Chapter 738 The Queen
Zhou Yun's last work "Four Killers" is still in theaters, but it hasn't been released yet. Although the daily box office has already ranked outside the top ten, it is still in its release period.

Hou Mengjie, the director of the movie, suddenly reposted Li Rui's Weibo, and posted three "hugging" villain emojis, which made people think about it.

Didn't Hou Mengjie know that Li Rui was scolding Zhou Yun?
Or, Hou Mengjie knew that Li Rui was scolding Zhou Yun, but still chose to forward this Weibo?
If it is the latter, then Hou Mengjie's attitude is worth exploring.

Hou Mengjie and Zhou Yun have worked together before.

At this time, Hou Mengjie reposted the Weibo content of crusade against Zhou Yun. Could it be that he was also played by Zhou Yun in the process of cooperating with Zhou Yun?

It's a very easy thought to conjure up.

Otherwise, why would a director who has worked with Zhou Yun repost content that is unfavorable to Zhou Yun?

Many people left messages under Hou Mengjie's Weibo, asking if he was supporting Li Rui, or taking the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with Zhou Yun.

Hou Mengjie didn't reply at all.

But that doesn't affect everyone's thinking.

Zhou Yun's black fans even made a big fuss about Hou Mengjie's microblog as if they had found a treasure.

Marketing accounts from all walks of life have also been launched one after another. For the sake of traffic, one is more than one headline party.

"The director of the hit movie "Four Killers" publicly agreed with Zhou Yun to suppress the new director"

"Zhou Yunhou and Meng Jie directly tore his face, how will this drama in the film and television industry go?"

"The second part of "Four Killers" is stillborn?!"


Zhou Yun was really stunned.

She never expected that Hou Mengjie would be the third person to forward Li Rui's Weibo.

During the filming of "Four Killers", Zhou Yun did not like Hou Mengjie's shooting style very much, but in terms of playing big names, that really doesn't exist.

There's no such thing as bluffing in any sense.

No matter how much Zhou Yun didn't like Hou Mengjie's shooting style, he was very cooperative with Hou Mengjie on the set.

Among the four leading actors, Zhou Yun is even the one who speaks the best and cooperates the most.

Why would Hou Mengjie do such a thing?

Zhou Yun thought that he did not offend Hou Mengjie either.

She even wanted to call Hou Mengjie directly and ask him what he thought.

Did he really think she was a big-time actress?
"Do you have any trouble with Hou Mengjie?" Song Chi asked her the first question when he called her.

With an innocent face, Zhou Yun said, "No, I didn't even know that I had a problem with him, nor did I know why he did it."

"That means someone came to him and persuaded him to do this." Song Chi said calmly, "No matter who comes forward to accuse you now, don't be tough with them, especially Hou Mengjie, he just reposted I read Li Rui’s Weibo, but didn’t say anything. The three hugging emojis don’t represent anything. In the end, he can also stand up and respond to everyone’s interpretation. It’s not his idea, but you should respond before he explains further. He's easy to get caught up in."

"Well, I didn't plan to talk to him either." Zhou Yun said, "It's just that if a reporter comes to ask me, I haven't figured out how I should respond."

"Just say I don't know, I don't know anything." Song Chi said, "I heard some rumors that some people want to make a fuss about this to consolidate the director's authority. Pulling down from the altar is very complicated, and this matter is getting bigger and bigger now, if it is not handled carefully, it is easy to be used by others."


"Fortunately, Director Jiang trusts you very much. He even called several friends and asked everyone to protect you together."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Director Jiang?"

"Someone came to tell me that Director Jiang has activated his connections. Please protect an actress like you who has been acting seriously, and the actor who can best represent our young actors." Song Chi laughed, "Now Director Jiang values ​​you more than me. Alas, I once thought that I was Director Jiang's favorite young actor."

Zhou Yun: "Of course it's impossible."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will pay attention, don't worry about me, I will keep silent on my side, unless Li Rui says something else, I won't be silent, I don't care about other people's attitude, unless they also slander me by name." Zhou Yun Said, "Sister Lan will also do public relations on this matter. Besides, my first priority is to find out what's going on between Li Rui and Haichi Film and Television."

Song Chi: "It's just that Haichi Film and Television originally thought you would participate in this project, but Li Rui directly rejected your offer without informing them. Haichi Film and Television was caught off guard. After reading the script again, it was another literary film, and they lost Interest in investment and production, I found a reason to end the cooperation with Li Rui, it should be the person in charge at the time hinted to Li Rui, saying that he did it because he didn't want to offend you."

