I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 707 I have an idea

Zhou Yun himself was actually a little nervous.

This drama has extraordinary significance to Zhou Yun.

This is a scene in which almost all the creative candidates are decided by her.

She is afraid that the show will not be liked by the audience in the end, and that her aesthetics will not be bought.

The first episode airs.

The ratings broke 1, there were several hot search topics, and the discussion was high, all of which were expected.

The key lies in whether such ratings can continue.

It depends on word of mouth.

Zhou Yun has been paying attention to everyone's evaluation of this drama on the Internet.

Excluding those trolls, Zhou Yun carefully read the comments of some film and television bloggers she followed, and the word-of-mouth of this drama turned out to be a bit polarized.

People who like it highly praised this drama, playing "China's first true fashion-themed TV series".

Those who didn't like it scolded fiercely, saying that this show is no different from those superficial and flashy fashion-themed film and television dramas, only colorful and routine, without a trace of innovation.

That night, Zhou Yun read all the bloggers she followed about the drama.

Such a high-profile TV series, there is no film and television blogger who does not pay attention.

Zhou Yun also received emails and messages from many people.

Most of my friends are congratulating her for making another good drama.

But some people wonder why she made such a superficial drama?
Faced with such doubts, Zhou Yun didn't know how to answer.

When Zhou Yun read the script himself, he didn't feel that the script was superficial - of course, compared with "Deep Sea" and "Questioning the Heart", this script is indeed not deep enough, there is no doubt about it.

However, according to Zhou Yun's own understanding, she doesn't think depth is the only criterion for evaluating a drama, right?
In any case, the story is at least good-looking, wonderful, and attractive.

The characters in this play are also various and have their own characteristics.

When Zhou Yun came to his senses, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

She hurried to wash up and let herself go to bed quickly.

I will continue filming tomorrow.

However, closing his eyes and lying on the bed, Zhou Yun did not fall asleep for a long time.

She is still thinking about everyone's evaluation of "Under Dress".

The evaluations of those who don't like this show are not that Zhou Yun can't accept it, but that Zhou Yun has some doubts about his own thoughts.

Is a film and television drama good or not? Doesn't it mean that it must have humanistic thinking and depth of thought?

Zhou Yun has always felt that if a drama is good enough at the story level and has an attractive rhythm, it is also a very good work.

She didn't get an answer to this question until two days later, and it was a movie reviewer who woke her up.

"If this drama were played by a young actress who is not so high in the hearts of the audience, presumably "Under Dress" will get a higher evaluation. In fact, we must realize that in the hearts of the audience In my heart, Zhou Yun is no longer a simple actress, and she is no longer suitable for acting in a work that purely pursues good looks, because everyone has expectations for her, beyond the expectations of pure and wonderful stories. Just like her in " The self-reliant image in Asking the Heart is like the image of her being overwhelmed by life and difficulties in "Deep Sea" and still not admitting defeat. In the hearts of the audience, Zhou Yun is more suitable for this kind of ups and downs. , soul-stirring, and legendary stories, rather than simple, fairy-tale workplace-themed TV dramas like "Under Dress".

After Zhou Yun saw this comment, he began to seriously think about whether he would no longer be suitable for a subject like "Under Dress" in the future?
Although he was thinking, Zhou Yun was also vaguely unwilling in his heart.

The script of "Under the Dress" is indeed unsatisfactory, but Ning Yufeng's director has endowed this drama with a very unique artistic aesthetic.

Moreover, every actor has come up with a sincere performance.

It may not be able to compare with "Ask the Heart" and "Deep Sea", but it is definitely a work full of sincerity.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, why can't she act in plays with lighter themes like this in the future?
Now whether it is critics or online comments, they are sending her to the altar. Her public image and screen image have a certain distance from an ordinary or life-like character.In fact, this has been foreshadowed for a long time. Looking at the scripts sent to her by various companies, whether it is "Deep Sea" or "Chen Yin", whether it is "Moon on the Sea" or the female killer series, all of them have completely different scripts from normal people. background role.

Everyone knows that the more complicated, profound and difficult the role, the more comfortable Zhou Yun is in handling it.

In this regard, Zhou Yun's strength is recognized as good.

