Actors are lonely sometimes.

Because of the characteristics of this profession, it is necessary for one person to get into the characters, one person to experience the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and to become another person.

This kind of experience, no second person can share, and no second person can tell.

All emotions can only be understood by oneself.

Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun stayed by Zhou Yun's side every day, and Zhou Yun talked to them almost everything.

However, in terms of acting, Zhou Yun said very little about playing a character.

Because even if he said it, Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun didn't understand it.

Zhou Yun often feels that he is separated from the world.

But getting along with Song Chi day and night, Zhou Yun has one more person to communicate with.

Because Song Chi understood.

Not only do they understand, this time, the two of them are playing characters in the same play, and the two of them have a close relationship with each other in the world of this play.

Zhou Yun didn't need to be blunt with Song Chi. Sometimes, with a look or an expression, both parties understood each other.

It was this understanding that made Zhou Yun's feeling of loneliness a lot less.

Of course, she can't tell others about this kind of thing.

Saying this kind of thing always makes people feel hypocritical.

It is indeed a bit hypocritical.But can a person really live without hypocrisy?
Who doesn't have their own hypocrisy?

For Zhou Yun, her biggest advantage as an actor is her sensitivity, and this sensitivity will not only bring her good things, but also bring her bad things.

Zhou Yun is also very aware of this bad thing, if it is shown, others will be disgusted.

Such as hypocrisy.

Like the loneliness of being an actor.

After all, in the eyes of too many people, this industry is already an industry that has exhausted its social dividends.

A top star like Zhou Yun is also a figure on the top of the pyramid, and everyone revolves around her.

In their eyes, she no longer has the right to complain.

Zhou Yun knew.

But regardless of everything else, Zhou Yun is human, and human beings have emotions and vulnerabilities.

No matter how much money an actor makes, it's just a matter of making money.To say something that might not sound so politically correct these days, can money save you from any annoyances and emotional troughs?
Zhou Yun didn't dare to expose his sometimes low and closed mentality to others, and he could only rely on self-adjustment.

However, Song Chi could always tell at a glance.

He is equally astute, and he knows what happened to Zhou Yun.

He won't ask her what's wrong, but asks in a timely manner if he wants to go for a walk together or watch a movie together.

He knew that Zhou Yun only needed company at this time.


Zhou Yun sometimes felt that he was lucky enough to meet a boyfriend like Song Chi, oh no, it should be her husband.

Fortunately, it doesn't mean that Song Chi is the boyfriend everyone dreams of, but that Zhou Yun knows how difficult it is to meet someone in this world who is in love with him and who can hold hands and walk on.

It is very lucky for anyone to meet such a person.

To Zhou Yun, Song Chi was such an existence.

When the filming of "The Moon in the Sea" was finished, Zhou Yundu was still a little bit unsatisfied.

On the one hand, the filming of this drama went very smoothly without any accidents, which surprised the entire crew. It's hard to get along day and night for such a long time again.
The fifth volume [The Difficult Problem of Emotion] is the end.

To maintain daily updates for a long time, the author needs to rest for a few days and ask for leave.

Update on Saturday.


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