "Of course, most of the time, such as now, I think you can wait to make a decision on many things. Maybe after the show "Under Dress" is broadcast, many problems will come to you. Saying it is no longer a problem, you have to face a new problem again.”

Zhou Jianfeng is not very famous now.

However, when "Under the Dress" is broadcast, Zhou Jianfeng may become a hit, which is highly probable.

Even if he didn't become an overnight hit, but if he plays the male lead in this TV series that is destined to be a hit, he is also a male lead who plays a couple with Zhou Yun. main character.

The leading actor who has played with Zhou Yun will get such attention.

By that time, Zhou Jianfeng's right to speak and the scope of choices will be much greater than now.

Zhou Jianfeng has one last question.

In fact, he hadn't thought about whether to ask, but now that he had thought about it, he still wanted to ask.

Although he was not that familiar with Zhou Yun, but for some reason, he felt that he would not be ridiculed by Zhou Yun if he asked this question.

So, he asked at the end: "Sister Xiaoyun, I didn't play the male lead in this drama at the beginning. If you choose again, would you choose me to play this role, or the one from the beginning?"

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Not only Zhou Yun was stunned, but the people watching the live broadcast were also stunned.

Zhou Jianfeng is a handsome young man with melancholy eyes.

When he asked this sentence, his expression was very sincere, like a sincere child, his eyes were bright, as if there was light overflowing.

It is not uncommon for a person to look good if he looks good.But if a person's eyes are sincere and bright enough to see into the heart of a person, it is rare.

Zhou Jianfeng didn't even know at this moment, how many fans he had gained with this look.

Zhou Yun was stunned because he didn't expect that Zhou Jianfeng would still take this matter to heart.

She hesitated.

Zhou Jianfeng asked him this, and she didn't want to be perfunctory to Zhou Jianfeng.

"I don't know." Zhou Yun smiled, "I really don't know, I finished filming this movie with you, I know you are a very serious and hardworking actor, you are no longer in my heart the same It’s changed now, but I haven’t filmed with Yu Zhiyang, I’m making a choice now, it’s not fair to him, but, Jianfeng, it doesn’t matter, whether it’s you or Yu Zhiyang, it’s all about me Actors who want to continue to cooperate and continue to cooperate, you have just debuted not long ago, so you are still struggling with the fact that you did not succeed in the audition before, but in fact, the audition is not an exam in the first place. Sometimes you do not succeed in the audition. It’s not that you’re worse than the successful one.”

Zhou Jianfeng pursed his lips and smiled.

He understood what Zhou Yun meant.

He said, "Thank you."

Zhou Yun said: "I should say thank you, after we didn't choose you for the first time, you are still willing to play this role."

Zhou Jianfeng said: "If it is to act with you, Miss Xiaoyun, no matter when, no matter what role, I am willing."

Zhou Yun was flattered by Zhou Jianfeng's words.

And after their conversation ended, "Under Dress" also started broadcasting.

Tens of millions of people are waiting for the show to air.

The TV station has played the trailer continuously for a week, and the platform has created a lot of momentum.

This summer, which is about to begin, can "Under Dress" set off another frenzy of ratings and bring the domestic TV drama market, which has been subdued for two months, to another peak?

Too many people want to know.

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