I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 708 Dangerous scenes

"what idea?"

Zheng Xiaowen said, "Can we invite a real editor-in-chief to act in this play?"

The other three were taken aback.

Zheng Xiaowen said: "First of all, in the first season, the editor-in-chief played by teacher Zeng Lili is very popular. Many clients I know like her very much, and they also asked me if I could introduce them to each other. At this time, I will find an actor to replace her. Teacher Zeng Lili is actually the editor-in-chief, but it is difficult to get the recognition of others, it is better to hire a real fashion magazine editor-in-chief, this is also a very interesting cooperation, at least, it will attract a lot of attention from the fashion industry.”

Zhou Lan smiled and asked, "Isn't this show getting enough attention from the fashion industry?"

"You can go further," Zheng Xiaowen said. "And, if a real fashion magazine editor-in-chief plays the role, how much will it attract the audience?"

"I have reservations. The audience may not be interested in real fashion magazine editors, unless you can hire the editor-in-chief of a major magazine, but where will the editor-in-chief of a major magazine have time to shoot a TV series with you?" He Yong said.

Zheng Xiaowen wanted to say something more.

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, I have an idea."

Everyone stopped, ready to hear what she had to say.

Zhou Yun said: "It is unrealistic for us to have an editor-in-chief of a major fashion magazine play our editor-in-chief, but we can invite many people from the fashion industry to guest appearances."

In the first season, in fact, the fashion industry who came to guest-star was Wenxi.

He Yong said: "I support the idea of ​​making a cameo."

Zheng Xiaowen didn't know what she was thinking, and fell into deep thought.

Zhou Yun said: "Our script is a TV series with the fashion industry as the background, Xiaowen, what do you think?"

Zheng Xiaowen said: "I am worried that if it is a cameo, the influence will not be so great."

"If there are only one or two guest appearances, the influence is really not that great, but what if it is ten or even twenty?" Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaowen showed a surprised expression.

"so much?"

Zhou Yun said: "Those very famous editors, our supermodels, and very famous fashion bloggers can all be invited, right? I'll go out with you, and I should be able to invite some people. Bar?"

This is not Zhou Yun talking big.

They all have a group of friends they know in the fashion circle, and it's not difficult to invite friends to make a cameo appearance.

Zheng Xiaowen hesitated because she really wanted to arrange a role for a friend of hers in this drama.

Just as He Yong said, the editor-in-chief of a major magazine has no time to play an important role. Her friend is the editor-in-chief of a small magazine. In this era of declining paper media, that small magazine is struggling to support it. .

But this editor-in-chief is what Zheng Xiaowen wants to be friends with, because this person has great powers behind him, and many of VX's business needs to rely on this person to take care of him.

It's not easy for Zheng Xiaowen to tell Zhou Yun and the others what happened.

However, Zheng Xiaowen wanted to do it again.

The friend said before that she had a dream of becoming an actress, but because of some reasons at home, she did not embark on the path of becoming an actor, but instead became an editor.

Zheng Xiaowen wants to help her friend make her dream come true, so the relationship will naturally be close.

She pressed this matter for the time being, and said nothing.

Anyway, now it's just about communicating intentions, how to write the script, who to cast, and the characters haven't been written yet.

Zheng Xiaowen thought to herself, go back to Zhou Lan to communicate and make it clear, if you can win Zhou Lan's support, this matter will be easy to handle.

With the popularity of this drama, Zhou Yun's popularity has returned to its peak.

But it is a pity that at this time, Zhou Yun was filming abroad, not in China, and all those who wanted to find Zhou Yun to cooperate could not find anyone.

Zhou Yun has been filming "The Female Killer" for the past few months, and the whole person has been blacked out.

After all, the sun is shining every day.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, this can't be done, she will play "Sinking Moon at Sea" soon, she is going to play a female civilian officer, she is too dark and does not match the character image.

She had to start doing whitening maintenance every day.

And, to be honest, Zhou Yun's condition is not as good as it was when he first joined the group.

Zhou Yun's whole person was in a state of exhaustion.

This kind of exhaustion cannot be recovered by taking a nap or taking a few days off. It must be truly and completely removed from the current state of filming before it can be recovered.

