Zhou Yun and Song Chi were halfway through eating hot pot, knowing that Yu Chu was about to give birth.

She wanted to go to the hospital immediately.

Song Chi grabbed her and said, "At this time, there are still many people in the hospital. Let's wait a bit later. Now Yu Chu is still waiting for delivery. When she is born, let's go there."

Zhou Yun said: "Yu Chu has a bad relationship with her family. Only Yin Zhou is with her. I want to accompany her."

Song Chi said: "Alright, then I'll go with you. Yin Zhou is probably confused."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "You don't come here. As a prospective father, he must have done a lot of preparations."

Song Chi said: "The prospective father means that he is a novice, inexperienced, and must be very flustered."

"What about you?" Zhou Yun asked back, "When you become a prospective father in the future, you have no experience, will you be very flustered?"

"Of course it's impossible, I'll definitely make adequate preparations." Song Chi said confidently.

Zhou Yun squinted at him.

"You are a double standard."

Song Chi probably also realized that what he said was a bit of a double standard, and touched his nose, but finally said bravely: "I tell you, I will definitely not panic."

Zhou Yun hummed.

She thought, just say so.

It is afternoon.


It's already summer.

The temperature is high and the heat wave is coming.

Zhou Yun wore sunglasses and took Song Chi's car to the hospital.There were people coming and going in the hospital, and it was too embarrassing for Zhou Yun and Song Chi to go in together.Therefore, as soon as the two discussed it, they decided that Zhou Yun would go in first, and Song Chi would come in later.

Zhou Yun came to the door of the maternity room and met Yu Chu's assistant.

She was opening the door to come out.

"Sister Yun!" Yu Chu's assistant shouted in surprise.

Zhou Yun asked, "Is Chu Chu inside? How is the situation?"

Yu Chu's assistant said, "Sister Chu Chu is here, and both she and Brother Zhou are inside."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then I'll go in and see them."

She knocked on the door.

Before the door was closed, Yin Zhou and Yu Chu saw her as soon as they looked up.

"Xiaoyun!" Yu Chu shouted in surprise when he saw her.

Zhou Yun put a smile on his face, went in, and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Yu Chu shrugged his shoulders and said, "What else can I do? The pain just now has passed. The doctor said that the baby doesn't want to come out for the time being."

Zhou Yun stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly on Yu Chu's high stomach, and said, "It seems that your baby is more afraid of life."

She squatted down, put her face on Yu Chu's stomach, and said softly, "Don't be afraid of life, it's the godmother~"

Yu Chu smiled so that there was a gentle light in his eyes.

"Have you named the baby yet?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu shook his head: "Not yet."

"Where's the nickname?" Zhou Yun asked again.

Yu Chu said, "Not yet."

Zhou Yun glared at the couple and said, "Why are you so careless? It's all this time, and the names haven't been taken out yet."

"Alas, neither of us can convince the other." Yu Chu said helplessly, "So it's not decided yet."

Zhou Yun: "Then you have to settle down quickly, we can't keep shouting baby baby, my baby, don't you think?"

The last half of Zhou Yun's sentence was said to the child in Yu Chu's belly.

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing.

"Your voice is really boring." Yu Chu groaned.

Yin Zhou stood on the other side of the bed and sneered.

At this time, Song Chi also carefully came over while wearing sunglasses.

"Ah, Brother Chi is here too!" Yu Chu said in surprise.

Song Chi took off her sunglasses and told Yu Chu, "Xiaoyun, as soon as she heard that you were in the delivery room, she was about to come over in a hurry. I told her to tell her to wait until you were born. No, I tried my best, if you think she is noisy, remember that I have tried to organize her."

Zhou Yun snorted and said, "What? You still think I'm noisy?"

"I never dislike Xiaoyun being noisy." Yu Chu said.

Song Chi looked at Yin Zhou: "Yin Zhou, have you taken everything? Toiletries or something."

Yin Zhou nodded: "I have prepared a copy in the car. I was afraid of such an emergency before, so I prepared it."

Song Chi snorted and nodded, "Then you are quite prepared."

Zhou Yun pouted the corners of his mouth.


In the evening, Zhou Lan finished his work and went to the appointment.

She made an appointment with Wang Jing for dinner.

Wang Jing was filming an advertisement in the afternoon, which ended just an hour ago.

