Chapter 719
Zhou Yun looked at it curiously, thinking, did this person forget to bring his mobile phone?
There is indeed such a possibility.

Maybe the girl left her phone in the car.

In this day and age, it seems impossible to live without a mobile phone.

Without cash, there is no money to pay for the taxi.

Fortunately, the girl has an umbrella so that she won't be drowned.

Zhou Yun waited for a while, and found that it might be because of the rainy weather. The girl stood by the side of the road and waved several times, but failed to stop a car.

Through the heavy rain, Zhou Yun could see the disappointment on the girl's face.

At this time, the car that came to pick her up arrived.

The crew arranged for another car to pick her up.

Zhou Yun got out of the car and was about to go to another car. She stood in the rain with an umbrella and turned her head to look at the girl.

The girl was still standing in the rain with an umbrella.

She also looked over.

The moment she recognized Zhou Yun, she had a surprised expression on her face.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and beckoned to the girl.

The girl pointed at herself suspiciously, which meant she was asking Zhou Yun if he should let her pass.

Zhou Yun nodded.

When the girl came over, she asked, "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

The girl's eyes widened in surprise.

"is it okay?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Of course, it's raining so hard, it's hard to call a car."

The girl blushed slightly, and said shyly, "Thank you, I left my mobile phone in the car, and I can't call a car."

Zhou Yun: "Get in the car."

After getting into the car, the girl asked as if confirming, "Excuse are Zhou Yun, right?"

"Yes, I'm Zhou Yun." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, "What's your name?"

"Xu Yiqing." The girl's eyes lit up and said, "Thank you so much for today, and besides, you are really beautiful."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Thank you, you are also very beautiful, your eyes are very pure, like the eyes of a deer."

Xu Yiqing was flattered and said, "Really?"

"Really." Zhou Yun said.

Xu Yiqing suddenly sighed, and said: "But what's so good about having beautiful eyes, my boyfriend... no, he's already an ex-boyfriend, and he still wants to break up with me."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is that the boy who quarreled with you on the side of the road just now?"

Xu Yiqing asked in surprise: "So you saw it?"

After asking, Xu Yiqing's cheeks showed a little blush again, as if feeling embarrassed.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I just saw that he broke up with you?"

"Yeah." Xu Yiqing nodded, and pursed her lips sadly.

She was silent for two seconds in frustration, then came back to her senses and said to Zhou Yun, "I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Zhou Yun said, "It's raining so much, and you can't get a taxi, so I can drop you by the way."

Xu Yiqing's tears suddenly flowed down.

With red eyes, she said, "I'm so sad that he actually left just as he said."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why are you arguing?"

Xu Yiqing shook her head and didn't say anything.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Zhou Yun didn't ask any more.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and then said: "Anyway, no matter what, there are many men, we don't need to hang from a tree, it's normal to be sad, but don't be too sad, you have to let yourself out sooner. "

"Yes." Xu Yiqing nodded and said, "I will."

She shyly said to Zhou Yun, "Thank you."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to be so polite."

She sent Xu Yiqing downstairs to her house.


"Bye, thank you." Xu Yiqing thanked Zhou Yun again.

Because of the delay in changing cars and sending Xu Yiqing home, Zhou Yun arrived at the set two hours later than expected.

Song Chi invited the main creators of the film crew to welcome Zhou Yun together.

Originally, the crew wanted to arrange a big suite for Song Chi and Zhou Yun, but it was more appropriate for them to be a couple.

But then I thought that the two of them might not finish work at the same time. Sometimes Zhou Yun had to shoot night scenes, and sometimes Song Chi wanted to shoot night scenes. Their work and rest schedules didn’t match up, and they would bother each other when they lived together, so they still did it. They rearranged the suites, but they were on the same floor, adjacent to each other, and it was more convenient to visit each other.

The other actors have been in the group for several days.

Zhou Yun joined the group late and didn't know many people, so he greeted them one by one, added each other's WeChat friends, and exchanged pleasantries.

When one of the actresses named Liu Ziyin greeted her, she said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you are really my idol."