But I don't know when, Zhou Yun suddenly lost the ability to create a character that is not so bitter and bitter in this era.

Thinking about it now, since the drama "Ding Feng Bo", there have been such signs.

In that drama, Xu Siyao could steal her limelight.

At that time, everyone analyzed that Xu Siyao took advantage of the character design of the character he played, but ignored that maybe the audience themselves didn't like to see Zhou Yun play that kind of less complicated role.

Just like in the drama "Under Dress", the fashion female editor played by Zhou Yun is beautiful, stylish, and capable. She is good at work and in life. She looks so powerful, but everyone doesn't buy it.

The show is still red.

This play has received a lot of attention and heated discussions from a large number of female audiences.

The focus of the hot discussion is the workplace ecology of the editing room and Zhou Jianfeng, a handsome professional elite.

The former resonated with many white-collar workers, and the latter aroused women's liking for high-quality men.

Zhou Jianfeng and Cheng Shenlu became famous instantly, and the other supporting actors also became famous.

Only Zhou Yun, as the heroine, has no choice in her acting skills, but she was criticized by many people. There is only one point of criticism: she is very good, and the role is also very good, but the two of them are not suitable.

Zhou Lan did not expect to encounter such a situation.

To be honest, Zhou Lan made many public relations plans, but he didn't expect this kind of situation.

No one scolded Zhou Yun, everyone praised her for her beauty and seriousness in acting, but there was a voice that kept emphasizing that Zhou Yun was not suitable for this kind of play, and this kind of play should be handed over to Su Yan or Liu Qingqing. An actress with a strong sense of modernity and a strong sense of life will act.

This is not a navy, this is what many people think deep in their hearts.

Zhou Lan was caught off guard by such a voice, and didn't know how to publicize for a while.

It was Zheng Xiaoju who woke up Zhou Lan with one sentence when he called her: "Although some people say that Sister Xiaoyun is not suitable, there are also many people who really like the role played by Sister Xiaoyun. Sister Xiaoyun is just beautiful. Well done, so what if the role is simple? Why can’t an actress who has become a queen in everyone’s minds not play a princess? Besides, no matter what, this show is still on the air now. Hong, Sister Xiaoyun deserves a lot of credit as the protagonist, it’s not that they can cover up the credit if they say it’s suitable or not, if Su Yan or Liu Qingqing were to play the role, could this drama be so popular?”

Zhou Lan immediately figured out which direction to go for public relations.

Two hours later, Zhou Lan didn't use any advanced public relations methods, bought a bunch of marketing accounts, and only said one thing, blowing up the ratings of "Under Dress" and Zhou Yun's never-ending record in the TV drama field outstanding achievements.

After that, when someone mentioned in front of Zhou Lan why the word-of-mouth of Zhou Yun's drama was affected, she responded with a smile: "Has the word-of-mouth been affected? No, alas, there are always some black people on the Internet, and, I All I see are praises for Xiaoyun's good acting skills and seriousness in acting. Besides, the performance of this drama is so good, and the investor also said that he wants to invite Xiaoyun to act in the second part. Never acted in a TV series sequel, hahaha."

Zhou Lan's flowers trembled with laughter, as if he hadn't been affected in any way.

Her gesture is sending a signal to the industry.

If you want to use some bad reviews of this drama to cast a shadow on Zhou Yun's undefeated myth, dream!
Zhou Lan saw that Zhou Jianfeng became popular because of this drama, and his heart was actually very sour.

Because if she had signed Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting earlier, Zhou Jianfeng would definitely not be in this role.

Zhou Jianfeng really picked up on the leak.

But there was no other way, Yu Zhiyang couldn't act at that time, and Zhou Lan didn't have any other actors under him.

Zhou Lan thought to himself, if "Under Dress" really plans to make a second part, Zhou Jianfeng can play the male lead, but he must add another male lead in the script.

Zheng Xiaowen has been lobbying Zhou Lan for the past two days, trying to persuade them to create the second part of "Under Dress", or the second season.

The show does the obvious good for VX.

Sales are up and performance is booming.

Zheng Xiaowen's move was accurate and ruthless, achieving a performance that Europe is extremely jealous of.

