Zhou Lan was about to reach the place where he wanted to park, but the sound of footsteps behind him still did not disappear.

This made Zhou Lan even more nervous.

Who is the person behind her?

Zhou Lan's heart beat faster, and his throat jumped.

There is no one else nearby in the parking lot.

Even if there was someone else, Zhou Lan didn't dare to shout. Who knows if that person's mind is right or not, and he's afraid that the person behind him will break the jar.

Zhou Lan suddenly pulled off her legs and ran to her car, she thought, as long as she got into the car as soon as possible and locked herself in the car, she would not be afraid of that person.

Zhou Lan took out the key from his bag, opened the door, and got in the car. The first thing he did was to lock the door and look at the man with lingering fears.

The man stood there, looking in her direction as well.

The two looked at each other.

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

The man's handsome face was expressionless, but Zhou Lan still saw a hint of doubt in his eyes that he couldn't understand her just running away.

It turned out to be that handsome male doctor.

I saw him stunned for a moment, then stepped forward again, then passed in front of her car, took out the car key, pressed it, and got into the car parked on her left.

Such a coincidence?
Both of their cars were parked together.

Today, Zhou Lan has had three coincidences with him.

I didn't take this person to heart at first, but now Zhou Lan can't help but start to think, is this God's will?
Who doesn't look at the face?Zhou Lan is no exception.

However, Zhou Lan always felt that it was difficult for him to meet the right person again.

Over the years, her focus has been on work.

In the past two years, it's not that she hasn't been in love, it's not that she hasn't been with people, but she always ends up breaking up for some reason or another.

This male doctor is handsome and is not an insider. If Zhou Lan said that he was not interested, it would be a lie.

However, Zhou Lan also knows that the intensity of his work is enough to fall in love with someone for three months, let alone enter a lasting relationship.

Now Zhou Lan has not dared to step into love easily.

When he came back to his senses, Zhou Lan smiled as if mocking himself.

She started the car and was about to leave.


The car next to me suddenly honked its horn.

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

She turned to look.

The handsome male doctor lowered his car window.

"Will you still go to the hospital tomorrow?" He asked Zhou Lan blankly.

At this moment, Zhou Lan's heartbeat accelerated.

What does this person mean?
Is he expressing his affection for her?
Zhou Lan was surprised, at the same time hesitant, overwhelmed, and secretly surprised.

"What's wrong?" She pretended to be calm and asked in confusion.

Why do people always pretend to be slow in front of the people they like?Is it because you want the other party to take the initiative?

At the same time, Zhou Lan asked himself this question in his heart.

"If you come tomorrow, don't wear red, you look out of place," he said.

After the man finished speaking, he raised the car window without waiting for her response.

Zhou Lan was dumbfounded, speechless for a while, and by the time she wanted to speak, the man had already driven away.

"...Damn!" Zhou Lan silently expressed her current mood with this tone of voice.

To Zhou Lan, she had never been said that before.

The point is, this is a completely different direction from her expectations.

While Zhou Lan was angry and annoyed, he was also thinking about one thing.

Why did she let off her guard so easily and began to imagine that the man liked her?

Zhou Lan cursed a lot of swear words in his heart, but at the same time he was sober.

The heart of love that had just emerged and had not survived for a long time was ruthlessly smothered.

Zhou Lan told himself, let's work hard for his career.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Lan stepped on the accelerator and drove to the hospital.

The hospital where Yu Chu works is a specialized obstetrics and gynecology hospital, serving high-end consumers.

Expensive, but good service.

It's impossible for the paparazzi to get into the hospital, at least here.

When Zhou Lan came to the door of the maternity room, he met Song Chi and Yin Zhou.

The two were sitting on chairs at the door of the maternity room, chatting.

"Why are you two sitting outside?" Zhou Lan asked.

Song Chi looked up to see Zhou Lan and replied, "The two of them are watching a movie inside."

Zhou Lan was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, and said, "I haven't given birth yet? Are you so leisurely?"

Yin Zhou laughed, his brows and eyes were gentle, the same as he usually does.

