Chapter 716 Meet He Yong

"never mind."

Li Ci suddenly stood up and left.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Could it be that what she said just now was too direct and made Li Ci go away in anger?

Zhou Yun was surprised.

She really didn't expect that Li Ci's temper was still so strong.

Zhou Yun thought about what he said just now. Although it was true that he said it very directly and with a bit of emphasis, it still had to be said.

Zhou Yun can't recommend an irresponsible Li Ci to another crew, that's cheating that crew.

Why did Li Ci leave suddenly?
Because you feel that your face has been damaged?

Zhou Yun sat in his seat and pondered for a long time.

It was almost three o'clock when Zhou Yun got up and went to find He Yong.

Who knows, Zhou Yun ran into Li Ci again at the door of He Yong's office.

Li Ci is entangled with He Yong's secretary.

"I know He Yong is inside, tell him, if he doesn't see me today, I won't leave!" Li Ci said to He Yong's secretary.

He Yong's secretary looked helpless.

"Li Ci, Mr. He is really in a meeting now, not in the office." He Yong's secretary said, "It's useless even if you wait here all the time, it's just a waste of time."

Li Ci shouted: "If he is not in the office, you open the door of the office and let me take a look."

This request was simply making trouble out of no reason, and He Yong's secretary was also helpless.

"Li Ci, this is against the regulations, I can't do this." He Yong's secretary said, "If you want to see Mr. He, please make an appointment in advance."

Li Ci scolded angrily: "If I can make an appointment, why am I talking to you here? I said, do you also think that I am not popular now, so do you think people are inferior?"

Hearing these words, Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling angry for He Yong's secretary.

This Li Ci also can't speak.

However, He Yong's secretary is professional after all, and he is proficient in facing this kind of scene. He doesn't show his emotions on his face at all, but still keeps smiling and says, "Li Ci, whether you are popular or not, I am Mr. He." Secretary, I follow the rules and regulations."

Li Ci looked resentful.

He pointed at He Yong's secretary, "You're awesome, you can do it! Don't make me popular again, let me become popular again, the first thing I do is to let He Yong fire you, you fake and powerful guy!"

He Yong's secretary kept smiling and didn't say a word.

Zhou Yun saw the whole process from behind, and didn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart.

This is called Jiangshan is easy to change and nature is difficult to change, or is it that dogs can't change and eat shit?

Li Ci's performance disappointed Zhou Yun too much.

He is red, has a big temper, is arrogant, does not take others seriously, plays big names, has a bad face, and does not cooperate with work. These behaviors have taught him a lesson.

Zhou Yun originally thought that Li Ci would change a bit.

Li Ci angrily scolded He Yong's secretary, and when he turned around, he saw Zhou Yun standing not far away.

He Yong's secretary also discovered Zhou Yun at the same time.

Li Ci seemed to have caught a certain braid, and immediately pointed at Zhou Yun and yelled at He Yong's secretary.

"Did she come here to see He Yong?"

He Yong's secretary finally felt a little embarrassed.

When he was about to explain, Zhou Yun took the initiative to speak.

"Who told you that I came to see He Yong?" Zhou Yun walked over, "Even if I came to see He Yong, what does it have to do with you? Like you are now, what's the point of seeing He Yong?"

Li Ci said fiercely: "He has to help me!"

"Help you, how can you help me?" Zhou Yun said, "Is it just based on your attitude of walking away in the cafe just now, or the attitude of talking nonsense in front of him? With you like this, who would dare to help you? Send you to Which crew, which crew can you not offend?"

Li Ci: "I want you to control! Don't think that you are very popular now, and you are qualified to teach me a lesson. Let me tell you, when you stop being popular one day, He Yong will treat you the same as he treated me today!"

Zhou Yun looked calm, and said: "Li Ci, do you know what is the biggest difference between me and you? Even if one day I stop being popular, don't worry, I don't need to come here to ask He Yong for help. The producers, directors, actors and screenwriters who have worked with me will all help me, because they know that I am good at acting and that I have a high degree of cooperation in work. I don’t need to rely on this company to escort my career. If you have something in your heart, you should reflect on it, when you are no longer popular, why do those people who have worked with you ignore you?"

