I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 709 Song Shuheng's Invitation

What are the criteria for a good actor?

Zhou Yun has been thinking about this issue.

She has been so lucky and worked so hard in the industry for a few years. She is full of devotion and awe of performance, but at the same time, she is so bold and willing to try any innovation.

She never thought of a fixed answer.

However, Zhou Yun knew that at least one thing was certain.

That is, no matter what time, do your best.

Zhou Yun jumped down from the tall building after hearing Wen Bing's "Action!"

From behind, the killer who was chasing her roared angrily.

Zhou Yun's body was already attached to the glass wall and was sliding down rapidly, but after hearing this angry roar, she subconsciously raised her head and glanced at the roof.

This look is a look beyond the design.

A violent wind blew from both sides of his cheeks.

Zhou Yun's indifferent glance showed that she was extraordinarily calm and did not take the danger at this time seriously.

The aerial camera was following her at high speed.

Zhou Yun arrived at the designated place.

It was a platform that was only about a meter wide.

She tried to reduce the buffer force by herself, so that she could stand firmly, but the huge gravity and impact force brought her to fall forward unstoppably.

This is within the design of the script, and through this scene, the thrill of this plot is set off.

Zhou Yun finally failed to control his body, and the whole person fell off the platform again.

Until this moment, all the people on the roof let out an exclamation.

Because this is not the previous design.

According to the design, Zhou Yun should have swayed back and forth several times on the edge of the fall, and finally stood up by grabbing a protruding corner.

Wen Bing even stood up from the chair in fright.

At this moment, they all forgot that Zhou Yun was still wearing a safety rope.

At this moment, the assistant director on the side suddenly exclaimed again.

"Director Wen, look!"

Wen Bing looked at the monitor.

I saw a hand on the edge of the platform.

Soon, the other hand also appeared.

Zhou Yun propped himself up from under the platform very neatly, lifted his right leg up, turned over, and stood up again.

She slammed her elbow on the glass outer wall that had been specially treated, then kicked it, and the glass shattered.

Zhou Yun jumped in without hesitation.

Wen Bing excitedly took off his headphones.


The audience burst into applause.

Wen Bing immediately ran downstairs to meet Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun stood in the middle of the crowd, dealing with the bruise on his arm just now.

Wen Bing walked over and asked nervously, "Are you injured?"

Zhou Yun looked up at Wen Bing, smiled, and said, "It's okay, it's just some friction and abrasions on the arm, no other injuries."

Wen Bing was relieved when he heard the words.

"That's good, it startled me." Wen Bing said, "I saw you fall, and everyone was stunned."

"I was startled myself, I really reached out and grabbed the edge of the table subconsciously, or else—" Zhou Yun suddenly reacted, "Actually it doesn't matter, or at most, I'm still strapped to my body. Where's the safety rope?"

The two of them went to see the effect of the shot just taken.

"How is it?" Zhou Yun asked, "Do you want another one?"

Wen Bing said: "All in one go, that's it."

Zhou Yun: "That's good, then I've finished filming and finished it?"

Wen Bing nodded with a smile, "Congratulations, it's done!"

He opened his hands and hugged Zhou Yun warmly.

Zhou Yun smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The filming is finally over," she said. "Our third collaboration has ended successfully, and we are waiting for our fourth collaboration."

Wen Bing nodded.

"There will be soon."

At least in the second part of "One Mountain, Two Tigers", Zhou Yun and Wen Bing have another collaboration.

Zhou Yun whispered in Wen Bing's ear: "Although the "One Mountain and Two Tigers" series has a high box office, your talent is far from this type of action film. I look forward to working with you on more types of films. I will always reserve the time slot for you, as long as you find me."

Wen Bing patted Zhou Yun's back.

"Come on, it's enough to have your words." Wen Bing nodded to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun can leave after filming this scene.

The crew can't do it here, Wen Bing has to take another shot.

Zeng Ying organized a very grand farewell banquet for Zhou Yun, and also took the opportunity to give everyone a rest.

With the completion of Zhou Yun, the filming of this film has come to an end.

The rest of the shoot is basically stress-free.

