I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 737 Public Opinion Situation

Chapter 737 Public Opinion Situation
The battle between Zhou Yun and Li Rui on Weibo became the most watched event in the entertainment industry.

Almost everyone pays attention to this matter.

Especially those in the industry.

Since Zhou Yun became famous, he has always been famous for his vision, especially for new directors, Zhou Yun is famous for his vision.

Whether it is Wen Bing or Xue Qin, these are new directors whose first work became an instant hit.

On the one hand, Zhou Yun cooperated with big directors like Jiang Xin and Cong Lan, on the other hand, he also acted in many newcomers' works that were not expected at first.

Therefore, in the industry, everyone has a preconceived impression that if it is a new director that Zhou Yun likes, he must be talented, and has great potential to become a big director.

The industry once believed that Zhou Yun had a special relationship with these new directors.

This time, a rookie director blatantly accused Zhou Yun of maliciously suppressing him, which naturally raised eyebrows.

Even director Jiang Xin noticed this and called Zhou Yun to ask what happened.

Zhou Yun briefly explained.

"This time I met an unkind person, and I was tricked." Zhou Yun said, "It's okay, Director Jiang, don't worry, this matter is Haichi Film and Television's own problem, it has nothing to do with me, I have never suppressed it he."

But Jiang Xin said: "Xiaoyun, this matter may not be as simple as you think. I heard that several directors are paying attention to this matter, and some people have touched a sensitive part of their hearts because of this matter. Many Directors have suffered from big-name actors during their work. Among the directors, many people don’t like the power of actors over them. Therefore, some people are now saying that we must resolutely resist such big-name actors like you. The phenomenon of interfering and suppressing new directors."

Zhou Yun said: "If they want to do this, they must find out the facts."

"Didn't that Li Rui send a screenshot of the chat?" Jiang Xin said, "I chatted with a few old friends, and they all felt that the person who chatted with Li Rui was implying that Li Rui and the others were chatting because of you. Give up working with Li Rui."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't even know who the person chatting with Li Rui is."

Jiang Xin said: "I'm also telling you, my old friends, I will go and do some work with them, but if someone comes forward to accuse you, you have to be prepared."

"Well, thank you Director Jiang, I see, I will be ready."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun immediately called Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan also said worriedly: "I just received a call from an intermediary who asked us to issue an apology statement, otherwise we will condemn us together with other directors."

"Condemn?" Zhou Yun sneered in disbelief, "Why do they condemn us? Just because of Li Rui's chat screenshot?"

"Yeah." Zhou Lan said, "I also explained the whole story to this person, but this person said that this matter has nothing to do with the truth, because someone wanted to use this matter to make a fuss and defend the director's position." authority."

Zhou Yun laughed in disbelief.

Zhou Lan: "Because you are the top actor, if you can soften, you can send a signal to the industry."

"What signal? Can't the top actors compete with the director?" Zhou Yun choked, "No matter what the truth is, as long as the other party is the director, he must obey the director's authority? What kind of gangster logic is this?"

"Oh, they people..." Zhou Lan seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it.

Zhou Yun said: "No matter what they think, Sister Lan, I will not compromise on this matter. Regardless of the truth of the matter, if they want to use this matter to make a fuss, let them do it well."

Zhou Lan: "I knew that with your character, you would definitely not compromise."

"Does it need to be said? If I compromise on this matter, then I will despise myself."

Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun, then we have to be prepared, we might really receive a joint condemnation statement from several directors."

"Then let them come." Zhou Yun sneered, "I want to see which directors do this kind of thing."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun calmed down.

She was also asking herself, is this a decision made out of anger?
But after thinking about it for a long time, she told herself that this was not a decision made out of anger, but a matter of dignity.

Zhou Yun would never allow his dignity to be challenged in any way.

If there are some directors who condemn her for this, then she will fight them to the end!
Zhou Yun believed that there must be a lot of reasonable people in this world.

Zhou Yun also believes that in this circle, there must be more people who can distinguish between right and wrong.


The next day, two people certified as directors suddenly reposted Li Rui's Weibo and spoke out for him.

The first person said: As a new director, I can feel Li Rui's helplessness and anger, as well as his grievances. New directors like us have always been at a very disadvantaged position in this industry, especially when we work hard. The painstaking efforts created by the company are selected, criticized by the company, and even directed by the actors. Only when the big-name actors take a fancy to it can the script be shot, and the things we create have no independence in front of these big-name actors. , how they want to change, we have to change, how they want to shoot, we have to shoot, we are just a tool for their shooting, Li Rui is a very talented person, I have read his creation "Inside the Crowd" "On", if this script can be filmed, it will definitely be a very classic work. It is a pity that because of being suppressed, his hard work can only be lost.

The second person said: I have had this experience before. A project has already been given the green light, just because I offended a big guy, but that big guy called the boss of the production company, and then the project was so yellow Lost, in front of these big-name actors, we rookie directors have no status at all.

The microblogs of these two directors have attracted the attention of many people.

Zhou Yun also saw it.

It's just that Zhou Yun has never even heard of the names of these two people, and he doesn't know when he offended them.

In other words, these two people are just here to add fuel to the flames.

Zhou Yun did not respond.

To both of them, her response was more beneficial than harmful.

Zhou Yun was thinking, if the so-called joint condemnation of the directors refers to these two people, it would be too low.

However, what Zhou Yun did not expect was that the third director who stood up to speak out for Li Rui turned out to be a director she had worked with.

She didn't think of anything.

And this person's voice finally caused an uproar, and the public opinion became particularly unfavorable to Zhou Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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