I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 713 Pick a script

Chapter 713 Pick a script

On the way back, Zhou Lan sneered in his heart while driving.

Xu Siyao, a lion, opened his mouth wide, wanting to play an important role in "The Song of Killing".

Zhou Lan was alone in the car and said to himself: "You think it's beautiful. It's a beautiful dream. Why don't you just say that you want to play the heroine?"

While Zhou Lan complained, he was actually a little nervous and flustered.

Because she was afraid that Xu Siyao would really follow this movie, she tried her best to join this movie.

Zhou Yun managed to get rid of Xu Siyao for a year.

In the past year, everyone finally stopped binding Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao together. Xu Siyao tried to stalk Zhou Yun several times, but Zhou Yun's team gave her public relations, making her efforts in vain.

If Xu Siyao was allowed to act in "The Song of Killing", Zhou Yun would not even want to get rid of Xu Siyao in the next few years.

Zhou Lan decided to give up his plan to let Huang Zicheng play "The Man Who Talks in the Stars".

Zhou Lan would never sacrifice Zhou Yun's interests for Huang Zicheng's sake.

For her, Zhou Yun is the highest priority, no one is ahead of her.

Zhou Lan figured out, if Huang Zicheng couldn't act in "The Man Who Talks in the Stars", what should he arrange for him to act?
When Zhou Lan was thinking about this matter, she didn't know, Xu Siyao turned his eyes and called Huang Zicheng.

"Hello, Zicheng." Xu Siyao said on the phone with a sweet voice, "Where are you now?"

Huang Zicheng had never received a call from Xu Siyao before, and when he saw Xu Siyao's name displayed on the caller, he was stunned and didn't recover for a long time.

Why did Xu Siyao call him?
Huang Zicheng didn't understand, nor did he understand.

"Me? I'm in the apartment now." Huang Zicheng lives in the apartment Zhou Lan arranged for him.

Xu Siyao gasped in surprise, and said, "You're not working? That's great, I thought I was calling you to bother you."

Huang Zicheng: "..."

He didn't know what to say.

"No, Sister Siyao, what can you do for me?"

Xu Siyao said: "Just now your agent came to me and recommended you to me, and wanted you to play the leading role in "The Man Who Talks in the Stars"."

Huang Zicheng frowned subconsciously.

"Miss Lan?"

"That's right." Xu Siyao asked, "Sister Lan is still in charge of your brokerage business, right? Or did she find another broker for you?"

"No, she is still leading us in person." Huang Zicheng replied honestly.

He was actually still in a weird feeling.

One of the weirdest things, why did Sister Lan go to Xu Siyao and ask him to play the male lead in her new play?
Huang Zicheng felt that this was impossible.

Was Xu Siyao lying to him?
Huang Zicheng was puzzled.

The second weirdness is that even if Zhou Lan really went to find Xu Siyao, why did Xu Siyao call him?

Huang Zicheng has been in the industry for some time, and he also knows one thing now, that is, in this circle, there is actually a special emphasis on rank and status.

For a newcomer like Huang Zicheng, he is not on the same level as Xu Siyao.

Xu Siyao was completely unfamiliar with him.

Huang Zicheng asked: "Sister Siyao, you called me, what's the matter?"

Xu Siyao smiled and said: "There is nothing specific, I just want to tell you about it personally. If your manager agrees to my request, I will play the male lead of my new drama for you."

Huang Zicheng asked: "A request? What request?"

Xu Siyao said: "It's a small request, she can definitely do it."

After finishing speaking, Xu Siyao said "bye" and hung up the phone.

Huang Zicheng frowned.

Regarding this call, he was confused before answering it, and even more confused after answering it.

He hesitated whether to call Zhou Lan and tell her about it.

After thinking about it, forget it.

Since Zhou Lan didn't tell him about Xu Siyao's new play, he should pretend he didn't know anything.

Huang Zicheng didn't want to cause trouble for Zhou Lan.

Who knows how many words Xu Siyao said on the phone are true?
Xu Siyao's image and evaluation in the company are very negative.

Many people hate Xu Siyao. This is because everyone hates her——Xu Siyao fought with Zhou Yun for a while before, and Xu Siyao exposed too much of her hypocrisy and green tea side, and also because Xu Siyao has been acting as a demon in the past two years credit.

Xu Siyao's attitude towards the staff is very bad.

Especially after "Setting the Storm" became popular, according to what many people said, Xu Siyao no longer took ordinary staff seriously.

