Zhou Yun would not say that he has no power or influence.

It's just that she knows that she has such power and influence, and it's not as exaggerated as it is said on the Internet.

What can Zhou Yun's power do?
Can a film and television project be given the green light?

That's not really power, it's the market's recognition of her, making everyone believe in her.

Zhou Yun knows the boss of the film and television company, the boss of the video platform, and some powerful figures in the TV station. He has a close relationship and can talk. Is this power?

This is also, however, not much power.

It's just a network, and it can't be called a monstrous power.

Does Zhou Yun have the ability to suppress a new director?

Of course there are, but, is Zhou Yun capable of banning a new director, so that this new director will never have a bright future?Of course this is not the case.

If Zhou Yun had this ability, Xu Siyao and the others who Zhou Yun disliked very much, Zhou Yun would have blocked them all long ago.

In this circle, how can there be anything covering the sky with one hand?
But now Zhou Yun is completely described as a powerful boss on the Internet, and her random thought can determine a person's career life or death.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, regardless of whether she really has such ability, even if she has such ability, would she do this?Is she such a person?

However, it was difficult for her to explain that she was not such a person, and she would never do such a thing.

Because the industry of celebrities and entertainers is an industry that lives in the eyes of others.

In the eyes of many people, she is already a top actor among actors, so, as a top actor, who would believe that she does not have such power?

No one will believe it.


Hou Mengjie's forwarding made Zhou Yun fall into a very passive situation in public opinion.

But what is more strange is that although there are more and more negative public opinions about Zhou Yun in terms of public opinion, and the influence is getting bigger and bigger, but this does not seem to affect Zhou Yun himself at all.

Even more producers came to Zhou Yun to hand over the script.

Some people think that Zhou Yun is unlucky during this time, maybe others are afraid of Zhou Yun's negative image, this is their opportunity, so hurry up and send the book, but they don't know, there are many people who think this way, everyone wants to use this opportunity to get along with Zhou Yun's closer relationship has actually caused more people looking for Zhou Yun than usual.

In Zhou Yun's position, as long as he didn't commit a principled problem, he basically didn't have any injuries.

The producers recognize her, the market recognizes her, the brand recognizes her, and the audience recognizes her.

In particular, Zhou Yun's attitude was very clear and rigid from beginning to end. She has always firmly denied that she had done anything to suppress Li Rui.

This tough attitude makes fans and passers-by who have always had a crush on her willing to believe her.

Moreover, after she was tough, Li Rui didn't respond any more.

This gesture has a guilty conscience in the eyes of many people.This is also a point that many of Zhou Yun's fans are emphasizing. If what Li Rui said is true, he is really justified. Why is Li Rui afraid to speak when faced with Zhou Yun's questioning?
Some people said, how can a person with no background, power, or fans dare to speak up when confronted by someone like Zhou Yun?
Zhou Yun's fans laughed and said, if this is the case, why did Li Rui dare to speak in the first place?Why did you dare to speak out and spread rumors at the beginning, but now you are backed by the righteous master, and you dare not speak up on the pretext of not daring to offend the righteous master?
All in all, in this matter, it is reasonable for the public to say that the public is right, and it is reasonable for the mother-in-law to say that the mother-in-law is right.

The quarrel was fierce.

After Hou Mengjie forwarded and supported Li Rui for a day, Wen Bing stood up and spoke out.

He only wrote two words: joke.

The meaning of the words is very clear.

Wen Bing's voice made Zhou Yun's fans more confident.

"Xiao Yun's support for new directors can be seen by the entire film and television industry. Who can be like Xiao Yun, who can shoot a literary film directed by a new director when he is popular? Xiao Yun and director Wen Bing have achieved each other, not only In this way, Xiaoyun later supported director Xue Qin and took over the two plays of "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes". When she took on these plays, many people disliked them."

Wen Bing's voice is just the beginning.

Soon, Xin Zhike also said in an interview: "I really don't believe that she suppresses newcomers. She will always be the most caring and cooperative on the set."

Xin Zhike and Zhou Yun have collaborated in "Deep Sea". After "Deep Sea" was broadcast at the beginning of the year, Xin Zhike has soared, and with Yue Hai's escort, now there is a vague tendency to attack Gu Huaichun's "Yue Hai's first brother".

He suddenly supported Zhou Yun in the interview, which immediately attracted attention.

In addition to Xin Zhike, Cheng Shenlu and Zhou Jianfeng also expressed their support for Zhou Yun.

"When I worked with her, we were all newcomers, but she never underestimated me, and never suppressed me. On the set, she was always the one who supported the director the most. She said that when she took on a film Before, you have to judge clearly whether this is a trustworthy director. After making a decision, when you arrive on the set, even if you can’t understand the director’s decision, try to realize the director’s idea, because when you decide to accept this film, you I have already made a decision to trust him." Cheng Shenlu said, "I always remember what Sister Xiaoyun said to me, and that's what I demand of myself, so I don't believe she will not support a director unless This director does not deserve support."

Several popular directors and actors successively helped Zhou Yun speak out, allowing Zhou Yun to reverse his disadvantage in public opinion.

That night, Zhou Yun was invited to attend a brand event.

Because it is a top brand, the event party generously invited more than a dozen stars in the circle.