"The person who handled it? Windsor was the one who represented Haichi Film and Television to discuss cooperation with Li Rui."

"Huh? Wen Bing's girlfriend?" Song Chi was taken aback and asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "Either Windsor blamed me, or Li Rui was lying, there are only two possibilities. We asked Haichi Film and Television to help me clarify, but They have been silent, and now, I think the former is more likely."

"If it's Windsor, is it possible that she has a personal grievance with you and deliberately shifted the conflict to you?" Song Chi asked.

"It's also possible." Zhou Yun said, "I really can't get along with her. When she was in love with Wen Bing, I didn't like her. From Wen Bing's point of view, she didn't like me very much either."

"Why doesn't she like you?"

"I think Wen Bing is getting too close to me." Zhou Yun said.

"Wen Bing is a director. The nature of his work determines that he has to get close to many actresses. If you can't stand this, don't fall in love with him."

"That's the way it is said, people will always be jealous." Zhou Yun said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, everything is going well with you, right?"

Song Chi was filming, and Zhou Yun had heard that it was also a crew with frequent occurrences of moths.

Song Chi said: "The director has a big conflict with the producer. According to the gossip I heard, they are looking for another director to take over urgently."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in shock, "It's so serious?"

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "No one thought of it, but the conflict between the two sides is really big. The producer, producer, screenwriter, and director have quarreled several times on the set. I didn't think of it at all. I was quite confused anyway. of."

"It's very rare for such a big drama to become like this." Zhou Yun said, "Will that delay the shooting?"

"It's okay. Although there was a lot of noise, the shooting was not interrupted. It's just that they have a lot of controversy over how to shoot this movie." Song Chi said, "The director wants to shoot according to the original script, but the producer and the producer They asked the screenwriter to change the ending of the script, and there was a heated dispute over the script."

Zhou Yun asked: "The changed script, can you accept it?"

"The ending of the script is a tragedy. The director wants the artistry of this tragedy, but the producers are afraid that the audience won't be able to accept the tragic ending, so they want to change it to a less tragic ending." Song Chi didn't directly say his own Opinion, he said, "From the perspective of the play, whether it is a tragedy or not, it does not affect the integrity of the whole story, but both sides have their own considerations."

Zhou Yun: "Your opinion is also very important to them."

"That's why I can't speak casually." Song Chi said.

There was chicken feathers all over Song Chi's side.

After Zhou Yun ended the call, he immediately received a call from Yao Yuanfeng.

Yao Yuanfeng scolded Hou Mengjie as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Xiaoyun, this Hou Mengjie didn't know what medicine he took wrongly, and reposted that Li Rui's Weibo. I don't know about it at all, don't get me wrong."

Zhou Yun said: "I know, Mr. Yao, I don't think Hou Mengjie is your inspiration."

"Oh, I've called him too, he's really screwed up."

"It's okay." Zhou Yun said calmly, "He didn't really say anything, maybe Li Rui is his friend, and he needs a friend who supports him."

Yao Yuanfeng: "Don't worry, I will help you clarify this matter. You even said that you suppress newcomers. You are the most supportive actor for newcomers I know."

Zhou Yun didn't answer.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't seem to know what else to say.

"Mr. Yao, let's forget about the second part of "Four Killers." Zhou Yun said, "If this happens, it's not appropriate for me to continue filming the second part, right?"

Yao Yuanfeng finally stopped persuading him this time.

He sighed.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Without you as the leading actor, there is nothing to do in this sequel."

Zhou Yun: "No way, the box office of the first movie is so high, there must be people who want to watch the second movie."

Yao Yuanfeng: "This Hou Mengjie, he doesn't even know what kind of opportunity he missed."

Zhou Yun smiled and said nothing.

How powerful is Zhou Yun?

This question has become a question that marketing accounts are particularly concerned about and curious about.

Many people are writing various analysis posts and articles, and many people are involved.

The first thing that was brought up was that Zhou Yun made it possible for Yin Linglin and the three of them to participate in official activities by himself at the Venice International Film Festival.

Secondly, it is Zhou Yun's network of contacts.

According to their analysis, the largest film and television companies and platforms in the country have a very close cooperative relationship with Zhou Yun.

From Xindun to Yuehai, from Haichi Video to Lizi Video.

What's more, behind Zhou Yun is Song Chi's network and relationships. Combined, Zhou Yun has almost become the most powerful woman in this entertainment circle.

After Zhou Yun saw this analysis post, he couldn't laugh or cry.

According to what they said, she could even call the wind and rain in the entertainment industry, respond to all calls, and directly ascend the throne as the empress.

(End of this chapter)

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