Even if it's ten o'clock in the evening, as long as she thinks of something, the relevant staff will come to the company from home to work overtime according to her ideas and requirements, and they will be realized according to her ideas and requirements.

At work, being late and leaving early is a trivial matter. The most popular time in the company was when they had an important luncheon with other cooperative companies. It had been agreed that Xu Siyao would also attend, but when it was noon, Xu Siyao Suddenly he couldn't speak, and he didn't give any reason.

In the end, the result of this incident was that the cooperative company thought that Qianqian Entertainment was fooling them, and the trouble was very unpleasant.

It's just one of those things.

All in all, Xu Siyao does not respect other people's work very much, and often does bad things, such as lying, just to achieve his own goals.

Huang Zicheng didn't know if Xu Siyao was planning some bad idea this time.

"Dong Dong".

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

He and Lu Atrium share this apartment, and only Lu Atrium can knock on the door of his room.

Huang Zicheng: "Come in."

Lu Zhongting walked in.

He threw something over.

Huang Zicheng reached out to catch it.

"What is this?" he asked.

Lu Zhongting said: "The tea I brought back from Zhejiang, don't you like drinking tea?"

Huang Zicheng laughed, "Thank you."

"I'm going to Guangxi tomorrow for filming, and I won't be back until October." Lu Zhongting said.

Huang Zicheng nodded and asked, "Is it "The Legend of Thousand Machines"?"

Zhou Lan accepted a fairy tale drama for Lu Zhongting, and he was a supporting actor.

This is a blockbuster project of S+, and the male and female protagonists are top-notch. Zhou Lan chatted with the producer for a month before helping Lu Zhongting chat about this role.

Lu Zhongting nodded and said, "Yes."

Huang Zicheng: "Come on, act well, and strive to be a hit next year."

"Come on, it's an instant hit." Lu Zhongting waved his hand.

Huang Zicheng asked, "When will you leave tomorrow?"

"Ten o'clock in the morning."

"Then you don't need to get up early, do you want to have a drink together?" Huang Zicheng asked.

Lu Zhongting nodded: "Okay, should I buy it and drink it, or go out and drink it?"

Huang Zicheng said, "Just go outside."

Anyway, the two of them are not popular yet, and they don't know anyone well. They are just handsome guys who will turn many people's heads when they walk on the road.

The two met at a bar near their apartment.

The two of them come here often, and everyone in the bar knows them both.

There are a lot of people here, but it's not the kind of bar where everyone sings and dances together. Ninety percent of the people here come purely for drinking.

The atmosphere in the bar is lively.

The two of them went in, only to catch the eyes of the people sitting at the tables at the door, other than that, no one paid attention.

There were no seats left at the booth, so the two could only sit at the bar.

It doesn't matter.

Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting often sit at the bar.

"You two are here." Xiao Kui, who was in charge of the bar, greeted them both.

Xiaokui is very young and is a bartender.

Huang Zicheng smiled at her and said, "Why didn't you see your boyfriend today?"

Xiaokui's boyfriend also belongs to this bar.

Both of them work in this bar.

Xiaokui said, "He's sleeping, come later."

"Is it the same as before?" she asked.

Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting nodded at the same time.

Xiaokui has many guests to greet.

Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting sat in their seats and continued to chat.

"It should be very hot in Guangxi at this time, right?"

Lu Zhongting nodded.

"should be."

Huang Zicheng said: "Don't always think that it's not good to make Xianxia dramas. Now there are one or two Xianxia dramas that are very popular every year. Otherwise, Sister Lan would not help you accept this drama."

Lu Zhongting: "I don't think it's bad to make Xianxia dramas, I just..."

Lu Zhongting did not continue.

Huang Zicheng asked: "You just don't think this is the scene you want to make?"

Lu Zhongting nodded.

"Although I'm actually not qualified to say such things, but, to be honest, I don't want to act in this kind of drama." Lu Zhongting said.

"Then what play do you want to play?" Huang Zicheng asked.

Lu Zhongting said, "I want to act... the kind of play Miss Xiaoyun plays."

"I knew you would say that." Huang Zicheng patted Lu Zhongting's back with a smile, "But don't forget, Sister Xiaoyun also filmed scenes like "The Eighth Heartbeat" at the beginning. Don’t be picky about the situation, it’s good to have a movie to shoot, when you become popular and have the right to choose, you can go and shoot the movie you want.”

Lu Zhongting smiled.

"I know, I'm just telling you."