Wen Bing also saw the decline in Zhou Yun's state.

In this regard, everyone has no choice but to rely on Zhou Yun to persevere.

This is Zhou Yun's longest filming film. Including TV dramas, Zhou Yun did not have a film that spanned nearly five months.

It takes too long to shoot a commercial action movie.

There is no way to shorten this, because it takes such a long time, cross-border shooting, scene changes, and complex scheduling.

This was actually an amazing shot for Xindun.

A multinational shooting team with hundreds of people is also rare in a large company with rich production experience such as Xindun.

One day, Zhou Yun was really exhausted. For the first time, she asked for leave from the crew because of her state.

"I really can't do it anymore." Zhou Yun said to Wen Bing, "I feel uncomfortable when I think about acting now. I need to adjust my mood."

Wen Bing understands this very well.

He said, "Go and take a walk around. I'll shoot other scenes in the past two days. Don't be in a hurry to come back tomorrow to shoot. I'll make time for you. You can rest more and come back after you've rested."

Zhou Yun also did not return to China.

She took Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun to the city's museum.

The phone is also off.

No one can reach her.

Zhou Yun quietly let himself stay in the museum for a day, doing nothing, just quietly watching the cultural relics displayed in the museum.

She is nothing else, she is fighting for a long time, physically and mentally burnout.

This burnout weighed heavily on her mind, making it impossible for her to perform.

If possible, Zhou Yun really hopes that he can take a long vacation for himself, so that he can temporarily forget the crew and change the environment.

But this is not possible.

How could she give herself a little long vacation.

The crew are waiting for her to go back to filming.

Zhou Yun has been holding on until the end of June, and finally it is about to be finished.

Not only Zhou Yun, but many people in the crew have lost weight.

Nobody works hard.

Including Zeng Ying.

It happened to be a sunny day when the last few scenes were filmed.

When Zhou Yun was filming a location scene, he was on an unobstructed meadow.

Zhou Yun sat on the grass and looked up at the blue sky, only to feel that the filming was finally over.

Wen Bing suddenly came over and sat down beside her.

"Where's Lucia?" Zhou Yun asked him when he didn't see Lucia today.

Wen Bing said: "Her agent helped her get an audition opportunity, and she went to the United States."

"No wonder I didn't see her today." Zhou Yun smiled.

During this time, Lucia appeared on the set from time to time.

This time, Zeng Ying didn't say anything.

Wen Bing said: "It's good that she's gone. To be honest, I don't want her to come to the set at all now, but every time I stop her, she thinks that I don't love her anymore and say something that annoys me. ."

Zhou Yun listened to Wen Bing's words, but did not answer.

She thought to herself that reconciliation is also yours to reconcile, and you can only be responsible for how this relationship develops.

Zhou Yun said: "I just want to finish the project as soon as possible, find a place in the deep forest that people don't know, and lock myself up for a few days, and no one can find me."

Wen Bing said: "You are tired enough for this play, you have worked hard."

"Wen Bing, I really mean enough to you, I have never filmed a movie for such a long time." Zhou Yun gave him a sideways look, "If it weren't for you being the director, I probably wouldn't have made this movie."

Back then, Wen Bing found her and said that she wanted to make a movie about the role of the female killer in "One Mountain and Two Tigers".

She didn't think much about it, just nodded and said yes.

Because it was Wen Bing, so he agreed directly.

So simple.

Wen Bing: "I know, you are the biggest inspiration for me to make this movie."

Zhou Yun squinted him again and said, "No matter what, I have made up my mind, I will definitely not be able to join the group so seamlessly in the future, it's too hard, too tired, I'm really strong these days. Filming with spirit."

Wen Bing nodded.

"Me too, I've been filming three non-stop films in the past two years, and I also want to take a good rest."

Zhou Yun: "I don't think Yao Yuanfeng would agree to let you rest so easily."

Now Wen Bing's "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is the cash cow of Xindun, and the development of the sequel has been put on the agenda.

Wen Bing said: "Anyway, after filming this movie, I'm going to take a vacation first."

