Zhou Yun didn't know if the three of them had gone out to drink. After she replied the message, she immediately turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Running all the way, it is a bit sleepy.

Who knew, something happened to the three of them that night.

Zhou Yun received a call in the middle of the night, it was from Zhou Lan.

"Xiaoyun, are you with He Xuran and the others?"

Zhou Yun was in a daze. He had just been awakened from his sleep, and he didn't know what happened. He looked puzzled and said, "No, what's the matter? I'm sleeping."

Zhou Lan let out a long sigh of relief.

"Scared me."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan: "He Xuran and the others were drinking in a bar, took a photo with a man named Otis, and posted it on the Internet, but it was picked out that Otis is an anti-Semitic extreme ***, now He Xu However, a few of them are all on the Internet and in our country, and they are all scolded to heaven. There are only three of them in the group photo, without you. Some people say that you are the one who took pictures of them. Everyone knows that you went together. Although I I guess you won't go drinking with them, but I still need to call you to confirm."

Zhou Yun was shocked when he heard this.

She asked, "Then what are they going to do now?"

Zhou Lan: "I don't know. I just saw the news. I'll make sure you're there right away. Anyway, no matter what happens to the three of them, don't get involved in this matter, you understand?"

Zhou Yun hummed.

Her drowsiness was gone too.

Zhou Lan clicked his tongue twice, obviously now that he could rest assured, he was ready to start teasing those people.

She said: "You said that a few of them even dared to take photos with others when they were abroad."

"Oh, I didn't know who this Otis was when we took the photo together." Zhou Yun said.

"It's because we don't know, so we can't take photos casually." Zhou Lan said, "Of course, I admit, we can't ask people about the situation before taking a photo, but in foreign countries, three young stars The artist went to the bar, took a photo with such a person in the bar, and posted it on the social platform. To be honest, although it is hard to say that this is their fault, they deserve it when they encounter such public opinion, or they should apologize obediently and admit their mistakes .”

Zhou Yun: "What time is it now? It's still dark here, and there will be screenings tomorrow afternoon."

Zhou Lan said: "It's okay, you go to sleep, as long as this matter has nothing to do with you, I'm afraid that this matter has something to do with you, if it gets involved, I can't explain clearly."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone and closed his eyes, but found that he was so worried about this matter that he couldn't fall asleep.

She took out her mobile phone and searched He Xuran and their names.

Sure enough, everyone was talking about it.

There was a lot of noise on the Internet about this.

Basically, it is divided into two voices, one voice says that He Xuran and the others don't know who this person is, there is no need to go online to point and point at He Xuran and the others, and the other voice says that He Xuran and the others don't know who this person is. Knowing who this person is, he should also be responsible for this matter. As a public figure, if he is not cautious in his words and deeds, and takes a photo with such a person, he should bear the consequences.

always like this.

There is always such a hustle and bustle on the Internet, there are all kinds of arguments.

If you really use these public opinions on the Internet to determine the fact of a matter, then nothing can be determined.

Zhou Yun went to see the group of the four of them, but there was no movement in the group, and the last message was still on He Xuran's "I'll wait for you in the lobby downstairs".

It is estimated that they will meet later.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and took the initiative to post a sentence in the group: Where are you now?
No one in the group replied.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, they must not be asleep now, probably they are communicating with their management team how to deal with this matter.

However, there is still a red carpet tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a very important day for them. This is the first time for the three of them to appear on the red carpet of such a top-level international film festival. It's annoying enough for them to make such a fuss tonight.

After a while, He Xuran replied in the group: The three of us are together, in my agent's room, the three of us are having a meeting with people in China.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said: Let your team members solve this matter, you should rest early, no matter what, you still have to attend the premiere of our movie tomorrow, don't let your state look too bad.

Yin Linglin popped up: It's still premiering, and now we don't know if the three of us will be able to attend the premiere.

Zhou Yun:?Why?
Yin Linglin said: Why else, because of this broken photo, the foreign media now characterize us as terrorists and resist us very much. Even the Venice International Film Festival official communicated with Mr. Yao about this, let us not Participated in an official event.

Zhou Yun was suddenly surprised: What?What did the festival official say?
She was amazed.

Zhou Yun thought about it for a long time, and decided to write an email to Clint Brewster, the artistic director of the Venice International Film Festival.

She knew how important this opportunity would be to the three of them tomorrow.

She also very much hopes to see more Chinese people on the international stage.

Although the relationship between her and He Xuran and the three of them is actually a bit complicated, it is not particularly good, and some people even had disputes, but at this time, because of this non-subjective mistake, Zhou Yun also hopes to be able to Give them a hand.

She and Clint Brewster have met and known each other before, and occasionally greet each other and exchange views on movies.

Clint Brewster has been following Zhou Yun's works.

Zhou Yun hopes that through the relationship with Critter Brewster, at least the official thinking can be changed.

Zhou Yun seriously explained the background and origin of this photo, and sincerely expressed that the three of them are the most watched young actors in China, and there are a large number of fans waiting for them to appear at the Venice International Film Festival. The three of them It will be able to bring a lot of attention to the Venice International Film Festival in China. The most important thing is that every filmmaker dreams of participating in such a top film festival. The opportunity is so precious. If this is their intentional group photo, if They are really communists, and it is not an exaggeration for them to be punished like this, but this is just their inadvertent mistake, they just thought they met a friendly foreigner, so they took a photo with this foreigner, in fact In fact, they are also victims of being deceived.

After the email was successfully sent, Clint Brewster did not reply.

It's late at night, and maybe people are asleep too.