Zhou Lan thought to himself, even if there was a second season of "Under Dress", Zhou Yun would definitely not be acting.

But Zhou Lan really wants to make a second season.

Because this story can indeed continue to be written.

With so many characters and a modern workplace background, there are actually many character story lines that can continue to be derived.

The point is, the first season earned them a lot of money. To produce the second season, with the popularity and reputation of the first season, making money is a sure thing. Not to mention, Zhou Lan still has selfish intentions, so she can continue to be the producer. Filmmakers, push their own actors to act in this drama, praise people.

Such as Yu Chu, such as Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, such as Yu Zhiyang.

Yu Chu had a lot of stock in stock, but after Zhou Lan's analysis, he found that there were none of good quality. Zhou Lan was worried that when Yu Chu came back after giving birth, her masterpiece would still only be "Deep Sea".

Many people are now questioning Yu Chu's inability to handle dramas on his own. After so many dramas have been broadcast, the only one that is popular and has a name is "Deep Sea".

The rest of Yu Chuhuo's roles are all supporting roles.

Zhou Lan had to figure out what kind of drama to find for Yu Chu so that she could consolidate her current fame and popularity.

The second part of "Under Dress" is a good opportunity.

Write a brand new character for Yu Chu.

Thinking so, Zhou Lan went to have a chat with He Yong.

Of course, He Yong also supported the filming of the second season of "Under Dress", the reason is exactly the same as Zhou Lan's.

The first season was filmed by thousands of people from film and television. If Zheng Xiaowen wants to do the second season, she is definitely willing to cooperate with the team of the first season.

This cooperation was facilitated by He Yong's matchmaking at the beginning, of course He Yong can be bypassed this time, but Zhou Lan thought about it and felt that He Yong should be brought along.

Leaving He Yong aside, in case of conflicts with thousands of film and television people later, there is not even a middleman.

Zhou Lan still believed that under normal circumstances, He Yong would definitely stand by their side and help them.

Zhou Lan went to communicate with Zhou Yun about it.

A few points are clarified.

First, Zhou Yun will definitely not play the leading role again, but she can make a cameo appearance.

Second, the role played by Zhou Yun will no longer change actors to continue playing, but will naturally withdraw from the story by letting the character resign.

Third, keep the original team as much as possible, and add new roles on this basis.

After Zhou Lan communicated with Zhou Yun about this matter, he held an online meeting with He Yong and Zheng Xiaowen.

The production of this drama has been tentatively decided in this way.

This time, the screenwriter will be changed.

The screenwriter that Zheng Xiaowen found before, the script is still a bit unsatisfactory.

Zhou Yun said: "Even if you spend a little more money, you still need to hire a good screenwriter to write a better story, otherwise, the sequel will be more picky. If the story is not good, the word of mouth will be a devastating blow. I think, if Xiaowen and you guys have this intention, why don’t you develop a few more seasons and make it a long-lived TV series like American TV series.”

After tasting the sweetness of "Under the Dress", Zheng Xiaowen finally gave in on the creation.

"Leave the screenwriting to you, and I will never intervene again. I am only responsible for all the brands in the play and the clothing and accessories of each character, okay?" Zheng Xiaowen said, "There is a specialization in the art industry, I trust you."

Zhou Lan said with a smile, "Of course that's good. Only if you continue to be in charge of clothing and accessories in person can your fashion taste be recognized. You can see how much everyone likes our outfits in the first season."

This is also what Zheng Xiaowen is most proud of.

Every style of Zhou Yun has been widely praised in the industry, and the exposure rate is extremely high.

Zhou Yun said: "Director Ning Yufeng, have you guys gone to chat? Would he like to make a second season?"

Zhou Lan said: "I've already talked to him, and he has a request, he wants to participate in the screenwriting."

Zhou Yun said: "It is OK for Director Ning to participate in the screenwriting."

"Should we add some new characters this season?" Zhou Lan proposed.

He Yong nodded and said: "If you don't add a few new characters, there will be no novelty. Since Xiaoyun and Zeng Lili can't play the role, at least you need to change the editor-in-chief and add an editor role."

"Yeah." Zheng Xiaowen nodded, "That's fine. Actually, I have an idea about the role of editor-in-chief."

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