"There was another attack two hours ago, but not yet, the doctor said to wait."

Zhou Lan: "Then I'll go in. You two gentlemen can talk slowly here."

She pushed open the door and went in.

When the door was closed again, Song Chi glanced at the closed door, and then said to Yin Zhou, "What do you think?"

"I...I think that I may not be able to help you earn back the termination fee." Yin Zhou said.

"You don't have to worry about this. I've seen your play and have known you for a long time. If it wasn't for Yue Hai, after you became popular in "The Eighth Heart", you could have taken the opportunity to It's a step up, but Yue Hai's brokerage model makes its actors all serve its film and television chain, you have played a lot of bad movies, which leads to your poor reputation, but your acting skills are not bad." Song Chi He said, "I just need actors here, and now you're going to be a father soon. If you come to me, I can guarantee that you have a movie every year, and it won't be like in Yue Hai's place, when there is no drama. It's going to be a few months at home."

Yin Zhou said: "If you talk to Yue Hai about my termination, they probably won't let go easily."

"You've already left the entertainment industry, they will let go." Song Chi said, "If you are Gu Huaichun, that's another story. It is estimated that Yue Hai will not let people go, but in the business field, everyone still talks about business. Yes, now your business value has dropped sharply, and they can't turn your contract into their hands, so it's better to earn it back from me."

Yin Zhou said: "Then let me think about it again. I also want to go back and discuss it with my parents and Chu Chu."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "If you have an idea, contact me. I'm here to welcome you at any time."

Song Chi was talking to Yin Zhou about signing him to his company.

Song Chi was not on a whim.

He already had this idea.

Although he is expensive as a top actor, it is two different things to start a company and sign an actor.

Especially like him, it is even more difficult to sign male actors.

Everyone would think that this company must revolve around Song Chi.

Only newcomers would be willing to sign Song Chi's company, not even famous actors.

Yin Zhou happened to be an accident.

He had already retired.

Song Chi made up his mind, clearing Yin Zhou definitely didn't want to continue like this.

After Yu Chu gave birth to a child, in the first few years, he must spend a lot of time by his side.

If Yin Zhou doesn't come out to work, then his father's illness and support for the family will be difficult to maintain with Yu Chu's savings and work.

Song Chi signed Yin Zhou to his company, which can actually complement the younger generation of actors.

Young and well-known actors are basically occupied by major brokerage companies and platforms.

In this way, Song Chi can use the company's own actors directly without looking for actors in many of Song Chi's plays, saving costs.

Yu Chu was born on the second day.

The production process went smoothly.

Zhou Yun waited until she saw the baby before she went home with Song Chi.

Zhou Yun was a little touched.

Maybe it was the process of accompanying Yu Chu to give birth to the baby that touched her.

She suddenly began to think about when she would become a mother.

She was also thinking, when will she and Song Chi get married?
I used to say that I was young and still had a lot of time.

In the blink of an eye, I was almost 27 years old.

In the group of female stars, this is not a very old age, and you can even pretend to be young, but Zhou Yun is no longer the state he was in when he first debuted.

Perhaps in the eyes of many fans, Zhou Yun is still the young, elegant and innocent female star, but Zhou Yun also knows that he is no longer just that.

It is you who has changed, and the environment around you has changed.

Zhou Yun said to Song Chi: "Song Chi, do you have a feeling that although you are not yet [-] years old, everyone around you believes in your judgment and respects your opinion, and even hundreds of Everyone is following your feelings."

Song Chi nodded.

"Yes, I was not used to it at first, but I have to get used to it later. Because you succeeded, everyone thinks that as long as you follow your decision, you can succeed again." Song Chi said, "Also, also Not everyone wants to be the one at the helm, they don't want to take the risk of making a decision."

Zhou Yun said: "I just suddenly thought, when did I start deciding what to do in each play? I always thought that I was very good at talking and collaborating, and then I thought, in fact, when I started to think so. For a moment, I already knew that I actually had the capital to not speak well and cooperate well, I knew that I could not do it, and not doing it would not affect anything for me."