Zhou Yun thought that Liu Ziyin was just like others, expressing a kind of respect and liking for her.

As a result, Liu Ziyin said in the next sentence: "You are too nice, you met a girl who was broken in love on the road, and even helped send her back!"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "How do you know?"

Liu Ziyin said: "Miss Xiaoyun, don't you know? It's the little girl you helped. She posted a video on DY and talked about it. Everyone knows about it."

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, completely surprised.

At this moment, Zhou Lan's phone call came.

As soon as Zhou Yun saw that Zhou Lan was the name of the caller, he knew that Zhou Lan must have called to ask about this matter.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.

Sure enough, Zhou Lan came to ask about the details of this matter.

Zhou Yun explained helplessly.

"That girl seems to be called Xu Yiqing, what did she say in DY?"

"She said that she was broken up by her boyfriend. Not only was she abandoned by her boyfriend halfway on a rainy day, she left her mobile phone in the car, she couldn't get a taxi, and she couldn't stop the car. I got your heartwarming comfort, and you kindly sent me home, praising you so much, now half of the people on the Internet are praising you for this, and the other half are scolding her ex-boyfriend."

Zhou Yun said: "Her ex-boyfriend should be scolded. No matter what, she can't leave him halfway. It's still a national highway, not an urban area."

In the end, Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun, this matter is not that simple. We received a private message on WeChat in our studio. That person claimed to be the ex-boyfriend of the girl named Xu Yiqing, and he broke up with her this afternoon. That person People, he said that Xu Yiqing lost her temper, refused to get in the car, and insisted on breaking up with him, so he drove away. Xu Yiqing asked him to break up with him a week ago, and he has been trying to keep Xu Yiqing. But Xu Yiqing didn't agree at all, he even sent us some screenshots of the chat with Xu Yiqing, according to the chat screenshots, it was indeed what he said."

Zhou Yun was very surprised.


"Now because of DY's matter, people who know both of them are scolding that boy, and that boy explained in the circle of friends, and he was scolded."

Zhou Yun said: "Send me the screenshot that the boy sent over."

Zhou Lan said yes.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lan sent Zhou Yun a screenshot of the chat.

Zhou Yun carefully read every sentence in the screenshot of the chat.

In the record, it was indeed Xu Yiqing who sent the boy a message about breaking up. The boy didn't know what happened at first, and then he kept begging Xu Yiqing not to break up.

But Xu Yiqing has always been very determined to break up, and asked the boys not to pester him anymore.

They had already broken up, but Xu Yiqing suddenly asked the boy to come to her last night.

Chat history ends here.

Zhou Yun first went to DY to watch the video posted by Xu Yiqing.

This video is not difficult to find, because Zhou Yun's name is included, this video is very popular in DY.

Zhou Yun saw it when he looked at the hot search list.

Xu Yiqing seemed very flattered and excited in the video, and described to everyone what happened in the afternoon.

She first talked about her quarreling and breaking up with her boyfriend, she was in a bad mood, and even felt that she was abandoned by the world, and then she talked about how she suddenly met Zhou Yun at this time.

Because Zhou Yun was mentioned, this video got a lot of attention as soon as it was uploaded on DY. This incident itself is very positive. Zhou Yun’s fans are happy to see content that praises Zhou Yun, so naturally they spare no effort to like, repost, spread, so this matter quickly became a hot search on the platform, and was followed by the whole network.

However, in the comment section, Zhou Yun also saw many people scolding the ex-boyfriend Xu Yiqing mentioned.

One of the comments, which was liked by many people, was about her ex-boyfriend in real life. Even his name was exposed, and his name was Wu Huyuan.

Zhou Yun knew what it was like to be scolded by many people on the Internet.

"What are you looking at?" Song Chi asked suspiciously when he saw Zhou Yun staring at the phone after chatting with others.

Zhou Yun sighed and told Song Chi about it.

After Song Chi listened, he pondered for a moment, and said, "If that's the case, then you might have been deceived by Xu Yiqing."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know what happened to this matter, but Wu Huyuan's personal information has been exposed on the Internet and has been scolded by many people. If the facts are not what Xu Yiqing said , then he was affected in this way, I am really ashamed to pretend that nothing happened."