At the killing banquet, everyone drank a lot, talked a lot, and laughed.

To Zhou Yun's surprise, Zeng Ying cried with a glass of wine.

She was crying while holding her hand and talking.

With tears in her eyes, Zeng Ying said, "Zhou Yun, you are really the toughest actress I have ever worked with. You are too good. No wonder you can win so many awards at such a young age. You deserve it! I don't want to cooperate with you anymore, you are such a worry-free actor, I'm the most annoying to cooperate with you!"

This man is drunk.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Zeng Ying estimates that the pressure is also very high.

Zeng Ying said: "How can you not listen to persuasion like this and have to make it yourself? If something happens to you, how can we make this movie? You are too selfish! You only think about you as an actor, you You want to complete your own role, but why don't you think about it, what if the film doesn't go well?"

Zeng Ying was not really questioning Zhou Yun's tone.

She was doing a sort of afterthought.

Zhou Yun said helplessly: "Okay, Sister Ying, I'm a bit of an axe, you drink less, you see you're drinking too much now."

Zeng Ying suddenly wiped away tears, stuck her neck, and said, "Who said I'm too drunk? Don't think I can't drink anymore, I'll tell you, I can't lose a thousand pounds."

Saying that, she picked up the wine glass in her hand that had no drop of wine, put it to her mouth, raised her head sharply, made a gesture of drinking it up, and then turned the glass upside down, winking like silk. At the same time, there was still an unyielding ambition in his eyes, staring at Zhou Yun roaringly.

"I drank, you are free!"

Zhou Yun: "..."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, as long as you are happy.

She didn't go back to the hotel to rest until the early morning that night.

Fortunately, I won't go home tomorrow.

Zhou Yun specially reserved a few days to let Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun go to the neighborhood to play and go shopping.

She herself planned to rest in the hotel for a few days.

Zhou Yun slept until ten o'clock in the morning the next day before waking up.

She called Song Chi.

"I'm done."

Song Chi said, "I heard that, I was waiting for you to call me. I heard that you drank a lot last night, didn't you feel dizzy?"

Zhou Yun rolled on the bed and said, "Fortunately, I didn't drink a lot, mainly to watch everyone perform."

Song Chi laughed loudly.

"I heard you won't be back in a few days?"

"Well, we are in France now. It's not easy to come here. Xiaoju and Xiaoyun have been working with me for so long. I told them to take this opportunity to go shopping nearby." Zhou Yun said, " I'll be back home on Sunday."

Song Chi: "Okay."

Zhou Yun said again: "How about you? What are you busy with recently?"

Song Chi said, "Me? I'm mainly busy with company affairs."

Zhou Yun: "Then hurry up, and when I come back, you can stay with me for a few days."

"I know, I have already freed up time." Song Chi said warmly.

Zhou Yun said: "Then wait for me to come back, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun stretched out easily.

Until this time, Zhou Yun felt really relaxed and comfortable.

"The Killer" is finally over.

The vacations before the end of the work are all fake vacations, and I am worried about them, and I can't really relax myself.

Only at this time, the previous work has ended and the next work has not yet started, this is the real rest.

Zhou Yun didn't go anywhere that day, he just read on the balcony of the hotel.

The breeze is mild and the climate is just right.

Until she found out that there was a paparazzi holding a camera in the hotel to film her.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

At first she thought she had misunderstood.

After all, this is not in China, it is in France, there are movie fans, but they are not so popular that they are chased by paparazzi.

But that person kept pointing the camera at her. Even if she saw it, that person didn't put it down. Only then did Zhou Yun make sure that this was a paparazzi who was filming her.

Zhou Yun was in a good mood, he spread his hands to the person and made a "Wha?" expression.

What she means is, you can catch up here?

Waiting for the camera to be put down, Zhou Yun was stunned again, this paparazzi is not Chinese, or is he a foreigner?

Blonde and blue eyes.

Zhou Yun began to wonder if this person was a paparazzi, just a foreign man who couldn't help taking pictures when he saw a beautiful woman.

In the evening, Zhou Lan sent her a message, telling her that a French entertainment media had sent a photo of her on the balcony of the hotel. Only then did Zhou Yun realize that this person was really a paparazzi.