Li Ci was indignant and said, "That's because they are all a bunch of snobs!"

"That's even more ridiculous. Why have you been working for so many years, surrounded by a group of snobs and no real friends?"

Li Ci was suddenly speechless.

He had never been questioned like this before, and was silent for a while.

Zhou Yun said: "You don't have to learn from your mistakes. You always look for other people's problems. Why should others help you?"

Li Ci snorted coldly, and suddenly left again.

As he walked, he said, "You are popular, and everything you say is justified!"

Zhou Yun stood where he was, silently watching Li Ci's back, feeling too much emotion in his heart.

From Li Ci's point of view, she is only popular because of her reason?
He Yong's secretary came over and said to Zhou Yun: "Miss Zhou, Li Ci is in a bad mood, and what he said is unpleasant, please don't take it to heart, Mr. He is already waiting for you, please come with me."

Zhou Yun nodded and followed the secretary into He Yong's office.

He Yong, who was "going to a meeting" as the secretary said, has been sitting in his office, sitting on his chair, quietly looking at the materials in his hand.

He raised his head, saw Zhou Yun, and showed a warm smile.

"Xiaoyun is here. I haven't done anything all afternoon, but I've been waiting for you." He Yong stood up and walked over with an enthusiastic attitude, "Sit."

He Yong asked: "What do you drink? Coffee, or tea? Juice is also available, freshly squeezed."

Zhou Yun said: "No, I just had a cup of coffee and it came up."

He Yong asked in surprise: "Where did you drink it? The cafe downstairs?"

"That's right." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Isn't this the three o'clock appointment with you, and I arrived early, so I sat in the cafe for a while."

He Yong immediately expressed dissatisfaction: "If you arrive early, just come to me directly. Why do you have to wait until three o'clock?"

"Aren't you afraid of disturbing you?" Zhou Yun waved his hand, "Mr. He, the company has given up on Li Ci now?"

He Yong was taken aback for a moment before he said, "Oh, you met Li Ci outside, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "That's right, I don't think he looks particularly good now."

He Yong sighed, and said: "The company is really benevolent to him, there is no other way, he, no matter what, he refuses to accept the reality, he is still immersed in the glory of the past, and refuses to accept the reality, I arrange him to act , he won’t act unless he is the number one male, and he also said that I treated him badly, my heart was really broken by him.”

He Yong always has an ability to speak - he can say every sentence as if it comes from the heart.

Zhou Yun is already immune to this.

She asked, "So the company just gave up on him?"

"It doesn't make any sense to force him to act in a play. Anyway, I brought it up with my own hands. If he really doesn't like it, I have nothing to do. Just waste it like this." He Yong said.

Zhou Yun knew that He Yong actually had his reasons for doing so.

A disobedient artist, then let him hang out.

Anyway, with such a big company, Li Ci is not irreplaceable now.

Zhang Mo and Zhou Jianfeng are now on the rise, with constant film appointments, especially Zhou Jianfeng, with the help of "Under Dress", he immediately rushed into the ranks of the popular niche, and business invitations came like snowflakes.

He Yong can be said to be proud of himself now.

Zhou Yun nodded.

She told He Yong: "Li Ci came to me for help before, and wanted me to help him."

"Don't." He Yong said subconsciously. After saying these three words, He Yong also seemed to realize that his reaction was a bit too intense, and he went back to make up for it: "I, it has no other meaning, it is now that Li resigned from him. If you haven’t turned that corner, helping him now will be of no avail. Helping him will also harm him. It will only make his reputation in the industry worse. We can only help him when he really reforms himself. He is only useful at this time."

Zhou Yun knew that what He Yong said was correct.

But she was not persuaded.

Because she knew that He Yong's original intention for saying these words was not the good intentions shown in these words.

Zhou Yun warned himself, never get too involved in the relationship between people.

She smiled and said, "Let's not talk about Li Ci anymore, I want to chat with you today about the second season of "Under Dressed"."

"Huh?" He Yong asked, "Didn't we talk about the second season of "Under Dress" before? If there is anything else, you should come to the company in person and call me directly to say no." ?”

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I've always felt that face-to-face communication is more efficient."