Song Chi pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, indeed, but you don't have much control over this matter. Anyway, this is a matter between two people. You can neither prove anything to Xu Yiqing nor help Wu Hu Speaking of Yuan, you don’t understand what’s going on between the two of them, do you?”

Zhou Yun nodded, feeling melancholy: "Yes, that's actually the case. I think this is where the difficulty lies."

Song Chi said: "Either way, ask your studio to post a Weibo first, and tell the story from your perspective, mainly to put aside the fact that you broke up with her and Wu Huyuan, now The effect of Xu Yiqing's video is to give people the illusion that she is the victim, and you are the protector who reaches out, and you are connected with her."

Zhou Yun: "I'll tell Sister Lan to see what they say in the end."

Who knew that Zhou Lan's approach was even simpler and more straightforward.

Zhou Lan directly contacted Xu Yiqing herself, and took the content of the received private message to verify the authenticity with Xu Yiqing herself.

Xu Yiqing admitted that the chat records were true, but at the same time told Zhou Lan that the reason why she offered to break up with Wu Huyuan was because Wu Huyuan cheated on her behind her back, so she broke up. I always disagreed, and begged her not to break up. The chat history was processed by Wu Huyuan, and all the content related to this piece was deleted.

Later, Xu Yiqing sent a screenshot of her chat history to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan was stunned, he didn't expect that he would come out as a Rashomon.

But she was not idle, and immediately sent Xu Yiqing's remarks to the person who sent a private message to the studio's Weibo.

Zhou Lan wanted to see what happened to these two people at the end of the confrontation.

At the same time, Zhou Lan also started to contact various platforms, hoping to suppress the heat of this matter, so as not to ferment it too much.

The docking personnel of the platform are very puzzled and cannot understand.

They didn't know why Zhou Lan was unwilling to publicize this matter.

Zhou Lan didn't explain either.

Zhou Yun had dinner with everyone on the crew of "Sinking Moon in the Sea", so they got to know each other, and then went back to the set with Song Chi.

The coordinator thoughtfully gave Song Chi half a day off today.

Zhou Yun had just arrived, so Song Chi would definitely want to accompany Zhou Yun.


"Sinking Moon at Sea" is a group play, or a group play of espionage.

Everyone has a lot to play.

This project is the most important project in Chen Wenjun's hands, not one of them.

He knew that Zhou Yun joined the group today, so he flew over in person.

This drama has not been completely sold yet, because several platforms are still bidding, and each platform wants to win this "drama king" drama.

Spy War + Zhou Yun + Song Chi + Finger Wei + All-Star lineup, full of bursts.

Not to mention, this drama has been highly anticipated and attracted much attention since its inception.

He has asked his secretary to book a restaurant and invited Zhou Yun to dinner tonight.

Only her.

Zhou Yun felt strange, why didn't Chen Wenjun simply invite Song Chi together?
Song Chi lay on the bed, resting his right hand behind his head contentedly.

He said to Zhou Yun: "Maybe it's inconvenient to say something to you when I'm present. As you know, the bosses of these film and television companies like to create a kind of atmosphere that people especially cherish and value you." I feel that I hope you can establish a close cooperative relationship with them."

Zhou Yun couldn't hold back his laughter.

Song Chi: "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Yun said, "No, I just think what you said makes sense."

Song Chi: "Anyway, Chen Wenjun has also dragged me to dinner several times. The meaning behind the words is that there are still several projects in hand to cooperate with you."

Zhou Yun said: "This is also normal."

In the evening, Zhou Yun went to an appointment, only to find out when he arrived at the place that besides Chen Wenjun, there was actually Teacher Zhiwei.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

She thought it was just her and Chen Wenjun tonight.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhiwei, I'm sorry for the long wait." Zhou Yun walked over with a smile on his face.

When Chen Wenjun saw Zhou Yun approaching, he immediately opened his chair and stood up, welcoming him with a smile: "No, we just arrived too."

(End of this chapter)

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