Chapter 717 Love Story
He Yong's expression changed.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just reminding you of one thing. Since I can know about this, it means that someone doesn't want it to be done. I don't want Zuo Zhiheng to be the co-director. It's just my opinion, but I think other than me In addition, there should be someone who has the same idea." Zhou Yun said, "As for who, I don't know, I think you need to find the answer yourself."

He Yong grimaced.

He stopped talking.

Zhou Yun said: "I think what I want to express is also very clear. Mr. He, I hope you will seriously consider it. I have other things to do later, so I'm leaving first."

"Xiaoyun." He Yong called her to stop.

Zhou Yun looked at him.

"Who did you get the news from?" He Yong asked.

Zhou Yun asked, "Is the answer to this question important?"

He Yong said: "If you can tell me the answer, I can find that person faster."

"And then?" Zhou Yun said, "Unless you can also be promoted to the vice president of the group, otherwise, even if you know who that person is, you will not be able to compete with him."

He Yong pursed his lips.

"Mr. He, no matter what you say, Sister Lan and I have always stood firmly on your side. Every time we make a choice, we will always choose you unswervingly. I hope you don't always use us Although I also know that the relationship between us is only a relationship of mutual interests, some things are too impersonal, and over time, we will also be impersonal."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he turned and left He Yong's office.

He Yong took a deep breath and looked at Zhou Yun with fear in his eyes.


In the evening, Zhou Lan came to Zhou Yun's house to have dinner with her.

Song Chi cooks and cooks a few dishes.

"Drink together?" Zhou Yun brought out a bottle of red wine and asked.

Zhou Lan shook his head: "I'm driving, so I won't drink with you."

Zhou Yun poured some for himself and Song Chi, and poured fruit juice for Zhou Lan.

After dinner was ready, Zhou Yun told what happened in He Yong's office in the afternoon.

Zhou Yun had already communicated with Zhou Lan and Song Chi about this matter, and they also knew that Zhou Yun was going to talk to He Yong.

"He Yong didn't suspect who leaked the news to you?" Zhou Lan asked immediately.

"He didn't say it." Zhou Yun shook his head, "But I think he still has someone to suspect in his heart, and he tried to find out from me at the end who revealed it to me."

"Anyway, let's kill him without revealing it, and scare him, so that he won't feel that he is in control of the overall situation all day long, and treat each of us as a puppet he manipulates." Zhou Lan curled his lips, looking down on He Yong look.

Zhou Yun smiled.

The wine in the glass is finished.

Song Chi added a little more.

"Sounds like a spy war," he joked.

Zhou Lan: "That's not it. I thought that after dealing with him for so many years, he should have a longer memory. But no, he always feels that he is the smartest person and always treats other people as fools."

Zhou Yun: "He is so smart, why would he still make such a low-level mistake?"

"Because he's smart, that's what smart people have." Zhou Lan pointed out sharply, "And how proud he is recently, Zhang Mo and Zhou Jianfeng have become popular one after another, filling the vacancy left by Li Ci's past anger, daughter Among the artists, the few of you are invincible, regardless of how you count inside the company, outside the company, you all represent the strength of the company, and now he seems to have returned to the peak period."

Zhou Yun: "But when I saw Li Ci's appearance today, I also felt speechless. I felt that his world has changed so much, and he hasn't changed at all. He hasn't thought about what he should do at all. "

"It's half his own fault, and half of He Yong's fault." Zhou Lan said, "Think about it, when Li Ci became popular, how did He Yong and the company treat Li Ci? He gave whatever he wanted, and agreed to everything. Half of Li Ci's current personality was acquired by He Yong."

"Yes." Zhou Yun agreed, "If He Yong hadn't been too indulgent to Li Ci before, he wouldn't have been able to raise Li Ci's character."

Zhou Lan: "In my opinion, Ning Yao and Wei Ruxue left the company one after another and did not renew their contract with the company, so He Yong's thinking has changed. I always think he is consciously training artists to be less smart. , so that he can always control the artist in his own hands."

