Chapter 730
"There is a forum for young filmmakers who would like to invite you to attend."

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "What youth forum?"

In China, there are actually many film forums like this, and each forum will invite several big names to hold some dialogues or exchange activities.

Zhou Yun has received many such invitations before, but on the one hand, because Zhou Yun himself is very busy, it is difficult to find the right time to participate in such activities; on the other hand, Zhou Yun himself does not really want to participate, mainly because Because she felt that her understanding of movies was not very deep, she went to participate, but in fact she couldn't say much.

Zhou Lan said: "This forum event was organized by Mr. Liu Qing. He is the editor-in-chief of "Film" magazine. He personally interviewed you before and wrote an exclusive interview for you. Do you remember?"

"Of course I remember." Zhou Yun has met Liu Qing on many occasions. He is a very authoritative person in the domestic film review field. The "Film" magazine he edited has always been very influential from print media to financial media.

Since Zhou Yun starred in the first movie "Days", every movie has done interviews or other promotional work in "Film" magazine.

And many domestic filmmakers also have Liu Qing.

Zhou Yun said, "What kind of event is this? What theme?"

Zhou Lan said: "Focus on young filmmakers. They want to invite you as a representative of young actors to talk about your story as a young filmmaker in recent years."

Since Zhou Lan will tell her about this event, it means that Zhou Lan must be inclined to let Zhou Yun participate in this event.

Otherwise, Zhou Lan would not specifically tell Zhou Yun about this event.

Zhou Lan explained: "This is not the first time that this film forum has been held. This year is the fourth. The previous three years, this event has a great influence in the industry. We have always said that we need to support newcomers. Every year, Liu Qing holds This activity also includes some youth venture capital, which helps young and talented directors and screenwriters contact filming funds. It has a good reputation, but this kind of activity also needs big stars and big names to attract the attention of bosses and media. You Didn’t you always say that you want to invest in some talented young directors? It’s a great opportunity to help them create films, and you can meet them face to face.”

Zhou Yun was stunned.

It turns out that Zhou Lan also has this meaning.

Zhou Yun said: "Another point is that you are now the top representative of young actors. Participating in this kind of activity will also benefit your image in the industry. I have appeared at film festivals, but rarely participate in such public welfare industry activities. People often say that after a person grows up in this industry, he has to give back to the industry. I know you have actually done a lot. But there are still many people who don't know, I hope to let more people know how much you have done for this industry."

Zhou Lan heard the words, smiled, nodded, and said, "Okay, I understand, then I will listen to Sister Lan, and I will go."


This event is on Sunday.

Song Chi hadn't joined the group yet.

After he knew that Zhou Yun was going to participate in this "Blue Sky Project" activity, he coordinated the time and decided to participate with Zhou Yun.

Liu Qing was very pleasantly surprised.

He personally went to the airport to pick up Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

"Thank you for coming!" Liu Qing warmly welcomed the two of them.

Zhou Yun: "Mr. Liu, why did you come to pick us up in person? You are so flattered."

"Yes, thank you for your willingness to support our event." Liu Qing said.

"Don't say that, we are not here to support this event, but thank you for organizing such an event, so that we can do something meaningful to this industry." Zhou Yun said, "If you have a need like this in the future, feel free to Contact us, as long as we have time, we will definitely participate."

Liu Qing's face was radiant.

"Xiao Yun, you are chivalrous!" He praised, "Of course, there is also Boss Song, what a surprise."

Song Chi smiled and said, "I'm still surprised, why haven't I received an invitation yet."

Liu Qing said: "Your work is busy, I know you just finished filming "Sinking Moon in the Sea" and you will join the filming team soon, I thought you didn't have time, so I didn't send you an invitation letter."

Song Chi: "It's true that I'm going to join the group soon, but there are still a few days left, so I'll accompany Xiaoyun here, I hope I didn't disturb you."

Liu Qing: "It's too late for us to be happy, so why bother?"

He said: "You haven't had dinner yet, have you? I'll take you to eat something first, and put your luggage in the car first."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded immediately.

This event was held in an old city in the northwest. Zhou Yun had been here before, but he didn't have time to take a good tour of the city, let alone eat some local delicacies.

Liu Qing said: "I've been here for a week, and I still found a lot of delicious restaurants. I'll take you to my personal favorite one later."

A group of eight of them arrived at a relatively remote restaurant by car.

