Zhou Yun sat down.

Chen Wenjun asked: "Are you satisfied with the hotel environment and services? If there is something uncomfortable to live in, please tell me immediately."

Zhou Yun: "Very good, Mr. Chen, you care about me so much, every time we meet you always ask me if I'm eating well and if I'm living well."

Chen Wenjun said: "Of course, you are our heroine, I must help you deal with the situation in the logistics."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Chen Wenjun asked, "Have you met Teacher Zhiwei?"

"I've seen it before." Zhou Yun smiled, "We just had dinner together."

Smile with your fingertips.

Chen Wenjun said: "You have told me several times before that you especially like the script written by Teacher Zhiwei. Fortunately, this time the screenwriter teacher of "Sinking Moon in the Sea" is Zhiwei, otherwise I would not be able to invite you to act."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Mr. Chen, don't be so exaggerated. If there is a good opportunity, I am very willing to film with you, okay?" Zhou Yun sighed lightly, "Actually, I know that many people in the industry say it is difficult Please come to me to act, but I really want to prove my innocence. It’s not that I’m hard to hire, it’s because the schedule is too tight. I have already accepted many plays and promised others, so many times I really can’t take other plays. , no matter how good the film is, I can only give up. In the past few years, I have basically never had a rest. I rested, but you came to me with "Sinking Moon in the Sea" again, I really..."

Zhou Yun smiled and sighed as he spoke.

Chen Wenjun said: "Don't worry, Xiaoyun, I have agreed with the director and the coordinator that the eight-hour working system will be strictly enforced, and you will not be allowed to spend time on the set."

Zhou Yun: "I hope it can be done, Mr. Chen, I am injured all over now."

"Oh, did it fall during the filming of "The Female Killer"?" Chen Wenjun asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "That's right, fortunately, "Sinking Moon on the Sea" is basically a literary play, and there are no scenes with large movements, otherwise I would be really embarrassed."

Chen Wenjun said with a smile: "Filming "Moon on the Sea" is definitely easier than your filming "The Female Killer". In fact, an actor with such good acting skills like you doesn't need to make such a hard-working scene like "The Female Killer."

Zhou Yun: "Who doesn't have a dream of making an action movie, Mr. Chen, you don't understand me."

When Chen Wenjun heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Well, I was wrong." Chen Wenjun said, "I just think it's a pity to act in an action movie with your acting skills."

"No matter what themes and genres of the films directed by Wen Bing, he will have his own style and taste. Besides, my role in "Female Killer" is no easier than that of other films." Zhou Yun said, "The difficulty of acting is not less than other roles."

Finger tail asked curiously: "Why, does "The Female Assassin" have a lot of drama?"

"No, it's that even in every action scene, the state of the characters is different, and the director is very demanding and strict." Zhou Yun said.

Fingers curled his lips, "But the script he wrote himself is really bad. I admit that he is a talented director. The aesthetics of the film are very good, but the script...is poor."

Zhou Yun: "..."

She could not laugh or cry.

Zhiwei's script is a typical academic script, with ups and downs, ups and downs, echoing back and forth.

It's understandable that he doesn't like Wen Bing's stream-of-consciousness script.

Zhou Yun said: "Wen Bing's script can only be made by himself. It is really difficult to switch to other directors."

Chen Wenjun said: "Actually, Mr. Finger is writing another script, a story adapted from a real case."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked with some surprise, "Mr. Zhiwei is a prolific writer. I thought you just wrote "Inaction" and "Moon at Sea", so you need to take a rest."

Zhiwei said: ""The Man Who Do Nothing" and "The Moon Sinking in the Sea" are both scripts that have been written long ago."


Chen Wenjun said: "I don't know if you have heard of this story. It happened in the period of the Republic of China. It is a story about a famous female singer in the south of the Yangtze River who secretly helped a group of insightful people to save the country and collect information."

Zhou Yun recalled it carefully, shook his head, and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Zhiwei said, "I'll send you the outline of the story later."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.


Chen Wenjun said with a smile: "That's right, Teacher Zhiwei told me before writing this script that he especially hoped to invite you to act."