"However, his actions did not bring about good results. Look at Li Ci. In the end, he suffered the consequences. He has a poor personality and poor business ability. It all depends on his popularity and fans. In the end, his popularity and fans disappeared. , who still wants to see him." After Zhou Lan finished speaking, his eyes fell back on Zhou Yun, "Well, speaking of it, my luck is good, from you to Xiaojing, Huang Zicheng, Lu Zhongting and others, they don't need me. Worrying."

Zhou Yun: "Because Sister Lan, you put a lot of emphasis on this aspect when selecting candidates. You won't sign anyone with bad character or bad personality."

Zhou Lan: "I thought this was something everyone could do."

After dinner, Zhou Lan went home.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi watched a movie together, and then went downstairs for a walk.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. After entering the summer night, there was a lot less cool breeze at night.

Only at this time, there are basically no people on this road, and they can take a relaxing walk.

Two people holding hands.

At first, neither of them spoke, enjoying the rare silence.

The wind blows gently.

Then, Song Chi said to Zhou Yun, "Let's get married."

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

The main reason is that Song Chi's words came without thinking, without any premonition, and hit Zhou Yun like a hammer.

Song Chi said: "I have thought about this matter for a long time. I think no matter what our future plans are, we can get married first. As for when to have children and when to enter the next stage, we can think about it later. It doesn't matter."

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's really unexpected that you suddenly told me that you want to get married."

"Then are you willing?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun nodded: "Yes, but you proposed to me without a ring and roses? Just propose while walking in slippers?"

Zhou Yun couldn't believe it.

Song Chi laughed, with brilliant teeth.

Zhou Yun immediately became suspicious.

No, Song Chi is not the kind of single-minded man who can't do this kind of thing.


Zhou Yun looked around, only to see that the surrounding light was dim, and there was nothing abnormal.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound from above.

Zhou Yun looked up in surprise, only to see a bouquet of roses being pulled in mid-air by two drones and delivered from the front.

The rose was sent to Song Chi.

Song Chi took it down.

At the bottom of the bouquet, there was actually a small switch. When it was turned on, there was a sparkling diamond ring inside.

Song Chi knelt down on one knee and smiled at Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, marry me."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and covered his mouth with his hands.

Although she knew that such a day would come, she never thought that it would be today.

Song Chi looked up at her and said, "Are you okay?"

Zhou Yun nodded, and tears welled up in his eyes unconsciously.

She stretched out her hand and asked Song Chi to put the ring on her.

Song Chi put a diamond ring on Zhou Yun and said, "I had planned a lot to say, but now I suddenly don't know what to say."

Zhou Yun: "Needless to say, I've heard it all."

Song Chi hugged Zhou Yun.

At this moment, Zhou Yun's mood has not calmed down yet.

When she thought that she was wearing the simplest shorts and T-shirt, her hair was unwashed, and her face was plain, she became even more frantic.

"Why didn't you say hello to me in advance?" Zhou Yun said, "Look at me now, dressed so casually."

"It's okay, no matter what time you are, you are beautiful in my eyes." Song Chi lowered his head and kissed Zhou Yun's mouth, it was sweet.


Zhou Lan found out about it the next day.

When she heard about it, she was shocked and scolded angrily: "Song Chi actually proposed to you after I left? Why didn't he let me be there to witness!"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "He didn't say anything to anyone, he just asked his assistant to operate the drone, who didn't?"

Zhou Lan was indignant and said, "Then he did it wrong!"

"Calm down, you will definitely be invited to the wedding later on," Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan asked, "When do you plan to hold the wedding?"

Zhou Yun: "I haven't discussed this matter yet, and I don't know when it will be done. He has a full schedule this year, and it will probably be next year."

"Then the first half of next year will definitely not be done. In the first half of the year, you will be filming "Killing Song". It is estimated that it will take three or four months to finish. There is no time to prepare for the wedding." Zhou Lan heard it and snorted, "Marriage proposal I feel lonely."