Zhou Yun, who was on the cusp of going to a public event, made the media circle explode, and they all wanted to get an admission ticket.

In addition to Zhou Yun, Wang Jing and Lu Zhongting will also participate in this event.

Of course, Lu Zhongting was brought in by Zhou Lan when he was in contact with the event party, mainly to help him increase his exposure, and at the same time, he also wanted to help Lu Zhongting get in touch with the brand party.

If a newcomer actor like Lu Zhongting can establish a friendly relationship with a top brand, as long as he gets in touch with the public and the media a few more times, his status and style will be greatly improved invisibly.

The circle of fame and fortune is not like sports competitions, which are [-]% sorted according to the level of performance.

Because Ning Yao will also be present tonight, the brand arranged for Ning Yao to appear as the finale.

They even explained it to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan didn't say much, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Miss Ning Yao's finale is of course no problem, Xiaoyun and Miss Ning Yao are very good friends, don't worry, we don't mind here, listen to you arrange."

Because Ning Yao and Zhou Yun were there, and they were top brands, it was rare that there were no farces about the order of appearance.

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao haven't seen each other for a long time.

When Ning Yao saw Zhou Yun, he showed a happy smile and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. What's the matter with you and that Li Rui? How did you get involved in this kind of trouble?"

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly, and said: "I can only blame myself for being unkind. I originally wanted to support him in filming, but who knows that I was bitten back in the end. What happened between him and Haichi Film and Television? do not know either."

Ning Yao said: "I also heard that you are looking for a script before. In fact, you can go to venture capital fairs to see more. We have many venture capital fairs, and many newcomers and young directors and screenwriters will participate. Moreover, this can also save money. You have a lot of energy, I have limited ability, in fact, I like several scripts very much, but I can't get all of them."

Zhou Yun looked at Ning Yao in surprise.

"Sister Ning Yao, do you know how to pick scripts in Venture Capital?"

"Well." Ning Yao said, "In the current environment, if you want to act in some really worthwhile plays, you can only go to the venture capital meeting to find them. Otherwise, the plays found by other film companies are all similar. , The so-called selling point of the script, I do not particularly like, I still want to shoot some thought-provoking scenes."

Zhou Yun always thought that an actress like Ning Yao, with an elf-like temperament and excellent popularity, would not take the initiative to find scripts or opportunities.

She had never heard that Ning Yao was actively looking for scripts.

As an actor, although everyone is in the entertainment industry, different people are in completely different situations.

Like Wei Ruxue, her status in TV dramas is already very high. Even Zhou Yun and Ning Yao have a higher status in the world and a higher status in the hearts of the audience. But in the TV drama market, whether it is salary or treatment , and market feedback, it is impossible to be higher than Wei Ruxue, basically the same.

Therefore, Wei Ruxue has mastered the top-level resources and projects in TV dramas, and even the works of major directors may not be able to attract her.

However, when it comes to movies, Wei Ruxue can't do it at all.If she wants to act in a movie, she must either play a supporting or vase heroine in a commercial film, or play a supporting actress who has a sense of presence and a good personality but is not responsible for leading the way.The market groups are different, and the capital does not buy it.Therefore, if Wei Ruxue wants to act in a movie, she can only find the script by herself and make up the plate, until a certain movie becomes a big success, and once it rises to the top, before that, she absolutely does not have the initiative in the field of movies .

Xu Siyao, for example, is very topical in the field of drama series. Therefore, S productions on various platforms can also be obtained. As long as she does not encounter opponents like Wei Ruxue and Zhou Yun who clearly surpass her, the competitiveness is also very strong.However, she only has popularity but no status recognized by the mainstream, so it is difficult for her to enter the field of vision of mainstream awards, nor can she enter the circle of dramas.If she wants to enter the drama circle, she must first be introduced and brought in, and second, she must find a capable producer and director who is willing to give her the opportunity.Actually, it's hard.

At the beginning, Song Chi invited Jiang Xin to be the director of "Ask the Heart", and Zhou Yun played the second female lead. The biggest help he brought to Zhou Yun was to let Zhou Yun enter the circle of the main drama.

Some dramas have a very good reputation when they are broadcast, but when the mainstream awards are presented, there is basically no trace of this drama.

Drama is a circle, and the same is true for movies.

Some dramas are popular and popular, but they are a success in the market, and it does not mean that they are recognized and commended by the mainstream.

The same is true of the play, and the same is true of the actors.

It is precisely because of "Questioning the Heart" that Zhou Yun stepped into the mainstream circle and has a lot of follow-up development.

And with a teacher like Jiang Xin supporting her, she doesn't have to be wronged about many things.

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao exchanged happily.

They usually don't have many personal relationships, but they appreciate each other very much at work. Once they meet, they have a lot to talk about.

"I met Wen Bing not long ago." Ning Yao said with a smile, "He is preparing the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers"."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "This year's movie took a very high box office during the Spring Festival, and Xindun intends to let it be released during the Spring Festival next year."

"Your fighting scenes are wonderful, I really admire you." Ning Yao said, "I have always wanted to do action scenes, but my body is really too uncoordinated, and I can't help it. I almost did it before. I made an action movie, but it really didn’t work during the trial shooting, so I gave up.”

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I'm also very uncomfortable. If it wasn't for director Wen Bing, I wouldn't dare to shoot."

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