I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 723 Arrived in Venice

In the end, Zhou Yun still couldn't stand Yao Yuanfeng's phone bombardment, so he asked for leave from the film crew and went to Venice to participate in the film festival.

However, she also agreed with Yao Yuanfeng that she was not going to attend the premiere, but was planning to arrive on the day of the screening of "Four Killers" and attend the screening and press conference.

After participating, Zhou Yun will return to the crew to film.

Yao Yuanfeng was naturally a little dissatisfied.

He still hopes that Zhou Yun can stay with the crew at the Venice International Film Festival for a few more days and do more publicity.

Zhou Yun's international popularity can make those international film studios interested in this film.

A "Day" made Xindun a lot of money.

It's just that Zhou Yun's attitude is very firm.Originally, she didn't even want to participate in this film festival, but she finally let go, and Yao Yuanfeng knew Zhou Yun's temper. If he was really in a hurry, Zhou Yun might not be willing to go.Therefore, Yao Yuanfeng still had to compromise in the end.

"I'm so envious of Miss Xiaoyun, who can go abroad to participate in so many powerful film festivals every year."

When several people chatted on the set, Liu Ziyin said enviously.

Another person said: "Yeah, when I was studying acting, I was wondering when I would be able to go to an international film festival."

"There's nothing to be envious of. We do our own thing well, play our roles well, and we will have the opportunity to go there in the future." Song Qiqi said suddenly.

Her attitude and tone made everyone suddenly silent.

Liu Ziyin rolled Song Qiqi's eyes impatiently, and said, "What's wrong with our envy, don't you envy?"

Song Qiqi said, "I'm not envious."

"Hehe, who would believe you?" Liu Ziyin rolled her eyes and put her hands together, "Didn't you always boast that your acting skills are good? How come you are so good at acting, and I haven't seen you win any awards?"

"According to your logic, if you haven't won an award, your acting skills are bad?" Song Qiqi frowned and asked.

Liu Ziyin said: "At least I won't be like you, always talking about my acting skills. When do you think Miss Xiaoyun will say that her acting skills are good?"

Song Qiqi snorted coldly.

"It's a fact that I'm good at acting, what's the matter?" She swept Liu Ziyin up and down, "It's better than you not even daring to say that you are good at acting."

Liu Ziyin was furious and scolded angrily: "You said my acting skills are not good?"

Song Qiqi: "I didn't say that. Don't pour dirty water on me. What I'm saying is that if you don't dare to say that your acting skills are good, you dare to say that I am no different."

Liu Ziyin was so angry that she didn't know how to turn back.

"Okay, you can really do it, I don't know, so you are so capable." She said, "Whether my acting skills are good or not, that's not up to you, but I know that people who really know how to act never take the initiative to brag Praise yourself, no matter how good your acting skills are, you are just a little better than us, how can you be better? If you have the ability, go and get a movie queen back!"

Song Qiqi shrugged her shoulders, "It's not speculative, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

She turned and left.

Liu Ziyin stomped her feet in anger at Song Qiqi's attitude.

The others quickly comforted Liu Ziyin.

"Zi Yin, don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of self-important person."

"That's right, isn't she just like that, she's like that since she joined the group, why are you angry with her?"

Liu Ziyin was indignant: "I'm just angry that I can't say anything about her, how can there be such a person!"

"Don't be angry, you'll be filming later."


Song Qiqi returned to her lounge with a broken face.

When she was in front of Liu Ziyin and the others just now, Song Qiqi didn't show any signs of anger or embarrassment.

But Liu Ziyin's words were shot at her like a sharp arrow coated with poison. She didn't take it seriously on the surface, but her heart was pierced with holes.

She said bluntly that she did not envy Zhou Yun.

How is this possible? !

Song Qiqi didn't know how many times she had thought about it, if she had an opportunity like Zhou Yun's, and she could stand on the international stage like Zhou Yun, how bad would Song Qiqi be?
Not bad anywhere.

There was a fire burning in Song Qiqi's heart.

She has a high spirit, she thinks she is not weaker than others, and she also wants everyone to see her acting skills!

This time, she spent a lot of effort to get the role of the waiter in "Sinking Moon at Sea", and she got the role after seriously competing with many people.

Before this, it's not that she didn't have the opportunity to shoot film and television dramas, but she always felt that those dramas were too ordinary, too ordinary, she despised them, and didn't want to play those vulgar roles.

This time "Moon at Sea" is a well-known good opportunity. Song Qiqi's goal is very simple, she wants to appear in this drama, and she wants to let more people see her.

As long as more people see her, she is confident, and many people will see the light in her body.


Zhou Yun didn't know that so many things happened in the crew after she left.

The day she arrived in Venice was exceptionally sunny.

It's not the first time she came here. The last time she came, Zhou Yun was still in a state of fear and trepidation. This time, she had a relaxed attitude and didn't feel that nervous anymore.

It's just that her schedule is very urgent, and she doesn't have any free time so she can go shopping nearby.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, Zhou Yun non-stop tried on the dresses for the red carpet premiere tomorrow, and then he had to accept several media interviews.

It's all routine work.

It was not until late at night that Zhou Yun was able to go back to his room to rest.

She took off her high heels and said to Zheng Xiaoju: "I'm going to wash up and go to sleep, call me tomorrow morning, I'm afraid I won't be able to get up."

Zheng Xiaoju said yes.

After Zhou Yun took a shower, he found that He Xuran had sent a message in the actor group of the four of them, asking if he wanted to go to a nearby bar for a drink together.

Zhou Yun directly declined: I'm going to bed.

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