The appearance of this restaurant does not look very luxurious, it looks more like a farmhouse.

However, that's good too, with Song Chi and Zhou Yun, it's not convenient for them to go to crowded places.

A group of people take their seats.

Wine glasses served.

Liu Qing asked, "Do you want some wine?"

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other.

Both of them didn't need to drive, Zhou Yun said, "I'll drink a little."

Liu Qingxi smiled and said, "Okay."

Liu Qing is a very wild and unrestrained poet. This does not mean that he is ignorant of the world, but that he is actually romantic at certain times.

Romanticism is a rotten word, but people who have really encountered that kind of romanticism in their lives will actually have a more or less favorable impression of this word.

Few people would dislike someone who has some romanticism in their life, as long as this person is not romantic all the time - that is called brain damage.

Whether you admit it or not, we always admire those who can get away from trivialities in life and face life with an optimistic or broad-minded attitude.

Liu Qing is such a person.

On the one hand, he also knows that celebrities and celebrities have a lot of background, and they are all people that he needs to take good care of.

But on the other hand, he will not bow his brows, and will not make friends with them in a compromised way.

It just so happens that Zhou Yun and Song Chi are also such people. They don't like to be treated differently, and they don't like people who are repeatedly catered to with a low profile.

That night, the two parties had a great meal with the guests.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Qing was a little drunk.

He patted the table and said: "Zhou Yun, you believe me, you must stick to your attitude, just keep acting like this, no matter what others say, don't act bad movies, but don't just talk about literary movies, just act like this, You will definitely become the best actress in the world, I will leave my words here!"

Song Chi smiled, "Hey, hello" twice, and said, "Ms. Liu, you are a bit biased. Why didn't you say that I will become the best actor in the world?"

Liu Qing stared, and said: "You kid still use me to say, look at what movies you are making now, disaster movies like "Haeundae" have been out of date for many years, and you are still making them. "

Song Chi smiled, not angry at all.

Zhou Yun said: "Teacher Liu, he wants to use his own strength to develop our domestic film industry."

Liu Qing: "Do you need your power? The industrial power of the film depends on the market to develop, what kind of splashes can you develop? Look at the past two years, you have never acted in a truly artistic film. " So many people say it's good for a film with the main theme of the market like "Inaction", don't you really think it's good?"

Liu Qing is prejudiced against certain dramas.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other and smiled, but did not speak.

Liu Qing said to Zhou Yun again: "Xiaoyun, you too, what kind of film is "Four Killers" made? It's so exquisite, it's like a PPT."

Zhou Yun laughed even more helplessly.

She said: "Understood, I will choose scripts more carefully in the future."

Some people just have this ability.

Obviously he is scolding you, scolding some things, but you will not get angry.

Because you know that what he scolded was not aimed at you, nor did he intend to humiliate you.

On the contrary, Zhou Yun and Song Chi liked Liu Qing's character very much.


The two of them have come to such a position, and how many people dare to say these words in front of them.

It's hard to have a few people.


The next day, Liu Qing woke up, remembering that he had blatantly scolded Zhou Yun and Song Chi at the wine table last night, and was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

What did he do?
Liu Qing's eyes widened, and she didn't recover for a long time.

He immediately took out his mobile phone, called his assistant, and said, "Hurry up and see, are Zhou Yun and Song Chi still there? If they want to leave, you stop them as soon as possible, and you must not let them go." They left in a fit of anger!"

The assistant was about to speak.

He scolded again: "You are really too, you don't stop me from saying those things last night! Oh, my mouth is really serious!"

The assistant didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Ms. Liu, Zhou Yun asked me to tell you, don't take it to heart, she and Song Chi didn't take it to heart, and they also know what you said from the heart, so it doesn't matter."

Liu Qing was dumbfounded for a long time.

"She said she didn't take it to heart, is she telling the truth?"

"I don't think it's fake, and she doesn't need to tell lies." The assistant said, "Besides, someone saw her going to have breakfast in the restaurant this morning, and many people posted on social media. Posted a photo with her."

"That's good, that's good." Liu Qing was afraid for a while.

If he offended people because of what he said last night and drove Zhou Yun and Song Chi away in anger, then his activity this time would be completely unnecessary.

How many people came for Zhou Yun and Song Chi?
Liu Qing let out a long breath.

Fortunately, there was no catastrophe.

He sat down on the bed again and breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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