Song Chi: "That's how this circle is. The greatest power and resources are concentrated in the fewest group of people."

"What happened to your company?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"Everything went well," Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "That's good."

Song Chi said, "I'm going to sign Yin Zhou to my company."

Zhou Yun glanced at him in surprise and asked, "Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

"It didn't happen suddenly, it was there before, and I've been thinking about whether it's feasible or not." Song Chi said, "My company is very short of male actors."

Zhou Yun: "Have you talked to Yin Zhou about this?"

"I talked to him yesterday, and he said he would go back and discuss it with his family."

Zhou Yun pondered, "Actually, if Brother Zhou stopped acting, I would also feel a pity. In fact, during the filming of "The Eighth Heart", I thought he acted very well and was very serious."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "I also thought he was serious about acting, so I got the idea."

Zhou Yun: "I just don't know if Yue Hai will let it go."

"The liquidated damages are enough."

When Zhou Yun returned home, the first thing to do was to make up for sleep.

She slept until the afternoon and woke up.

The curtains were opened, and the warm sunlight poured in over a large area, filling the entire room.

Zhou Yun stretched his waist.

The weather is so good.

It's just too easy to tan.

Zhou Yun basked in the sun for less than half a minute, then quickly turned and left.

Song Chi is in the study.

"What do we eat at night? Eat at home or go out?" Zhou Yun knocked on the door of the study, stuck his head in, and asked.

Song Chi raised his head and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Zhou Yun: "I can do it. If I want to go out to eat, I will wash my hair. If I don't go out, I will be too lazy to move."

Song Chi smiled.

"Me too."

"Then let's eat at home." Zhou Yun said, "You are busy, I'll think about it, I'll make dinner today."

She went into the kitchen happily and began to think about what to do for the evening.


Zhou Lan heard that Xu Siyao was recording a show in Shanghai today, so he decided to meet her and talk about Huang Zicheng's performance in "The Man Who Talks on the Stars".

Although Zhou Lan also knew that Xu Siyao had little hope of agreeing, but no matter what, he had to give it a try.

Zhou Lan wanted to fight for Huang Zicheng.

Zhou Lan went to find Xu Siyao, but Xu Siyao was also a little surprised.

Before Xu Siyao tried to ask Zhou Lan to be her agent, but Zhou Lan refused.

Xu Siyao sat down on the chair in front of Zhou Lan and smiled at Xu Siyao.

"Why do you have time to watch my show today, Sister Lan? Are you here to meet friends and stop by to say hello?"

"I made a special trip to find you." Zhou Lan said, "I heard that you are going to play "The Man Who Talks on the Stars"?"

Xu Siyao nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhou Lan: "I don't know if you have any thoughts on the male lead? Are you already interested in an actor?"

Xu Siyao said: "He Yong and the others are looking for it. I don't know. Let's take a look first. It doesn't matter who plays it. Anyway, as long as this drama is starring me, it will always be popular."

She is very confident.

Zhou Lan said, "Of course, that's right, Siyao, I'm here today to recommend Huang Zicheng to you."

"Huang Zicheng?" Xu Siyao glanced at Zhou Lan in surprise, then smiled contemptuously, "Sister Lan, are you kidding me? You asked Huang Zicheng to play the leading role for me? Who is he?"

Zhou Lan's heart tightened.

Although he was ready to be ridiculed and ridiculed, Zhou Lan couldn't hold back his anger when Xu Siyao directly satirized him.

She held back her anger.

"Huang Zicheng is very suitable for this role, so I came to communicate with you. If you really don't want to, then forget it." Zhou Lan didn't bother to sit here and get angry.

When she got up to leave, Xu Siyao stopped her again.

"Sister Lan, wait."

Zhou Lan looked back at her.

Xu Siyao said, "It's not impossible that you want Huang Zicheng to play the leading role, but you have to promise me a condition."

Zhou Lan: "You said."

Xu Siyao smiled slightly and said, "Didn't Zhou Yun get a big Hollywood production? I want to play an important role, how about it?"

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