When he got there, Zhou Lan went to the bathroom first to touch up his makeup.

While applying lipstick, a man in a suit walked in from the side.

Zhou Lan saw the man's face in the mirror and was stunned, "Is it you?"

This man is the handsome doctor I met in the hospital today.

Hearing the sound, the male doctor stopped and glanced at Zhou Lan with a slightly puzzled look, as if he didn't remember who she was.

"Hello." He nodded.

Zhou Lan laughed and said, "Thank you for reminding me that something fell."

The male doctor said indifferently: "I will remind you when you see it. You are welcome. You are welcome."

After speaking, the male doctor turned around and entered the male bathroom.

Zhou Lan raised his eyebrows in surprise, thinking to himself, this man is really cool.

Zhou Lan put on her lipstick, turned to leave, and went to find Wang Jing.

This is a high-end restaurant, and everyone who comes to eat here is rich or expensive.

Wang Jing's appearance here is not unexpected. Celebrities often come to eat here, and no one will look at her like watching an orangutan in a zoo.

Wang Jing had arrived ahead of schedule and was waiting for her at the seat Zhou Lan had reserved.

"Hey, how was the afternoon's commercial shooting? Did it go well?" Zhou Lan walked over.

Wang Jing stood up and hugged Zhou Lanxian.

"It went well, thank you Sister Lan." Wang Jing said, "This time, they invited Song Shuheng to be the director. It's amazing."

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "The brand of Yilan has always had a tradition of inviting big directors to take the shots."

Wang Jing said, "I'm looking forward to the commercials coming out now. I want to see what it looks like. By the way, Sister Lan, I heard that Yu Chu is about to give birth?"

"The news spread so fast, you have heard of it." Zhou Lan said, "Where is the hospital I just went to today."

Wang Jing smiled and said, "Everyone is very gossipy. As long as there is a little rumor of this kind of news, it will definitely spread very quickly."

Zhou Lan laughed.

"Sister Lan, I heard that the company bought an IP for Xu Siyao?" she asked again.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "The Man Who Talks on the Stars, have you read this novel?"

"I've seen it, it's very popular." Wang Jing said, "I was still thinking, is it possible to play this story."

Zhou Lan was stunned when he heard the words.

"Do you want to act too? Isn't this just a romantic idol drama?"

"It's very sweet." Wang Jing said, "When I was reading, I was completely immersed in the plot."

Zhou Lan said: "This drama, the heroine has already decided on Xu Siyao. It's not suitable for us to compete for the heroine at this time. Do you have anything else you want to play? I'll see if there is a chance."

Wang Jing shook her head and said, "It's okay, Sister Lan, I just heard the news, so I mentioned it to you. It doesn't matter if I don't act."

Zhou Lan hummed.

"How did you read the script sent by Sister Liu Zi's team before? Do you want to accept it?" Zhou Lan asked.

Wang Jing shook his head and said, "I've read the script, I think it's very ordinary, and I don't want to act."

"Okay, then I will reject them first." Zhou Lan said, "You are going to shoot "Dragon Heart" directed by Jiang Xin next month. After you finish filming, it is estimated that it will be in October. We can choose another one. Pick, don't worry."

Wang Jing smiled and said: "I also think so, these domestic scripts are so boring now, all of them are filming love stories in the skin of genre films, or suspense adventure films, and they are all male dramas."

Zhou Lan: "Then "The Man Who Talks to the Stars" don't you mind if it's a love story?"

"Then this is originally telling a love story openly. I don't like those pretending to be workplaces, sci-fi, or simply realism, but in the end, I'm still talking about love and love. If you want to fall in love, be generous. Let's talk." Wang Jing said with a smile.

Zhou Lan: "The market is like this now, and there are many restrictions on censorship, and it is not easy for everyone."

Wang Jing asked: "Sister Lan, then I can also go abroad to film."

"Going to film abroad?" Zhou Lan said, "It's okay, but I haven't got a good script yet. I've been reading the script for you, but there are too few suitable and reliable production teams."

Wang Jing: "Are there any results for the two scenes I auditioned for before?"

Zhou Lan said: "I haven't told you yet, they ended up using two Korean actresses."

"Ah?" Wang Jing was taken aback.

Zhou Lan said: "Their remuneration is very low, and besides, they can also give more schedules."

