I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 710 The person who speaks on the stars

On the day I returned home, when I arrived at the airport, the sky was overcast.

It looked like it was about to rain.

Domestic fans received the news that Zhou Yun was going to return to China, and also knew about Zhou Yun's flight information. Many people organized to pick up the plane together.

Zhou Lan received the news and took people to work with the fans in advance. One person sent a bag of small gifts and persuaded them to leave.

Then, she picked up Zhou Yun, took her into the car, and went home.

As soon as Zhou Lan got in the car, he began to complain: "Oh, look at you, and said that you haven't tanned much, at least one shade!"

Zhou Yun had to persuade: "It's not that exaggerated, Sister Lan, calm down. Before joining the group, I will definitely be able to come back for nothing."

Zhou Lan started again and pinched Zhou Yun's arm, "But your muscles are really strong now, you can go to shoot a fitness magazine, or I'll invite a photographer for you and give you a set of strength. 's photo?"

Zhou Yun resisted subconsciously, shook his head, and said, "Forget it."

"You haven't been exposed for a long time." Zhou Lan said, "I will join the group next. Many magazines are asking for your schedule, especially your endorsement brand. They have bought you several covers, all waiting for you to come. Shoot it."

Zhou Yun said, "I've already returned to China anyway, so there must be time to shoot magazines, but we don't need to shoot a set of photos that highlight my sense of strength, right?"

Zhou Yun is not very interested in showing off his sense of strength.

There is a sense of deliberate bragging.

Of course, Zhou Lan said that many have not been exposed and need to be exposed, and Zhou Yun also understands.

Zhou Lan said: "I didn't shoot this specifically. The sports brand you endorse has been making an appointment with you to shoot a new advertisement for autumn and winter. The contract promised them to shoot a new commercial for them every year. ."

Zhou Yun remembered.

"When you are shooting an advertisement for this sports brand, you can design how to shoot the advertisement based on your sense of strength. What do you think?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's good, I'm afraid it will make me feel embarrassed if I specifically photograph my body."

Zhou Lan: "How many girl stars want to have a figure like yours, but you can't have it. Now that you have it, you are not willing to publicize it."

Zhou Yun: "I'm not reluctant to publicize, I just... ah, it's the kind of feeling that I took a trophy, and even took a close-up of the trophy and sent it to the middle of the Jiugongge. I feel very embarrassed."

Zhou Lan: "..."

When she got home, Song Chi was already waiting for her at home.

Song Chi came to the entrance and helped to take a few suitcases and put them aside.

Zhou Lan said: "I won't go in, Xiaoyun, brother Chi, you rest, goodbye."

Zhou Lan wisely stopped at the door.

Zhou Yun turned his head and asked, "Why don't you come in and sit for a while?"

"No, I have an appointment with Yu Chu, and I'll talk to her about a script later." Zhou Lan said, "After she gives birth, there is a scene that I think is suitable for her, and she can shoot it."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Okay, bye then, see you tomorrow."

Zhou Lan smiled and nodded, then turned and left.

Zhou Yun closed the door.

Song Chi asked, "How was your sleep on the plane? Do you want to catch up on some sleep?"

"Fortunately, I'm not sleepy." Zhou Yun said, "I'm hungry right now, and I finally came back. I especially want to eat hot pot."

Song Chi heard the words and said, "Then can I order a takeaway?"

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, showing his white teeth, stretched out his hand and held Song Chi, "Have you missed me these days?"

"I miss you every day." Song Chi smiled slightly, "If you don't come back, I'm going to find you."

Zhou Yun hugged Song Chi and said, "Me too, I miss you too."

Her eyes seemed to be filled with water mist, glowing with a damp light.

Innocent and seductive.


After Zhou Lan left, he drove to Yu Chu's house.

She called Yu Chuxian.

"Chuchu, I've already gone downstairs to your house, and I'll be up right away."

Yu Chu said, "Okay, Sister Lan."

Zhou Lan hung up the phone, turned off the engine, and got out of the car. As soon as he arrived at the elevator, he saw the elevator door open.

Yin Zhou helped Yu Chu out of the elevator.

Yu Chu's face was in pain, his face was pale, and his face was dripping with sweat.

"Chuchu?" Zhou Lan's face turned pale when he saw this scene, "What's wrong?"

She ran over immediately and supported Yu Chu on the other side.

Yin Zhou said: "Chu Chu suddenly had a severe attack, maybe she was about to give birth."