"Then I'll be jealous. You can go on vacation. I still have a drama to film." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing laughed.

Zhou Yun said: "What about you? What are you going to shoot next? Just focus on shooting the sequel to "One Mountain and Two Tigers" to create a universe of One Mountain and Two Tigers?"

Now the film industry especially likes to create XX universe.

Mainly, the two big universes, the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe, have smashed the box office that is enough to make anyone jealous.

No one is not jealous of this big cake.

Wen Bing said: "I don't have a special idea right now. Let's take a vacation and change my mind."

Zhou Yun hummed and nodded.

On the day when it was really finished, there was only the last big play.

Zhou Yun was about to jump off a tall building.

Very thrilling and exciting.

No one had dared to make this scene before.

Zeng Ying always wanted to convince Zhou Yun to let a professional action actor act as a stand-in to help her complete the shooting of this scene.

Zhou Yun firmly disagreed.

This is not a particularly difficult move that she can't complete, it's just very thrilling.

However, as long as the safety measures are in place, the game is actually not difficult.

Because Zhou Yun was going to fight in person, everyone in the crew seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

Security measures were checked over and over again.

The action guide personally goes into battle to demonstrate.

Zhou Yun stood beside a tall building, hundreds of stories high, making her dizzy when she looked down.

Still overestimating myself.

Zhou Yun swallowed nervously.

The game is very simple.

She just had to jump down, slide down the glass of the outer wall, slide to the designated place, grab a raised outer corner, then kick a piece of glass with her foot and jump in.

It's over.

The rest of the scenes have already been filmed.

Wen Bing came to talk to Zhou Yun about how to shoot this scene.

"Are you nervous?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and said, "Nonsense, of course I'm nervous."

"Sister Ying said that she would use professional action actors to help you shoot, why don't you agree?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

"Because I got this pay, I should do this job. I act by myself, you can shoot whatever you want, and you don't have to worry about the camera being cut off. I act by myself, and I can shoot the most thrilling and exciting scenes."

Wen Bing was amazed.

During the first shoot, Zhou Yun's calf was shaking.

Zhou Yun was wearing a safety rope, and he didn't dare to jump for ten minutes.

Everyone knew that at this moment, Zhou Yun was scared, scared, no one spoke, and Wen Bing did not urge her.

Waiting for Zhou Yun to do his own psychological construction, Zhou Yun turned his head and nodded to the camera.

Wen Bing called Cut.

Zhou Yun didn't know why, so he asked, "I haven't danced yet, why did I call Cut?"

Wen Bing came over and said, "Your eyes are red, just wait."

It turned out to be because Zhou Yun had been standing upstairs for too long and the wind was so strong that her eyes were all red.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Zhou Yun hoped that he could shoot it once and not jump a second time.

However, things backfired. Zhou Yun jumped for the first time, and Zhou Yun was completely taken aback.

When she was pulled up again, she stepped back on the ground again, with a sense of the rest of her life.

Sweat all over.

Wen Bing came over and persuaded her: "Why not? Ask an action actor to do it?"

Zhou Yun showed hesitation and struggle.

To be honest, the time she danced just now, she was empty.

She didn't dare to dance.

But, just give up?
Zhou Yun was not reconciled.

In the history of movies, who are the most famous action actors who did not spell it out like this?

Why can't she fight?

Zhou Yun said to Wen Bing: "You let me try twice. If I really can't overcome it, ask them to come on. Let me try first, and I will see if I can overcome my fear."

Wen Bing listened to Zhou Yun's words, and nodded.

Zhou Yun rested for a while, and prepared for the second time.

This time, probably because I had already skipped it once, I didn't have the fear of not raising my legs when facing an unknown situation for the first time.

Zhou Yun was thinking that if he entered the character state, he would slide down in the character state.

Swing is a very decisive, indifferent and battle-hardened female killer. She is also nervous and excited about this kind of danger, but she is not afraid.

Zhou Yun has no experience in dealing with such situations.

She can only rely on self-hypnosis.

Yes, you are the swing, no problem, you are being hunted, the situation is urgent, you have to jump off, and with your ability, you know you can escape this desperate situation.

As long as you stop there, you won't fall.

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