I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 740 Confidentiality

Ning Yao suddenly remembered something and asked, "I heard that He Wenyun is Wen Bing's ex-girlfriend, is this true or not?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback, his eyes widened in surprise, he lowered his voice, and asked, "Sister Ning Yao, where did you hear the news?"

Ning Yao said: "I went to South Korea to film this time, and the people there said it."

"South Korea?" Zhou Yun was even more surprised.

She knew that Ning Yao had accepted a movie from a major Korean director before, but few people in China knew about Wen Bing and He Wenyun, so why did someone in Korea know about it?
Seeing Zhou Yun's reaction, Ning Yao knew that the news should be true.

She said: "There is a film company in South Korea who wants to find He Wenyun to make a film. The two parties have contacted. They saw that I am a Chinese actress, so they asked me for gossip. "Days" is very popular in Korea. Everyone loves Wen Bing. Very concerned."

Zhou Yun: "This... I really don't know, but why are they so gossip?"

Ning Yao: "Haha, I'm actually a gossip too."

At this time, Ning Yao was as lively as a female high school student.

Zhou Yun had never seen this side of Ning Yao.

Zhou Yun said: "Wen Bing's relationship with He Wenyun has always been kept secret. How could the group of people in Korea know? Could it be that the people from He Wenyun's side leaked the news? Sister Ning Yao, this matter I would also like to ask you to help keep it a secret, Wen Bing has never made this matter public, and he does not want others to know about it."

Ning Yao nodded immediately.

"Okay, I won't discuss this with anyone else."

Ning Yao's attitude made Zhou Yun smile gratefully.

She suddenly blinked at Zhou Yun again, and asked, "But, Xiao Yun, what about you and Song Chi? Can you gossip about it?"

Zhou Yun looked at Ning Yao in surprise, and said, "Sister Ning Yao, what's the matter with Song Chi?"

Ning Yao said: "No, I'm just curious. It's not that someone is spreading the news about you. When are you planning to get married?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

In fact, she and Song Chi had already received their certificates, but they hadn't formally married yet.

Before that, she didn't think about whether to make the matter public.

Now Zhou Yun didn't know whether to tell Ning Yao the truth.

But when I think about it, there is really nothing to hide about this matter.

So, Zhou Yun put his ear to Ning Yao's ear, and said softly: "We have obtained the certificate, but the wedding date has not yet been decided, and this matter has not been made public yet, so please help us keep it a secret." .”

Ning Yao's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Zhou Yun with surprise.

"Really? You've done a great job of keeping it secret! I haven't even heard anything about it," she said.

Zhou Yun said: "We haven't made it public yet."

"I know, but, unexpectedly, no paparazzi caught it? Didn't anyone see it when you went to collect the certificate?" Ning Yao was very surprised.

Zhou Yun smiled.

At this time, someone came over and asked if they could take a group photo of them.

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao happily put their arms around each other's waist and looked at the camera with bright smiles.

As the top two stars of this event tonight, they are the focus of the audience.

The two actually wanted to continue talking, but there were still many people looking for them to talk to. After a while, they staggered a long way in the exchange of greetings and exchanges.

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