"Isn't the due date next week? Why... Wasn't it fine when I called you just now?" Zhou Lan panicked.

Did this start early?
"I'll drive, I'll drive, you two sit in the back." Zhou Lan said, "Also, hurry up and call the hospital."

Yin Zhou got into the car, and the first thing he did was to call Yu Chu's obstetrician.

Yu Chu seemed to be in severe pain, leaning on Yin Zhou's shoulder, moaning continuously and making painful sounds.

Zhou Lan really couldn't hear such a voice.

Her heart beat faster, and she was nervous.

Don't get into trouble!

Don't get into trouble!

There was such a voice in Zhou Lan's heart praying.

It wasn't until the person was sent to the hospital, where the doctor took over, and Zhou Lan stood in the corridor, only to realize that he was in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Yu Chu everything is normal.

Zhou Lan sat on a chair in the corridor, sweating in cold sweat, and staring at the floor with empty eyes.

She was really frightened just now.

Yin Zhou accompanied Yu Chu in the delivery room.

Zhou Lan did not go in.

She let herself relax for a while, took a deep breath, picked up the phone, called Yu Chu's assistant, and asked the assistant to come directly to the hospital.

In addition, Zhou Lan called the public relations team again and explained that she might have news about Yu Chu's childbirth in the past two days, pay attention to monitoring, and avoid bad public opinions.

Lots of things to do.

Now Yu Chu suddenly started, and the child can be born at any time. At this time, it is impossible to talk to her about the script.

"Hi!" Suddenly, a voice greeted her.

Zhou Lan raised his head when he heard the sound, but was attracted by the face that appeared in front of him.

She was greeted by a very handsome man.

He wears a white coat, he should be a doctor, his expression is a little indifferent and a little tired.

He pointed at Zhou Lan's feet and said, "Is that your wallet?"

Zhou Lan woke up from a dream and glanced down. The white wallet on the ground was really hers, but it wasn't a wallet, it was a card holder.

Of course, there is no difference.

There are some important things like her ID card in it.

Zhou Lan picked it up quickly, looked up and said thank you, only to find that the handsome male doctor had left.

Zhou Lan could only see her back.

This back image was imprinted in her heart.

Zhou Lan sent a message to Yin Zhou, telling him that the assistant would come later, she left first, come back later, and call her directly when you have time.

It took ten minutes for Yin Zhou to reply: Okay, thank you Sister Lan, thanks to you today!

Zhou Lan thought that Yin Zhou and Yu Chu lived alone, and there was no live-in nanny at home, which was somewhat inconvenient, especially since the relationship between Yu Chu and her parents was very cold now. Come here, and Yin Zhou's family has a sick person like his father, and he can't find anyone to help.

It was Yu Chu's assistant who helped with a lot of things before, and they also hired a nanny to cook and so on.

Thinking about it now, it's still inconvenient.

In a situation like today, Yin Zhou was so busy taking care of Yu Chu that he didn't even have time to call the hospital doctor, so he was in a panic.

Zhou Lan thought it would be better for Yu Chu to hire a nanny who lived at home all day.

After all, Yu Chu will have to go out to work and film.

Zhou Lan talked about this issue with Yu Chu and Yin Zhou before. Yu Chu said that she was also looking for it, but she never came across a suitable one.

The babysitter to be hired is responsible for the child.

They also didn't dare to find someone casually, thinking that it was not suitable for them to change.

On the other hand, the income of the two people is not very high.

Yu Chu also only became popular at the beginning of this year. After becoming popular, she was pregnant again and didn't get much dividends.

If you want to hire a particularly good full-time nanny, the current price is very high, and Yu Chu and Yin Zhou may not be able to afford it.

Zhou Lan thought about it and thought about it.Or simply hire two babysitters, one babysitter is only in charge of the children, and the other babysitter is responsible for eating, drinking, and leasing these things.In this case, Yu Chu doesn't have to worry about the child being taken care of well when he is filming outside.

She thought so, and wrote it down on the mobile phone memo to remind herself to remember this matter and move it forward.

For a woman, having a child is the most impactful thing in her life and life.

A mother's love and natural sense of responsibility for her children can change them a lot.

Zhou Lan hopes to help Yu Chu as much as possible.

She was afraid that Yu Chu would get caught up in family and children's affairs, and she didn't have the heart to go out to work.

Zhou Lan returned to the company to meet He Yong.

She told He Yong about Yu Chu's situation first, and then said, "Mr. He, I heard that the company bought the IP of "The Man Who Talks on the Stars"?"

