Liu Ziyin's flattery did not make Zhou Yun really think that he was better than them.

Zhou Yun has always been rational in this regard.

Zhou Yun was just thinking, Song Qiqi's attitude just now is that she has this personality, or is it really like what Liu Ziyin said, Song Qiqi thinks very highly of herself and looks down on many actors in the crew.

In fact, there is such a chain of contempt in the entertainment industry.

This chain of contempt does not mean that it is everywhere, and it does not mean that everyone becomes a link in this chain of contempt, but it is indeed a phenomenon.

Song Qiqi was born in drama, and she has been acting in drama before. It is not difficult for her to look down on film and television actors.

However, Zhou Yun didn't think that Liu Ziyin's one-sided words could really prove that Song Qiqi was such a person.

Maybe it's just a bad personality.

The role Zhou Yun wants to play is a beautiful and charming female officer.

On the surface, she is a very open and bold woman with great power and high status. In fact, she is a lurker, hiding in the enemy army to dig out intelligence.

She knew that Song Chi had the same identity as her, so she helped Song Chi a lot in a quiet way most of the time.

This is the tone of the relationship between her and Song Chi's character in this story.

In fact, in the script, Zhiwei did not explicitly mention other relationships between the two characters Zhou Yun and Song Chi, but when Zhou Yun read the script, she had an intuitive feeling that this character should be the right one. The character played by Song Chi was tempted, and the character played by Song Chi should also be tempted by the character played by her, but both parties kept this thought in their hearts and did not reveal it.

It is not clearly stated in the script, of course Zhou Yun will not perform a content that is obviously not in the script.

However, the understanding of characters will affect many non-line or even non-performance states.

Like a glance.

Many scenes have been interpreted with many meanings, even the original screenwriter or director did not design the meaning, and even the actors did not have this meaning when they were acting, it was just an intuitive reaction at the moment.

But it is this kind of intuitive reaction that often erratically exudes a longer artistic conception based on the original script.

Zhou Yun was wondering if he wanted to act out that feeling.

According to her habit, Zhou Yun began to analyze her own characters and write biographies of them.

Jiang Yueming, a female military officer with a rich and rough life experience, boarded this ship just to go to the destination to do business, but who knows, she happened to meet a spy on this ship to catch an internal thief.

Jiang Yueming's true identity is a lurking underground party, that is, the "internal thief" they want to catch.

However, the "internal thief" that the secret agents wanted to catch was not Jiang Yueming.The department received information that the code-named "Spades" was on board the ship.The people who can board this ship are all officers of the Kuomintang.

Jiang Yu, played by Song Chi, is this secret lurker codenamed "Spades".

Jiang Yueming didn't know Jiang Yu was a lurker at first, and Jiang Yu didn't know Jiang Yueming was either.

Until Jiang Yueming discovered Jiang Yu's identity by accident, so he began to secretly help Jiang Yu resolve the crisis.

The secret agents wanted to catch "Spades" on this airtight ship. Once the ship docked, "Spades" would escape from under their noses again.

Jiang Yu is in a very dangerous situation.

This is the background of the story of "Sinking Moon at Sea".

Zhou Yun likes this story very much. It is a group portrait drama. Everyone has their own secrets, beliefs and things they stick to, which is very touching.

However, the answer to whether Jiang Yueming really liked Jiang Yu was very important to Zhou Yun's decision on how to act.

It's totally two different things.

Zhou Yun thought about it for a long time, and began to discuss this issue with Song Chi.

Song Chi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said, "Do you also have this doubt?"

Zhou Yun: "Why, you have it too?"

"Yes." Song Chi nodded, "Jiang Yu's appearance is a very silent and stuffy person. Most of the time, he is like a background board in the crowd, not lively and not attracting attention. Until now One time, he suddenly fell into great danger, forcing him to stop his disguise and begin to expose his true self. During this process, Jiang Yu didn't even know that Jiang Yueming was actually on the same front as him. The first shot to help made him fall into confusion and pain, but he didn't have much time for pain and confusion. He had to find a way to hide his identity, or send out the information before his identity was exposed. In fact, I also understand that until the end of the scene, that is, when Jiang Yu got off the ship, he definitely didn't take the initiative to think about whether he liked Jiang Yueming, but I just want to know, in a subconscious, whether he is right Jiang Yueming has love, or is there no such thing at all."

Zhou Yun said, "Do you think if we ask Mr. Finger Wei, he will tell us?"

"He will tell us that what he wants to say is in the script, and how we interpret it is up to us." Song Chi shrugged. Having already worked with Zhiwei on "The Man Who Do Nothing", he is very clear about Zhiwei's thinking and attitude.

Zhou Yun: "I've heard of his style before, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Their creators often feel that it is very advanced to give an open situation and character relationship that can be understood no matter how they want to, but they can't understand that we, as actors, actually have to have a very clear message. To be able to construct the logic of the performance, otherwise, no matter how real we act, its essence will be at a loss.”

Zhou Yun: "Yes, that's it."

Song Chi said, "What do you think?"

Zhou Yun shook his head: "I can't make a decision now, I can't think about it, I don't care, when the actual performance is officially performed, let's see what it feels like to actually act."

Song Chi: "Yes, that's fine."

Zhou Yun went back to the hotel to rest.

Song Chi still wants to continue filming.

Zhou Yun is already very familiar with the script, and she doesn't want to read the script now.

When she was acting in "Behind the Scenes", she already vaguely had a new understanding of acting, and her subsequent acting experience made her want to try this new way even more.

Instead of analyzing the scripts and performances in detail and at different levels, I am prepared to throw myself into the shooting scene after the ins and outs and situations of each scene of the characters, relying on the most instinctive and most Act in direct response.

Zhou Yun still wants to break through himself further.

Zhou Yun sharpened her sword and wanted to further improve herself, but at this time, she also got an unexpected news.

"Four Killers" was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Venice International Film Festival.

When Zhou Yun heard the news, he was stunned.

The first reaction was, really?

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