Chapter 715 Returning to the Company

What Zhou Yun wanted to recommend to Jiang Xin was Luo Zhiheng who played her younger brother in "Words of Fallen Leaves".

If she remembers correctly, Luo Zhiheng should have just finished the college entrance examination.

Zhou Yun said: "Before I filmed with him, he has good acting skills, strong explosive power, and extremely talented. I originally wanted Song Chi to sign him, but because of his college entrance examination this year, he didn't do it after filming with me last year. I’m filming again, and I’ve been preparing for the college entrance examination, so I don’t know what’s going on now.”

Jiang Xin was a little excited when he heard the words, and said, "Okay, why don't you show me the clip of him acting in "Words of Fallen Leaves"? If it's really good and suitable, I'll go and see him."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Then I'll talk to Sister Luo Qi and see if I can ask her to bring me a paragraph."

"What's his name?" Jiang Xin asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Luo Zhiheng."

Jiang Xin was taken aback, and said, "I remember this name, I should have seen it before."

"He should have acted in a lot of dramas since he was a child." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, when I was filming with him, I was very angry. It's still good, just rush."

Jiang Xin: "This is no problem."

He sighed again as he spoke, and said, "Originally, I wanted Song Chi to act in "The Elm God", but who knew that the filming time would collide with "Sinking Moon at Sea"."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Unfortunately this time, both he and I accepted the drama "Sinking Moon in the Sea." Zhou Yun said, "However, if the director has the opportunity, I have time to help you play a guest role, no problem."

Jiang Xin said: "I have an easter egg and surprise for everyone."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"How is the production of "Chen Yin" going?" Zhou Yun asked.

Jiang Xin said: "The later stage has been done, and it will be sent for trial."

Zhou Yun asked: "There should be no problem, right?"

"I don't know yet. I said it would be fine before, but the subject matter of "Chen Yin" is a bit sensitive, so I might encounter some difficulties." Jiang Xin said, "It's okay, I'm mentally prepared."

Zhou Yun said: "I am looking forward to the broadcast of this drama."

It's the heaviest role she's ever played.

Zhou Yun didn't know what the final broadcast would look like, she was very curious.

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, in the past few years, I have been playing heavier roles, that is, very heavy roles. I actually want to play a little life-like drama that tells our daily stories."

Jiang Xin asked: "You mean "Small Farewell" and "Snail House", which are dramas with realistic themes and life themes?"

"No, it's not like this, how should I put it, um, for example, it's like "My Story is a Long Story", Director Jiang, have you seen this drama? It's a Japanese drama, and it tells a story about squatting at home. , the whole story is very routine, it tells short stories about him and his family’s parents, and it’s not bloody, and Japanese dramas such as "Nagi’s New Life" and "Watermelon" are all in this style." Zhou Yun said, "I feel The roles that everyone comes to me now are all very complex and heavy life roles. I know that from the perspective of drama, such roles may be richer and more challenging to act, but I also want to play a little bit It’s different, and it’s closely related to our lives.”

Jiang Xin pondered for a moment.

"I have also thought about making this type of film, but almost none of the investors are optimistic about it." The corners of Jiang Xin's mouth raised a helpless arc, "Also, it is not that no one in our market has tried this style, but It basically failed."

Everyone still prefers a bit bloody, ups and downs in the plot.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "That's what I'm saying. In fact, to put it bluntly, it's because I haven't acted in it before, but I like these plays very much. I thought that if I had the opportunity, I would also like to act in it."

Jiang Xin nodded.

"I know."

Zhou Yun said again: "Director, do you have any other films in preparation besides "The Elm God"?"

Jiang Xin asked: "What's wrong? I just finished filming "Chen Yin" with me, and you want to film another film with me?"

Zhou Yun: "Of course I want to, but I won't be able to take on the role this year. In the first half of next year, I will definitely be filming "Killing Song". In the second half of the year, I may film the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers" The second part of "Killer" may not be filmed at all. It depends on the progress of Xindun and Wen Bing. Apart from these few films, I have no other plans. If you have a suitable script, please contact me. "

Jiang Xin said: "You make more movies. I told you, you have to work hard to gain a firm foothold internationally. It is even more difficult for our dramas to become famous internationally."