Wang Jing was silent.

"It doesn't matter, your base is still in China. In fact, if it's just a matter of salary, I'm willing to communicate and coordinate with them, and it's okay to lower the salary a little bit, but we can't just go out for half a year on the schedule, you still have money in the country. There are so many scenes to shoot.”

Wang Jing said: "However, I haven't received any particularly good dramas in China."

Wang Jing's current situation in China is indeed a bit embarrassing.A best newcomer award has made her officially enter the film circle, but she has only one "Behind the Scenes", and her representative work is not hard enough.In terms of acting skills, Wang Jing is not bad, but not particularly good. Compared with Xu Siyao, most of the time, he is not as good as Xu Siyao.

Zhou Lan wanted to take on an important role for Wang Jing, at least she was also the second female lead.But in the film industry, there is too much competition.

The name is on the list, but there are not many producers recognized.

Zhou Lan's current route is to let Wang Jing play more heroines in TV dramas, get in touch with suitable movie projects, and it doesn't matter if the salary is less, but it must be a character with memory, not a vase.

Like Jiang Xin's "Dragon Heart", the reason why Wang Jing was able to get the role of the heroine is because the heroine is only five times in this play, which is a man's play.

The average first-line actress is reluctant to play the heroine of a man five times.

Not even a big director like Jiang Xin.

For this reason, Wang Jing has the opportunity.

Wang Jing said that she could not receive any particularly good dramas in China, which is a fact.

However, if she can't receive any particularly good drama at home, why can she receive it abroad?
Zhou Lan said: "Xiaojing, if there is a particularly good project abroad, I will definitely support you, but the key is that the two scenes we auditioned for were not good enough to take us half a year to shoot, which is a waste of time. If you shoot it, if there is a suitable project later, we will not be able to shoot."

Wang Jing sighed and said, "Sister Lan, I understand everything you said, but you also know about my recent situation. Except for the upcoming "Dragon Heart", there is no other drama to be filmed."

Zhou Lan said: "I know you are a little anxious, worried that there will be no drama behind you, but, Xiaojing, I'm telling you seriously, we don't have to worry, we filmed "Youth Story" before and it hasn't aired yet, and there is "Youth Story" later. "Dragon Heart" is going to be filmed, especially "Dragon Heart", director Jiang Xin, as long as the filming is good, we can go for the best supporting actress in the three awards of TV dramas."

Wang Jing said: "Sister Lan, I'm just afraid that I'll miss this time. Now should be the time when I have the most opportunities, but many times, you think the project is not good enough or the role is not good enough, so you reject them all. However, I haven't been able to wait for a particularly good show."

Zhou Lan couldn't help but sighed.

"Xiaojing, you are really in a hurry, but I want to tell you that this is the way this industry is. We have to choose, do you want to be aggressive, or do you try to make movies with better quality?" Zhou Lan said, "Nowadays, the industry has You are very optimistic, so I will give you olive branches, but if we really don’t choose carefully, once some of your plays are thrown, it will also be a devastating blow to your reputation, and it will be difficult to turn over again at that time. , I'm your agent, I won't turn off a play for you for no reason, and I also respect your opinion on what play you want to play. You are in a rather embarrassing stage now, everyone is optimistic You, the role that I want to play, as long as it is a movie, it is all a supporting role with only a few scenes, do you want to play such a supporting role? I don't want to consume you, and it is not a good script like "Behind the Scenes"."

Wang Jing was silent for a long time, nodded and said, "Sister Lan, I believe you."

Zhou Lan stretched out his hand and held Wang Jing's hand.

"Xiaojing, don't worry, let's calm down. We have a long way to go. You are already ahead of many others. We need to be more cautious and focused. You need to show your reputation." Zhou Lan said, "Only Play the role that suits you."

Wang Jing nodded.

"it is good."

After dinner, the driver came to pick up Wang Jing.

After Zhou Lan put Wang Jing in the car, he went to the parking lot by himself.

After walking forward for a while, Zhou Lan felt that something was wrong. Why was there a footstep behind him that kept following him?

In Zhou Lan's mind, the news that he read a few days ago emerged, saying that someone specially picked a female driver who went alone, followed her to the parking lot, and attacked her when she got into the car.

Zhou Lan became nervous.

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