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

She said, "Mr. Chen, but—"

"Xiaoyun, don't worry, you don't have to worry about the schedule. The script for this play has not been finished yet, and the preparations have not yet officially started. As long as you act, we will cooperate with your time." Chen Wenjun said.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Mr. Chen, you invited me to dinner for a long time because of this." Zhou Yun teased Chen Wenjun and chuckled.

Chen Wenjun said: "Oh, Xiaoyun, if I invite you to dinner, I'm eating, and if I'm talking about the script with you, I'm talking about the script. We don't make the distinction so clearly."

Zhou Yun smiled lightly and said, "You bosses, you can't tell the difference so clearly at a time like this."

Chen Wenjun smiled and said: "The key is because I invited Mr. Zhiwei today. This is my confidence. You must be interested in Mr. Fingerwei's script."

She shook her hand with her fingertips and said, "It's not necessarily true. For an actress like Ms. Zhou Yun, every screenwriter wants to write a script for her, and she doesn't lack my script."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, are these two people singing double reeds here?

She said helplessly: "Mr. Fingerwei, don't say that. I have a special liking for your scripts. No matter how many screenwriters are willing to help me write scripts, as long as it is written by you, I will definitely accept it." It’s the top priority.”

Chen Wenjun clicked his tongue twice, and said, "Teacher Zhiwei, look, only you can hear Zhou Yun's words. I have never heard her talk to me like this."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"How dare I say such a thing to Mr. Chen, if I dare to say it, Mr. Chen, you dare to send me ten scripts for me to act in." Zhou Yun joked, "I still have to save my life."

Zhou Yun's words made Chen Wenjun amused, and said with a smile: "Well, it seems that I am already a skinny image of Zhou in your heart."

Zhou Yun: "No, no, Mr. Chen doesn't have to say that, but I won't take risks. Think about it, I'm filming in Africa, and you come over and invite me to play "Sinking Moon at Sea", if I don't agree, you will I don’t want to go, I’m afraid.”

"It would be a pity if you are not invited to act in this play." Chen Wenjun said, "I told you, this play will definitely become a classic."

It has been a long time since there has been a classic spy war drama in China.

This drama used to have many classics, but in recent years there have been few, and finally one or two came out, and the reputation is not as good as before.

Of course, this is also normal, classics are not so easy to achieve.

Just like Zhou Yun, he has made so many films, won awards, and his works have exploded, but if you really want to say that film is a classic, at present, it may be that "Questioning the Heart" has such a trend and has become a kind of drama. The classics on the public perception level, in addition, whether it is "Days", "Behind the Scenes" or "Deep Sea", although the word of mouth is good and the number of viewers is large, they are still far from the classics. What can be boasted is a kind of public perception.

Is this play a classic, and what is your first reaction when you mention this play? That is the answer in everyone's mind.

The "classics" that need to count ratings or spell data to prove their status are not really classics.

Zhou Yun didn't think "Sinking Moon on the Sea" was so good.

The script is good, but not so good.

Its advantage is that it is solid enough and progresses layer by layer. Whether it is the relationship between the characters or the structure of the story, they are all seamless, and there is a degree of advancement and retreat.

Zhou Yun believes that this film will have a good result. As for the classic, Zhou Yun dare not think about it, it is something that is hard to come by.

She had dinner with Chen Wenjun and Zhiwei and went back to the hotel.

She went to her room, and there was an announcement sheet for tomorrow's shooting on the table.

Zhou Yun will not have a formal photo shoot tomorrow, but he will do styling and take makeup photos.

Zhou Yun also tried it before, but the team members went to the place where Zhou Yun was to try it, and it was not fully finalized.

In fact, Zhou Yun's appearance in this drama will not change too much, because the story of this drama completely happened within a few days, on a ship.

After communicating with the stylist and makeup artist, she still used a brighter makeup.

Director Li Lu watched it, clapped excitedly and said, "That's right, this is what I want."

When Li Lu was free, Zhou Yun seriously communicated with Li Lu about her understanding of the play and the characters she played.