"Yes, you are well-informed, we only officially signed the contract yesterday." He Yong smiled, "I bought it for Xu Siyao, she liked this novel and wanted to play the heroine, what, does Xiaoyun want to play it? If Xiaoyun wants to act, I will go to work for Xu Siyao and ask Xu Siyao to let this play out."

"Come on, Mr. He, you know that Xiaoyun will definitely not act in this idol drama again, so you are so generous." Zhou Lan blamed He Yong angrily, and then expressed his true thoughts, "The drama's The male lead has not been decided yet, right? I have read the original book. In this original book, the male lead is a sports student. I would like to recommend Huang Zicheng. He used to be a professional athlete. It is very suitable for him to play the male lead.”

He Yong said: "Huang Zicheng? He's really good, but he's a newcomer, Xu Siyao might not be satisfied if he was asked to partner with Xu Siyao. I originally wanted Zhang Mo to play her, but she wasn't happy, so I had to let me. Go find her an A-list partner."

Zhou Lan said: "Mr. He, for the IP you bought back at such a high price, are you willing to let someone from outside play the leading role? A real first-line actor will not play a romantic idol drama. You can find it all. It's just some traffic, and their ability to carry dramas has collapsed for all to see in recent years."

He Yong said, "But Huang Zicheng hasn't played the male lead yet, has he?"

"What does that matter? Xu Siyao is so capable of carrying dramas now, can't he bring a newcomer?" Zhou Lan said, "You look down on her too much, but I regard her as Xiaoyun's opponent, and she is qualified. Competing with Xiaoyun, if nothing else, this business ability will definitely be able to fight, you use a newcomer like Huang Zicheng as the male protagonist, if the drama becomes popular, doesn't it even more prove that Xu Siyao has strong ability to carry the drama?"

He Yong smiled and nodded Zhou Lan, and said, "Just your mouth, you can say anything, but this drama is really hard to tell. If Xu Siyao doesn't nod, I can't force it. She is My biggest trump card."

"Huh? Shouldn't your biggest trump card be Xiaoyun?" Zhou Lan asked with a smile.

He Yong smiled, "Only the one you hold in your hand is the trump card. You must understand this truth."

Two people tacitly agreed.

Zhou Lan no longer mentioned this matter.

"Huang Zicheng's contract is signed with the company. Huang Zicheng is so suitable for this drama. As long as he is popular, wouldn't it be good for the company?" Zhou Lan said, "Nowadays, there are very few male actors in the company, and apart from Zhang Mo, the younger generation can no longer lead the way. Yes, you can't let Zhang Mo act as the front door, right?"

He Yong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Zhou Jianfeng is also very popular now. Besides, with you and Xiaoyun around, it will be a matter of time before Huang Zicheng becomes popular. I never worry about it."

Zhou Lan scolded He Yong as a chicken thief in his heart.

To put it bluntly, He Yong just didn't want to give Huang Zicheng the opportunity.

Zhou Lan glanced at him and said, "Mr. He, after Huang Zicheng signed in to the company, he hasn't acted in any of the company's plays."

He Yong was about to speak.

Zhou Lan hurriedly said, "It doesn't count as a cameo."

He Yong: "..."

Zhou Lan said, "Don't you think about it, if the company keeps giving Huang Zicheng so much care, and then when Huang Zicheng is really popular, he may not be willing to stay in the company."

"With your dedicated agent like you, he would definitely be reluctant to leave." He Yong said, "Also, Zhou Lan, let me tell you the truth, you want Huang Zicheng to play the male role in "The Man Who Talks to the Stars" The protagonist, I have no problem, I agree, but I said, the key is that Xu Siyao doesn't nod, this drama can be filmed because Xu Siyao wants to play, if not for Xu Siyao, the company will definitely not start this drama, now It's not like you don't know the situation."

Zhou Lan frowned.

For this reason, Zhou Lan also knew that it was really useless to find He Yong.

Do you really want Xu Siyao to nod?

Zhou Lan didn't believe it.

If He Yong is really willing to do it, there must be a way to get Xu Siyao.

It's just because this matter is not good for He Yong, and Huang Zicheng is not his artist, so He Yong is not willing to help him.

Zhou Lan thought deeply, wondering if there was any breakthrough on Xu Siyao's side.

This breakthrough is still too hard to find.

The conflict between Xu Siyao and Zhou Yun was so great that Huang Zicheng was asked to play the male lead. After thinking about it, he knew that Xu Siyao would not agree.

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