"No, the current development of streaming media has created a particularly good soil for dramas. You see, I had a drama before, "Deep Sea", which performed well on streaming media. This is because they did not Do publicity." Zhou Yun said, "If we have a particularly good story that is not suitable for broadcasting in China, it is actually a good choice to cooperate with foreign streaming media."

Jiang Xin smiled.

"It's not that easy. Do you know why Korean dramas are so easy to succeed? Because the domestic market of their film and television industry is not big, so almost everyone can get better conditions and treatment outside to film. Going to streaming media, our country is different. Think about it, how big is our domestic market? Their top Korean actors get record-breaking pay in streaming media, and it’s just a head in our domestic market. Many actors can get the price.” Jiang Xin pointed out the reality in a burst of blood, “under such circumstances, why would everyone flock to film abroad? For me, the conditions given to me by foreign streaming media In fact, it is not higher than domestic ones. If one day I really go to shoot streaming media projects, there is only one reason. They can give things that cannot be given in China, such as greater freedom and greater creative power. .”

Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

Different identities and roles have different things to think about.

Jiang Xin asked: "How is the filming of "The Female Killer" going? I think you have been filming for four or five months, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

Jiang Xin: "It's long enough, it takes so long to make a movie."

Zhou Yun said: "It was mainly filmed on location in several countries, and it really took a lot of effort."

Jiang Xin: "I've never made an action movie, I've always wanted to make an action movie."

In the industry, Jiang Xin gives everyone the impression that he is a great director who shoots dramas, and is best at making costume dramas or works with realistic themes.

Like "Ask the Heart" and "Chen Yin", Jiang Xin is good at themes.

Every successful person may have a heart to continue to develop, and wants to try to succeed in a field that he has not set foot in.

Zhou Yun said, "Is there a suitable script?"

Jiang Xin said: "I haven't encountered it. Sometimes I see a good script, but it is taken away by others. Haha, people don't think I can make action movies. Such scripts will not be sent to me. .”

Zhou Yun said: "Then director, why don't you ask the screenwriter to write a special one of this type."

Jiang Xin: "I did have this idea all the time, but because I was busy with a lot of projects, I never got away from doing it."

"Actually, director, you also filmed a lot of action scenes in "Questioning the Heart." Zhou Yun said, "Song Chi's main line, isn't there a lot of action scenes."

"It's just an episode after all, and it's not a serious action shoot." Jiang Xin said, "When your movie is released, I must go and see it. Wen Bing is really good. The first movie The film is still a romantic literary film like "Days", and the second "One Mountain and Two Tigers" went straight to the action scenes, and the filming was very good, it really has two brushes."

Zhou Yun asked with a smile: "Do you know Wen Bing? How about I form a bureau one day and introduce the two of you?"

Jiang Xin said: "Yes, I have seen it before, but I haven't talked about it in depth."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"By the way, my manager asked me to inquire with you. I want to know if you have any other projects in preparation besides "Em God". She wants to know the information in advance. If there is any project suitable for Huang Zicheng, Lu Zhongting and the others Help them fight for it." Zhou Yun said, "Both of them are very serious young people, how can you have a suitable role here, no matter how many roles or how long they will appear on the stage, please take them along and follow you to film. They can learn a lot."

Jiang Xin smiled and nodded, "It's easy to say, no problem."

Zhou Yun and Jiang Xin had dinner and watched a recently released movie together.

The result is that the name is not worthy of the name. Although the fame is great and the star lineup is gorgeous, it is really ugly.

The two persisted until the last third, but they couldn't persist any longer, so they left early.

Jiang Xin said unhappily, "What kind of thing is this filming?"

Zhou Yun: "I feel that the director is very perfunctory in shooting, and the actors are also very perfunctory in acting."

"At first glance, it looks like a bad movie that siphons money, it's about money laundering." Jiang Xin complained directly, "This kind of movie is really embarrassing."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"If it's a bad movie, don't take it no matter how much you get paid." Jiang Xin told Zhou Yun.