"It doesn't matter, we are going to get the certificate first and become a legal couple." Zhou Yun smiled sweetly.

Zhou Lan: "Don't be in such a hurry, you two have a lot of assets, and you have a lot of things to break."

Zhou Yun said, "I'll leave it to you, Sister Lan."

Zhou Lan: "Hmph, I wasn't even allowed to attend the proposal scene. I don't intend to bother you, you unconscionable husband and wife."

"You can't blame me, Sister Lan, I was also kept in the dark, you don't even know, when I was proposed by him, I was wearing big pants, a T-shirt, and slippers, unkempt." Zhou Yun said, " He insisted on taking pictures, and I didn't even want to take pictures."

Zhou Lan still snorted coldly.

Zhou Yun immediately hugged Zhou Lan, whining like a kitten.

"Oh, sister Lan, don't be angry."

Zhou Lan: "..."

She took a deep breath.

"Okay, okay, stop whining at me."

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up, and he hugged Zhou Lan and kissed her on the face.

"Sister Lan is the best."

Zhou Lan: "..."

Sometimes, Zhou Lan has nothing to do with Zhou Yun.

This woman is terribly rational when she is rational, and she is extraordinarily delicate when she is acting like a baby, making people reluctant to continue showing her face.

Zhou Lan said, "Then, will the news of your marriage to Song Chi be made public?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "I haven't discussed this matter with Song Chi. I can do it. It depends on what he means. Anyway, everyone knows about the two of us. It doesn't matter whether we are married or not."

Zhou Lan: "There is still a big difference. Once you get married, it will be difficult to act as a girl in the film and television market. But, of course, you have never taken the route of a girl, so the impact on you Basically nothing."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"I thought you were going to say that it affected me."

"If you are not talented and lucky, and you suddenly won so many best actresses in one breath, and stood at the top position, the design I designed for you at the beginning was really a Huadan route, and your reputation might not be so good. , but with your body condition, you will definitely be popular." Zhou Lan said, "After all, the market for this route is still huge, and it will also make money."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Actually, I haven't really filmed any stories about youth growth."

"Yeah, there's not even a love story." Zhou Lan said, "That's what one of your fans said. The characters you play are basically legendary women who suffer and hate."

Zhou Yun laughed out loud.

"But it's true, Xiaoyun, this time the broadcast of "Under Dress" made me realize one thing, the audience doesn't accept you to play an ordinary and fragile role." Zhou Lan said, "They have preconceived It really puts you in the shoes of a tough female who's ready to fight back at any moment."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "This also has a lot to do with the types of roles I played in the past. Except for "The Eighth Heartbeat", I really haven't played this type of role, unlike Sandra Boo Locke and Kate Winslet, even when they were [-] or [-] years old, people still accepted them in movies like "Love Vacation" and "Bogus Marriage". Do a lighter comedy."

Zhou Lan: "This needs to be done slowly, so that everyone gradually accepts your change. If you suddenly come to a particularly subversive role, unless you are from being silly and sweet to bitter and bitter, everyone can accept it psychologically, but if When you suddenly go from bitter and bitter to stupid and sweet, everyone will think you are downgrading."

Zhou Yun agreed with Zhou Lan's statement very much.


"Actually, "Love Holiday" is quite well shot. It's a very standard romance film. It may not have a deep philosophy or thought, but the relationship between the two pairs of characters, the changes in the plot, and the dialogue are actually of very high quality." Zhou Lan said, "I'm also consciously looking for scripts of this kind of romantic comedy for you, but it's rare in our country. Now that I think about it, "If You Are the One" and "BJ Meets Seattle" are not bad."

"Great screenwriters are not willing to write love stories. They always feel that they are not deep enough." Zhou Yun said helplessly, "Look at the last two years, only "Love Mythology" is good. Looking at it again, the director is a newcomer. She wrote and directed it herself, why don't our great screenwriters write love stories?"

Zhou Lan shook his head.

"Who knows."

(End of this chapter)

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