Zhou Lan said: "You are really well-known internationally now, and even French paparazzi have begun to photograph you."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm also surprised. I'm so famous in France that paparazzi come to shoot me?"

Zhou Lan said: "Mainly, "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" are very popular in France, and there are many fans. Don't forget, these two films are serious literary and artistic films, which are exactly the kind of tune that the French love. ."

Zhou Yun: "I miscalculated. I thought that no one knew me here. I could bask in the sun on the balcony."

"You're still basking in the sun? You forgot that you need whitening now? You're going to film "The Moon at Sea" when you look back!" Zhou Lan reminded, "You're acting in a spy war."

In the script, Zhou Yun is going to play the role of a great beauty with peerless elegance.

Zhou Yun: "It's not sunny today, and I don't get sunburned. I put on sunscreen, don't worry, I'll do my whitening tomorrow."

Zhou Lan said, "Sure, don't be lazy."

Zhou Yun: "No."

"I'll let Zheng Xiaoju supervise you." Zhou Lan said.

"Don't, don't, I've specially given them a holiday, don't give her another job, I'll go, I promise you."

"Then you agreed, don't fool me again." Zhou Lan said helplessly.

The key is that Zhou Yun has too many such previous convictions.

Zhou Yun is always lazy when it comes to less critical things.

Zhou Yun snorted softly and said, "Sister Lan, how can you not trust me?"

Zhou Lan was too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

Zhou Yun used to rely on this method to change the topic.

"Because you promised Yu Huaijiang to help him make a cameo appearance in a movie, I communicated with Chen Wenjun. For "Sinking Moon at Sea", you will join the group a little later and not join them in the start-up." Zhou Lan said , "A little more time, the crews on both sides won't fight, and you can relax."

This is most in line with Zhou Yun's intentions.

"This is the best." Zhou Yun said, "However, if you say you want to make a cameo appearance, why hasn't the script been given to me yet?"

Zhou Lan said: "Because the script is kept secret and you are abroad, I have never asked someone to send it to you. I will wait for you to come back. There are not many scenes, but there is a lot of performance space. I think you will like it."

Zhou Lan said this, and Zhou Yun became even more curious.

Zhou Lan added: "By the way, Director Song Shuheng sent a script and wanted to invite you to play it. I also took it in my hand and I'm going to show it to you when you come back."

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up and said, "Is that Song Shuheng who filmed "Dusk"?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "He's good at shooting this kind of everyday drama. Several past works have this theme, and so is the new script. It's a story about a workplace dilemma. It's a realistic theme, I said. To be honest, I think the final box office of this movie may not be high, but the box office of Director Song’s films has not been high, and the industry knows it.”

Zhou Yun said: "I like his "Dusk" very much. When will this movie be made?"

Zhou Lan said: "Director Song said that if you want to shoot, he can wait for you, next year or the year after."

Hearing Zhou Lan say this, Zhou Yun felt moved in his heart.

"He is so sincere!"

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "Yes, but he is also very prolific himself. His creative ability is too strong. I heard that he has just finished a movie, and he will start shooting a movie about youth growth in the second half of the year."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

A person like Wen Bing who has made three movies in more than two years after his debut is already very creative, but he didn't expect Song Shuheng to be even more amazing.

Zhou Lan said: "He also wants to meet you and talk about the script in person."

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "Let's meet him when I come back."

"Well." Zhou Lan said, "I'll make an appointment then."

Song Shuheng is actually a director whose personal style is not so obvious. At first glance, his films are very plain, and it feels like everyone can make them.

But the most powerful part of his films is that in the very details, they suddenly poke you in the heart, making you unable to relax.

Great stamina.

Zhou Yun couldn't wait to meet Song Shuheng.

And she just finished it yesterday.

She is still feeling today that a vacation without filming is a real vacation.

After Zhou Yun reacted, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry because he couldn't wait.

After a long time, she was a hard worker and couldn't rest.

Zhou Yun actually knows that she herself is a person who is very reluctant to miss opportunities.

Afraid of missing out, sorry.

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