Li Lu seemed to have put a lot of effort into this script, and didn't take the script at all, but no matter what Zhou Yun said, even if it was a very detailed plot, Li Lu could directly read the lines.

Zhou Yun wondered if Li Lu memorized the entire script directly?
Zhou Yun was shocked by Li Lu's attitude.

After Zhou Yun finished trying on the look, he stayed on the set, ready to watch how the movie was shot.

Zhou Yun was standing on the side, Li Lu saw it, and immediately sent someone to deliver a chair to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun kept a certain distance from the shooting scene and did not walk over, because he did not want to affect the state of the people who were filming.

A pair of young men and women are playing against each other.

They were all servicemen on the ship, in uniform.

They are also one of the main actors. As the service staff on the ship, they have provided great help to Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

This scene was filmed when the two of them hid in a corner and secretly discussed how to deal with the matter after discovering Song Chi's true identity.

The actor is Yu Wei, the actress is Song Qiqi, they are not very well-known actors, and Zhou Yun has never heard of them before.

However, looking at it this way, the lines of the two are really good.

Although this drama is not broadcast live, the lines and performances of the two of them are very sophisticated, not like young actors at all.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but wonder about the past experiences of the two of them?Could it be a child star with rich shooting experience?

Zhou Yun searched the two of them on the Internet with his mobile phone, and only then did he know that both of them were acting in dramas before.

No wonder.

Zhou Yun immediately felt relieved.

I have to admit that the lines of the drama actors are really good.

Zhou Yun felt that his ability to control and shape the lines was not enough.

She is a bit dependent on her own speaking habits, unable to turn her voice into a weapon that can change her feelings at any time, no matter what state or character she is, she can take it down.

This is her big shortcoming.

Of course, if Zhou Yun didn't improve his ability in this area, it would be enough.

She should play more roles with a strong sense of atmosphere, and not roles that she is not familiar with.

It's just that Zhou Yun still wants to take himself a step further.

After Yu Wei and Song Qiqi finished filming, Li Lu yelled directly.

one by one.

The next scene will be Song Chi's scene.

Song Chicai came out of the waiting room when the scene was changed.

He played a cold and reticent person in the play, which made him basically silent on the set, allowing himself to immerse himself in the state of the character.

It doesn't mean that doing this is a good actor, every actor has his own way, this is Song Chi's way.

Zhou Yun didn't go over to talk to him, and didn't want to disturb him.

She sat in a corner, ready to take a good look at how Song Chi acted.

In the end, Zhou Yun became depressed after waiting. Song Chi's scene later was just a very ordinary cutscene.

Of course, Song Chi didn't act perfunctorily, it's just that there is no point in this scene, it's just a passing scene.

Song Chi is not the kind of expressive player who spends every scene on stage.

He and Zhou Yun are a bit similar, always bursting out at key points.

Crush and tear yourself apart to infect and impress the audience.

After Song Chi finished filming the drinking scene, Zhou Yun went to look for him.

Before he got any closer, Zhou Yun saw Song Chi looking for Li Lu.

The two seemed to be discussing something.

Zhou Yun's footsteps stopped.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind: "What are you doing standing here blocking the way?"

It was a very dissatisfied voice.

Zhou Yun subconsciously said, "I'm sorry."

She steps aside.

When the people behind saw that it was Zhou Yun that she was dissatisfied with just now, their faces changed.

"Ah, Miss Xiaoyun, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you."

It's Song Qiqi.

There was an apology on her cheek.

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, I am indeed blocking the way."

Song Qiqi smiled awkwardly, not knowing what else to say, and left.

"Sister Xiaoyun, don't worry about her. She has this temper. She always thinks that she is an actor in a drama and is better than other actors in film and television dramas. She didn't pay attention to me before." Beside her, she witnessed the whole process, and as soon as Song Qiqi left, she came over to tell Zhou Yun.

"It's okay." Zhou Yun smiled and shook his head, "I watched her act just now, and her lines are very good."

"That's it." Liu Ziyin obviously had her own prejudice, and she dismissed it very much, "Your lines are much better than hers, and I have never seen you walking sideways in the crew like her."

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