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "I must keep it in my heart."

Jiang Xin got into the car with an unkind expression and left.

Zhou Yun drove to the company by himself.

She wants to see He Yong.

She made an appointment with He Yong at three o'clock in the afternoon.

It was only half past two when we arrived at the company.

So Zhou Yun went to the coffee shop downstairs of the company.

Almost all the customers of this coffee shop are thousands of staff members. After Zhou Yun walked in, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But because everyone is engaged in work related to the entertainment industry, the aura and filters of celebrity artists are somewhat discounted in their eyes, and they will not rush forward like ordinary fans, asking for autographs and group photos with Zhou Yun.

But there are not many people who like Zhou Yun.

Everyone still secretly took out their mobile phones, took pictures or recorded videos.

Zhou Yun basically doesn't appear here, but when he appears suddenly, it's like descending from the world.

Zhou Yun sat down, ordered a glass of Americano, and took out the book he brought from his bag.

The Favourite, by Toni Morrison.

This is a writer recommended by Zhou Yun, a favorite writer.

Zhou Yun, who had never read the American author's book, bought a whole series and took it home.

"Hey, Zhou Yun."

Ten minutes later, someone suddenly came over.

Zhou Yun raised his head in surprise, but found that it was Li Ci whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Zhou Yun didn't even recognize Li Cilai at first glance.

When I met Li Ci before, Li Ci was the leader among the company's male artists and the most profitable artist in the company. Zhou Yun also filmed "Settling the Storm" with him.

Although the filming of this drama was not so satisfactory, Li Ci's performance in this drama also received a flood of negative reviews.

In the past two years, Li Ci has gone downhill faster and faster. In just one or two years, the once top stream suddenly passed away.

No one dared to ask him to film anymore, and his loyal fans left one by one.

Li Ci was dressed in colorful fashion brands, and his hair was also permed pink, like a walking cake.

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

"Why did you dye your hair such a bright pink?" Zhou Yun couldn't help complaining as soon as he opened his mouth.

Li Ci had a teasing and affectionate smile on his face. After being complained by Zhou Yun, he shook his head, and then restored that smile on his face, and said, "Summer is here, burn your youthful color."

Zhou Yun: "'re quite a wave."

Li Ci sat down opposite Zhou Yun and said, "You just came back from filming abroad? I wanted to find you before, but someone told me you were abroad."

"That's right, I just came back, what do you want me for?" Zhou Yun asked.

Li Ci smiled and said, "I'm in a bit of trouble now, no one is looking for me to act, can you help me?"

Although Li Ci was asking Zhou Yun for help, he still kept a nonchalant smile on his face.

Of course, Zhou Yun could also see that behind Li Ci's nonchalant smile, there was a bit of nervousness revealed with regret.

Zhou Yun didn't know Li Ci's situation very well, he only knew that his career had declined sharply.

She asked suspiciously: "No one asked you to act in a play? Impossible, even if it was a temporary difficulty, why didn't He Yong help you take the play?"

He Yong was the one who praised Li Ci before.

Hearing the name He Yong, Li Ci was suddenly indignant.

"Don't mention him, he's just a cold-blooded capitalist. When I was popular, he agreed with everything. When I started to have trouble, he turned me away, and he didn't even see me!" Li Ci dissatisfied Say.

Zhou Yun was silent.

What Li Ci said was true or not, Zhou Yun didn't think about it.

Because it is meaningless to think, whether He Yong is such a person, Zhou Yun has long known.

Before she became popular back then, she was even more aware of He Yong's face.

Zhou Yun was thinking about Li Ci.

Li Ci suddenly came to her for help, does she want to help?

Zhou Yun thought for a moment, and said: "Li Ci, you and I have collaborated on "Ding the Storm", which is considered a friendship. It stands to reason that if you come to me for help, I should help you, but I heard that you are not only playing big cards, And when you acted, you didn't cooperate very well, which is why you ruined your reputation in the industry. If I help you, will you reform yourself and act well?"

Li Ci's face turned green when Zhou Yun suddenly poked his heart so directly.

(End of this chapter)

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