I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 729 Treatment difference

Zhou Yun and Song Chi finished on the same day.

After the two of them finished filming, the crew will continue to shoot some empty scenes and some scenes of other actors.

However, with the completion of the two main actors, the filming of the play is basically over.

Chen Wenjun was very happy to say at the wrap-up banquet between the two of them: "It's been a long time filming, and it's the first time filming such a luxurious cast, and it's also the first time filming such a large investment. There are hundreds of people in a crew, so huge. In the operation of a film crew, I thought that there would be many problems in the middle, and I was ready for it. I didn't expect that the filming turned out to be so smooth, and there was no overdue. Thanks to the two of you, the acting skills are really top-notch, and you never fail. , with other actors tightening their strings and acting."

Chen Wenjun is famous for his firecrackers, and it is well known in the circle that he hates people fiercely.

After many big-name actors cooperate with Chen Wenjun, they will have trouble with Chen Wenjun.

The biggest difference between Chen Wenjun and Yao Yuanfeng is that no matter how big Yao Yuanfeng's temper is, he will not directly send it to someone's head. Chen Wenjun is different. When he wants to scold you, his mouth is like spraying poisonous juice, no matter who you are , Let's talk after spraying.

Not only that, but he is also the kind of person who often scolds traffic stars or big-name stars for their high pay, which affects the production of drama series.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun were paid so much, but Chen Wenjun never said it once, which is really rare for Chen Wenjun.

In the past, Chen Wenjun cooperated with big-name actors, and the cooperation was cooperation, and he complained a lot about their salary.

The reason why Chen Wenjun didn't say much about the remuneration of Song Chi and Zhou Yun this time is because the status of the two people in the arena is not comparable to those of the so-called first-line actors. They are already top-level two people, Chen Wenjun After all, I still hope to continue to cooperate with the two of them, just like Zhou Yun, even if he took the high salary to knock Zhou Yun's schedule, he almost didn't hit it.On the other hand, since the official announcement of Song Chi and Zhou Yun as the leading roles in the drama "Sinking Moon on the Sea", this drama has attracted the attention of major platforms and bids for it, not only in China, but also in more than a dozen countries and regions overseas. Distributors in the region came to negotiate broadcast rights with him.

This is a period drama, and there are not many implants. Only Zhou Yun's endorsement brand Vertical Axis Cruises made a big implant-their ship was produced by Vertical Axis Cruises in the play.However, the price given by the platform is fully capable of making the show a lot of money.

Chen Wenjun has been doing dramas for so many years, and the drama "Sinking Moon on the Sea" was the highest bidder on the platform side.

And they all came for Song Chi and Zhou Yun.

This pair of couples fit together, and there is no platform that is not optimistic.

After the two of them wrapped up, Song Chi had another drama to join the group soon.

Zhou Yun can rest for a while.

"Killing Song" is scheduled to start in December, and before that, she has no filming plans.

Of course, during this period, Zhou Yun still has to shoot commercials and some business activities.

Especially the release of "Four Killers".

Before Zhou Yun finished filming, "Four Killers" had already been released on National Day. Zhou Yun did not participate in the road show because he was filming on the set. However, the film's box office performance was very good, exceeding [-] million for seven consecutive days, and now the box office has exceeded [-] million. It once again consolidated Zhou Yun's status as the box office queen.

Zhou Lan did a lot of publicity and sent out a lot of drafts, mainly to suppress Yin Linglin.

Yin Linglin's side has always wanted to step on Zhou Yun's position, highlighting that she is the number one heroine.

Zhou Lan has been guarding against this.

It's fine if Yin Linglin promotes himself. Zhou Lan is very disgusted and disgusted by this kind of practice of bringing Zhou Yun to the stage and taking advantage of Zhou Yun's popularity.

After Zhou Yun's "Moon in the Sea" finished, Zhou Yun participated in several road shows.

Xindun bought trending searches for every road show of Zhou Yun, hoping to use Zhou Yun's popularity to fuel the box office of "Four Killers".

This is also a very normal operation.

Zhou Yun is the biggest actor in this movie, so naturally the best publicity resources are concentrated on her.

It's just that, Yin Linglin lost his temper suddenly.

She was very displeased with the treatment Zhou Yun received, especially compared with what she received, it was a judgment call.

Yin Linglin was dissatisfied and sent a message to the agent, asking the agent to contact Xindun. If Xindun does not change the current publicity resource allocation model, she will not participate in the film's promotional activities in the future.

Yin Linglin said: "Anyway, I am still a first-line actor with many fans, right? No matter how powerful she is, Zhou Yun, Xindun can't favor one another like this! If we swallow this tone, in the future, everyone in this circle How do people think of me, can everyone step on my head?"

After Xindun Xuanfa received Yin Linglin's attitude, it reported to Yao Yuanfeng immediately.

After all, Yao Yuanfeng made the final decision on this publicity plan.

But after Yao Yuanfeng found out, he only hesitated for a moment, and said directly: "Then tell Yin Linglin that they don't need to participate in the promotion after "Four Killers"."

Hearing Yao Yuanfeng's words, the staff opened their eyes in disbelief.

Of course, the staff didn't say anything and took the order and left.

When Yao Yuanfeng's attitude was transmitted back to Yin Linglin's manager, the manager immediately thought that he had heard it wrong.

what's the situation?
Xindun even said that Yin Linglin is not needed to participate in the following promotional activities?

This is a situation that the broker did not expect at all.


After the agent told Yin Linglin about this, Yin Linglin was stunned for a long time, as if he couldn't accept this fact.

"You mean, Xindun said that I don't need to participate in the promotion later?"

Yin Linglin widened his eyes and looked at the manager in disbelief.

Since his debut, Yin Linglin's popularity has remained high.

She became an instant hit in the first play, and has been an actress with high popularity and popular works ever since.

Unlike those who do data traffic, she has real works and achievements.

She even got several nominations for Best Actress.

Which company and which partner is not eager for her to participate in more film promotional activities?

Xin Dun dared to ignore her!

The corner of Yin Linglin's mouth twitched, and subconsciously wanted to get mad, and even wanted to call Yao Yuanfeng directly, asking him if he was crazy, and not to cooperate in the future.

But in the end, there is still a bit of rationality left for the time being, Yin Linglin did not do such a thing that he would regret if he got hot-headed.

However, Yao Yuanfeng's attitude made Yin Linglin furious.

This cannot be extinguished no matter what.
After thinking about it, after all, it is a serialization, so I try to keep updating as much as possible, but the state is poor, give me a little time, let me slowly find the feeling.

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