"I said, are you two actors?" Xiao Kui suddenly turned her head and asked them.

Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng were stunned at the same time.

Xiaokui said, "I accidentally overheard your chat just now."

There's nothing to hide.

Huang Zicheng nodded.

"Two unknown actors," he said.

Xiaokui had a "sure enough" expression on her face, "I just said, you two are so handsome, it's a pity not to be actors."

Huang Zicheng smiled and shook his head.

Xiaokui asked curiously again: "Sister Xiaoyun you mentioned just now, are you referring to Zhou Yun?"

As it was about Zhou Yun, Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting were more cautious and would not answer questions about Zhou Yun easily.

"Huh?" Huang Zicheng played dumb.

Xiaokui said, "Didn't you just say that? I've watched "The Eighth Heartbeat", and the heroine is Zhou Yun, right?"

Xiaokui's eyes lit up.

Huang Zicheng: "Uh, you heard wrong, we're not talking about that."

Xiaokui looked at them suspiciously.

"Really? Why do I feel like this is what I just heard?"

Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting looked at each other, and they both saw in each other's eyes that they wanted to escape here quickly.

Lu Zhongting took out his mobile phone to pay the bill.

"We still have something to do, let's go first."

Seeing that they were about to leave, Xiaokui had no choice but to say: "Oh, wait a minute, you two, don't leave, I just don't ask."

Lu Zhongting said solemnly: "No, the two of us really have something to do later, and we even made an appointment with the producer to meet for an audition."

The two left the bar.

Huang Zicheng glanced sideways at Lu Zhongting, and said, "You are really good at making up excuses like audition, who auditioned at night."

Lu Zhongting: "Just find an excuse and say it, and I think she also believes it."

"She pretended to believe it, and you really believed it." Huang Zicheng gave Lu Zhongting a disgusted look.

Lu Zhongting: "..."

Huang Zicheng said, "I can't come to this bar next time either."

Lu Zhongting said: "Then you quickly find us a new base in the past two months."

Huang Zicheng nodded and said, "Yes, what about now?"

"Buy something and go back to drink." Lu Zhongting said helplessly.

Huang Zicheng: "Let's go."

The two turned and went to a nearby supermarket.

"What about you? Is the next play set?" Lu Zhongting asked Huang Zicheng.

Huang Zicheng shook his head and said, "No, Sister Lan helped me read a few scripts, but she couldn't agree with them. It's better not to act. Later, she helped me pick up a few flying guests of variety shows and asked me to record variety shows."

"Sister Lan said it's not good, so I really don't want to act." Lu Zhongting said, "Last month, Xin Zhike was ridiculed by many people."

"Ah? What's the matter?" Huang Zicheng didn't know about it.

Lu Zhongting was also very surprised and said, "You don't even know? Didn't he broadcast a drama last month? In the drama, he was the most beautiful man in ancient costumes, but because of his appearance, he was ridiculed by everyone as an ancient costume The first ugly man."

Huang Zicheng really didn't know.

But in the current film and television market, in fact, such things often happen.

Xin Zhike himself is definitely not ugly, but his looks are not suitable for ancient costumes.When accepting the show, the management team thought it was a good-looking crew, and it might be a hit, so they helped Xin Zhike continue.The crew felt that Xin Zhike was the most attractive actor among the actors that could be chosen, so they chose Xin Zhike.When everyone considers a project cooperation, there are many things to consider, but whether it is suitable for a role or not has become secondary.

When Zhou Lan helped them choose the script, the suitability of the characters and actors was very important.

If it was an inappropriate role, Zhou Lan would not have accepted the play no matter what.

The reason why Lu Zhongting accepted the Xianxia drama was also because Zhou Lan felt that the drama was suitable for Lu Zhongting, and said to Lu Zhongting: "I think you can help you become famous by acting in this drama. The male and female protagonists are both top-notch, and the attention must be very high. Your character design and image are very good. Even if the reputation of Xianxia drama is easy to hit the street, as long as you can stand out and be recognized by everyone, this is enough Yes, I think you are going to act, this play can help you to a higher level."

A manager like Zhou Lan always helps actors think about problems from the most practical point of view.

Zhou Lan said: "I know, maybe you don't want to act in such a script. You are different from Huang Zicheng, and your spirit is still a little higher than his. However, let's go slowly step by step. Before we reach that level, we will Follow the rules of the game in the current circle first."

Zhou Lan convinced Lu Zhongting.

(End of this chapter)

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