"That's true." He Yong nodded, "Then tell me, what can I do."

Zhou Yun said: "This drama will continue to ask Ning Yufeng to be the director."

He Yong said: "I know this. Didn't it be agreed before that we should invite the original crew as much as possible."

Zhou Yun: "Mr. He, let's stop playing with words. I know that although you promised us to invite Ning Yufeng, you also want to arrange for a director signed by thousands of film and television companies to co-direct with Ning Yufeng. ,yes?"

He Yong was taken aback.

He raised his eyelids in surprise and asked, "Where did you know this?"

He Yong did have such a plan before, but he didn't tell anyone about it.

He knew that Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun might have some opinions, and he was still thinking about how to get them to agree to this matter.

He Yong didn't expect that Zhou Yun's news channels were so wide that he even knew about this matter.

The new director is Zuo Zhiheng, a relative of a vice president of the group.The vice president personally called He Yong and asked him to take care of him.What else could He Yong say, he naturally agreed.

Zuo Zhiheng graduated from the directing department, but he has never been a director before and has no experience.

This kind of rookie who has just come out of school usually goes to a few crews to work in other types of work, and is familiar with the operation mode of the crew before they have the opportunity to get the opportunity to direct, from assistant director to co-director, and then to independent director .

If there are people in the family, this road can go smoothly.

Like Zuo Zhiheng, He Yong originally planned to arrange for him to be a director of Group B. When the time comes to become a director with Ning Yufeng, it will also add a golden resume.

In the second season of "Under Dress", no matter how the show is filmed, whether it is filmed well or not, it will always be popular.

What He Yong did was obviously a good opportunity for Zuo Zhiheng to have a golden opportunity.

Zhou Yun said: "Don't ask me where I knew it. I know Ning Yufeng's character. He is not willing to co-direct with others. Don't use this to disgust him."

He Yong said: "Our company also needs to train its own directors, doesn't it?"

Zhou Yun: "It needs to be cultivated in the second season of "Under the Dress"? Mr. He, didn't you say that this drama is well developed and can be developed for four or five seasons. If the reputation of the second season will plummet, Wouldn't the plan in the future be broken?"

"The quality of the whole film is controlled by Ning Yufeng. There is no problem. Just let Zuo Zhiheng be appointed as a director. In fact, he is only asked to shoot some unimportant Group B scenes, which can save shooting time." He Yong said. , "Xiaoyun, don't worry, I will do the work on Ning Yufeng's side. If Ning Yufeng doesn't agree, then forget it. What do you think?"

Zhou Yun: "Mr. He, what if I don't want to?"

He Yong sighed and said, "Xiaoyun, if you continue to act in the second season, you have the final say and I will listen to you, but now you are not filming the second season either?"

"That means, why don't I draw a line with this show?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Don't, don't, I don't mean that." He Yong said quickly, "You made this show by yourself. If you are not a producer, then how can you do it? But thousands of people have invested a lot in this show. In terms of resources and manpower, Qianqian Film and Television has never had a particularly good director, so why don't you consider this opportunity?"

Zhou Yun said: "Don't be sloppy, okay? You think I don't know that Zuo Zhiheng is a related household who came in through the back door? He didn't rely on himself to sign the contract with Qianqian Film and Television."

He Yong was speechless.

"You see, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and you didn't expect me to know about this, did you?" Zhou Yun sighed, "If Ning Yufeng knew that you wanted to use him to carry the sedan chair for the leaders and related households, what would he do? Think? Will he cooperate with you in the future? What about the third, fourth and fifth seasons? Are you still filming or not?"

He Yong's expression turned ugly.

"Since you also know what it means to be a vice president at the group headquarters, then if I don't help him with this, I will offend him."

"Could it be that when you served those people comfortably before, they helped you secure this seat? Why didn't they block you when you wanted to arrange for people to parachute?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

She said: "Mr. He, you have been at the helm of Qianqian Entertainment for so long, don't you know one thing? Now that I know about it, have you ever thought about it? How did you let me know about it? Who told me? What is the purpose of telling me? If you really used that Zuo Zhiheng for personal gain, no one else in the group would use this as your little shoe? Is there only one vice president in the group?"

(End of this chapter)

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