Zhou Yun didn't know what kind of effect this email could play, but at least she did everything she could, and what happened next depended on what others said.

Zhou Yun fell asleep again.

Zhou Yun didn't wake up until eight o'clock the next morning.

She was thinking about the mail, so she went to check the mail immediately.

Clint Brewster replied to her email thirty minutes ago: Zhou Yun, do you mind if I publish your email officially online?I want everyone to hear your voice on this matter.

Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

She got out of bed to wash up, thinking about this question all the time.

Clint Brewster was actually taking a risk.

If the three of them are allowed to continue to appear in the official events of the Venice International Film Festival, the Venice International Film Festival may be attacked by everyone, thinking that the film festival is defending these few communists.

However, Zhou Yun always believes that if you want to convict a person, you must rely on the truth, the real truth, not just a fragment.

Zhou Yun sent this email to Zhou Lan, and she said: Sister Lan, I want to agree, please help me to see if there is anything wrong with this passage?
Zhou Yun didn't think about Zhou Lan's mood when he received the news.

Anyway, the first reaction must be "Zhou Yun meddles in this nonsense".

Zhou Yun was also thinking whether he should take care of this matter.

Why meddle?

What does it have to do with her?
However, what Zhou Yun thinks is that the three of them are actors in this movie just like himself. Such a conclusion will also affect the movie itself.

In addition, aside from these utilitarian things, Zhou Yun himself wanted to do this.

It's not about drawing swords to help, nor is it about being kind to others.

Zhou Yun just felt that he should do this.

If the heart tells her to do this, then don't be timid, afraid of this and that.

It is very important for her to clarify the truth of a matter and to maintain the principles she believes in.

Thirty minutes later, Zhou Lan sent a slightly adjusted version.

Although Zhou Yun's English is very good, some words are still not so precise. Zhou Lan specially asked someone to adjust them.

Followed by a sentence: You should know that I have a lot of words to scold you, right?

Zhou Yun laughed.

She said: Thank you, Miss Lan.

Zhou Yun sent the revised text version to Clint Brusut, saying: They are all very good actors, and I also know that they are definitely not communists who know the person in the photo, Mr. Brewster, I hope you can use your power to protect these young actors.

After sending it, Zheng Xiaoju also came.

She took Zhou Yun to do styling.

After a while, Yao Yuanfeng came over with a displeased face.

Seeing Zhou Yun, he sighed heavily.

"It's a good thing I invited you here, otherwise, the film would have been completely wiped out at the premiere." Yao Yuanfeng said, "You should know about them, right? What's this called! Big night They went to the bar to drink, and made such a shitty thing, now it’s all right, the official will not let them attend the event!"

Zhou Yun glanced at Yao Yuanfeng from the mirror, and comforted him: "Boss Yao, don't blame them, no one wants this kind of thing to happen, but since it happened, is there any other solution?"

Yao Yuanfeng said angrily: "I have searched all over, and no one can help to talk to the officials of the Venice International Film Festival. I have exhausted all means now, and [-]% of them will not be able to attend. I rely on you alone, Xiaoyun, hey, you must help me up! I can only rely on you!"

Zhou Yun: "I am the leading actor in this movie, and this is my obligation. Don't worry, Mr. Yao, I will do my job well."

Yao Yuanfeng left with an annoyed expression on his face.

Zhou Yun also didn't mention the email with Clint Brewster to him.

She doesn't know if Clint Brewster can handle it now. If she can't handle it in the end, she will tell Yao Yuanfeng now, and she will be even more disappointed in the end.

Zhou Yun looked at his mobile phone. In the group of the four of them, Yin Linglin said a little irritably: Are you planning to stay here any longer, or are you planning to go back today?
No one replied to her.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything.

She doesn't want to give anyone hope until things are settled.

Otherwise, she gave people hope, but in the end the hope was shattered, and others would think that you should not give people hope in the first place.

Zhou Yun put down his phone and concentrated on confirming his appearance.

An hour later, the official account of the Venice International Film Festival issued a statement about continuing to invite the actors of "Four Killers" to participate in official events, and also attached the text of the email Zhou Yun sent to Clint.

Their statement concluded: "They did make careless mistakes, but they are young people, and they are talented young actors. As one of the best film festivals in the world, we have a responsibility to protect these actors. Zhou Yun said, although they made mistakes, how could they not be the victims of being deceived?Please join us and give them a chance to seriously appreciate the films these young people have created together.

Zheng Xiaoju didn't know until this time that Zhou Yun had sent this email to the official.

She screamed: "Sister Xiaoyun, why are you so kind? You still speak for them!"

Five minutes later, Yao Yuanfeng rushed into Zhou Yun's dressing room.

He widened his eyes, stared at Zhou Yun, opened his mouth for a long time, pointed at Zhou Yun, and said, "You are capable! Xiao Yun! I really want to love you to death!"

Zhou Yun smiled lightly.

"Boss Yao, don't be so exaggerated, okay?"

"Why didn't you tell you earlier that you were communicating with them?!" Yao Yuanfeng said, "If I knew you were willing to help, I wouldn't be so nervous!"

"I don't know if the email I sent will work or not," Zhou Yun said.

"Why doesn't it work! You are the most influential actor right now. If your words don't work, whoever speaks will!" Yao Yuanfeng said happily, "Besides, because of your email, do you know how many filmmakers have contacted me now? , want to talk to me about this movie?"

Zhou Yun smiled, "It has nothing to do with me. Selling films has nothing to do with me. I'm just an actor."

Yao Yuanfeng took a deep breath and nodded at her, "Anyway, I owe you this time!"

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